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Chatty Member
With all this changing of profile pics, can i please request that @Feck never changes theirs? it is my favourite ever because it is quite literally the worst photo of Jack in existence. Even worse than my own.

Her dead shark eyes have never looked so wide, dead or sharky as they do in Feck's pic.
Yes, absolutely xx 🙃
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Someone did tell me I had "experience working with animals," because I've had pets for a long time. Am I Jack?
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VIP Member
Are you a vegan who eats a lot of meat?
Do you fall underneath trains?
Are you able to bring up building plans to cast your expert eye over after major fire disasters?
Do your cookies look and probably taste like fossilised horse poo?
Have your former other halves complained about your lesbian clothes or large number of tattoos?
If you answered no to at least three of these, congratulations, you can rest assured it is very unlikely that you are Jack
How reassuring! Thanks for all you do. Sadly I'm not as important as Jack, but I'll live x
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VIP Member
I would count vaping as smoking but some people (probably people who vape) don't. It doesn't for one second surprise me that Jack thinks 'vaper' is interchangeable with 'non-smoker'.

BIB walri
On topic-ish: I wonder how they get their post?
Most vapers don’t class it a smoking. Post probably comes by helicopter, or air pumble
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VIP Member
WTF? are there receipts for this absolutely ghoulish fuckery?
WTF? are there receipts for this absolutely ghoulish fuckery?
I posted it upthread.

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Jack has already done one!
Oh no. I can't watch that again. My eyeballs haven't recovered from yesterday. Honestly, if anyone hasn't seen it and is tempted to watch please be warned you may never, ever uncringe again ☹.
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VIP Member
I wonder how someone who is apparently poor affords 47 tattoos.
How dare you imply that a poor working-class person like Jack doesn't have a massive disposable income, if you don't want POOR people Jack to have nice things get in the bin pal 😠
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Well-known member
I totally missed her dating a bloke, btw.

So much for one of Britain’s Top Lesbians*, eh?

*not in the slightest bit anti-bi - but I thought she was firmly lesbian?
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Chatty Member
This massively annoys me to! I feel like she’s is trying to make a point more interesting/valid by doing this. It’s on the same lines as when someone uses all capitals or loads of swear words to make a point when in reality you have just made yourself look worse 🤦🏼‍♀️
Yes! Just like the video of her reading the Effing Poem (can't remember the name of it but that was the main word used throughout).
I'm Wack Monroe. I'm smol and quirky and funny and cute as a brass neck button and I like to swear a lot 'cause it makes me edgy.
Does it fuck feck, Jack.:rolleyes:
Oops, me bad.:m

All things brown and sloppy-ful
All filthy rugs and walls
All things inedible and woeful
The slopgoblin made them all
GENIUS! This has made my day! 👏👏👏:LOL:
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Chatty Member
What are the (upside down) numbers on the tag meant to signify? I think I missed that

Is it from her time in 'Nam? Is it a bible verse? If it's the verse I googled, she's having a laugh!
Jack mentioned it is a reference to a page in the AA’s own “bible”, “The Big Book.”

I am not sure whether it would depend which edition you had as to whether that’s always going to be a correct page number.

I think she means “Acceptance is the Key” which is how some of the text on a version of that page I have seen, is sometimes summarised.
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Chatty Member
welcome new member. We call them Squigs because we squiggle out their names to keep them anonymous.
Thank you 🙏 I feel like I have found my people

Yes, I meant she should be promoting the apprentice to her twitter fans? Or are squigs only the disgruntled type? I’m confused!
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