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I'm on a big grunk because I've been BUSY but the last thread was shocking, especially towards the end.
One thing I dislike about Jack is how performative and boastful she is. She claims poverty yet cannot help but reveal her designer goods in photos. It's a horrible form of stealth boasting and I can't understand how the squigs can't put two and two together.

Another thing, bit of a me rail but we've spent the weekend doing lots of fun stuff. I wanted to make Easter as big as Christmas for the kids because we've had a lot to contend with this year. We made paper chains, sun catcher decorations and felt ones (all from Asda and not too pricey). We baked and made Easter nests and then my eldest two had outings with friends and grandparents. Its been very child orientated as it should be. I wrote treasure hunt style clues for an allergen friendly chocolate egg hunt and made a basket of gifts and eggs for them to find. I've worked hard and bought Easter bits since February to spread the cost. I want to make good memories with my kids and make sure it's all about them and fun. I know Jack could be doing similar behind the scenes but I have my doubts as she is on Twitter so much. I wish she would do similar with SB. She could show how to do Easter crafts/quick treats etc on a budget. She could share info for free Easter events and even Foodbank/pantry hours over Easter. A lot of places are giving away free eggs for impoverished children. All it takes is a wee share on Twitter. But no, she'd rather tweet rubbish, argue, cause pile ons and ignore her lovely son whom she is so lucky to have.
Sorry for the me rail but I feel she is so focused on the wrong things in life when she could have a wholesome life with her family.

Another 40 pages to go 😯
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Only a "Christian" like Jack could wake up on Easter Sunday and think "Now, who can I target today?" As so many have already said, I can't stand JRM but she's literally only doing this to hoover up the easy likes.

She can never just have a day off can she? Stomping onto Twitter spoiling for a fight, then as soon as someone meets her with that same energy she'll pull one of the ailment cards and start wailing about her bad mentals. No doubt we'll be at "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE" by this evening.

As for that sad mini egg Easter hunt...words fail me. And admitting again that SB reads her tweets, though I'm not sure why she thinks his mates find her as endlessly fascinating as she seems to find herself. What 11 year old needs to read their mum's graphic descriptions of death threats, suicide allusion and the other triggering stuff she broadcasts to half a million people at the drop of a hat?

If she does ever have another kid, as she seems to be hinting at again, I think I'm out for good. After the last few years, nothing on this Earth could convince me that bringing another new life into her chaotic existence would be a remotely responsible decision.
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If the past few days hasn’t highlighted just how unwell and addicted to Twitter Jack appears to be, nothing will.

to go from maya angelou to homemade BLT in under an hour is just…well I don’t have the words.
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I've had no words for the last few days of Jack, it's just the same old crap isn't it!
Jack on Twitter

Jack face to face
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I’m still catching up (I actually did watch the kickball on our TV - although I was sat down half an hour early as dear hearts, kick off was 1530 hours and not 1500).

Anyhoo, I just wanted to talk about the tweet from the single mum to Jack. I wonder if the tweet was prompted by one of Jack’s calls for stories to misappropriate - or perhaps the lady had been drinking. I get it. Once when I was drunk I only texted the ruddy Jeremy Kyle Show! I was so desperate and very drunk and they phoned me a lot over the coming days. So I get that “if she can do it, maybe I can too” reaching out thing. Jack puts herself out there as a saviour so this is going to happen. More reason to close her DMs if she doesn’t want to reply.

When Jack’s backed into a corner, she seems to have a script of things she pulls out - they don’t rest until I’m dead, I’m nearing breakdown and AA sayings which I take to be a rallying call for all people in recovery to back her up. Nice try small fry. I am honestly speechless ~ again ~ yet how I can still be being shocked by her?!

*TAPS SIGN* Jack, you’re being a dickhead. Phone your sponsor.
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Looks like someone's been snarky and then decided against having a full day of Jack wanging on about battery acid in her crevices and sending her flying monkeys out on attack and deleted instead.

View attachment 1200021
The deleted tweet said something along the lines of 'looking for more likes/followers again. Jack'

ETA: Managed to get a screenshot of it.

Screenshot 2022-04-17 09.39.37.png
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I would chip in to the crowdfunder to make this happen for Jack purely for the sheer joy of reading the Trip Adviser reviews.
Crowdfunder, you say?


Plus these well-meaning but gullible "readers"...



Can't even be arsed to comment on the latest culinary abomination.
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The threads are moving at the speed of light, I can't keep up anymore!
As a pauper Frau, my life from 70s to early 90s was spend in various guest houses and bnbs as guests of the council along with other vulnerably housed families and lone adults down on their luck, recently released from prison, moved for safety, young mums, etc etc
Have a feeling I have written about this already but the houses were generally beautiful old houses with zero love in them. Communal areas were cheaply put together, woodchip wallpaper and the landlords were, without exception, nasty mean fuckers.
Everyone who lived there was either vulnerable or predator.
Shared TV lounges, cheapy cheap cheap breakfast cereal, some landlords would do fry ups and roast dinner and try to Shag your vulnerable mum ( mostly with success)
Being not allowed into your own home during the day with no money and nowhere to go is the pits.
Seen very vulnerable people with learning disabilities treated like this and just roaming the streets or hanging out in the launderette when not in their daycare.
My recollections are old.
With the dearth of social housing now and the increase in social issues I can only imagine these places have become worse for vulnerable adults and children
.hope she never achieves her dream of supporting the council by setting up an actual haunted hellscape.

In lighter news I'm a recently diagnosed ADHD Frau so obviously I am now the resident expert on jack and neurodiversity in general.
Looking back at prediagnosed me to the me now I can confirm I have been an arsehole at times, I generally felt terrible about it, never knew where it came from and always felt such deep shame and self loathing.
Since becoming an adult, gaining more insight into how to behave like a decent person has been invaluable.
Getting the diagnosis really helps me to see when I acted out of character and did things I never understood #reactivefrau.

I don't see the diagnosis as a reason to give myself carte blanche to be awful to people then blame it on my ADHD, chronic pain , trauma etc and I will work doubly hard now to listen to my brain when I'm reacting to slights/ perceived slight and work out how to deal with it better. Knowledge is power not a reason to absolve yourself of adult responsibility.

This has been my mid morning soapbox
The time now is 39 minutes past three or one hour and twenty minutes to five (, partridge voice)
Glad I was a le to join the thread in time to see my Easter bonnet.

It was fucking horrendous and anyone who aspires to be an HMO landlord is likely to be greedy narcissistic Tory cunt.
I lived in such a guest house in the mid-nineties. Everything you say is spot on. It was an awful time of my life, and I bet the same goes for everyone else unfortunate enough to have been there too. Jack's rose-tinted musings about slum "guest houses" are repulsive. I can easily picture a snotty, snobby landlord's grandaughter lurking around and lording it up. Sticking her fingers in sugar bowls and reporting back to grandpa on who's up to what. Getting up in everyone's grill and looking down her goblin nose at the "guests". Bet she was shit scared of them too.
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