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VIP Member
Not a question as part of “questiongate” but she has been quiet this afternoon.

Starting to think her entire Twitter output and quiet periods are now for us. She has stayed off to give the impression that she is at this interview and to wind us into a frenzy when in fact she is probably sleeping on the same duvet or romping round Asda looking for yellow stickered mince or scotch eggs.

It’s like a cat and mouse game but when the mouse is more interested in posting gifs of Dwight for lols and the cat can’t be bothered to get off the sofa to actually fulfil its role in life.

Think the analogy might have gone a bit left field there but you probably all get the gist.
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Q.129) Siobhan Baillie: Jack, I think you made a good point about it being illegal to discriminate against benefit claimants staying in a property. Nobody can legislate for that and it is very difficult to come up with an alternative. We know that people will not be able to afford to litigate and take things to tribunal. Is there any good practice that you have seen or heard about where you can highlight or somebody has highlighted or challenged to show the discrimination without taking it to the litigation route? Is there anything you have seen that is working under this umbrella of not being allowed to discriminate?


Jack Monroe: I can’t think of anything off the top of my head but I will go away and look it up and get back to you, if that is all right.

Siobhan is NEVER hearing from Jack again, is she?!

@kachoochoo dear heart - could you add providing a response to the DWP select committee to your list, please.
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Her ballet pic is her worse and least self-aware iteration to date. Her posture is terrible. Her expression is unballetic. Yet she actually thinks this is aesthetically pleasing. Fuxake.
Word. One of my closest friends was a dancer in her youth, trained in ballet, and her posture at 55 is still absolutely spot on, and she's definitely multi-talented - caught her dancing to Beastie Boys in her office the once and it was weirdly attractive. Jack's 'ballet' pic is in my top ten of 'Jack photos that make my arsehole crawl into my throat', along with that ridiculously gender-stereotyping Guardian pic, Viv dress (RIP) abomination, Burglar Bill, and Bruise by Urban Decay.
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I was just doing a bit of googling there and tripped over another Jack lie. She's claiming here she was sanctioned for leaving her job voluntarily. This is bollocks as she had a young child so had no requirement to look for work or stay in unsuitable employment. This is the problem with pinching other people's stories Jack- the details don't fit with your own and expose you as a massive lying fraud.

Screenshot 2022-03-16 16.57.29.png

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Um...this is the most obvious grift yet. Dentists don't just say 'nothing we can do, soz hun' and leave you in pain. Root canal would be the first go-to if it's too far gone for a filling. Removal of one tooth if it's a crowding issue or of the pain was too much. Fairly sure you'd get a tooth pulled no matter what if it was sore enough. So full of shit. F it, I hope some company gifts her a full mouth of crowns. Turkeyteeth Jack would make my entire year.
It's the typical elevenerife shite, my teeth are the special type of overcrowded that no one can sort out so I must suffer on.

Pretty sure overcrowding is a common enough problem that fixing it is bread and butter to any dentist/orthodontist, and like you say they wouldn't just leave you in pain without at least telling you your options. Just like no driving instructor would allow you to take on a roundabout with your eyes closed.
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Has anyone heard back from TT or action fraud regarding the £10k donation that jack monroe promised would be donated 4th March 2022?
I emailed them again yesterday - nothing heard back yet….

Thank you for your generic email reply below - in the interest of transparency, please can you now confirm that you have received funds as promised by Jack Monroe?

In the meantime, I am continuing to pursue this via the Fundraising Regulator and Action Fraud.

Thank you
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Wonder how that affected her painkiller addiction that apparently came about after her variable length Covid? Can't think of many non-narcotic painkillers that are easily available either via pharmacies and some basic knowledge of chemistry or shady websites.

Source: Off a five year codeine/dihydrocodeine addiction for the past four months. Also had it prescribed for post-viral coughs etc so unless you're mixing it with other depressants...

I don't like speculating but her addiction shit really gets to me
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Marmalade Atkins

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Do you remember last year when Jack started following Rob Lowe just because someone pointed out they share the same birthday?

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Sorry grunking again. I would ask her how on earth Jack considers they are disabled? I am not including neurodiversity, so maybe that’s what Jack means. I hope I haven’t mangled this or offended anyone.

Is there nothing jack doesn’t know?
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Duplicated, soz Marm.

Can’t believe she’s using her little baby self to sadfish! 😂
Omg I’m so glad you said this, was just sat here wondering am I trash for thinking 🙄 get over it love! It’s not even as if you, the baby, is aware of the situation? Not disputing how traumatic it is for the parents obviously.
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I actually hope the interview / meeting is a presentation for some MLM scheme.

And look forward to her trying to flog Younique mascara to her half a million followers.
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