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VIP Member
I wonder what amusing photos there will be of the Dylon disaster tomorrow to increase engagement…… I just hope the poor kitten isn’t anywhere near the chemicals
don't worry. it won't happen

I've added it to the list, lads 🥰

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I have depression, I don't like to broadcast it because it doesn't define me. In a particularly bad period, the last thing I would (could) do is type endlessly on social media, I wouldn't have the words, energy or inclination. I don't relate to depressed Jack.

Edit to add. One reason why it makes me cringe to admit to depression is because of how Jack lashed out at us that time on Twitter, I would hate to give her the ammunition.
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squigs are so nasty! Fraud awareness squig was raising a valid point but the mean girls have to flock round Jack.
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There's definitely a specific reason for this Sad Girl display, maybe she invited Louisa for Christmas dinner and she politely declined as she's looking to get roasties this year
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SSRIs are bloody fantastic but YOU also need to put the work in.

That is why therapists set “homework”.

No. I said I wasn’t going to do this. She is damaging in so many ways.

There are so many other people out there raising awareness and speaking the truth about how depression (in its myriad of forms) works. She just dyes her clothes black and expects to be happy after 2 years.

Nope. No more.
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I for one can't wait for Jack's next magazine cover shoot post goth transformation.

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When she said Cooper and Mini were "chatting" from the "large bathroom" (lol FANCY) and the hallway, my heart sank.

Again please stop anthropomorphising cats. They weren't having a friendly "how do you do". He sees her as a threat. Cats are solitary beings unless bonded and that takes time not a baptism of fire. He would have been sizing her up and intimidating her using his cries. Cats don't speak to each other using miaows how they speak to humans, that's something they've learnt to do. They only cry when in territorial/mating rituals. That poor little thing would have been terrified.

And she then fucked off for the entire day on a jaunt. Beyond disgusting behaviour. It boils my blood 🤬
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Sacre bleu, frauen - I took a bit of a break because frankly, the endless wheel of woe and nonsense was so exhausting.
A) what a stupid waste of clothes which could have gone to people who are glad of them
B) bless all you fraus suggesting she craft/cook her way creatively though Christmas, and pointing out this is a missed op for someone of her profession: we have been here before
C) cannot believe that chronic depression is getting the completed it mate treatment, especially on the run up to Christmas and sorry for anyone she is triggering
D) the FUCKING KITTEN, is she going through her own Jack bingo?
E) whoever did “please Twitter can I have some more?” I screamed. Masterful. I don’t condone breaking the rules, but jlc I was owl champagne
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Chatty Member
No no no! She's not trying to spin this as being environmentally friendly! Dyeing is generally terrible for the environment. There was nothing wrong with the clothes in the first place so she wasn't saving anything from landfill. If you want to prove you actually care about the planet maybe you could address your EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION of all things.
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Also didn't she have therapy yesterday, she came back from in it in the black place. That's not a good sign surely?!
Not to defend her (she's absolutely milking it for attention), you can often feel really shit after therapy, for example if you're going over a very traumatic event or need to face up to how bad your own behaviour is. I've finished sessions before and just sobbed because of the heavy topic and the feelings associated. One can only hope she was made given some hard truths about her recent behaviour and attitude in the session and it's sinking in.
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Praise beans that striped/floral monstrosity is in the "sell" pile!

View attachment 924157
That is a telling line too... "all the people I wished I was" That is like a teenager daydreaming about being a popstar, or famous tv presenter or sports personality.

We all grow up and realise that it is no good wishing you were someone else. You have to accept who you are and be comfortable with that. We have all said on here she doesn't have her own personality/style/character, and is constantly playing dress up. It's because she is constantly trying to emulate someone else.

To quote the great Rue Paul "If you can't love yourself, how the hell are you ever gonna love someone else. Can I get an AMEN?"

And that's why she can't keep a partner.
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Satisfying Click

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By the wording of Jack's tweet, she 'caught' Cooper licking the kitten, implying these animals are not being closely supervised together? Allogrooming happens for many reasons, but when an adult male cat is doing it without invitation, it's to establish dominance.

I wish she'd stop ascribing human characteristics to Cooper and appreciate that animals act in their nature, which requires humility and respect from the human to understand and keep them safe.
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Lads I had to quickly do this before bed so apologies if it lands inappropriately or has already been done :

Jack and the (Ex) marketing boss lady from Del Monte
Sitting in a (poorly photographed) tree

Why is she the Ex boss lady?
We cry.
Too many shit prune poohy recipes.
Goodbye x

But maybe Jack has a new (former) high earner ex boss lady in her life?
I think she may be the EX marketing manager at Del Monte because she recommended JM for the gig
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