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Matt on Daily Kitchen has just said to a chef "I thought you'd gone mad with the lemons." (and another lemon comment I can't remember just before it).

The chef and Matt all laughed knowingly....

I wonder if he's still sharing his horror stories of our hallowed Jack and The Lockdown Lemon Debacle?
Wild garlic mention too. If only they showed a botanical drawing of the stuff, then Jack could identify her garden plant!!!
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It's such bullshit. It's one thing to relfect on what both your capabilites and your limitations are, but all that manifestation nonsense is not just nonsense, I think it hinders people connecting to their surroundings and relationships as it is so self-centered. It completely erases how things relate to each other (e.g. how some people have the privilege of being part of a family with material social and cultural capital) and it does not promote empathy, compassion or solidarity.

Maria Bamford had a joke in one of her shows how some coutries suffered from famines because they hadn't done The Secret, which I thought was hilarious.
This is exactly it - a former friend was big on this and seemed to forget that as she let everyone know how much she was working on herself that other people still existed and had needs, problems, views.
In fact she shared a lot of traits with Jack and other influencers but didn’t manage to get a self help type of account off the ground.
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It's this idea that "lived experience" is more important than expertise. The truth is that it is and it isn't. Take another situation: yes, we should listen to cancer patients talking about their experience, but not at the expense of ignoring oncologists.

It's particularly bad when the "lived experience" is coming from someone who self-diagnosed with the help of Dr Google, which a great many of these Twitter types tend to be. That's when we start getting "I knew I was autistic because I don't like mushrooms" and all this dangerous nonsense.

ETA: comments on that autism post:

View attachment 505751View attachment 505752

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at "all the expertise you've gained on Twitter".
I'm going to disagree here. Experts by experience are frequently used in things like the NHS. There is also a huge amount of criticism of autism charities being run by non-autistics and not representing us. I'm currently involved in a Scottish Government pilot scheme which uses autistic people to run the education and support sessions.

It doesn't mean you rubbish people who are qualified and work in the field but a lot of us have been told what to do our whole lives and want to advocate for ourselves.

I think the oncologist analogy is different since that is a very specialist field.
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I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad I blocked her. Are we anticipating a Johnny Morris phase 🙄? (one for the older ones there😉)
Christ. Can you imagine it? First nip from a Brambly Mouse and she'd be claiming to be more injured than Nutkin.

ETA: I was always a fan of Derek Griffiths. I think the theme tune had something to do with it. But my school were taken to a musical event that had Johnny Morris compering and he was very nice to us.
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I was taught to say Dinky. When we moved to Australia a kid asked me if I wanted a Dinky on his bike. I was like WTF and ran home. I later found out dinky is Aussie slang for sitting on the handlebars, AKA donkey or double.

Words are words are words, until you're 7 years old and traumatised.
It’s a croggy where I come from.
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Galley kitchen for a small London flat? Also just to add, not only have we got a full moon, the clocks are going forward AND the Space station will be going over later tonight too. I expect maximum chaos x 10 😄
Your avatar!!! DEEAAAD. What time is the space station going? Probably going to be pissing down here anyway
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Hope Jack can hold off her chaos, I'm about to go down to theatre for my op, so will be out of it for a few hours. Though if she does do a chaos, it will at least give me something to laugh at while I recover.
All the best Mancbee, wishing you a speedy recovery xxx
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I cannot WAIT to get my hair dyed again. Not because I dislike my hair with a few greys in. It just looks a fucking state without regular up keep.

Like a sheep that needs shearing 😂
I had started letting roots grow in before covid and now all highlights are gone and my hair is the darkest it has been - ever. Surprisingly I don’t have any greys yet - thought I would keep it dark to make the most of it but I’m so bored. Bring on the bleach!
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Hi Kachoochoo (and everyone else!).

Am still suffering with the dry heaves after seeing that earthworm spaghetti abomination. What a crime against innocent food!

Am going to the Phillip Schofield thread, until the nausea abates...
nice to see you 🙂. but you're right to pace yourself, there's many more crimes to come 🥴
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I know it’s verging on petty, but I can’t help thinking that you reap what you sow when I see tweets like this.

Dr Rupi all up in Jacks niche. This is what happens when your main job isn’t Twitter.

Anyway - maybe she will get a guest spot - after all, she does have friends in (C4) high places.
Let’s hope she doesn’t awaken the flying monkeys, claiming entitlement again!😡🐒
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Toffee finger

VIP Member
Because I respect the opinion of the cabal above all others- could anyone recommend a couple of varieties of indoor plants that need minimal attention (i.e I could be away for a week and they wouldn't cark it) please?

Does such a thing exist?

On topic: Jack is a pillock
I’m quite new to plants but have a ZZ plant, Devils Ivy, Snake plant, Dragon Tree and String of Hearts which have all survived despite my lack of green fingers. The ZZ plant in particular was recommended as unkillable! We have a few succulents around too which don’t need much attention. I found a lot of online plant sellers like Beards and Daisies for example have a section for unkillable plants and a good description of how often they’ll need watering etc.

Also agree re the Jack comment!
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