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Chatty Member
Absolutely not @Blurp I hate it. It looks like an egg yolk, the texture of its skin and it looks so fleshy, I'm just imagining it reaching out and putting a reassuring tentacle on my arm 🤢 The documentary sounds interesting but I don't think I could watch that much of an octopus in motion and definitely not if there's any direct human-octopus contact. If they just send each other memes on Whatsapp I could probs manage it.
the dumbo octopus looks like the piglet squid, perhaps the answer is in dressing them up if squid are acceptably chill?
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VIP Member
I noticed this earlier....I am sure it will be something worthy of praise and I am also sure that Jack will be reading it with green eyes too.

By the way, Jack (when you are up and catching up here), I know you primarily grift with the povvo play, but when do you think it will be time to admit that your campaigning has actually been worse than useless, that it has achieved nothing apart from offering Tories an excuse for lambasting poor people who can’t make their money stretch, and that you just aren’t very good at it? I ask, because I see what a young lad like Marcus (MBE) has achieved in such a short time and it’s as clear as day that you just aren’t very good at it, both THEN and NOW.
Ooh that tweet from rashford almost makes me want to rejoin twitter!
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Is this not a bit late. Wasn't the food parcels for lockdown, homeschool. Most kids are back to school now or have I got it wrong?! Please tell me if I have.
A lot of schools are doing Easter food parcels/provision for kids on free school meals. Actually not sure if it was mandated by the government or voluntary for each council this time though.

ETA: looks like the government said a week of provision
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VIP Member
Thank you! I have the condensed milk at the ready.

What I really want to try once I've mastered tablet is a little experimentation. As a child in the Middle East, my favourite sweetie was bought from the suq and we called it 'manna'. It was white, full of dessicated coconut and you could taste something like condensed milk. Sadly, I've never found any sort of recipe from any Middle Eastern or Indian cook nor anyone who has heard of it or with whom the description rings a bell. So experimentation it shall be.
I think what u are talking about could be coconut ice?
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VIP Member
Ugh I thought Linda McCartney had deleted some Jack posts but I had just scrolled too far back. 😂 Sorry for the false alarm!
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VIP Member
Re: how she makes her living, for now 🤭 Her publishers have very likely not even recouped her advance & project costs for GFFBD, and the next nightmare that will have cost them even more. For all the puff pieces she does about herself in the Guardian how she was drunk and wailing and chucking shit at people earning significantly less than her, she forgets that these people are billing their hours to her project so ultimately it’s just her that’ll suffer for it. So every time some one has to tweet her to pick up the phone, or have yet another zoom to sit through her excuses, that’s another £90-500 (depending on seniority of staff member) put against the project. She’ll fulfil the remainder of her contract and won’t get renewed, small industry so no one else will be interested in the grief for 3k units at an avg price of £6, there’s a whole new generation of Instagrammers making aesthetic books that sell very well at a £16.99 price point to be moving on with. She doesn’t even bother tweeting about the slop anymore. She’s just a Tory media mouthpiece now 🤷🏻‍♀️
As it’s an advance, will she have to repay it?
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View attachment 497486
Imagine if someone served you this at a dinner party? I would simply have to get my partner to ring me with a fake emergency.

Dry looking squid ink pasta/noodles, chewy lemon, tinned sardines and tomato puree? Nah x
What the ...... nah. It’s just a bit wrong. Something just looks off with that but I do envy that she can have people round for dinner though 😕
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Chatty Member
There is something off about that food parcel Tweet. There are 20 odd senior schools in Birkenhead. There is no mention of the school or the food parcel provider. The schools are not on holiday in Birkenhead until Monday, so there is no way to know if there will be an additional parcel with the perishable food that will be delivered when they are actually off school.

Typical knee jerk Jack, assuming the worst, "how is this happening" without first investigating the truth of the situation.

And Jack is off on one again about Boris, she is on a centre right think tank for God sake.
What even is centre right?
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I thought the Guardian was for folk in certain parts of Norf London ...where the shopping options tend to be on the Waitrose,Planet Organic and M&S side of things and have jobs in the 'meeja' and the arts ...(fwiw I was born and brought up in one of those areas and blimey it's changed in the years since I escaped to uni and me and Mr Spam moved back ...).
I always thought it was quite posh too.
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VIP Member
That writer who took over was tragically but floridly imprisoned in Virginia's attic, mastering her white-trash-Gothic style, and biding her time until the house burned down in the fires of its own redemption, or maybe by a vengeful but smoulderingly sexy patriarch, killing Virginia, and releasing her successor, whose prose was always lurid, even in the sunlight.
😂 I love this 😍🤣 still chuckling
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