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My first contribution to a thread title 🖤 I've got the streaming eye wets. I'm going to print it out, sign it and post a copy of it to all the teachers who told me I'd never amount to anything.

@jenny2603 and @Montrachet I'm preparing a new batch of words, Slopbot will soon include more Scottish fare (haggis and bolorneaise are already a feature) and a prison location! Speaking of Slopbot updates - Jack, every time you say 'marauding' or 'thankyou' I'm going to put a new word or phrase into Slopbot. I was going to suggest that every time she tweeted something stupid in general I'd update it but that could be LITERALLY A HUNDRED additions per day.

That selfie is ludicrous. I have nothing more to say about it.
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Good morning. More snow in Scotland last night! Frosty Jack, the Gods are angry.

This popped up in my memories. I think it’s how Jack thinks she comes across but the woman’s pure joy illustrates how I imagine you lot. ❤

Now fuck off!
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Off-topic: Yesterday's broken crockery parcel event made me cross again. She so harshly and in a heartless way calls people out, it is unreal. The cameras, the 'forensic skill' that she heard a noise of crockery breaking...the public rage...In a way I don't care about her personally, because I don't know her but I witness this kind of behaviour more often in others and the psychological make-up seems to be the same-someone who portrays herself as so weak and vulnerable but who jumps at people in an absolute harsh way and in return does not want to be criticised. Those delivery people do a really hard job. And they get so much shit from people. It is in their interest to NOT break goods, because....erm...they want to keep their jobs!!! So those accusations are vile.
Again, if you have worked in similar jobs, you should have an eye for that. It did not help that she declared she doesn't want to get the person fired- her behaviour still might contribute to it.

I find this style unacceptable and I had a friend (not my friend anymore) who is shit with service people, even wrote a review on a pub's website after staff got their order wrong once. This was a new pub and they had teething problems. Not for a moment did she consider what was at stake for the other person or the business. So this is a huge 'trigger' for me, although I am not fond of the term. To summarise: I can't stand our protagonist's double standards.

Off-topic 2:
How ridiculous that she even tried to declare us as a group of ableist people! It would be a bit difficult to find an entire group with people who are all NOT disabled or who don't have serious ailments that alter the quality of their lives. I have not witnessed any discriminating behaviour against any group and individuals here. And if that had been the case, I would not have spent one minute here. The more I have read about Frauen and Herren's lives, I have realised how compassionate, considerate, informed and kind everyone is.
What unites us is that we don't take crap and that we probably all have chosen to get on with life and its difficulties without being attention seeking, whiney and exploitative.
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Mel Donte

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We need to make a Jack Monroe iceberg. The persona she presents to the public verses all the shit you find when you scratch the surface.
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As much as I don’t believe for a minute that she snarfs down three helpings of mussels and pears and loves it, I also would like to believe that she doesn’t send her son to school with mouldering cream cheese and grated bacon sandwiches. I think those disgusting sandwiches were all for show - as in ‘Look! Aren’t I a literal genius! I can make my own sandwich spread and SB loves it, so he does!’

I’d like to believe he didn’t get that every day in his lunchbox.
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Don’t worry about the little bobble head, just be cross at how irresponsible she is. On the left her head is almost as wide as her body 😡 however in reality she’s completely normally proportioned
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Cabal - I ventured into another thread today and I’m honestly just so relieved to be back here. It’s scary out there. Can absolutely see why people think Tattle is a horrible place.

Please send pictures of doggos, cattos or you can post me letters telling me I’m amazing.
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Oh, doing your best to humiliate your girlfriend in front of her peers is sooooooooooooo funny.

It's definitely not abusive in the slightest. No, not at all.
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Just hopping off the GL express - it’s taken 1 week since she snnouished go viral, and I’ve been BUSY. But Lordy Fraus, I’ve had to do 5 (FIVE) threads in 1 week. Who else can generate this much content?

I don’t know what this is going to pitch up in the middle of, but I just really need to say some of the things that have been bubbling with every page turn, in no particular order.

1. Hugest of hugs to @Blurp and any other cabal members who are struggling and/or triggered by this fucking waste of 2 good kidneys.
2. Slopbot - can we get T-shirts with this little fella on? I’d be happy to pay/donate to a cause associated, it is truly a Work Of Genius ...
3..... speaking of Works of Genius, the Sloppies are amazing. How I hooted. And as others have said, what a lot to fit into 9 months.
4. As so many of you have repeatedly pointed out before neurodiversity =\= cuntishness; acting like a cunt = cuntishness .
5. Laura Waddell and the aftermath. Arise the new army of squiggle refuseniks. Jackie will be going viral for all the wrong reasons 🤣
6. Marcus Rashford is ❤

One week, Fraus, that’s all just in One. Week.

right, back in or I’ll never catch up...
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Miss Anne Thrope

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Right on cue, utterly predictable. JM is about to raise her reliable shield of ADHD, arthritis and autism. Failing which anyone who criticizes her is transphobic, ableist, anti-LGBQT, anti-single mum or a Tory. Her followers will pet her and pile on to any squiggle that asks pertinent questions. Wash, rinse, repeat.

As I yelled during the Jamie Oliver pile on, Autism, Aspergers and ADHD people are NOT bullying, nasty and rude, and JM presenting her bad behaviour in this light as an excuse BOILS MY PISS! She has a huge platform and it does the spectrum community a real injustice, paints them all as a negative stereotype which is SO unfair. The autistic and ADHD people that I’m privileged to know are some of the gentlest, sweetest folk you’d ever meet.


Edited to add:- I think she's a terrible person for so many reasons, but the poverty cosplay/grifting coupled with the deliberate silencing of any critique/analysis with the incessant, negative stereotyping of autistic/ADHD people makes me rage.

Rant over, now get tae fuck.
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When all else fails, bring up ADHD/ASD. No Jack, those things are not to blame for the shitty, conniving behaviour you display online. ADHD does not make you rattle that tip jar
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Formal Chicken

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The talk of ADHD brings me back to when she added the letters after to her name. If she were truly an advocate for this conditions I would almost understand it. But we all know it’s just another attention seeking device and an excuse for her behaviour.

Like many of us here I suffer with my mental health (official diagnosis: brain ouchies). Despite dealing with it for nearly 20 years I’m quite private about it as I regard myself as a bit of a failure for not getting back to “normal”. I know this is ridiculous and I’m completely the opposite with any patients (or anyone!) who are in the same boat. Funny how the mind works.

Jack doesn’t trigger me like she does for many of you but I can see why. Please all take care of yourselves and not let slop slinger bring you down! This year has been hard as I live alone so I’m very grateful to have found this thread of ninnies to keep me laughing. xxx

now away and fuck off
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[often when a eating disorder is severe the head can look out of proportion to the body. I'm in no way saying that she currently has a eating disorder. When my anorexia nervosa was really bad I had what is known as lollipop head I just felt so ashamed and there's certainly no pictures as I refused to let anyone take any.I covered up all the time and was just cold , miserable and confused .Sorry for waffling on things have improved since/SPOILER]
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Honestly what a bloody letdown. Just when we think Jack is getting telt, it’s just someone familiar with our work here.
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I found this place because of the blackeye shenanigans and came out when it was mentioned a lot of new fraus were appearing and the 'what brought you here?' question was asked.
I was going to go straight back to lurking but couldn't help myself but join in.
I was a follower of Jack but after finding this place never commented on her stuff again.
She was actually quite handy for ideas when Mrs TUIT decided to reduce meat in our lives.
I made the mistake of liking something from a squiggle she took against and was blocked.
I'd also assume that has happened to a few other people out there too.
I think it's a bit kind of 'arrogant' of us (It's not the word I'm looking for but will have to do for now) to assume that every dumped squiggle is going to end up here.
That we are the only ones who see through her bullshit others are and are lashing out at her via Twitter.
Her preferred medium.
I know there have been interlopers here before, I was suckered by a chocolate bar at one point.
But if some of us, and I include myself in this, talk about her being called out on Twitter, can we really complain when she is?
Just some thoughts from a very tired TUIT, who had to deal with a broken boiler and the feller who came to fix it on her own today.
Sorry if I've offended anyone. I honestly haven't meant to.
She’s been called out on Twitter by an ex tattle member let’s just get that clear, and they’ve provided no receipts for the accusation that they’ve sent her a substantial amount of money. I personally don’t believe the scenario and feel it shows the canal in a crap light whether it’s out of keenness to see her get her comeuppance or not. You can’t fight someone being insincere with insincerity and expect to win
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Oh lovely @Blurp I'm so sorry to read all this. Please know that you have friends here and the cabal will always be around to listen 🙂
Echoed xxx

That's what I love about this vile group of bullies. The support and love.
I belong to many online groups/FB groups etc about various issues in my life. My autoimmune conditions, my kids, my work, my vile Narc Mother. All of them are lovely groups and supportive, but not as much as on here.
I forget my exact origin story. If I remember correctly I saw the SH meltdown and found Tattle and joined. Then I stayed off for a while until Mr Schofield made his announcement at the beginning of the year and decided to look back into the blue pages.
If I remember rightly it was about the time Jack was doing her poor starving single mother routine at the beginning of lockdown. It may or may not be connected to the fucking Landslide karaoke debacle, but I decided to look at these threads.
And here we are.
I accidentally stumbled upon the loveliest, funniest group of Fraus.
Long may we reign xx
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