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Chatty Member
I noticed on the latest Secret Celeb thread there was talk of Elliott Page and deadnaming and someone asked a poster if they gave similar admonishment to people in the JM threads every time someone calls her a cunt or any of the other frequent insults said about her. I am just assuming it’s about here but it kinda took me aback because I genuinely don’t think this is a nasty thread. But maybe it’s all about perception and personal levels of tolerance to stuff. I don’t know if the person has contributed here and maybe they’re a fan but I’ve seen worse on other threads (personally I don’t find swearing offensive but when kids are being commented on (e.g if there’s something wrong with them etc) I’m less impressed)
That was the thread I ventured on to. It was just such a stark contrast to the respectful discussions that I see here around gender etc. I’ve been here since thread 1 and have seen some nasty chat but that was nipped in the bud very quickly and it was an outlier.

I just feel that there are many people in this thread that I would happily sit down and natter with IRL. Who also are open to hearing other points of view etc.
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My 91 year old aunt thinks that Twat is the same as Twit...she calls people twats a lot! Miss Marple goes rogue.

Jack, you are a twit.
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Look at that great big life saving Mediterranean arse!...said no-one ever. Wetting myself at the zoom in on those absolute wagons on her feet
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I'm already feeling fragile this week and this is starting to tip me over the edge again.

I score very highly on all publicly available tests for Inattentive ADHD and borderline autism. According to the NHS psychiatrist I saw I can't have ADHD because I'm not hyperactive... I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder due to - according to the answer to my complaint which I had to send via the Medical Director - my 'suicidal ideation' despite my having stated clearly to them that I have never been suicidal despite self-harming as a coping mechanism. My application for access to the autism diagnosis pathway was refused on the grounds that this had never been brought up during all the years I had attended various counselling etc despite the psychiatrist originally bringing it up and counselling never having helped a thing. I asked to see someone as antidepressants and counselling hadn't worked after 30 odd years! Compliance previously was also brought up as a black mark against me despite lateness and confusing dates, forgetting appointments etc being part of my problems.

I have been signed off work since February after an almost complete breakdown and Occupational Health insisting that my doctor signed me off. They then recommended that I be assessed for medical retirement. Another OH doctor did this as a paper exercise without talking to me and concluded that I wasn't fit for work but wasn't permanently unfit as with mental health assistance I could improve. That would be the mental health assistance that I have been fighting for years to access (I was given my diagnosis and discharged without even an explanatory leaflet or any contact information) and even got to the stage of seriously considering faking a high profile suicide attempt at the Road Bridge or wherever to get some help. If I go back to work, it will happen again and again and again if I cannot access the help that my local MH team are dead set against giving.

Yet Twat can swan in to see her private doctor thanks to her money and buy herself a diagnosis and drugs to suit her pleas of she can't help it, despite the drugs which should supposedly control her behaviour.

I'm broken
Oh god, I’m so sorry @Blurp, this is heartbreaking.

I too had a very disinterested doctor who essentially told me I was probably too sick to deal with, and it’s so hard. He had suggested BPD but I knew it wasn’t any such thing in my case. My diagnosis was a weird combination of a GP friend who I’d been to school with suggesting asking to be referred, and my PhD supervisor writing pushy letters to the GP because I had two breakdowns in the duration of the doctorate just due to the sheer stress of managing my focus.

And to be fair she’s not totally bullshitting because I did send a number of written statements to my consultant, at said consultant’s request, from my mum, friends, boyfriend, supervisors. But I had 21 months to gather these because of NHS waiting times 🙃 I strongly suspect that Jack had read somewhere online that this would be the case and just took them along unbidden.

Mind you, the way she presents her condition as ticking EVERY SINGLE BOX (hyperactivity etc), she shouldn’t have had to work so hard to prove it. The appointment was probably about 7 minutes long and cost about £3000. Just know that regardless of her diagnosis she’s not happy or productive. I know that doesn’t help you in your situation, but it’s perhaps helpful in a mild schadenfreude sort of way.

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If Louisa is a housemate and not just a BB is she now paying her way so Jack can stop asking for money from people less fortunate didn’t think so

I’ve done my voting and I feel like those were some of the hardest decisions of my adult life. It’s a fucking marvel.
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Hey lovely Fraus and Herrs. I’m so, so sorry that Jack is being particularly challenging today and is making a lot of you feel bad. The one good thing about it is that it pulls us all even closer and the support we always give each other is off the scale. That’s something Jack will never have, which is sad but also fully deserved.
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That ADHD graphic she put on twitter is really irritating.

I don't suffer from it personally, but I have a really good friend who has been diagnosed for >20 years now. He's a smart, successful social butterfly - always lights up a room, never has anything bad to say to anyone. If he thinks he's upset you he'll apologise immediately. More than a few times I've seen him ask someone to go for a coffee or for a walk if he sees they're upset. In other words, he's a lovely, perfectly normal human being. He's the polar opposite to so many of the things listed there, and it upsets me that because he has a diagnosis someone only seeing that graphic would label him as this unemployable, anxious, mood swinging person who'll always be late and forgetful. People are way more than a diagnosis.
And Jack claims to have every one of those traits below the waterline, plus those above. Every one, every single one, doesn't leave out a single one, no sir, she's got the lot.

As I said in a previous message, she reads a diagnosis on WebMD, or wherever, and thinks that she has to display each and every symptom for it to be believed. Quite the reverse, rarely do people have every single one of the symptoms/traits mentioned.

It actually shows her up to be a fraud.
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So the company have mentioned her - assume this is what the shoot is for. I hope I'm wrong but subtlety isn't her strong point

View attachment 333564
OMG this is like watching a thriller, the protagonist is all relaxed, and then we see the baddie open the door. She’s infiltrated a literal day of disabilities! What the actual fuck. Someone who “lost the use of her hands” but managed to cross stick the effing BBC studios location. Lord have mercy, Keyser Soze is in the building.
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I don’t consider cunt (or dick, or any invocation of genitalia for that matter) a gendered insult, tbh. IRL I’m always a bit wary of people who are too quick to throw out ‘Karen’ as a way of making women’s complaints seem petty but I think where Jack is concerned with her grassing on LNER and Hermes employees she really does embody Karenhood.
Cunt is a woman-only insult in the US (and very strong, but Americans are, on the whole, more sensitive to swearing), but I feel like in other English-speaking countries it's more commonly used to refer to men.

I generally find swear words a very interesting area linguistically (in Spanish too there are some countries where words are very offensive, and others where they're a regular part of daily conversation).

My sister found out that bitch was really offensive in Spain when she was messing about with her Spanish friend, yet they drop the c bomb all the time.
Coño isn't really cunt though, despite its literal meaning - you can't call someone a coño, you'd use it for emphasis like we'd use fucking. Mothers will even say it to young children when they're exasperated, which is wild if you're translating literally ("hurry up, you cunt" to a 4-year-old is hard to imagine even in Australia).

Similarly, puta isn't bitch, it's whore, and it's incredibly difficult to define bitch accurately to Spanish or Portuguese speakers - there are words that are somewhat similar, but no perfect fit. And literally everyone has been told that bitch means prostitute, so they have to unlearn that it's super offensive to call someone a puta but less offensive as an adjective, again akin to fucking in English: when faced with a bowl of slop you might say "Pero por qué no has cocinado bién las putas cebollas?" (but why didn't you cook the fucking onions properly?)

All a bit off topic, but trying to translate and teach swear words is actually a really difficult and delicate part of linguistics. I find it fascinating, but it can take a lot of work!
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I noticed on the latest Secret Celeb thread there was talk of Elliott Page and deadnaming and someone asked a poster if they gave similar admonishment to people in the JM threads every time someone calls her a cunt or any of the other frequent insults said about her. I am just assuming it’s about here but it kinda took me aback because I genuinely don’t think this is a nasty thread. But maybe it’s all about perception and personal levels of tolerance to stuff. I don’t know if the person has contributed here and maybe they’re a fan but I’ve seen worse on other threads (personally I don’t find swearing offensive but when kids are being commented on (e.g if there’s something wrong with them etc) I’m less impressed)
It was me who asked someone not to use his deadname, the people on that thread did not appreciate this input haha. I’m never commenting on that thread again, there’s a lot of fatphobia and transphobia over there.

One thing I like about these threads is that we can call each out without it being a whole drama. Like I’ve seen people use Jack’s deadname or comment irrelevantly on her body and then apologise after being politely called out.

Calling JM a cunt doesn’t contribute to a wider culture of oppression i.e. transphobia. So yep, I’ll call her by whatever name she prefers and then also call her a cunt.
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What with all the photoshoot, boob, streaking, and control pant nonsense, I'd almost forgotten about the Scotsman article.....🙄
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I'm going to go against the grain here and suggest she did do some sort of streak for the sole purpose of embarrassing BB as she appears to get a kick out of undermining her.
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