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There are 23 envelopes there. Whoop-de-do, how hard she works. Putting things into 23 envelopes, sealing them, and addressing them. Now she has got to go and post them. Bloody hell, I have no idea how she sustains this sort of output. Her productivity is off the scale. She will need loads of dinosaur naps when she gets home.

I wonder how many of you Fraus working from home would think this as a day's work? I wonder how many employers would consider it a day's work?

Wow, wow, wow. She's posting 23 things. That's so much hard work. Amazing. Someone giver her a medal.
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My cat once disappeared. I was beyond myself, called my friend who doubted it was me who was on the phone despite seeing my name on her display but with a voice she had never heard before bc I was in so much distress. I walked around like a zombie for days. Thank god she was found and looked a bit rough. She hates the fireworks, too and I always prepare a box with blankets that put any rock stars's studio to shame and she stays there all the time until everything has stopped. I plan ahead bc the dates are...erm...well-known...
I also started to doubt JM because after kittengate she went to Edinburgh and was clearly on a high. None of my friends who had lost pets would have been in such an upbeat state.
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View attachment 300295

This is the saddest minestrone recipe I ever saw. WHERE ARE THE REST OF THE VEGETABLES JACK? And how is soup made with only 600ml of stock going to make "4 generous bowlfuls".
I really think it is time someone else took a turn at making one of Jack's soups.
Someone at the back there?
You here at the front, you'd like to do it wouldn't you?
How about you hiding your face with a copy of "Depressipies"?

Nobody..........Ah well, at least no ingredients will be wasted. As you were.
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Have we seen this gem before? Ruby T interviews dear Jackie. In this particular gem we learn that Jackie learned all about curing meats working at a supermarket counter.

“I look back and nearly all of my early jobs were in food,” she recounts. “Darren at Debenhams taught me how to cook an egg on the hot plate, and at the supermarket I worked at, I was on the cheese and ham counter for a while. My god, that was fun. I learned loads about cheese and curing meats.”

ETA apologies for the overuse of gem. I'm tired.
God the bloody cutlery drawer looked like that back in 2019!

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This Bubble Buddy shit is going to give me a bloody stomach ulcer from cringing so hard! What the hell!! For one, she doesn’t need an effing BB 🤢, two, just come out with it or keep it to your stupid self. We know you mean Louisa you vile cretin. Either stop over sharing every dull moment, or be clear. Shows what contempt she has for the people she Tweets at day and night. Louisa, you are being manipulated by an overt narcissist, Google it at least.
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So none of this was the cat-astrophe she was making out to be...

...not even sorry 😎 happy Friday lovelies!
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Not a parent here but I spent A LOT of time with my sister's kids
How far into a new relationship do you decided what YOUR kid is going to call your partner?
Don't they kind of stick to the adult's name?
Other than their own father the nieces and nephews called none of the 'new' relationships, Papa, Dad, Daddy..
Sorry if I'm being dense about this.
In SB's case he just shouts here comes the moneeeeyyyyy when Louisa walks in the room
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If it L and she was out for a walk earlier. Who's betting she was at the chippy. 🤣
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I'm not a lockdown hardliner and understand why all the clauses/exemptions exist, but the way Jack goes about it is to consider what she *can* do, rather than consider how to reduce risk. Like, your kid has to go to school and see his dad and that's obviously non-negotiable, but beyond that you can limit what you do and who you see and she just doesn't seem to think from that point of view at all.
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People who set off random fireworks are dickheads, but isn't the 5th of November the day when you know it's going to happen in England? If this were happening any other evening she'd have a point, but it isn't and she doesn't.
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