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She’s been seen around Ballsbridge loads (also organised that meet up in Herbert Park which is in Ballsbridge) where her bf lives, so I assume they’re back together as no real reason other than him to be hanging around there.. This is just my theory and the fact she doesn’t seem as down in herself.
I kinda feel if she wasn’t with the bf none of this would have happened. She has him to lean on I’d imagine. If I’m right she’s going to be at a complete loss when they break up. Changed her lifestyle, dress sense, moved house, moved back, lost her friend of 10 years, lost a joint business venture.
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What Lindsay is saying doesn't even make sense. She said that the episodes with Pete she "cleared with Jenny" and she was "100% free and given a chance to record".

However, she also says that she hadn't heard from Jenny since June 11th. June 11th was the date the first podcast with Pete was released. The second podcast with Pete was released on June 18th. On June 19th, she posted about the meet up. On June 22nd, she released the 'reflections' podcast.

How, then, can Jenny have "cleared" both podcasts with Pete (she may have cleared the first one) or been given the chance to record, when we know they did not communicate after June 11th?

Regardless of whether Jenny was 'stonewalling' her, Lindsay is claiming that Jenny gave her permission for both podcasts with Pete and was also given a chance to record, which implies there was communication between the parties. There clearly was not, given Jenny was obviously not engaging with her.
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I think the theory of Jenny finding out that Lindsey was writing shit about her on tattle is v plausible, maybe she seen a notification when they were prepping for the live or Lindsey had her laptop open. Jenny wouldn’t go public with that info because it would destroy Lindsey and Jenny wouldn’t do that to Riloh or Luna
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Nothing in particular just think his recent posts with her have been a lovely show of support for his partner. Really tasteful
Ah now his karma quote was passive aggressive middle aged basic bitch "I'll pm u chick" fodder
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Do you think she hates the fact she's back to square 1 with mystery man? Like to have so much so soon and then a break up all in a matter of a few months... then to start all over again? It's already a tainted relationship and the writing is pretty much on the wall...
But do you think she wishes she was still living with him as it sounds more serious and established... "living with me fella" instead of in a beach house she apparently hates
'The writing is pretty much on the wall'

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It does seem kinda unfair though if Jenny just gets to decide the pod is over without Lindsays consent. Why is Jenny’s want to quit more important than Lindsay’s want to continue? Isn’t it meant to be split 50/50? My only guess is that the reason for them falling out is the same reason Jenny felt she was more entitled to do what she wants (to quit) than do what Lindsay wants (to continue).
You can't expect jenny to work if she wants to quit....lindsay would absolutely be entitled to continue but she would need to come to an arrangement with jenny as she owns 50% of the business, you can't just take it, if they negotiated and came to an agreed figure to buy jenny out then the business, platforms, names, events etc would be all lindsays, its incredibly naive and silly to think you can just lock someone out of their business and move on because they want to quit....
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The fact that legality is mentioned so much tells me that the reason for the fall out was there was some shady shit going on behind someone's back & the other found out right before the live stream was due to happen
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Chatty Member
No way, J is the red scare fan girl not L. J will most definitely be going on to found a new conservative contrarian podcast. Also I reckon J prob left cos she was offered a job elsewhere. She's strategic. I don't see her quitting without having something immediately lined up. I'd be VERY SURPRISED if that wasn't the case.
She does it with fellas, may aswell do it with jobs
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how did it come up that L slept with Evan? did L bring it up? that's a real obvious way of trying to claim territory. haha similar to a dog pissing on a tree. it looks bitter and vindictive. J will have the last laugh by the looks of things 🤷‍♀️
I vaguely remember when jenny revealed evan was boo boo, that linds was doing an awk laugh & jenny was like go on linds spill the beans cus you're dying to announce you were with evan too... or something along those lines
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Why has Lindsay posted that one pic of her living room at least 15 times on insta
And why do people think it was some kind of remodelling. I think she bought some new furniture - thats it. Its not like she was knocking through walls!!
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As I said it’s not something I think I’ve said (not because I thought it was wrong, just hasn’t come up), and I will take this into consideration if a conversation comes up where it would apply because I don’t go out of my way to upset people when it’s been pointed out that something is insensitive, but sorry who’s egging who on to do what? Suicide or hanging wouldn’t come into most people’s heads at all when they hear or see the phrase, agree that one should be sensitive around someone who has experience with it or even more seriously has attempted something before, but saying that using that phrase (when the meaning has NOTHING to do with hurting oneself physically) is egging someone on to do something is a bit of a reach. As a poster said above does ‘car crash TV) make light of car crashes?
No one was egging her to do anything. Why are you taking it so literally? Jesus this conversation is utterly pointless if you truly believe people were encouraging her to kill herself 🤦🏻‍♀️ Snowflake central. I cannot.
Court: I present you two triggered people.
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I still dont understand how L thought she could get away with it 🙈😂
She’s an idiot! She truly believed that because Jenny said she didn’t want to do the pod, then that would stand up in court as a valid excuse for her to pocket the 12k and move on. She really has no understanding of how the world works, she hasn’t even voted for god sake!
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Chatty Member
I’m going to miss them! Well maybe not their more recent stuff, but I really loved them at the start
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