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VIP Member
The neeeeeck of both of them to be honest.
Both only made moves because of money. Lindsay in desperation for subscribers and Jenny when things started to plummet.

I think they've treated their patreons like absolute mugs and the fan girling and "love you so much" messages are toe curling when it's so obvious they don't give a fuck beyond their paycheck.
Well yeah it's their livelihood?
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Yous are all going to hate me...
Some things I find strange/ coincidental:

1. Why has the show not been cancelled or bookers contacted? Surely this would be the first course of action

2. Why is L still advertising it on her feed and why are tickets still for sale. And why did they call it ItGalz: ON THE EDGE?

3. Why the night of J’s big announcement is L surrounded by both of her sisters for a cosy night in alone, looks very timely (maybe to have support while messages of love for Jenny flow in)

4. The reaction of their closest friends. This one may seem silly but... their closest have either made light hearted comments (Balding being the next itgal question) or allude that there is something coming (see J’s posts comments). We can naturally assume that their friends would be informed on what’s really going on

Lol maybe it’s just the conspiracist in me or I don’t want to let go of the pod drama but I’m still thinking it seems staged, considering everything about it is sooo vague (the legal shit doesn’t excuse ALL of the vagueness!)
I think when there is an official update on the live show I will face the music but until then have my tin foil hat on 😅
LOL QAnon would be so proud girl!
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Boss girl can’t be her own boss girl just by removing the business partners name off a website. 😂
History always repeats and has happened again and again through the years;
Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory founded by Adolf and Rudolf Dassler. They had a huge fall out but Rudolf didn’t decide just to ignore his brother and keep the company. They had to split and start again. Adolf founded Adidas, Rudolf founded Puma.

It Galz is dead as a brand. They need to go their separate ways and start with new ventures.
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I’m censoring her user and face. You can see his profile in the screenshot of the recording there. She says “this photographer guy has been asking to do shoots with me for a while and I was like ok ok but I’ve always been busy, I have work and stuff. I was about to reply to him there and this morning I put up like my body on my story and he goes where can I see your uncensored nudes? So that’s what I’d be dealing with if I went to the photo shoot” Then she says she’s naming and shaming him and asks ppl to block and report him. She shared it on her priv stories so it obvs didn’t make it to Twitter


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I dont where people get the unfollow thing from. Claire is still following both L and J. also, J was still following L only up untiul yesterday or the day before. She is still following her sister Sarah.
Checking who follows who on insta is very glitchy. I never take any notice
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I can't believe Lindsay with the whole repeal thing. She even had a highlight on her IG stories a song all about repeal If anyone remembers? From what I remember it was the night before the vote. Doesn't make sense to me.
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I think Jenny’s announcement was appropriate and her behaviour during the bust-up shows real sadness at the situation. Same can’t be said for Lindsay, gung-ho with doing the podcast alone, and even her story showing her partying this evening right after Jenny’s post. Seems like a big fuck you to Jenny the whole thing.
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I reckon she has a cease and desist letter there and is panicking now. Whatever happened must have been massive. And from jennys silence I bet she was the one on the receiving end of something nasty.
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I’m in two minds about staying subbed, half of me is like “why should I give my money?” And then the other half of me is like “its only a fiver, stay for the tea” 🤣🤣
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Moral of the story is:

They had a falling out un-related to the pod that must have been so unforgivable on J's part that she was willing to walk away from a large monthly income when she has a wedding & a house to save for as well as rent to pay. This eludes to the fact that it is something L did (or had been doing over the past months) that caused the friendship to breakdown. Also, the fact J is remaining silent while L is blubbering on the pod and SM etc speaks volumes. L with the victim complex as per
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Chatty Member
This is sooooo confusing… so did Lindsay lock Jenny out and managed to get it flagged on patreon with all her changes? So patreon contacted Jenny and she locked Lindsay out of it??
I take it that L updated the account using a different email than the one that created it. J still had access to the original email linked to the account so Patreon treated L's activity like a hack. Ha.
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It’s insane the level of brainwashing with their die hards... it could be that maybe they don’t have many friends outside of the xgalz community in which case they really cling to it? Which makes a bit of sense. Or they’re just obsessed with them. But strange, I don’t think there’s even a celebrity I would just send money to for nothing 😂
You’ve hit the nail on the head with modern society. Humans are somewhat social animals and will flock towards something that gives them meaning and validation. Parasocial behaviours then develop where the listener/viewer feel a deep bond with their chosen personality. This can lead to obsession and lack of critical thinking. Your personality aligns and next thing you know you feel like you are a boss bitch. On a macro level this gives rise to Trumpism, or anti-vaxx movement. People on the fringes now have something to belong to where before they were isolated. It steamrolls to become a larger movement as it sucks in more people like a vortex. Even though people on the outside can rationally or feel something is off when you are on the inside it seems totally normal. Paying a 6-month sub for something that you can feel community with is not stretching it for that person.
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Feels a bit rich saying 'From a membership point of view, Xgals will continue from July' which basically reads like
'We have come to the agreement the day before the next billing period is due that we will still be taking our full July salary so no more of you cancel before then' Which is V handy for them both, especially when they're coming off a month of giving the Xgalz basically nothing for June and the Xgalz putting up with it. What does "from a membership point of view" mean in return for the subs exactly? What content can they expect for July? I think it'd just be more respectful to pause subs until they sort stuff out, personally.

Maybe some of the diehard XGalz can accept paying for another month of vague promises, but not me. I am personally cancelling that shizz.
It may only be €5 + VAT but it's the principal.

EDIT TO ADD: Jenny removed "co-host" from her bio on insta
Tbh the whole “it’s only €5 a month” thing everyone has been throwing around is also a bit dull... €5 for one person but collectively it is quite a substantial amount of money for a deteriorating product

I think the "sure it's only a few euro" mentality has made them quite rich. Take your hard-earned money and spend in on yourself, put it to a charity or fund deserving creators
Exactly!! Haha “it’s only a pint!” A whole lotta pints for €12k 😅
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Just to be clear, J wasn't lead down a stray path, she's an extremely astute business person and was mates with L prior to the pod. Prior to starting the pod they'd fallen out and didn't speak for a number of years. J knew that L being explosive is entertaining and was happy to build a career around packaging that for the consumption of others. Everyone gives J a considerable amount of sympathy here for professionally handling the situation, but consider that the product they were selling was L's life and what that means.

L's clearly a vulnerable person with a massive audience. Her life and all its ups and downs are broadcast in a very public way while J's are not. J could quietly disappear and take up another career, L's career is sharing her entire life online. She is fully locked in to doing this and will never have a normal job, even if she wanted to. Sure she didn't have the same financial difficulties other single mothers have, but she's had an extremely emotionally difficult life. She's grown up in a super strict born again cult. She was basically forced into an arranged marriage at 19 to a shithead who didn't want anything to do with his son. She was robbed of a normal adolescence and adulthood, and her own agency. Despite it all she's come out being able to make light of this and tell her story in a funny and compelling way. Sure J handled all the mechanics of running the podcast, but Itgalz is intrinsically about L's life. It's her ups and downs that's the heart of the show. So it makes sense for L to buy J out and continue it on.
I don't disagree with any of this. I would say that Lindsay has never 'come out' of her trauma - she's just masked it with humour and to a degree used it for content/money. I remember messaging her once saying about how much therapy had helped me with my own emotionally difficult and religious childhood/parents and she was polite in her response but said it wasn't for her. Lindsay frustrates me and I go through cycles of liking her, being appalled by her, feeling bad for her, admiring her, thinking she's a knob etc etc. But I do have this underlying worry about her that she really needs to get professional help making sense of the shit she's been through for her sake but especially the sake of her kids. It is manifesting itself in bizarrely conservative and misogynistic views and shitty unstable relationships, none of which are going to be good for her kids. Facing it is hard, but would be the best thing she could do IMO.
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Chatty Member
Just finished reading this thread and another one is about to start ha…

As an It Galz listener and former X Galz subscriber I felt really sad after reading Jenny’s post confirming the news. Seeing it in black and white seemed so final to me. I was glad though that J finally ‘broke her silence’ and thought it was a well written statement. I don’t think any of us could take the waiting here any longer lol.

Though I have to say from reading this thread the amount of times people saying that it was a publicity stunt as well as people still speculating that someone posting is Lindsay or every third person is L’s sister (those who are even a smidge positive to L) is beyond annoying! It derails the thread. The new Tattle theory for the fallout would obviously be explosive if true but again it is one of many reasons.

I have to say I do feel very sorry for L, judging by her posts on Patreon/Discord she is really scrambling to make things work and she must be so, so anxious. There’s no textbook response to this awful situation so I personally don’t blame her for saying she isn’t in the wrong and she will speak about it in time. IF J has f**cked her over then of course you’d feel really resentful if J is seen as getting all the sympathy. So she must have felt she had to back herself since now even subscribers are being harsh.

A lot of people here seem married to the idea that L is in the wrong but when you take a step back…if L was the one to F Jenny over why would Jenny become so passive and not be the one to take over the brand. To me it just doesn't add up if L did something unforgivable. I wouldn’t want to be on the bad side of either of the girls though - I’d imagine J to be incredibly stubborn and L to be tough.

Nice to see J enjoy her new hike life - it would have been nice for her to afford the same view on the podcast when she very harsly judged anyone doing commercial or anything that didn’t fit within her ‘cool, indie’ aesthetic. She is the girl who would sneer and snigger at you wearing crocs in 2020 but happily wear them in 2021 yet claiming to have worn them in 2017 🤣
To me, the reason Jenny has been passive and let Lindsay take over is because she could see the podcast was dying anyway, and she has way more options. I think she probably weighed up if it was worth staying and putting up with Lindsay, or taking it over alone and realised it wasn’t
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You will get horrible comments on every thread

But mostly it's lighthearted.

If you think the fbg thread is vicious... don't read it... its as simple as that. You are on a gossip site... unfortunately there will always be stuff said that you don't agree with...
You can report me all you like. But I’d ask you to refrain from commenting about other posters on the FBG thread. If you have something you need to say we are here

Mod edit:
Hi all, let’s move on now. A reminder to all posters to not trash other threads, and also not to moderate others.
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You have a great memory, i had forgotten that and it was only 6 months ago! Fully behind this theory!
I have a great memory but only with useless stuff like petty influencer drama 😂

If anyone wants receipts of this, I can't find the first It Galz thread where it was posted, however, if you listen back to the X Galz ep where Jenny discusses her engagement, Jenny says that at 10pm on Christmas Eve, someone posted on Tattle saying "rumour has it Evan popped the question today" and Lindsay was like "I would loveee to know how they found out" and then later says that it was probably just a fluke or someone saw her bopping around with the ring. Jenny also says that a friend of theirs spotted Jenny in the Shelbourne with the ring on her so it also could've been her but my money is on Lindsay.

Btw I genuinely was a fan of the pod and that's why I'm subbed to X Galz - since its all gone to shit I'm team Jenny all the way and I did feel particularly bad for her when her engagement news got leaked.
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If L wanted to absolutely rake it in and make an all time high of income, she could do a XXXGalz explaining what went wrong in the friendship. Not even the full details of the fight but just some information on how their friendship broke down. A lot would forget to unsubscribe or go down a tier and that would leave her with a decent income for Atleast one month

Nice to see J away with Ev & Roz
Her and L live such different lives
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