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I’ve read over the old threads and it’s been alluded to loads and referenced but never actually clarified, apparently L’s childhood “did a number on her” and something about the parents being mad religious weirdos and that messed her up, but then I’ve also read they mostly mind her kids and her son was moved in with them for a while? What has she actually said about her childhood that is the blame for this pattern of behaviour including the weird ads screaming meltdown today which was bizarre for a woman almost 40
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Chatty Member
Look, maybe I'm missing something here.... but like who actually cares???
Does she actually think the Sunday Independent are gonna publish a big piece on her and hire her for "outing" someone who posts on a gossip site ???
The guards are right on it.

Did she actually post anything? Or is this some sort of multiple week tease about something that only about 100 people would understand?
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She thinks she was the prettier one, she's thin but not pretty, likewise she's not ugly like but she's just an average looking woman and she knows it, hence the legs etc always on show, to showcase her thinness 🤷
Exactly! She's not pretty at all which is why it's always tits and legs out. Girls who are pretty don't need to do that. And she's skinny in a flabby sort of way, it that makes sense?! It's from eating very little. It's clear that she does no exercise, she's not toned at all.
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VIP Member
Be careful admitting this on here, I doubt she is getting massive amounts of new Patreon subscribers daily, she probably has a list of Tattle usernames that she will use the details to signed up with to cross reference you based on your email/mobile/name used on Patreon.


On a side note, I think they were bluffing when they mentioned an IT boyfriend breaking through a firewall. I think they just used the info already available to them to find out who IQ is, if they really did manage to do that.
You really can do a lot in terms of finding people’s online presence once you have access to someone’s mobile, email, name and time to search.


A more general question for you all, but when I signed up for Tattle, it asked me to create a throwaway email with the word ‘tattle’ in it. Is that just a new measure? Did you previously have to use your own email to sign up? They’re clearly trying to protect their users if this is a new measure for signing up.
I dont remember having to do this tbh?
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Like other people said I think it could be all fake but if it's not how can those lippys think her behaviour is normal or cool? I wonder what her sisters think of her bullshit.
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Am I the only one calling bullshit on this? Lindsey teased this podcast weeks back and IQ was posting on here totally oblivious. Personally I think it's bullshit, if she's on the phone to someone it's one of her lil lippys playing along. I'm just not believing it. Nothing on here either giving much detail it's all very suss. Pathetic really regardless.
Yeah look your theory could very well be true. I wouldn't put it past her.
But, if one of us has been treated like that by her I'm absolutely fuming 😤
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She was too busy last night on some other rando wannabes live screeching away.

apparently L slept with Casper on kneevo’s sofa 🤷
What I don't get is why Kneevo be bothered if Casper was with Lindsey? Anyone believe the Elmo/ellie kelly/casper rumour that they claimed other night on a live?
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It was called “it’s about to go down” but they just slagged kneevos arse being botched, Casper hadn’t her since before Elmo was as with Kneevo, they referenced tattle and Elmo and laughed. Some arsehole called kinggaffo joined their live asking why they couldn’t all be mates and it turned into a competition of who rode who etc. Ross let some mad fuck called Darren o Driscoll join at request of king gaffo, he joined in the pitch black and screamed at them to shut the fuck up like a tinker, Ross and him screamed and roared about 20/30 seconds then he was booted then 2 mins later it ended abruptly and nothing else. Oh and apparently Casper Walsh has an average penis not a small one 🤷🏼‍♀️ it was pathetic really.

oh and Lindsay said Erin lally or else kneevo “looked like traveller” and someone called that out in the comments but the pair of them ignored it. And they called out Miriam Mullins for watching the live too and that she makes content aimed at 13-17 year olds apparently but promotes or shouts out spicy content creators (I think they’re referencing Kneevo) and Lindsay naming names of “fans” messaging her sister saying they’re concerned for her behaviour lately, she got fiesty over that so in denial she looks unhinged even to people that support her
Both Darren and the King Gaffo lad were calling L. ugly and commented on her age, eyebrows and nails. The Darren lad really jumped straight on her about being ugly before Ross cut him off. I felt a bit sorry for her as the lads were cruel to her face.
L. told the King Fella he needed botox for his 11 lines and L. said she certainly wasn't ugly everyone tells her how pretty she is and she has a better body that girls half her age.
Ross just kept whinging in the background about how he is struggling to process being allegedly groomed online the last few years, same shit, different night.
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VIP Member
Ross needs to give up the internet for a while.
He is loving this attention and it’s not right. On Wednesday he posted that he was taking some time away from social media.
Then yesterday posts a question box and the only two questions he answered are about Miriam & Kneevo. He is loving all this attention and cannot see or chooses not to see that L is also exploiting him.
They’ve said all that needs to be said on the matter. L dragging people half her age is cringe.
Erin Lilly is a melt, but what has she got to do with this.


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In case there’s any merit to any of this, be mindful that doxxing is not illegal in Ireland but you will 100% have her on data protection, harassment, incitement to hatred, conspiracy to commit a violent offence and other charges. Her Patreon is still considered a public platform, even if behind a paywall. If she doxxes you, go to the Gardaí, get a Pulse number and go get a pro-bono solicitor. It will be a cut and dry case.
There’s a name given too of the person who did the “sleuthing” so that person could easily be done for slander too should the doxx anyone and falsely accuse - the name from the podcast title you’ll find her in L’s followers once you look 🤮
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I got up at 5am

VIP Member
Money must be very tight. Between this getting people to pay to hang out with you and her constant Tik Tok lives - she must be desperate for the dollars.

Ross told her on one of the lives that he can make a couple of hundred a week off lives. She got 10k likes one night and I think that she can cash in on that somehow hence all the drama to get people watching. What a sad existence-get a job.
Please don’t tell me she takes gifts from people on tik tok? An Irish woman took her own life because she got into debt doing that. Jesus
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