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VIP Member
I still struggle to see why it's being debated and avoided to call what's happening a genocide.

The message to Gazan Palestinians seems pretty clear, either find a way to leave Gaza or die there. The message to the rest of the world has been "well you can take Gazan refugees in." So again, either they leave or they die in Gaza.

The enclave isn't being allowed enough food or water. It's not being allowed fuel. Its medical resources are all being removed to ensure the badly wounded must be taken to Egypt or left to die. There is no hygiene possible with sewage issues, and corpses in the streets.
Those who aren't bombed or shot will starve, die of dehydration, or succumb to wounds or sickness.

The world sees this, and debates whether it can be called a genocide because "the intention is to target Hamas."
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USA - “trust me bro”
Iraq war springs to mind
I was at university when the marches against the Iraq war took place. I went along with one of my flatmates and I'm proud I did that even though we didn't manage to stop the invasion of Iraq. Another flatmate had friends round when we were leaving for the march and I suggested they come too. I will never forget that one of them said to me "I trust the government's decision as they have all the facts and they know better than we do".

Honestly as messed up as it is I thank my lucky stars I grew up through the troubles in NI and I know exactly how much faith to put in the official government position (clue - it ranges from vanishingly little to none)

Sorry for the little me rail there.
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
Tell me politicians are bought and paid for without telling me politicians are bought and paid for.
How much have they paid them for the green light to Genocide how much does a few thousand kids lives cost these days ? What a bunch of losers none of them have the guts to say it as it is.
When Putin and Macron sound more humane and responsible then you know we are lost.
There’s a well known quote in Ireland, “it’s not those who can inflict the most but those who can endure the most that will prevail”. That’s the only bit of hope I have left at this point.
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Chatty Member
I know it will have no impact on the outcome, but it still gives me some hope that this many can turn out on a Wednesday evening. I do worry that the longer this goes on, people will stop turning up or shouting up.

ETA the motion for a ceasefire has been defeated. We’re ruled by absolute tw@ts.

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Israel is doubling down on this. I feel like they’re laying the seeds of further escalation. I dread to think what.

What an incredible pile of horse shit. The Israeli government is literally two steps away from claiming Hamas has dragons and has summoned Djin to curse them
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Chatty Member
I think it's the tactic in the playbook whereby they 'ridicule the messenger to make them, and therefore the message, look less credible'

Is this that thing people do when they think that attempting to ridicule someone will cause the other person to abandon their morals rather than be laughed at by someone who imagines their personal approval to be more important than genocide?
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I completely agree with any religious state being problematic, but my point is that people seem dead set against the Jewish people having a Jewish state, but not against Muslim people having (several) muslim states (where, btw, there are multiple human rights atrocities committed daily). Omid Djalili is particularly eloquent on this IMO.
You are talking as if Muslim people have been allowed to have their own states like it’s up to some other authority to decide that for them
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I always advise dickheads posting blatant Islamophobia to replace the word Muslim with Jew and tell me what it comes across as
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VIP Member
That was boots on the ground. Tens of thousands of UK boots on the ground.
That was about the UK Government scampering to the dog whistle of the US’ “war on terror” lies and deception. I marched on that for the sake of the people of the region and about our government playing submissive to a crank US warmonger! No boots on the ground for me. But maybe it was for some who had family in the military who would be sent off to fight. Maybe many of the people who are now marching see that the behaviour of Israel will lead to much wider violence in that region and that their loved ones will be condemned to fight in an unnecessary war that they don’t agree with.

I think its odd that you struggle to understand why hundreds of thousands of people find violent vengeance against innocent civilians abhorrent.
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One figure that should be questioned, time and again, is the 1400 1200 civilians Hamas killed on 7/10.

The names of the dead have now been released and 3/4 of the 1200 are military, that makes 400 civilians killed. However, it has been established by Israeli eyewitnesses both in the kibbutz and at the rave, that Israeli soldiers were firing indiscriminately at Israeli citizens. It has also been suggested by Israeli sources, not sure if it’s been 💯 verified, that the Israeli Apache Helicopter pilots were unable to identify Hamas fighters, from Palestinian looters and Israeli civilians, but despite the confusion, twenty-eight Israeli combat helicopters fired all of the ammunition they were holding, including hundreds of 30 mm cannon shells and Hellfire missiles, during the day 😳
Their main mission definitely seems to be to just get Hamas. Unfortunately doesn't seem much hope for the hostages now.
Really? 60 Hamas killed by their own counting so far, over 11,000 civilians killed, I think it’s quite clear that their main mission definitely seems to be to just genocide. As previously stated they had no intention of saving hostages, from the get go the Israeli Government made it clear they didn’t give a shit about the hostages, there was never any hope for the hostages if it was left to their own Government.
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I'm sorry for sharing this tweet but I feel compelled to

Whoever was saying about words from here getting under your skin, I get it - I still feel incandescent with rage when I remember the posters on earlier threads arguing that Israel was carrying out humane airstrikes.

Strangely they've all slunk off never to return. Can't think why.
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Chatty Member
Sorry but yet again this kind of post exemplifies the fact that when Jewish people are racially abused, they aren't believed. Not "proper" racism.

Notwithstanding the Israeli government and all its problems, I don't see what is actually wrong with the principle behind Zionism which is that the Jewish people should have a Jewish state. There are, after all, several Muslim countries.
You might have a different opinion if they decided that they wanted your house as part of their state. They were granted their own state. They decided that they wanted more. The Palestinians have a right to their own state too. The problem is getting everyone to agree to the boundaries.
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Wee Nora

VIP Member
Peace is a choice.

Releasing the hostages is a choice

it is THAT simple.
Do you think Israel is flattening Gaza because they care about hostages? Do you think they’ll stop if the hostages were released today? I agree the hostages should be released right away but it won’t make one iota of difference to Israel’s plans for Gaza. I’ll post this article as I know some people only trust Western News. Thousands of Palestinians murdered by Israel before Oct 7th, there were no hostages then and it didn’t matter so what’s the difference now?

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Chatty Member
It can only succeed if it destroys the entire population
Well that’s their goal is it not?

Not Israeli soldiers throwing around empty boxes with supposed ‘medical aid’ in for the hospital they’ve stopped from running, where most of the people who need it are already dead.
Of course you want it to carry on, it’s all a game to you. Just another cosplaying Jane with a keffiya and a flag. SMDH. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🙄
Are you seriously trying to act like you’re the humane one?
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I have been thinking about something and I may be off but I’m gonna share it anyways for opinion.
When the west conquered Iraq for oil they did so under the guise of WMD but we all know they wanted that lovely oil and Saddam wasn’t easy to deal with or manipulate so what did they do ? They reframed their objective to regime change and they installed a much weaker puppet Government.
Fast forward to Gaza that has a fortune in natural resources under their toes and offshore but again they cannot deal with Hamas and openly do business with terrorists they are similarly blocked by the Palestinians who are a besieged population and the world has a lot of sympathy for them.
What do do what to do well they could stick to what they’ve always done aka to further demonise the group and then remove them and replace them with a puppet Government in its place one that’s easily manipulated so they essentially have full control of any decisions made and so they can benefit from the profits. Alternatively Israel could force a second Nakba and take it all and edge the west out completely, but America supports Israel primarily for its own benefit so how would that play out and this is why I believe there are two opposing narratives coming out because they seem to have two separate goals. This would explain why America is allowing itself to be complicit in this Genocide but if they get no benefit in the end how would that go down ?
Gas/Oil isn’t the goal. The goal is simply to have all the Palestinian land, that’s always been their goal. They don’t want those pesky Arabs on “their” land, they want the entire piece of land that is currently occupied by Israel to be called Israel, no occupied West Bank, no Gaza, just one big Israel. Nothing stopping them ethically cleansing an entire nation for 75 years, nothing stopping them paying people to leave their country and permanently settle by brutally forcing Palestinians off their land, nothing stopping them arresting and detaining thousands of innocent Palestinians, nothing stopping them building illegal walls and cages, nothing stopping them abusing and torturing Palestinians, nothing stopping them implementing an apartheid regime on the occupied citizens. It’s not just that nothing is stopping them, no amount of sanctions, warnings, directives, condemnation has made the slightest difference to their brutality, it’s the fact they are backed financially and politically by the US who waves them on with total support. If they wanted Palestinian oil/gas, they’d just take it, who’s gonna stop them? This is about making the entirety of the Palestinian land Israel.
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