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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Sorry I"m really not understanding. Report to who, the mum? He has a cut on the front of his head, the bandage isn't a prop.
Report maybe isn’t the word I am looking for. Clumsy terminology on my part but what I am meaning is why make things look worse. The bandage would have probably been better served on his arms, I couldn’t see a head cut but I don’t know how to slow videos down so I may have missed it to be fair but it just seems odd if someone did have a head injury that some random would take your bandage off?
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Between this and Saudi buying up influence over our politics I'm just done with it all. Also Qatar got away with killing thousands of construction workers through negligence because of the world cup. Everything is for sale.
Not really surprising when his wife ,kids and her family are deeply involved the Jewish faith ,there’s bound to be business people part of their church that would jump at the chance to back the next PM…Boris was propped up by the Russians ignoring threats to national security.
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I don’t mean to sound gory or offend anyone but I showed the footage to a family member and he is an A&E doctor and he said that it’s weird that there isn’t blood anywhere else especially if the patient has been travelling injured you’d expect a lot of blood on the legs for example and all over the clothing.
I thought yeh that’s right it wouldn’t be just in one spot like that even when you slice your finger it gets all over you let alone a wound bleeding profusely but not a mark on his shorts what do others think ?
Do you mean the man with the blue top and blue shorts being held up by other men? He looks like he’s bending over so it could be an internal wound there or he could have broken bones.
This video is a longer version of the second video and shows a man in a red shirt with a gun. So I suppose they're saying he's Hamas.
Yes I think this is what some people are saying - there is a clip with two men in dark tops and both have large guns across their bodies.
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Chatty Member
Are you serious? A few more weeks of bombs, of starvation, of trauma, of families torn apart, of the sick and elderly in hospitals unsafe, of children orphaned, of tanks detroying neighbourhoods, of point blank executions, a few more weeks of grenades, of parents carrying their dead children, of bodies lined up in streets with their heads intentionally facing away from Mecca.

There won't be a Palestinian left alive in Palestine in a few more weeks.

A few more weeks.
How are you, I or Keir Starmer going to stop it?
Exactly!!!! We don't have a "few more weeks" FFS. This is happening NOW.
No one is disputing that. What do you suggest will stop in now?
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VIP Member
What should happen after a ceasefire? Concrete steps towards a two step solution, a timeline at the very least, so the Palestinians have hope

I agree with you, but Hamas don't want a two state solution, do they? So that won't happen whilst Hamas have sway in Palestine.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
I don't see how this is a fake video? They're clearly trying to reassure the mum he's not too gravely injured - but he has obviously been involved in a strike, he has burns on his arms.
I do think the mum was genuinely worried but the head injury is clearly not an issue. Who in their right mind would take someone’s head bandage off no matter how upset your mate’s mum is? If a bandage is there and applied by a medical professional why would it be reassuring for the mates to whip it off?
he has obviously been burned by something but just report it like that, don’t make up shit that calls question into things.
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New member
BUT I also am struggling to understand (a) what a "proportionate" response to the atrocities committed on October 7 would have been;
I imagine many think a ceasefire should have been called right after October 7th attacks.
Where is the the line where a ceasefire must be called?