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Today's ✨good news✨ is that most of the premature babies who were moved from Al-Shifa to the south have been reunited with their mothers. who were apparently forced to leave ahead of their babies. Can you imagine, just giving birth to a tiny baby and having to leave them, with talk of them maybe being sent over to a hospital in Israel, in which case you may never see them again, or being just left there, cold and hungry, and you may never see them again. The IDF's cruelty is unparalleled. It really is a miracle so many got out alive when they did, but you can't help but think - what about all the premature babes born in Gaza since then? The ones being born right now?
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Chatty Member
Just on a live zoom from PCRF right now with that doctor from Gaza (specialist reconstruction surgeon (Dr. Abusittah from one of the hospitals) and there's some journo's including Guardian on it too, and they've totally run out of blood from blood banks (and i think oxygen also), but the journo wants to know about the babies in the incubator,

Also, he's saying that there are complete amputations of limbs on many child patients of the likes they've not seen before, with serrated edges, which they're seeing are from the blades of the hellfire missile. They're so scared, no one knows (including doctors) how long they've got left. It's just horrendous.
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shot in the legs
IDF MO, they did exactly this to the Palestinians at the Great March of Return demonstrations, 156 amputees after that (but over 7000 live ammunition injuries) . They are easing off on the killing atm and are going for maximum damage, pain and trauma knowing that there won’t be any healthcare facilities able to cope with the volume or complexity of the injuries. The victims who survive these horrific, life altering, injuries will have to leave Gaza for medical treatment and then won’t be able to return! I guess that will be easier for the West to ignore than a higher body count😡 Absolute savages!
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Are posters here uploading stuff from Twitter? Seriously looks like you should be uploading it to the conspiracy thread 😂
The IDF seem to consider social media, especially twitter, as a valid means of controlling their narrative. They've tweeted their every move and thought on there.

Why shouldn't twitter be a valid platform for others to tell their side?
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Chatty Member
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so appalled at western leaders in my life they’re all a bunch of losers at least Israel is honest in its hatred at least you know where you stand which is more than these other snakes in a suit.
If there’s one thing this awful war (genocide) has taught me, it’s that we cannot trust the leaders of western countries. There was a thin veil of civility before this, now I see Biden, Sunak, Macron and all the others for what they are; power hungry egomaniacs who only care about furthering their own interests and don’t give a shit about the lives of innocent people. None of them are better than the others. The exact same thing with Keir Starmer as well as literally the entirety of the UK media.
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I wonder when the Israeli genocide excusers will resurface here on this thread again with their circular arguments, false equivalences and of course their faux cries of antisemitism.

This is a genocide happening in real time, documented by all and backed by our "civilised" western governments. This is murder, this is torture, this is terrorism.

It sickens me to my core and goes against my every humane sense. I know this is wrong, I will not be gaslighted to think otherwise. I will not be frightened into staying quite.
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VIP Member
Are posters here uploading stuff from Twitter? Seriously looks like you should be uploading it to the conspiracy thread 😂
twitter is fast becoming one of the quickest and most first person ways to gain news (from both sides) given that people can immediately create and upload content from the scene, so to speak.

if you think uploading from twitter makes the whole point a conspiracy theory then i would wonder what threads you DO post on tbh. there can’t be many!
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Why don't they insist on having neutral international observers accompanying them, to verify?
They're so OBVIOUS, that's what I can't get over. They've suggested just nuking the place, they've outright said it's Nakba2023, they keep dehumanising Palestinians, they're starving them and allowing the whole people and place to get diseased, quickly, they're turning the power off in hospitals!!!! they're killing journalists and aid workers and doctors and nurses and their entire families ON THE DAILY and still people are like 'well self defence' or whatever and allowing them to get away with it. It's the sickest, sickest thing I've ever had to witness, beyond my wildest nightmares.
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Germany's funny isn't it. Imagine fully backing a modern day genocide out of guilt over having perpetrated a historic one o_O
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VIP Member
People act as though Israel are just going to stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing once the hostages are released.
And they act like this all started on October 7th. It's such transparent BS.
Peace is a choice.

Ceasefire now.

It really is that simple.
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Chatty Member
The circular logic I've seen deployed on these threads is that raising any concern about the loss of Palestinian lives equals denial of Israel's right to exist, making everyone who questions the current situation antisemitic.
Saw this meme the other day, apprently it's not just on twitter 😅
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VIP Member
Yet many of them support Hamas though. They are not all quite so innocent, are they!
Likud and Kahanists support killing all Palestinians . The excuse is 'in case they are Hamas'. This is genocide. Jews and Holocaust survivors are explicitly saying this.
Our country is supporting this.
By this token many of 'us' are not so innocent. Would this justify other countries committing war crimes against us?
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VIP Member
Is there a tag team of genocide apologists or what?

Nice pink washing attempt, but it doesn't excuse genocide, mass slaughter, and multiple other war crimes no matter how hard you try.
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Chatty Member
Peace is a choice.

Releasing the hostages is a choice

it is THAT simple.
Netanyahu is choosing to kill innocent civilians that is a choice. On what planet does dropping bombs and shooting innocent people make the hostages safer. If the hostages were released (those still alive) do you honestly think the the IDF will stop the slaughter? These are choices. It is that simple.
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Jews aren't unwelcome at all.

Sorry that you can't deal with people disagreeing with you and asking you to provide evidence for your claims.

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Chatty Member
TBH I can see why posters might disappear quickly because some of these posts, if you're Jewish, are psychologically very damaging. But as usual Jews are asked to prove that something is anti-Semitic in a way that no other ethnic minority group is asked to prove something is racist.
Why are you lumping together Hamas and the normal Palestinians? Smacks of Islamophobia.
A poster earlier suggested that Jewish people had to work harder to prove antisemitism than other racial minorities have to about hate aimed at them. This presents the other side of the coin.

And why do some people assume that only “lefties” are concerned with peace and the ending of violence visited on innocents? Are we to assume that everyone else really doesn’t care?
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For those of you who still think this is a justified response. For those of you who are nieve enough to believe this is about Hamas:

These babies are not Hamas.
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