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Old Soak

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tbh they filed 5 days after the incident, not heat of the moment as such.

The thing is by declining you defacto take Ioan's side. By testifying you can at least make a factual neutral statement. Not saying that father would, but I dont think that Alice can scheme/prepare statements for him like she probably will do for Gloria.

In fact witnesses are not always a good thing, especially when it's not an actual eyewitness. The other side is allowed to cross-exam them. So the friends father could in theory backfire on them to an extent depending on how honest he is.

I dont know tbh. But I refered to stuff she did in 2021 where she was definitely paid by him.
Yeah I mentioned a couple posts up about cross exam. Most people do not want to be witnesses. It’s not a light undertaking. And Dennis probably has far more insight to Elsie’s home life than even we do so knows what a piece of shit Alice is and the shit that Ella and Alice put Elsie through. Unless that’s his angle. To be cross examined under oath knowing it will benefit Ioan’s and therefore the girls, side.
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The judge on this custody case needs to be sharp I think, to see though Alice’s victim mentality. Having Anne K will either be a blessing or a curse, the judge will respect her she’s well known but if she goes too hard on Alice, it could backfire. I do find it all fascinating to know how it turns out. I still doubt anyone is going to take the kids off Alice even though it’s plain as day they are suffering horribly.
I doubt he needs to be that sharp. The documents filed really speak for themselves, as Alice flat out said what she planned to do and then followed through on it. I am sure that LA family judges have seen it all. And frankly, going hard on someone in court is not out of the ordinary. She’s no wilting flower, and this is a court case. Anne will do what needs to be done and I doubt any judge will think it’s extreme.
That's me and all the women in our family. 😂 And we all sound exactly alike! It drives the men insane at family gatherings!
The men 👇🏻View attachment 2242976
I think we’re related.
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Oh, Lord. The emblem on her hoo-ha. The half-zipped elf booties. The Bea Arthur neck concealer... Well, it's a look.
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In what universe would Ioan create a sock account to engage with cunt ex wife on Twitter.
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They hate Tattle so much yet read here every single day. Bonkers.
How else did Alice know she’d breached the DVRO. Arsehole.
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Can I just say, Ella is 13. A lot of kids, her included, can look a bit awkward at this age. She will grow into her features! Mind you, she's definitely NOT adopted, is she?! She's very, very Evans but in some shots also very Gruffud.

It's very irresponsible of Alice to thrust her into the media at this age, especially over such contentious issues.
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What are the odds that almost all accounts Alice engages with go dark at the same time.

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I just worry it’s wishful thinking and in reality a judge is going to be faced with poor old Alice who is sad with 2 sad children and try to tell them all to work things out for the best of everyone in 50/50 custody. Which we all know will not work. Unless someone does stop her properly and there is a severe consequence, this will never end. She will continue abusing them on SM, she will carry on abusing the kids minds.

She hasn’t been on the back foot this entire time, she’s got everything she wanted apart from to split Ioan and B up. She got to live in the house for free for 2 years, with Ioan paying everything. She got to keep her nanny, she got an expensive home in BH, she still has no job. She ultimately poisoned the kids. I know I sound defeated but she hasn’t been held to account in many ways she’s had all the things she set out to do apart from her one last ultimate goal of ruining I and B’s relationship (and I am sure she still thinks this is likely). I know she still ultimately has a terrible and shit self inflicted life and no home she owns but she’s still hoping for child support to get her through the next 8 years then expecting to sell her juicy (self created) story to a publisher (tbh someone would buy this, even if for less than she expects)

I just feel like she is winning in some ways and nothing changes!
I worry about this too plinky. I hope and pray all those mentioning CPS and that Alice has screwed herself finally with this RO stunt are right, but she's gotten away with so much that I fear she's going to slippery slide her way out of this one too and the children will be permanently stuck with her. ❤ (The heart's for you btw and all of us Tattlers crossing everything hoping Alice faces the law and the law fucking decimates her this time!)
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Ally Pally

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I've not been on here for ages, I can't believe Alice is even worse now. It's been two years :eek:, she could have done something productive in that time. At this rate, my kids will become grown ups and she'll still be at it. It's very sad to see what she is doing to Ella. I can't believe she's spent the last few years fighting on Twitter, what a waste of time.
It'll be three years come August that Ioan told Alice he no longer loved her and began discussing separation.
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I think she was spoilt - like Ella is now. I am uncomfortable with assuming AE was abused as as far as I'm concerned her behaviour doesn't get a pass. She is a faux victim and an abuser. End of. MOO
Are you my soc @Bridgeofsighs ? Alice is an only daughter. Two brothers. Both parents worked. Well educated parents.

Out of 4 children in my family - the one very spoiled golden girl is the one who acts like Alice. None of the rest of us.

I had a very wise psychiatrist tell me once (as I was working through family issues and excusing my sister because my Mom always said "but she was needier than the rest of you!") that children are born endlessly needy. They are children. Telling them no is what parenting is.

I don't think Alice was ever told "no." Or her oldest child. Does it create mental health issues later in life? Sure. But that is not ever an excuse for abusive behavior.
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So the MC sock has at least 20 tweets to remove if she wants access to it again according to the Twitter updates.
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Just watched ABs latest video, she fucking nailed it!

And called out Bogoff too 🤣

I've seen a few docos where the innocence project have gotten convictions overturned.
I watched a series on about a girl that remembered her dad had killed her friend back in the 80s and Dr Loftus spoke in that doco about fake memories etc.
Malice is going to explode when she sees this video, I'll get my 🍿
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Chatty Member
I feel the same as you Plinky. She’s been given a get out of jail free card SO many times. I feel she’s been more of an over-all winner in all this than Ioan has. Not getting my hopes up for this next round. ☹
She has but every time she gets away with something she goes quiet then comes back more brazen. What I can promise is she will not stop until she's made to stop and that time will come.
DD: You know Alice could actually read this? You are disgusting Have you not read about the woman who killed herself in April because the ex and his lawyers took everything from her, including her kids?

I think AE has told the kids she will off herself if she loses custody. They won't know she's lying. Abusive cunt.

DD: When Ioan goes to Whales will he take #BiancaWallace to meet the ugly sister who looks exactly like Bianca but fat and 20 years older? Incest not my thing either

A kid is dissing their aunt just like their mum did here. :sick:

DD: What this? LMFAO! Chin chin unties grandpa for his birthday"

If Ioan is 'grandpa' then what is Alice who is 5 years older??

DD: God you are disgusting. absolutely fucking vile. you smell just like #biancawallace

Schoolyard taunt. A kid is using this sock currently.

DD: @ioangruffud left an ABUSIVE MARRIAGE OK? he hated his wife for 18 years! you suckers aren't listening to me she tied him up and he didn't want kids anyway. so there. why should he keep them if he didn't want them? #biancawallace supermodel

A kid has swallowed the narrative that IG doesn't want his kids as he left AE.

DD: No. You don't get to say shizz like this ok? I know you're showing off for your Famous Couple hoping they'll pick you, but there are limits. Shut the fuck up about kids.

Does that include Bogoff and mAlice?

DD: Hey John, just so you know. There is a police investigation into the harm that was caused to your daughter by your steroid-infused gf. I've seen the - a - the images let's say. It doesn't look good. Turn yourselves in while you still can.

The bruise Loopy posted? Diddums. IMO the recording will just be Ella tantruming and being told to stop. It won't help her cause.

DD: Here's the shizzle, John. WE DON'T LIKE BIANCA WALLACE. how does that sit with you? because our entire outfit here is because we fuckign hate her for the pain she has caused to so so SO many people. She and her chin can rot in hell and we will celebrate. make sense?

The bulk of the pain was entirely caused by Mommie Dearest acting like a loon. You will see that when you grow up.

DD: He's butthead. Bianca is vag-face

Nice. 'Butthead' pays your bills.

DD: no you're both absolutely right. I am imitating a cunt. can't get fairer than that. cunt wants to find out my name? cunt gives their name sry for language

Don't use it then.

DD: They're so involved! And they appear to have orders. One of them is "ioan and Bianca left twitter in 2022" Over and over and over. Sure! We believe you

Ioan and Bianca have a life and IG has a job. They don't have time for socks.

It seems that there is mother daughter bonding going on via socks. "Tone" is Alice and the eldest seems to be on both the DD and MC accounts.
Taking the piss out of her Bianca's sisters weight is hilarious when Alice has the worst case of CHUNT I have ever seen (CHUNT - when your chin morphs into your tits which morphs into your gut which morphs into your cunt and becomes 1 mass of fat)
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I do not think for one second the Hauck family were even aware that Dennis’ name was put down as a witness. Maybe now that there have been headlines but at the time, no way. And if they know now, I don’t think they are happy or willing.
tbh you wouldnt write this if they wouldnt agree.

it's quite easy to be a witness in that circumstances, because he cant really say anything that would impact the case in either direction given that eyewitnesses were actually present. Ultimately he and Gloria will only function as witnesses to confirm that the kids actually were at the apartment and asked to leave because otherwise Ioan could in theory deny even the location where it occured. He (unlike Gloria) can also testify any dynamic between Ella and Ioan when he arrived perhaps (this will actually be interesting considering that they called the police only the next day, and seemingly pushed by Alice)

It's more surprising that Gloria wants to testify, especially given that from what it appears her testimony will not be even pretty relevant. She better hope that Alice will never get tired of her because nannies that testify against a current or former employer in Hollywood tend to be hard to employ, and she has shown rather unprofessional behavior in this case before by disobeying the one who was paying her.
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Sometimes I really worry about what Malice might do. But then I remember that she’s basically a raging, lazy coward.
She is a lazy good for fck all coward .. hadnt the balls to turn up in court, hadn't the balls to confront B so sent her young daughter to do it .

MAlice Evans and her bro with an army of socks. The original keyboard warriors !

Tell us more MAlice, how busy and eventful your life is 🧐
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Love the thread title :love:

I want Alice to have some consequence for her actions but I don't want the children impacted. It's a dilemma.
They are already impacted. The sooner they are removed from her the better. Should have happened 2 years ago because now the eldest is beyond paternal control.
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