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Bride of Lupine

Chatty Member
My LA legal friend said the best possible scenario for IG and BW was for the abuser and child to go ahead with the RO hearings. They said this needed to happen so that their lawyers could then push through requests that need to be filed.

If true, this is actually excellent news. I see a series of things taking place next that I don't think some expected.

What a great post. Good idea not to specify too. Keep her in the dark. The idiot is totally without legal counsel now so she can’t prepare for what’s to come.
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Ok this is beyond my small brain, WTF does this mean in laymen's terms?
That we are born with genes that control impulsivety and emotional regulation. That these genes that make people act like Alice are hardwired in our brains. In my understanding of this. That those very genes that make a person abusive tend to make that person feel like they are the abused ones when people with impulse control and emotional regulation don't respond in a way the abuser wants them to.

PS. I'm not a psychiatrist. I've just been going to them for a longggggg time because of family members like Alice. 😁
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Even if Alice could work why would anyone employ her. She’s put it out there that she doesn’t want to work until the youngest is eighteen - ten years away.

She had no interest in acting but fell in to it luckily.

As Maggie Smith, Maureen Lipman, Judi Dench and Ian Mckellan continue to work long past retirement and clearly aren’t short of a bob a too they love their art and still want to practice their craft.

Alice was never an actress who loved her craft - just a chancer who got lucky.
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This Andrea video reminded me of what we said a few weeks ago when Loopy and Alice claimed that Ioan made up the "i will make up accusations" claims so that he can freely abuse his children (the same children he never abused before LOL). Alice pre-empted this all by herself by the things she posted/wrote/was recorded saying all herself.
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Just for the record, the auntie in ‘Whales’ isn’t fat, by any stretch of the imagination. Just another lie. What would Alice or indeed Ella know any way, not having seen their own kin for a decade. Rot away in your lonliness small yet strangely overgrown people.
I was thinking this. I remember seeing a picture of her and she’s beautiful. Alice hates her cos she’s likely close to Ioan
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Will the Rat in the Prius be your ring bearer?
As a surprise for @M33L4 I’ve arranged for the Rat to travel up the aisle in a miniature model of the Titanic while “my heart will go on” plays. Afterwards, any tattle turds who can make it will shower the happy couple with cheese strings ❤
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I bet Alice is shitting herself about what they will say and what evidence and witnesses they have that will blow her and Ellas story apart.
There was a psychologist man there. You think Bianca and Ioan called Ella those names? Come on, don’t have to be intelligent to see that lie a mile away.
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This is an adult trying to disguise themselves, and not doing a very good job of it imo.
Yep, I think you could tell which accounts were the actual teens as they just posted a few stuff on the day the socks appeared and then like typical teens, couldn’t be arsed (as they are not that invested ) to post any more other than a few likes here and there and possibly having a bit of weekend mess around with Ella? These main deranged twitter accounts are coming from one person who is unravelling more and more with each passing day, egged on by another and a brother seemingly.

It’s quite horrifying the escalation and fixation on B. I agree with @welp that they are giving the meal ticket (IG) a pass, if only he would see the errors of his ways eh! 🤯🤯🤯

I hope to God something legal wise is happening behind the scenes.
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It has always been my belief that there was something very wrong in her upbringing. You could be right. Of course this would have had an impact on her brothers too.
I think she was spoilt - like Ella is now. I am uncomfortable with assuming AE was abused as as far as I'm concerned her behaviour doesn't get a pass. She is a faux victim and an abuser. End of. MOO
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Jeez, if only sock puppetry paid the bills. Here's another Alice sock.

DD: He also 'swore' that A had belittled him and looked down on him for their entire relationship. HA! So which is it? The fawning interviews for 20 years or the sudden "Bianca has a gun at my head" switcheroo

Fawning is a fear response to being in an abusive relationship. It's fight, flight, freeze and fawn.

DD: listen, have you SEEN 'relationshit'? Bianca was right to get that thing off the net for good

Pity Alice didn't get to view it first. waagh!

DD: did Bianca call the troops off after a three year attack? now she's commit a felony against a native in a country that was nice enough to INVITE her into. who does she think she is

#deportthebogan LOL

DD: it doesn't have to make any sense it is what it is. Alice looks amazing always has. B is hideous. Awful Horrible looking! Like a rat with a big chin Just the way I see it you don't have to agree. bye now

Do they have Specsavers in LA?

DD: also what is she 29? she looks at least 45. especially the way she dresses. not looking good for the future

Someone's wel jel.

DD: Also remember this - Bianca is a rapidly aging Bogan with a LOT to prove. Poor Ella is a sweet 13yo who shouldn't be involved in this. Who until 3 years ago had a happy family; thought her father was a good man. To blame the victim here is disgraceful

WTF? I thought the 'bogan' was a young girl barely older than Ella? Now she's past it. LMAOView attachment 2241951
Seriously mAlice needs to stop with this, honestly acting like a fucking 11 year old!
She looks at least 45...shut up 🤣🤣🤣. I'm 44 and there is no way Bianca looks the same age as me! She looks her age. Also just because she doesn't dress with her bazookas out like big Al, she dresses bad...please I can't... biking shoes anyone? Trashy necklaces? Arguing coat?
Put the wine done mAlice!
"attack caused by public abuse" lmao Bianca has the diagnosis Alice so badly wants

also lmao the 3rd july date is wonderful for other reasons too, no doubt she has that in mind
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Bless that person going through the cancer, fuck cancer and fuck mAlice!
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If this is E, then she is tweeting shite at 2.45am LA time. This is what 'no boundaries' parenting looks like.

DD: Yeah. Sounds like that might have been the 'man' himself. (using that term kind of loosely)

They seem obsessed with the idea that I and B use socks. I think it's how they justify what they are doing. Also note the emasculinization of Ioan. Something Alice did. Is the daughter parroting that too?
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Even if Alice could work why would anyone employ her. She’s put it out there that she doesn’t want to work until the youngest is eighteen - ten years away.

She had no interest in acting but fell in to it luckily.

As Maggie Smith, Maureen Lipman, Judi Dench and Ian Mckellan continue to work long past retirement and clearly aren’t short of a bob a too they love their art and still want to practice their craft.

Alice was never an actress who loved her craft - just a chancer who got lucky.
Oh she wants to return to work at 65?
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So the MC account is back after having been suspended. Just absolutely spiteful and enjoying every second of it. She’s really upset she got dragged to court over an email though. Only mentions it several times a day! Showing that Alice does not understand how a DVRO works and that she thinks it’s all a big joke. I hope that the court appearance on the 23rd finds Alice et al. being disappointed! (Edited for spelling)
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