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I remember from a couple of years ago that Ella said something like “stop bringing Daddy into everything “. She also said words to the effect that “You take upon your dad”, presumably Alice’s constant whingeing about abandonment. She also asks her mother to “be a mother”. I think at this point Ella had a clearer idea of her mother’s mindset and her agenda. Why does Ella know about Alice’s estrangement from her dad? Because “victim“ Alice told her.

Two years down the line, ”home schooled” (isolated) child shows none of the former awareness of who her mother is. Two years of venom, vitriol, mindfuckery and anxiety have created this sad child who will do anything to please her mother, because Mom is all she thinks she has.

I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Alice has threatened suicide “unless the babies support me”. And her anger, lack of contro and constant drinking must be incredibly scary for the girls.

I’m not excusing Ella’s behaviour, but she has regressed so much in two years, from a child who seemed to have some awareness of who her mother is, to someone who is now her mother’s puppet.

I have never believed Ella wrote that stupid post asking for an apology after the car park incident. Just like she never called her mother a “dear 9 month hotel”.
I actually dont think that. Ella was acting up very severly already 2 years ago in Ioan's care (there was a video Alice briefly uploaded on IG, she didnt threw food, granted, but she was emasculating him pretty hard with her outburst). I think soon after the seperation with Alice's psycho games (especially the constant suicide threats that forces you to take her side) the damage was already done, and soon she was stopping seeing him. Partly because of the pressure, partly because she was probably mad that he left them alone with Alice, he was pacifying her throughout the marriage probably which kinda shielded the kids and was doing all the convenient stuff that Alice cant be arsed doing, and now Alice was even worse because he left her but without a adult being there to take over his role.

I think it's quite likely that even with her warped view Ella sees Alice for what she is (or mostly). But they are bonded over their mutual hate for Ioan. And teenagers are also opportunistic, she enjoys the fact that Alice has no structure and discipline in her life (basically being no parent, which is what she clearly demands Ioan to also be), and that she is a bit more loose with the money than Ioan is.

MC sock online now

MC: re-unification therapy. also see gay conversation therapy

Not the same thing fuckwit

MC: or maybe she just needed a good shove in the head with a door/ I hear that's how they do it in Brisbane

MC: Another bitch from tattle outs herself. bye asshole

MC: Poor, sad Andrea. yes they were denied because the judge wanted to hear more. what sort of a judge would give a TRO to a daughter against her father in about the 2 minutes they have to look over a 30 page request? I'da thought you woulda known that

I wonder did this moron patronize Marie too?
lol she compared it last year to conversion therapies too

It took me a bit to catch up (and I am not an octogenarian!). 👵

My tuppence:

I believe it was a setup from the get-go. They prepared it for a while (likely took advice from AlcaTone and Loopy).

They agreed to meet Bianca (or have perhaps met her or at least Elsie has) and have an overnight. Perhaps even suggested it. Yet secretly planning not to spend the night there.

They demanded that Iris must not be anywhere near, and Ioan agreed that Iris will not be there.

Whatever charade they had planned (likely rehearsed), Alice had hired a PI with professional equipment laying in wait near the new Durant Dr flat.
The trap was set. (Firstly, Ioan himself violating the PRO + who knows what; something really bad I believe).

Alice deliberately did not pack the leotard for Elsie's dance class to give Ella a valid excuse to demand they'd drive to Beverly Hills.

The agreement was that Ioan would pick them up from the WH police station and then drive to Elsie's dance class and after that, they'd head to his place.

However, Ioan did not behave the way they expected.

The girls did not expect to have a witness/chaperone and yet there was a psychologist.

That threw a wrench in the works and still, they tried to continue with their scheme.

So, Ella made a big issue of having to go to BH to pick up the leotard, over and over again. Ioan was smart enough not to fall into that trap.
They went to the shopping centre. Ella was antagonising all the way and throwing a tantrum.

Then, when Ioan was away, she called Mommy Dearest to inform her that they are not coming to the ambush and asked for new instructions.

Perhaps faked a panic attack, to get out of the car and away from the psychologist, perhaps really upset as their plan was foiled and she knew she now really had to go and spend the night in the WH flat and spend time with B. Perhaps blaming Elsie for agreeing to get a new leotard and not joining in when Ella threw a tantrum.

I believe that Alice herself called Elsie (poor Elsie seems to be the scapegoat and abused by both Alice and Ella), Elsie went to the bathroom and Alice upset her and made her cry (I suspect it happens often; poor sweet Elsie).

Now Alice called Ella and told her to pick up Elsie and in the bathroom (where Ioan could not follow, they discussed the new plan). She told them to go together to Ioan's place and create havoc (likely giving Ella instructions regarding milk on the bed etc); who knows what else she told them to do.
She had promised Alison Boshoff something big and she had to deliver. She had prepared for hurting Ioan and B for so long, she could not stop now.

As the PI could not go there, Alice told her to call her friends and record it all.

As the talk of child abuse had been coming and going for a long time, it may be possible, that Alice ordered her to set up Bianca.

When Ella ran out, Elsie was right behind her. So, there was no door slamming on her. However, she kept screaming "Don't touch me!" repeatedly and then "Your girlfriend slammed a door on me!" (which really did not happen as she admits Ioan saying to her) -- these fake screams were all for the benefit of the recording. (As for the bruise, she had it already or it was self-inflicted as it does not match described slamming of the door at her behind her). It was also a rather weak bruise.

This is how I imagine it happened. Alice needed the headlines, she wants to ruin Ioan and get Bianca deported no matter what. She does not care what damage she does to her daughters who are trauma-bound to her.

As for the declaration, it is not the way a 13-year would write. Alice ticked the boxes herself, under the guise of helping, and dictated the whole thing to Ella (like the car park incident letter). As Alice is messy and her brain does not work very well, she made some stupid mistakes.

And then it is as many others have posted -- she just could not wait to gloat, and she started to disseminate the information too early. Also, the article in DM came out too early (the documents were not public yet) as Alice wanted to ruin their red-carpet appearance. Big mistake -- as Andrea pointed out it makes it easier for I & B to prove yet another violation of her DVPRO.

Please, please, please, get the CPS involved, remove the girls from her, and lock her up.

And can someone alert the authorities of NZ of a grown man having private photos of an injured 13-year girl? It is not ok. If the paper trail can be created of Alice allowing this, it is yet another incident showing her as an unfit mother.

However, I'd like to read the statements by the psychologist (and hopefully by Ioan) to get the real story from their point of view. As I said, it is just my imagination of what happened.
pretty likely. I think the strongest indicator so far is the fact that Elsie had a breakdown in the dressroom. Why the hell would she have that if not for the guilt of killing the grand plan? the fact that Alice was on the call makes this even more obvious.
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He’s thanking his fucking lucky stars every bloody day that he palmed her off and no break up needed. Come on Picasso a couple of paintings for Yo to thank him I think 🤣
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People who have been brainwashed don't realize they have been brainwashed. It's part of the brainwashing. She clearly very strongly believes what she feels. the odd comment to her on Twitter isn't going to undo the brainwashing, it just makes her more defensive of her position. She believes that she hates her father and he has done terrible wrongs to them all. Undoing that is going to be very difficult.
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Whoever is behind the Twitter accounts whether it is actually Alice and E or somebody pretending to be either or both is deeply disturbed and anyone engaging with them or the account that keeps changing names is no better. That includes Uncle Tone.
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I find it quite sad that a 13 year old describes a violent tantrum or being scared/crying (like in a changing room) as a "panic attack"
A panic attack is something very different. Alice loves medicating for everything and we know she has already diagnosed the eldest with the same "I can't get out of bed" condition she has.
I hope she's not diagnosing and medicating those children.
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everytime Loopy speaks about Ioan you just need to switch out his name with Alice and then it makes sense
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I know this is off topic but medical examinations for sexual abuse are optional in the UK, I wouldn't want anyone to be put off reporting something for fear of having to go through an intimate procedure.
My children had to have examinations because my son had been abused by a family member. It was made clear by Child Protection SS that it was compulsory.

The family member got five years, sadly out after 3. The children and I had to move hundreds of miles away and start again. Son is an adult now and graduates in a few weeks.
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And to my mind, intervention is geared more to physical abuse and neglect than emotional manipulation and abuse. @KikiFromNy or @Invictus may have some insight on this.

I don’t really know what Ioan could have done differently? He literally left with only the clothes on his back. He’s followed all the rules, gotten legal advice, sought counseling and therapy for himself and his children. How do you battle the virago that is Alice?
What I saw over the year or so I was an advocate was purely physical abuse. Dirty, malnourished, unspeakable physical abuse. The goal was, unfortunately, always parent reunification. Whether parenting classes ordered, therapy ordered etc.

I can say I never saw any family who wasn't economically challenged and educationally challenged. I certainly learned all the limits of the foster care system. Hell, some of the kids were foster care kids.

The judge that handled my nieces case had asked me to volunteer as I was such a strong advocate for them. I found myself unable to do it long term as it hurt my heart so much knowing that the system is inadequate for the amount of abused children in this world. 😥
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And she wants him dead before the divorce so she can get his life insurance.
Yeah, if I was him I'd stay away from L.A. till that bifurcation happens!

A lot of Ella’s anger will be out of fear. She’s spent 2 years scared her mum is going to die (Alice even getting so drunk she can’t stand up) be homeless, be destitute so Ella is so afraid of what’s happening she’s angry. She can’t be angry at Alice, because Alice has placed herself as the victim in all this and Ella does not have permission to be angry at her. Alice actively rejects any suggestion of her own involvement in this
The psychology of this is simple in that Ella is going to be angry with everything that threatens her perceived safety with Alice, and anything that threatens Alice’s wellbeing. Ella is protecting her mother from evil Ioan at all costs. She is so enmeshed
Yes, and I feel like she knows deep down that her mother is not okay. But that's a terrifying and destabilising thought, and I can understand her anger with her father for dragging this out into the open. Because why couldn't he just carry on placating and tip-toeing and accepting the abuse? Ella has to. And now her mother doesn't have her whipping boy on hand, and everything is falling apart. I can see why she blames her father. It's not fair, but it's the situation Alice has created.
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Yeah, I've also wondered about stuff like fire doors and also just preventing the dog from bolting (because honestly, Bubba was most likely distressed)
I don't want to speak ill of a child, but in life I am suspicious of anyone who doesn't acknowledge a dog, so I definitely wouldn't trust someone who would rather go home to Abusive Evans than stay with Bubba Bear.

(This is a tongue in cheek post, folks - don't come for me)
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Is there an issue with this as he is on location? Anne Kiley will know where he is but Alice is acting pro per and I doubt Anne wants to tell her. Anne should just liaise directly with the cops so he can be served? Or is there an issue where he doesn't want to be served on set as it's embarassing? I think this bogus PRO request will work in IG's favour so it needs to go ahead.
Alice/Ella are not allowed to personally serve him. They can either mail the documents to his residence and provide proof to the court, or they can have the sheriff serve either them or Anne. It seems Ioan and Bianca were around for a week after this alleged incident, so they could easily have had it done then.

But this isn't up to Anne - so she shouldn't be liaising with anyone proactively. The onus is on them as the petitioners to serve the respondents.

I think they are bumbling their way through this and just don't know what they are doing. Ella filed a notice of civil action against Bianca but when I looked at it, all it is is saying they want a restraining order (basically). It wasn't filed with Ioan's and it isn't required when filing for a civil harassment order. So yes, I think they have no clue (even though the Cal government site has very clear instructions that walk you through what needs to be done, how and when.
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Bride of Lupine

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From Ioan’s pov I’m so very glad he has B. I’m not even sure where he’d be by now otherwise. But I’ve got to say too, if I was a relative or friend of hers I’d be wishing her out of it sooo hard. This is dangerous territory and it’s not getting any better. I REALLY hope Ioan prioritizes her safety above all else in this situation. None of this is of her doing (the bringing up without boundaries) but she’s the one at risk.
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Tbf I nearly had a panic attack at The Grove once. Fuck me, you transport a highlands lass to the epicentre of Mexican street food and expect her to know the Spanish for “ALL THE TOPPINGS PLEASE SENORITA” at the taco stall and it’s gonna cause some stress.

honestly, if you ever get to the grove, fuck off the shops and hit the tacos. You can thank me later.
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Hmmmn - somehow I doubt that somebody who didn’t recognize the name would snap to it in person. I’ll wager, if it’s not complete fiction, that it has something to do with her lumbering up to the table, gurning, and ordering a bottle of wine.
Perhaps it was her odour that made them flee so fast? To the nearest loo. She seems to be lacking personal hygiene and as she is so used to her own smell (as are the ones living with her), she might not be aware of having a cloud of a unique musty scent of stale alcohol and sweat, vomit, dry shampoo, urine, Chinese takeaway, and who knows what else emanating from her.

Also, when you advertise yourself with 10-20 years old photos that have been heavily airbrushed or photoshopped, the guys you meet might not be exactly thrilled when Jabba the Hut of Thousand Chins shows up instead.
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House of Tea

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It is fair to say that Alice hates her new apartment. Maybe a jail cell is more up her strada.

(The neighbours though, poor things. What’s that thumping Grace? Harold I told you it’s that big blonde woman with the dirty scarf who has just moved in - she gets like this at this time of night. It goes on for a long time. But Grace I heard wailing all day yesterday too. Harold, she has two daughters, they roll around on the floor a lot, weeping. Are they staying a long time Grace, this is a good complex for seniors, she is spoiling it. Harold, I think she is on a short term let, waiting to get into the Women’s House of Correction way outside Beverley Hills. Grace, I sure hope she moves soon, this ain’t no place for extreme emoting. )
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Are we to take it the Beverly Hills Bogan doesn’t fancy Bianca?
I don’t think Bianca minds.

Im not touching myself whilst reading, FYI. Other things I don’t do include flashing my gash in the street.
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I still can't quite work out if she's referring to Ioan and Bianca or to us. Probably all of us. Strange none of us have taken MAlice out yet... :cool:
We're all Bianca, I'm mean the Bogan, no we're Biancas relatives, no we're Sea-Hags, no we're being paid by Ioan. Fuck Me, who are we today????
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This is just going to end up badly. I've seen some weird ass people in my lifetime but never someone like Al. She's so far gone. Those tweets are just insane!
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