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I think the John C account is an old account that’s changed it’s name - I’m sure I remember the Christmas tree pictures and morning glory.
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That text.. I just cant… as someone who does not find her anything special even when she was young and slim, ordinary pretty (although I now in hindsight see the internal ugliness) I am so jealous that I dont know where to put myself!!!
Just looks like a basic bitch to me 😴
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I use twitter and so do millions without becoming swivel-eyed loons. Twitter just exposed the crazy.

We had our suspicions based on the gurning and PDAs on the red carpet and the stupid interviews that she was a loon and then nixing his website confirmed it. Then the golf club incident and the engagement story - the evidence was stacking up.

I don't think the marriage was ever salvageable. I don't understand why he wed her much less spent 20 years with her. She wasn't even pregnant when they wed and no kid to tie him then either. In fact, I think she had been trying to trap him for years by trying to get pregnant but she turned out to be infertile without IVF.
What is the golf club incident please?
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Ally Pally

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Yes. Remember they have not yet served either Ioan or Bianca, and the hearing on the 23rd can't proceed unless that happens. Though Alice could just refile if that date gets blown.
What is the delay in them being served?
Is there a cooling off period in cases of this nature?
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She is on fire tonite
View attachment 2231411
so they have Iris AND the psychologist?
View attachment 2231469
no one in their right minds believes that Alice would have allowed the kids without her LMAO

its actually tricky, because technically Ioan has still not been accused of physical violence, that's the main reason why so far the headlines are not tragically damaging for him yet (though it is by proxy because Bianca is accused and he stands by her). They dont have much of a chance to actually accuse him because of the chaperones and because of Alice's prior statement in court of their perfect marriage. He has just been framed for physical abuse because 1.) no one in their right mind lets a child file for RO just because the father has been verbally harsh, so its always assumed to be physical or sexual, for adults you have many RO requests about harrassement or stalking OTOH. 2.) The original story was very vague, so again physical was assumed, 3.) the batterer course that made the headlines - generally speaking most people just read the headline and are hardly following the story, so these things stick in a way.

But in the big picture of how employable you are this doesnt have a big influence as the real accusation isnt this. In a way Alice is still shooting her warning shots (probably because deep down she does now she needs him to be employable, and deep down she still thinks she can regain control over him). But as mentioned it will be very difficult to ever accuse him of physical violence, except as mentioned maybe by pulling the "the kids remember now card", but with no evidence and a history of false allegation threats the case goes nowhere.

Tbh credibly she will only manage to accuse him of sexual and probably also physical abuse (especially since the court knows the history of this whole case, with the threats etc.) if the kids cooperate to tell made up stories from the past (although with this case's history I'd put some doubt on the word credibly). Or if they drop the chaperone. I imagine she always wanted him back in the house so that she can seduce him to either win him back and if not at least get the DNA proof on her that he went sexual/physical with her.

Though if the psychologist strongly contradicts Ella's story now there is not only a history for Alice making allegedly threats of false accusations, there would be also a history of her daughter making actually wrong accusations. All hits the credibiltiy. But you can still generate headlines.
Sometimes it seems like people know too much and it seems like they must be Alice. I be damned. So much game playing she does.
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It brings the rou
btw one of the ex-besties posted and deleted a tweet a few hours ago where they went all "I have been asked to not say anything, but BTS things are going great blabla". I hated them doing this when they were in contact with Alice 24/7, I hate them doing this now that they have loose contact to Ioan.

also I start to wonder if the reason why the court docs take forever to get into the system is related to the filing court house, I hope we wont find out if the ROs are dimissed or granted in 2 weeks from Alice's sock or her DM mate

I think Bianca made it easier to "bond". In a way pre-Bianca Alice was jealous of her kids so they werent such a great team together (notice that she never posted until Bianca how close she and the kids are), but since Bianca both were jealous of her (potentially only Elsie genuinely, Ella and Alice more for convenience reasons)

oh dw, it's a random whatsapp group i have with about 40 friends that posts all sort of random news and observations, was a bit shocked that even this story made it in there, but they have long moved on to other things 🤣 (about 4 people commented on this story, all 4 with the context that was provided in the article of Alice having a RO against her concluded the "ex wife did this", I didnt even had to tell them anything, thought this was interesting 😬)

I dont think that Bianca is a drama queen. However, she does love the perks it brings to be the partner of a relatively famous actor (red carpets, celeb parties, big movie sets, the publicity to become a ambassador like for MS). And with her MS it'd be probably pretty tough for her to find someone similary famous that is as caring about her illness. Not saying that she doesnt love him, she clearly does, and she actually doesnt deserve my cynism with everything she has done for him. But I'm not convinced that leaving is easy for her personally even if it's all horrific. To her credit it's also certainly because she knows that Ioan will be very vulnerable if she'd leave him.
It brings the rough with the smooth!
The fame with the fans she never had before !
She's staying put with her famous good looking sexy actor who cares about her . Jeeze what's not to like 👀😀 she does't need to create dráma it's all around her . She's letting MAlice go down with her ship clever girl 😀
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Alice was talking about the "one mistake" in front of Ella - in the "I can be his therapist I can fix him" that normal if it was infidelity?
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Does anyone know how Twitter algorithms work?

If I go onto certain socks there is always an overlap in my who to follow suggestions - they are always people Alice followed but none of these new accounts do.

If I go on to other socks which seem to be linked to another person - the suggestions are different but again there is an overlap.

If I look at what would be classed as the anti-Alice accounts the suggestions are the other people they converse with.

I looked at a couple of old discarded socks which I think once belonged to Alice and the pattern was the same.

Am I reading too much into this?
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I mean. Good grief. Just what sort of place do you have to be in to just run with only the clothes on your back. Literally.

I’m sure she does have anger towards him, in a way that is natural. Whether it’s rightful or not is another story. When he went he was obviously in a very dark place. The girls stayed with their mother, in their home with their nanny and the correct legal proceedigns were instigated. It didn’t have to be like this. It shouldn’t have been like this. But it is and now rather than saying what he should have done (which would probably actually only made it worse anyway) it’s getting everything and everyone back on as even a keel as possible and mitigating any fall out.
The thing he did do that was unwise, in my opinion, was 1) not being open with the girls that he was going to start dating once he had filed for divorce/separated 2) moving in with Bianca so fast. If I was a child and my father moved in with a women I did not know about or had not met I would be very upset. I think what followed was a tug of war, orchestrated by Alice, to see who would win in his affections - and the end result looked, to the child, like the other woman won. That alone is enough to cause enormous problems in a normal, loving father-daughter relationship.
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He tried to hide it with makeup, but...
2023-06-10 14_01_21-gruffudd _ Scanpix.png

I mean....I assume it was an accident, but Alice and her psycho dont give Bianca the benefit of the doubt either, so....
Thanks can you post the link to that pic. Is it on the web?
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No. The Psychologist wouldn't be tweeting Alice or any of her socks. John Casey is a common name and we don't know who the Psychologist is yet. It seems to be a random who likes sunsets but doesn't like Alice.

It would be very unprofessional for him to comment on the situation publicly. I know professionals can lurk accounts but I doubt they would tweet them.
Do we know his name is really John Casey? Who came up with that? There is a John Casey that was a serial killer. If it's coming from Alice socks she's probably throwing nasty shite out as always.
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