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I think it was important that Bianca made that statement. People have to know she completely denies Alice’s crazy claims and is willing to show her accounts.

Let’s see all their Twitter activity, Alice’s and Tone’s too. That would settle who his tweeting what. I won’t be surprised if AE was trolling herself just to pretend Bianca was doing it. If she was exposed she’d just pretend her account was hacked, narcs always worm their way out.

I believe a lawyer advised her to make that statement so the media that wrongly reported the story can correct themselves and hopefully it will stop them wrongly reporting in the future.
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Alice "family should always stick together" Evans demands her husbands family, which she always hated, to side against him. Genius
View attachment 1015709
Totally normal to call your mother-in-law a cunt on Twitter but still expect her to stop her son divorcing you...

She just lives in a whole freaking other world, doesn't she?
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Chatty Member
I’m so disgusted with Alice saying that Gloria is the only person her girls love, apart from their mother. What a shitty, shitty human she is.
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Mad Betty

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I just saw Alice's two new posts on Insta. She manages to mock and try to embarrass Ioan in one and is still calling Bianca a psychopath in the other. And she makes clear she's returning to Twitter.

She needs to lose all of her SM. Because she's using them to harm others right now. At this point she needs an intervention and a treatment facility. And if she keeps this up, she's going to land in jail, just like Betty Broderick did. If anyone from the DM is still here, publish the truth. BW is not attacking Alice on SM. This is all delusional thinking from a woman who is acting out and obsessed with her soon to be ex-husband's new love interest. She needs to be held accountable.
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Her poverty comment has well fucked me off.
Oh boo hoo she won't be able to spend hundreds of dollars on stupid hats that she doesn't know how to wear or she'll have to cancel her $90 meal subscription and get off her arse and go to a supermarket
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This reminds me of an article in The Guardian I read towards the end of last year regarding a new album by Tears for Fears. This part is what is relevant to Alice.

"But the upturn in the band’s career coincided with difficulties for Orzabal. In the summer of 2017, his wife Caroline – his partner since they were teenagers – died. He talks about her with a kind of tender openness that seems quite at odds with a newspaper interview. In 2007, he says, Caroline hit menopause. “And then the wheels came off, and she went from being extremely feisty and spirited and up, and so charismatic, to hitting depression. And menopause was probably a smokescreen.”

Caroline was prescribed medication, the kind you are not meant to drink while taking. She continued to do so anyway, entering a cycle of increased mental anguish and suicidal ideation. Orzabal laments the treatment of depression with pills. “There should be real strict controls on what people are dealing with.”

Plus, he says, his wife was adept at hiding the truth of her condition. “Caroline was a little bit lax and naughty when she would see doctors. She wouldn’t be 100% honest, she would talk about menopause: she would talk about empty nest syndrome – that became the next one, and it wasn’t that at all. It was a number of things. And it was her liver, cirrhosis, and that was a long time coming.”

Caroline never stopped drinking. “Which is partly my fault because I’m a drinker, too. If I’d known that was the reason …” He trails off. “But I didn’t. I don’t know how commonly known it is that alcohol is far more dangerous for a woman than it is for a man, and the problem was Caroline used to match me. But again, that’s my own ignorance and stupidity at what was going on, because at that point in time there should have been no alcohol anywhere, that’s a fact.”

She developed alcohol-related dementia. “So it was five years of hell where I became her carer,” says Orzabal. “I had a care company as well to take the weight off me, and there we were in our big country house in the West Country with an increasingly shrinking circle of friends and it was pretty harrowing.” He lets out a long breath, and the three of us sit, wet-eyed around the boardroom table.

It was while Caroline was ill that Orzabal began to write several of the songs that appear on The Tipping Point. “I needed some respite from the constant illness, the constant dysfunction, and as per usual, as I’ve always done all my life, they went into lyrics and songs,” he says.

The song Please Be Happy was “inspired by watching someone you love sitting in a chair all day, not doing anything, not moving, and when she does, she goes up the stairs with a glass of wine, and [the glass] crashes on the stairs”. The title track recalls sitting in Caroline’s hospital room, “looking at someone and waiting for the point when they are more dead than alive”.

The year that followed Caroline’s death, Orzabal suffered his own health issues, spent time in rehab and postponed the band’s world tour. “I was going through hell,” he says. Smith, fearing he might exacerbate his bandmate’s problems, kept his distance."

Caroline Orzabal died at age 55.
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I kind of wish Bianca hadn't posted this. There's no need for her to get drawn into a spat with AE, or to even acknowledge AE's batshit crazy drunken ramblings. It looks better for both BW and IG to carry on maintaining a dignified silence.
I half agree but at the same time I think she's been quite clever about it with the inclusion of the bit about giving Twitter permission to provide info on her usage. What better way to prove that Alice is talking bollocks about Bianca trolling her with fake accounts? Especially when Alice knows she can't do the same because Alice's Twitter usage data would drop her in the shit.
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Mad Betty

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Alice said 'Last week they said they had been physically attacked (ot threatened) by me and had gone to the police to report it' (sic)
Alice knows exactly which one it was because she would have been paid a police visit once the report was filed.
Okay, I know a bit about how this works. If they only filed reports of harassment or threats, the police would pay Alice a visit to talk to her. They'd make notes. She would receive a warning. I suspect this is the first step in taking out restraining orders against her. Because now there will be reports of her abuse on record with the Sheriff's Department (or LAPD if the reports were filed in LA and not WeHo).

She's really fucked herself. And no, she can't mess with Bianca's immigration. I suspect her post implying as much was to incite others to contact immigration to try to do as much. My opinion of her today is that she really is a hateful, spiteful woman and is dangerous at this point. I'm glad IG and BW are taking this seriously.

ETA: I mentioned before that I thought she actually came back from the beach getaway early and was there outside the house when IG came to collect his things. Maybe something actually kicked off then. She knew so much about the woman in his car that happened to be with him. Just a thought.
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VIP Member
I kind of wish Bianca hadn't posted this. There's no need for her to get drawn into a spat with AE, or to even acknowledge AE's batshit crazy drunken ramblings. It looks better for both BW and IG to carry on maintaining a dignified silence.
I see the advantages to completely ignoring AE, but I can understand how frustrating it would be to be accused of all kinds of crap spewed through a ton of sock accounts going after Alice. I’m not sure I wouldn’t do the same thing. And at this point, I am guessing she is also getting legal guidance.
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The Sun published that it was BW behind the abusive accounts? Yeah I’d be suing them too. She has every right of reply, AE should not silence her like she’s trying to with IG.
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tbh I've seen her worse than this before

"I make sure to earn more money than my husband" - haha, dont forget to pay him spousal support then!
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AE is a mess. She’s a joke. A warning to everyone …a cautionary tale.
Alice has no dignity left. No respect. No real family or friends. She has very obvious and serious mental health problems and is clearly hooked on pills and booze.
Where the fuck is the humanity?
If I’d been married to someone for years and had two isolated vulnerable children living with them I would have stepped in by now.
These comments always confuse me. Is Ioan supposed to charge into the house (breaking and entering) grab the girls and drag them out kicking and screaming while their hysterical mother clings to their legs wailing and screaming for her life? ..Until the police arrive and throw him in jail and what then? Apart from trauma and a restraining order?
Or are the girls waiting for him to come rescue them and they all run off into the sunset until AE arrives and breaks into his house to do the same thing

He’s taken literally the only route there is. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Im sure we all think we would do better but it always looks easy from a distance doesn’t it.
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Woe is me, I’m 53
gotta rat in my car an’ squirrels up a tree,
three bottles of red and I fall into bed,
covered in glitter house like a shitter,
Ioan’s fired the babysitter!
but gimme a week I’ll be back on Twitter
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And she wonders why he left her, the disrespect in this post says it all. She couldn’t even pretend, for her ‘warm, loving Ioan’ to get on with his parents. She couldn’t put aside her pettiness. What she doesn’t realise is, that whilst she’s trying to belittle his actions in this post, in that moment, he did what he did so his parents wouldn’t think bad of her. Stupid bitch.
The sad thing about this is you can imagine how many times in the past he has covered for her, how many times he's tried to smooth over the hurt and offense she's caused other people, how many times he's tried to protect her from others thinking badly of her. She keeps saying how all she wanted was someone who had her back. For years she had that in IG, but she stuck so many knives in his back she killed all the love and protectiveness he had for her. She had everything she claims she wanted, and she's the one who wrecked it.
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I've never poked into this thread but after reading the latest comments on the DM website the wife/ex-wife seems a nutter - am I right??
I worked with a woman who was obsessed with her ex-husband, our first conversation at work lasted all morning and I heard EVERY aspect of their life together and how he'd broken her heart so I was shocked when she said they'd been separated for over 7 years, I thought she was going to say months - I knew her for another 4 years and every morning I used to count how long it would be before I heard the word 'Steve' hand on heart the average would be 11 seconds. It used to knacker me, no matter how I tried to persuade her to move on she didn't want to, I've not seen her in 10 years but I bet he's still her main topic of conversation.
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Chatty Member
I mean, if Gloria is “family” and their “only” family (ignoring the fact they have a dad, and his parents siblings etc) then she can still come round and hang out unpaid, like a family member would right?! She’s not banned from the house. Ioan’s just not paying her anymore
Ps I wish I had “meagre” savings which was the equivalent of a years salary!!
pps You can tell Alice has never been in charge of a budget or bills… Welcome to the real world hun
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