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Oh Jeeeesus Christ. I just read that comment by a woman on AE insta discussing MS. 'It seems his shinny (shiny?!) new toy has a flaw and can't ever be fixed' and I actually groaned out loud.

How utterly vile.
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So let’s get this straight

no one is working
Ioan, Bianca, Alice and now sadly Gloria all unemployed
Alice is angry they aren’t helping with the kids
But she dreamt Bianca killed the kids and is a psycho
Ioan won’t help with the kids when she needs but also the kids don’t want to see him
Alice can’t work as she has fibro and can’t get out of bed but is writing a tell all book of ‘the truth’
Alice has no evidence that Bianca is leaking info on SM it’s just a hunch. Some is true some is false
Someone called the police on Alice as they felt threatened so she is keeping her head down by posting it all over Instagram
She has savings and could pay Gloria but isn’t going to
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Dearest Alice,

You absolute nightmare. You avoided one slam-dunk defamation case because you’re so toxic that I made a choice to protect my family from you and your minions, and the shitstorm you would surely cause. You wouldn’t know anything about protecting your loved ones, of course. You won’t be so lucky with your ex and Bianca, and anyone else you lie about. So PLEASE write a book. Make sure you put all your crazy rantings in it for the 7 people who will buy it. You don’t have the self-control not to lie and it will be the absolute legal end of your crap.

Pro-Tip: Stop doing everything you can to fuck over your attorney. I know of both your attorney and your husband’s and let’s just say…I wouldn’t want to be you. But if he’s smart, he’ll kick your ass from here back to the U.K. for making his job so difficult.

And stop threatening Bianca with deportation, you sick nitwit. It doesn’t work like that…but good for them building a record for the proceedings. Who do you think the police will believe? Hint: It won’t be you. Your SM is horrific and will be there forever no matter how much you delete. Keep it up!

You disgust me.
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Mad Betty

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I see the advantages to completely ignoring AE, but I can understand how frustrating it would be to be accused of all kinds of crap spewed through a ton of sock accounts going after Alice. I’m not sure I wouldn’t do the same thing. And at this point, I am guessing she is also getting legal guidance.
I'm glad she posted something. Alice has fully crossed the line and publicly defamed her and accused her of acts that she has not engaged in. These accusations have been made to incite hateful behavior towards Bianca. I think we will be seeing some legal movement regarding Alice that she will not like. And it's about fucking time. She won't rest until Bianca is back in the hospital with an MS flare or back in Australia. She still sees IG as her possession.
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"neither is helping with the kids"


now she wants Bianca suddenly to help?

she is full of shit
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Her poverty comment has well fucked me off.
Oh boo hoo she won't be able to spend hundreds of dollars on stupid hats that she doesn't know how to wear or she'll have to cancel her $90 meal subscription and get off her arse and go to a supermarket
It was the 'live in poverty AND work AND look after the kids that got me'
Like bitch do you know how many people live in actual relative poverty, hold down two jobs and parent their kids by themselves?
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
I often laugh out loud at Alice's transparency. I get the feeling that she is pouring over Bianca's photos and videos and working out new strategies to win the hub back.

I'm starting to see how her brain works:

She likes those beach scenes, I can do beach scenes, I can also put the children in them too to really tug at his heart strings. I would put the fucking dog in the shots as well but I think Gloria took her in lieu of her last week's pay. Like everyone in my life she betrayed me too.

She's posted a video about her MS and how serious it is. I can do serious illness too. Look at me, no matter how ill I am, I have enough energy each morning to reach for my phone to call a taxi to take the girls to school. Loppy tells me all the time that I am the fucking poster girl for stoicism in the face of true adversity.

Kindness? I invented it. No one can tell me anything about kindness that I don't already do. As we speak, there's some old biddie out there trying to master a smoky eye with the Mary Quant eyeshadow palette I sent her in her care package. There are homeless people out there wearing Revlon Red lipsticks thanks to me. I'm fucking turning lives around, so don't preach to me about kindness.
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Even taking the SM behaviour out of this, does she realize that what she is teaching her girls is that:

a) women MUST be taken care of, primarily by men
b) women do not need to assume responsibility for their own finances or financial wellbeing
c) no matter how bad a marriage gets, you do not have the right to leave
d) housework is beneath you; hire someone to do it for you because see a)
e) women should not have careers or a job because see a)
f) resilience and independence are not important because see a)
g) if all else fails, kick and scream and be abusive to others.

Yeah. Real feminist talk right there.
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He doesn’t come across well in this even I have to say, and I’ve defended him going through the lawyers from the start….
"Neither of them help out with the kids." Does she suddenly want "a psychopath" to help with the kids? Ioan saying he "can't", not "won't" leads me to believe there is a legal reason he's unable to take his kid to school. Also makes me wonder why she doesn't just call the poor girl an uber.
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so Alice is likely getting a defamation lawsuit, a domestic violence lawsuit (when she was with Ioan), another violence/harrasement lawsuit & something for parental alienation?

what a hero
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I think the fact that the Media incorrectly stated that BW has been engaging with AE using fake accounts is what instigated that statement from BW and I 100% think it’s the right thing to do, she’s not engaging with AE or putting anything out to challenge her. It wouldn’t surprise me if some comms have gone out to the Media asking them to correct this and she’s putting out her little statement as further clarification

I wish the media would stop taking AE at her word 🙄
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If this is true, then I have no sympathy for him anymore as that’s a chance to see the kids. But I am loathe to condemn him based on what’s she’s said as she’s a liar and he might be afraid this is a trap to get him to the house
I think this is exactly what it is. He has a restraining order and she's using the fact she knows he can't come to the house a way to further alienate the kids. So E will call and ask him and say no then Alice doesn't need to do anything to make him look like the bad guy. She knows what she's doing.
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That comment calling BW a shiny new toy with a flaw, referencing her MS, is so disgusting. I'm not a fan but that is such a gross, misogynistic, cruel and ugly thing to say about anyone. Sometimes I find AE's FM's are worse than she is. She's like Trump with his racism, her own rage and hatred seems to validate the rage and hate in her followers and give them permission to spew it out publicly too and to go even further.
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Have been quite critical of BW in the past but it is no longer just Malice and the FMs defaming her - it is the tabloid press.
She has resisted getting in to spats and slanging matches with IG’s ex but has every right to defend herself against defamation and falsehoods.
It’s a dignified, non-inflammatory statement and I’d be shocked if it hasn’t been okayed and approved by attorneys.
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I wonder what she put him through for years for her to believe he wouldn’t do any of these things to her. She must realise it’s all from him at some point.
I think a big part of her blaming BW is that she has to have someone else to blame. She can't possibly accept IG left HER without anyone else "stealing" him away, her ego couldn't take it. And furthermore (Is that a word Loopy uses and misuses? Sorry) I don't think she could ever bear to truly look at herself and even consider that maybe she is the one who has driven him away. Regardless of the timeline, I think nearly all of us Turds are agreed, IG didn't leave for BW, he left AE because of AE. She will never be able to face that so in her mind everything will always be BW's fault.
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This reminds me of an article in The Guardian I read towards the end of last year regarding a new album by Tears for Fears. This part is what is relevant to Alice.

"But the upturn in the band’s career coincided with difficulties for Orzabal. In the summer of 2017, his wife Caroline – his partner since they were teenagers – died. He talks about her with a kind of tender openness that seems quite at odds with a newspaper interview. In 2007, he says, Caroline hit menopause. “And then the wheels came off, and she went from being extremely feisty and spirited and up, and so charismatic, to hitting depression. And menopause was probably a smokescreen.”

Caroline was prescribed medication, the kind you are not meant to drink while taking. She continued to do so anyway, entering a cycle of increased mental anguish and suicidal ideation. Orzabal laments the treatment of depression with pills. “There should be real strict controls on what people are dealing with.”

Plus, he says, his wife was adept at hiding the truth of her condition. “Caroline was a little bit lax and naughty when she would see doctors. She wouldn’t be 100% honest, she would talk about menopause: she would talk about empty nest syndrome – that became the next one, and it wasn’t that at all. It was a number of things. And it was her liver, cirrhosis, and that was a long time coming.”

Caroline never stopped drinking. “Which is partly my fault because I’m a drinker, too. If I’d known that was the reason …” He trails off. “But I didn’t. I don’t know how commonly known it is that alcohol is far more dangerous for a woman than it is for a man, and the problem was Caroline used to match me. But again, that’s my own ignorance and stupidity at what was going on, because at that point in time there should have been no alcohol anywhere, that’s a fact.”

She developed alcohol-related dementia. “So it was five years of hell where I became her carer,” says Orzabal. “I had a care company as well to take the weight off me, and there we were in our big country house in the West Country with an increasingly shrinking circle of friends and it was pretty harrowing.” He lets out a long breath, and the three of us sit, wet-eyed around the boardroom table.

It was while Caroline was ill that Orzabal began to write several of the songs that appear on The Tipping Point. “I needed some respite from the constant illness, the constant dysfunction, and as per usual, as I’ve always done all my life, they went into lyrics and songs,” he says.

The song Please Be Happy was “inspired by watching someone you love sitting in a chair all day, not doing anything, not moving, and when she does, she goes up the stairs with a glass of wine, and [the glass] crashes on the stairs”. The title track recalls sitting in Caroline’s hospital room, “looking at someone and waiting for the point when they are more dead than alive”.

The year that followed Caroline’s death, Orzabal suffered his own health issues, spent time in rehab and postponed the band’s world tour. “I was going through hell,” he says. Smith, fearing he might exacerbate his bandmate’s problems, kept his distance."

Caroline Orzabal died at age 55.
When my mum was in her final months she lost the ability to walk. She was a living skeleton, from not eating (no appetite and couldn’t get to the shops and too ashamed to leave the house and vomited constantly with a tear in her oesophagus). She had two litres of vodka delivered to her home every two days by a booze company, and she just sat on the sofa and drank, wet herself, soiled herself, threw up on the floor. I didn’t live with her at the time. Did everything I could but you know how it goes.

It’s horrifying. I don’t wish it on anyone. It breaks my heart to remember her suffering. It’s not just losing her, it’s the memories of what she endured. When she died after 2-3yr of alcoholism I was relieved for her. Her body was never gonna last long enough for her to be ready for and able to engage in change.

Alice feels invincible, but she isn’t. At her age my mum wasn’t a drinker. Four years later she was dead. Only four years older than Alice is now. She started drinking after a divorce as she couldn’t cope with the life change and her bleak future downsizing and being alone and poor.
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Ally Pally

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i don’t want to join the hyperbole and melodrama but it is possible, on legal advice, he would not even approach the house or girls without formal arrangements in place.

Alice has tried to get him to the house before. E may or may not have been abusive. It may have appeared another attempt to manipulate him.

None of us want to believe the Betty Broderick style outcomes but if I was IG or his lawyers I would’ve being really careful.
Let's not forget he took a off duty police officer with him to collect his belongings.
Something is afoot and we're only getting Alice's version of events again me thinks 🤔
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That comment calling BW a shiny new toy with a flaw, referencing her MS, is so disgusting. I'm not a fan but that is such a gross, misogynistic, cruel and ugly thing to say about anyone. Sometimes I find AE's FM's are worse than she is. She's like Trump with his racism, her own rage and hatred seems to validate the rage and hate in her followers and give them permission to spew it out publicly too and to go even further.
That sounds like something AE would say herself. Either the fm’s are trying to impress her or that’s got be a sock account surely?
I cannot imagine on what planet someone would actually think that let alone post it.

As for Gloria, we only have Alice’s words that she favored her. Maybe Gloria left and judging by the state of the place - a wee while ago I’d say.

I don’t think I’ve ever came across anyone as self indulgent, arrogant, selfish and self important as Alice Evans.

I’m a Social worker and work with people in crisis everyday. Real crisis.
Not a completely avoidable made up crisis that you created because you seem to think that you could humiliate, emasculate, ridicule and taunt your husband publicly for years without consequence.
The biggest problem that AE has got is that IG has finally said NO. And despite all the fires she’s started - it’s still NO.
Nothings working. None of her usual go to behaviours are working. So she’s escalating and escalating in a desperate attempt to regain control.

Alice needs to be committed.
I cannot believe it has not been done yet.
She needs a facility quickly.
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