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I don't know that anyone here said IG didn't leave her. He obviously did. And she is definitely drawing out the divorce as much as possible. Every single tweet is about the divorce. IG. Who did and didn't know what and when.

It's obsessive. It's disturbing.

And ultimately none of it matters. It's done.

I'd much rather be sweet and down to earth than whatever Alice is. Good grief.
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The divorce was filed more than 6 months ago. Under CA law she had 6 months to get a lawyer and/or respond herself with her own proposal. It is now an uncontested divorce and the judge is basically going to give him what he asked for when he filed. How she thinks it will drag on for another year and a half to two years is beyond me. If it was a contested divorce, yes it could drag on. But its not. It could be all over red rover by Christmas.

I also think he has been spineless, and probably that's why she wanted to marry him and have kids with him. Meal ticket. He was easy to push around. But once he was working away, free from her daily head control, his head got clear and he started to see things differently. Maybe that was why she desperately wanted him home. Just my interpretation.
But I do agree that he is not behaving in any way as a gaslighter/narc. He ran from her and that's the giveaway. The abuser doesn't run away, once they have a target within their grasp.
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Maybe she just needs to realise her psychotic behaviour had a hand in their break up
I agree with you wholeheartedly and believe that a lot of her behavior is due to the fact that she can’t bear to admit that she ruined a good thing. It’s killing her.
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House of Tea

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The thing is, we all get bored. Even if she has right on her side, the fact she has just gone on about it relentlessly, everybody will eventually not even react to her tweets out of boredom. She has just made herself look crazy. And unemployable. And undateable. This means so much to her, and why wouldn’t it, but to us it is just entertaining. And then it won’t be, it will just be AE droning on again. I think he met BW prior to them splitting up. Spending a lot of time away from AE and her controlling ways plus meeting BW has concentrated his mind on what he doesn’t want. And that is AE. She will still be spewing these tweets out in 2 years time. By that stage IG will have got remarried and had another child. She is going to waste the next few years of her life.
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How tragic to typecast yourself as an actress for 25 years and be absolutely unable to find any other work!
Nothing in production, writing, media. Just no jobs!

I think the answer as to why she isn’t working she answered herself - she’s in bed nearly every day
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Really must be a slow news day
This sort of crap is one of the things that truly infuriates me about AE and her minions. Tearing down BW’s looks”no matter what you think of her.” It’s despicable, juvenile, and deeply cruel.

This is a pattern with AE. From the time she waded into IOL”Ioan Online” to stir up trouble she has been fat shaming and looks shaming people. She continues to this day. Fat shaming Ella Newton”IG’s Harrow co-star”just because she liked the post of him and BW and said she was glad he was happy. The same co-star she initially accused him of having an affair with, btw. But now she’s saying Ella was too fat for IG! She’s not fat and she has her own boyfriend you loon!
And fat shaming poor Andrea Deaton and Lupine Flying Wolf Monkey writing that hateful article about Andrea. Just. Ugh.
And now Vicious Granny Scarf has gone in on IG’s hair loss, his old man belly, saying he needs Viagra, and now calling him Mr. Fartastic? This is a woman over 60 years old who used to think the sun shone out of IG’s arse. Until he fell out of love with her goddess leader AE.

Perhaps BW isn’t as hot as AE in her youth. So what? A relationship based mainly on looks will never ever last. Maybe IG has grown and isn’t as shallow as AE is making him out to be. Maybe it’s her that is so focused on looks.
Whatever the case may be I hope the daughters don’t develop eating disorders. 😔
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Madge Harvey

Well-known member
I’m so lost with where all this has went the last few pages but let’s look at the reality of it. What did she really want? Him to sit her down and tell her it was it over? He did and she immediately picked up her laptop to tell the world.

From what she has said his behaviour has been shit but NONE of us can forget there are always three sides to every story, hers, his and the truth.

Everything she has done and is continuing to do make it all the more reasonable he is acting the way he is. You can’t reason with someone like Alice, it’s so easy to blame the men and nowadays we do but I’ve seen women act this way as well when coming out of relationships. It’s how you as the injured party deal with it.
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She has no lawyer listed for her case. Do the lawyers in her head know they are supposed to be working on her case?

The timeline points to them hooking up, or at very least getting emotionally entangled, in 2020... well before he told Alice he was done.
That's quite possible. It doesn't mean he wasn't out of the marriage emotionally though. She strikes me as the sort of spouse you'd be scared to break bad news to. I'm guessing he had everything lined up before he left. Which is what they advise women in abusive relationships to do. Have a place organised, have all your paperwork sorted, tell people you can trust, make sure all your ducks are lined up and then GO. And don't look back. Don't engage.
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House of Tea

VIP Member
She’s a performer who has been denied, for whatever reason, the chance to perform. That is why she grabbed onto social media, so much so it has overtaken her. Look at her antics and weirdness when she and IG gave out that insignificant award to the industry, she tried to perform.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
She was very attractive when she was younger and probably used to having things her way because of her looks. Unfortunately age is unkind to all of us and particularly to those who have got on in life based on how they look. She may have been able to win him round when she was younger and beautiful but that option is fading away.

Some days I am glad I was born plain!
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First-time poster. What a read. It's been addictive. How did I get here? I've read a few gossip stories about the split and her tweets. In trying to read more about something she said the other day I ended up on one of the previous threads on here about their breakup. I had never seen Alice in anything, but I do remember her interview about Harvey. The only thing I remember seeing Ioan in is Liar on Amazon Prime. I love TV shows and movies from the U.K.

First thought: She is Real Housewives material all day long. I can't see her getting any acting jobs with her behavior being so out of control. So I think she would love to be a Real Housewife, except I doubt Ioan would allow his kids to be on it, hoping that way she wouldn't get hired, because he would be her main topic of conversation. Her drinking would increase. The comments belittling him would never stop.

Second thought: I read a post in an earlier thread, or maybe this one, that his new girlfriend has M.S. Was that confirmed? If so, she's not as young and carefree as she seems on the Instagram posts I've read. That's really a serious diagnosis to get in your late 20s, just mentally, even if your symptoms are mild now.

Third thought: What she is doing to her kids psychologically is shocking. I don't believe she wants him to have a relationship with those kids.

Fourth thought: She acts like he reneged on them going to France for a visit because of his new girlfriend. I believe she has exaggerated such a visit promised by him. There is still a pandemic going on. His daughters are twelve and seven or eight. How are two kids going to fly from L.A. to France, in a pandemic, not vaccinated, at their age? Who would accompany them?

Fifth thought: If I were her, I would be laser focused on getting the best financial settlement I could in the divorce, not trying to destroy his B- career. The guy is around 50. He needs to make the most of the offers he gets. The more he makes, the better off her settlement will be.
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Wives confronting the mistress is always super super intense. I dont even want to know how that would be with Alice
It seems like she's trying to scare BW, and any other potentials, off Ioan. We all collect baggage as we age, but jesus christ, could you imagine having her on at you like that? Purposely making sure the kids will hate you? Always trying to call the shots and pull the strings? Christ no. If BW is with Ioan, then good luck to her as she hasn't walked into this blindly.

The way AE talks is so possessive, Ioan is hers and hers alone. Their marriage is just a bit of paper at this point, but, he is still HER HUSBAND. Jeez, Alice, go read this thread title again.
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I’m not a flying monkey but, I do see the woman’s side, however, do I think she would be hard work and difficult to leave and well.. she’s just difficult......yes.. also, she has done things on SM that were so disrespectful to him. She called him a pussy FGS. When I saw that, I remember thinking....your marriage days are limited. It’s an awful thing to say about your husband. I’m not blind to her faults but, I don’t need to voice them since, so many people on here are team Ioan!
I think I just feel sorry for her ...even though I should not.
So what you can see the woman’s side !! so can we all and some of us think she’s acting terribly and it’s not helping her or her children

why the hell do people think that because her faults have been highlighted that we are “team Ioan” ffs

and before anybody else says something there are women and men on here, who have been beaten , cheated on and gaslighted by partners but they can still see the damage she’s doing
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House of Tea

VIP Member

She is so strange with her mannerisms. Why did they both need to present this obviously low key award?
She is weird, flat out weird.

He takes himself very seriously, I would imagine he was very embarrassed by her behaviour. Her behaviour would have reflected on him in the industry.

That was in 2015 - he has been putting up with a lot I think.
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Good. Bianca should dump him and focus on someone without baggage. A lot of commenters here seem to have forgotten the age old adage 'two wrongs don't make a right'. I.e. just because Alice is behaving very unreasonably doesn't make him some angel who deserves perfect happiness. They both would do well to work on themselves. Even though most commenters here are women, there does seem to be a lot of internalised misogyny going on. I somehow don't think that a woman in IG's situation would be lauded to the skies for moving on so fast and leaving kids behind. If it was just a question of IG vs AE, I would have more sympathy. But it isn't. HE CHOSE to have children with her. And, it was via IVF, so it wasn't the age old trick of him being trapped by a surprise pregnancy. A lot of people seem to think that he is the victim and as innocent as a babe unborn. I call bullshit. It is six of one, half a dozen of the other. They BOTH need to work on themselves and heal from this situation.
I’m glad you said this about internalised misogyny, I thought I was the only one seeing it. Yeah it’s hard to imagine what it be like if the roles were reversed and Alice had run off, abandoned the kids, gone abroad and hooked up with some guy. I imagine everybody would lambast her as a terrible mother, but because it’s a man doing it and that’s a story we’re all used to we all think it’s fine.
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Everything about this post 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Agree. I am 10 year younger than AE with older children than her. I have a career I’ve worked hard for and been a single parent. I started off cleaning bloody toilets. Now they are over 16 I have a relationship too. I just don’t feel very sympathetic to her non working situation. Her IG up till the break up was showing off designer shoes and trips round the world. She’s had a nice life, it’s just different to mine. She made her choices and now there are consequences to those choices. IG also has consequences to his choices.
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Thread Title Suggestion: Ioan Gruffudd & Alice Evans #5 Won't somebody please think of the children?
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