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House of Tea

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It is absolutely exhausting reading the thread with the snippets of her tweets never mind her obsessively tweeting about it 🙈

I know I had some shitty break ups where I have absolutely chewed the ears off friends, swinging from lambasting my ex to pining for him. But I'm talking possibly two weeks not 10 incessant months.

I know I asked this question already but what exactly is her end game here? What exactly does she want to gain from all this?
She wants him back, on his knees begging forgiveness


She wants to ruin him so completely that he will never work or have a relationship ever again.
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The problem with narcissists like Alice is that they think it’s everyone else who has the problem not them. Anyone who contradicts their world view is wrong - even trained professionals and the people who love them the most and want the best for them. It all become a conspiracy theory for the narc. They lack all concept of empathy. The only person who matters is them. The only opinion worth listening to is theirs and those who agreed with them. Even their own children are tools and props to emphasise them and their importance. It’s a horrible, horrible personality disorder.
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The irony of this is if AE had of kept her head high and made the kids her priority when LG left kept silent etc everyone would of been on her 'side' as it were when he posed the new picture of the girlfriend so soon after the marriage ending but as it stands I actually feel sorry for him with all her rants which is ridiculous really so she has just played into his hands with the public perception
Totally. There’s a reason why most people do not comment on their divorces and it’s nothing to do with “women being silenced!” It’s to do with not looking immature and unhinged. If she thinks her pathetic behaviour is supposed to be somehow inspiring to downtrodden women everywhere then I don’t know what to say. Delusional.
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Chatty Member
The first time I posted here someone said "I hope you don't have kids".

I was like 🤯🤯🤯🤯

What I absolutely hate is the gleeful tone of the whole "she's gonna get sent to rehab/she's an alcoholic/she's going to get reported to CPS/she's having a nervous breakdown"

I don't like that. It feels purient and like people really really want her to get such a dose of schadenfreude that those kids lives come apart.

At the moment they have stability - they have their home, their Nanny, their schools, their neighbourhoods and yes their Mum. Lord knows I would hate any of those elements to disappear and I can't believe how blithely people dismiss the importance of each of those elements staying in place.
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Written by someone with no idea of geography!
View attachment 843898

She did not respond to the petition for divorce within the first 30 days, so it has gone to default divorce already.
And if it was a collaborative divorce, he could participate by Zoom.

The formula is 15% of the difference between their 2 incomes.

She keeps changing her story about when she last heard from him. So far I've read last week, the start of the year and sometime last year.
He communicates through Our Family Wizard only, an app used in high conflict divorces. She raged at him and he left with almost nothing but the clothes on his back. Thus why she keeps talking about his toothbrush and other things.
When dealing with a narc this is recommended. You cannot engage with them.
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Alice is a good example of how the sisterhood really doesn’t exist for some women. Or how it exists only up until it threatens their relationship with a man. It’s sad.
God, I really can’t look away from this car crash! Calling her the Instagram Acrobat is not going to help at all
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Fuzzy Slippers

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Going to introduce myself while it is quiet for a minute! I have been following this board and finally made an account. I think I understand some of the crazy that is AE right now. My husband travels often, sometimes months at a time. I think her forced pictures of him was a way of "claiming her territory"? I am a slender person, when a close friend died, I went into a bottle of wine a night tailspin and put on a quick 30 pounds...all in my stomach, just like AE. My husband suggested we "detox" and quit drinking. And I did, and got my act together...I noticed she stated on one pic that IG had quit drinking and he was no fun. He may have been trying to get her to quit too.
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I’ve said from the beginning that AE is unnaturally obsessed with IG. He was naieve, easily manipulated, sheltered and a virgin until he was 22. His mother had to rescue him from joining a cult for heavens sake! AE saw him and was going to have him come Hell or high water. Once she had him she wasn’t letting go. Not then and not now.
I’m not saying he didn’t love her. But I believe that she made it nearly impossible to escape once she got hold of him. He was weak, vulnerable, and deeply insecure. Insecurity can disguise itself as vanity.
Alice ignored his requests not to do certain things. Not to speak out against Weinstein, not to pick a political side, not to post things on Sm. If you think that won’t kill a marriage then I don’t know what you think will.

It says your feelings don’t matter to me. Mine come first so I’m posting this or doing this interview even though it worries you that we won’t be able to support ourselves or our family because I’m Alice Evans Gruff and it’s my way or the highway.
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He may well still love her, he was with her for such a long time and I don’t think you completely lose love for somebody like that. But that does not mean that he wants to be with her. Plenty of people still love each other and separate because they know that they don’t work together, and that love is no longer enough to sustain their relationship
I absolutely think he still loves her but can’t live with her anymore. I think he adored her and was gutted having to leave, otherwise why was he crying on the phone to his parents?

But regardless of BW I think he couldn’t handle the Sm addiction, the huge boundary issues, the drinking, pill popping, threatening suicide while he was away, the public humiliation, and picking a political side because he feared he would get canceled and couldn’t support the family. Same thing with him begging her not to do the Weinstein article.

Then there was the incident with AE in the car park where she went mental at Kayla the YouTuber which must have embarrassed the life out of him. And let’s not forget the final straw when she went after Meghan Markle on Twitter and he talked to her about shutting down her Twitter account. She posted that online and then her followers attacked him and she called him a pussy on Twitter.
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Yeah like her Bvlgari Serpentini watch which is worth a pretty packet. She’s got money if she happens to heal to the point of wishing to sell items and old gifts. Could probably help put a lot more towards a house deposit too.

Not saying she needs to, I’m just saying that her idea of broke and my idea of broke are two completely different things.
The Bvlgari Serpentini is worth £11,400 new. Time to pawn it babe?

I can't understand why she doesn't even cook if she is worried about being "destitute". She is fighting against reality at this point. She will have a much leaner lifestyle when the divorce is finalised. Will Nanny go? IG may want to pay for her if he thinks she has a protective effect. Although the child support will be generous, I am sure a lot of it will go on wine and lip filler.

As for a job, I think AE could even get work from home using her languages. But for someone who thinks they are famous I don't think she even wants to. Like it's beneath her.
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If he was with her for two years then that is shitty behaviour and cowardly on his part. He has obviously been unhappy with Alice for many years (and having seen her behaviour we can see why he was unhappy with her) but he could have just walked away from her without having the replacement lined up.

He comes across as a bit spineless even if the above isn’t true. He allowed Alice to abuse and walk all over him for years. I hope he has learned some lessons and had good healthy boundaries in place with his new girlfriend. It will save him the years of pain he will now have to endure from his ex wife.
I do get your point completely and agree that he was pus*y whipped, but it’s very hard to get away from someone like her. I mean look at how she is acting now. He’s probably tried and tried before now. And maybe that’s why she wanted to get him back to the house to try and convince him that things will be different this time, he must come back for the girls, she can’t live without him, etc. I fully believe that she emotionally abused him as well as physically. It happens to men too but isn’t talked about because it’s so humiliating or not believed. Their personalities fit perfectly in this dynamic. It’s truly horrible. And now she’s trashing his name which is absolute narc. behavior. I imagine she’s threatened suicide multiple times as well to hang onto him. He was very very gullible, and now that he’s not and grown a backbone she cannot stand it and gone crazy.
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Both points of view should be presented. A lot of people do not like Alice on this forum. There are some posts that put her view across. But, not as many. I am leaving this forum. Some of the other discussion about celebrities are fun friendly and don’t attack people for having another point of view. I joined because I thought this would be interesting. But not anymore.
The reason we get very angry about Alice is because many of us are mothers ourselves who have sacrificed everything for our children. We put our own hurts, egos and wants aside for them while she does not.
She’s been carrying on like a loon for ages now complaining about being a single mother while having a nanny five days a week while her kids are at school. Meantime she tweets poolside in her $2.5 million dollar home.
So that’s why we have very strong feelings. Perhaps you will reconsider.
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Seriously though. What work could she do that would give her a decent wage to contribute?

This is the US not the UK. The minimum wage in California is $13 an hour and she's not qualified for much. And the Nanny leaves at 5pm.
She’s fluent in French and Italian. As well as obviously English. Surely there’s voiceover, translation, subtitling, any number of language based jobs inside or outside of the film/TV industry she could do. Those kinds of jobs pay more than minimum.
And if she’s not working in the industry, there’s no reason other than the kids’ school to stay in LA. They wouldn’t be the first children to change city/state/country and attend a new school.
First world problems.
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Influncer Snarker

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I don't think anyone is team Ioan. His inaction is speaking volumes at the moment. Yes, he's away working but from the outside looking in, she is neglecting her children and mentally abusing them. He should have swooped in days ago imo. Work is not more important than your kids wellbeing.

What I can't understand is why the move to LA? Were their ego's that big that they expected to land every film and become A list celebs? All I know him from is the 3 lines he had in Titanic, I haven't seen him in anything else. I haven't seen her in anything. They could have stayed in the UK and made nice stable careers for themselves there.

I have a level of sympathy for her. Honestly, what she is going through is my worst nightmare and I don't know how I would react if the same happened to me. I don't think she can be all that bad. They must have been happy at some point.

She has disarmed herself by giving up her career or having any sort of life outside of her marraige. Women should never do that. Especially when your husband is away for months at a time working with beautiful women while you are at home on your own, addicted to twitter, putting on weight and dealing peri menopause/menopause. It must fucking suck. I do hope she starts seeing clearly soon and gets her shit together.
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I'm sorry, but if your reaction to somebody saying "you look amazing" is "WTH, you knew about this?" you are fuming since nothing of what Tamzin said indicated that she knew. It's the same with her accusing Ella Newton of knowing just because she left a heart
View attachment 841131
Why does she think everyone wants or fancies her ex husband??? IG has never and will never be in my top 10 male celebs😂

Anyone who disagrees either wants IG for themselves or is complicitbin his affair. Alice , pick a lane to stay in it🙄
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I was dumped by someone who went off with someone else, and it burned. She kept turning up at things with her new guy, and I'm so glad I didn't have social media at the time, because although I don't think I would have done what Alice has done, I'm sure i might have put up something I later regretted.

The woman who left me later started getting dumped by the men in her life (one ghosted her after she became pregnant with his child), and she went full Alice with tweets, threatening letters, dumping all the stuff the parents of the guy had bought her on their drive, etc.

Perhaps I'm the Olivier Picasso to her Alice.....hmmm......
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