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I just think he shouldn’t have fanned the flames by posting that photo with Bianca when he knew that Alice would see it and it would make her go postal. Obviously he can’t just up and leave work for the sake of the kids, but he knows what Alice is like so he shouldn’t have exacerbated the situation.
I think sometimes by doing this (no excusing & I don’t know the romantic situation he’s in) it’s maybe putting a nail in the coffin and this was the only way to do it. It’s can imagine her sticking her fingers in her ears when she doesn’t want to listen.
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Maybe he would have gone back if she had held her tongue and not made a total fool of herself so publicly.

I understand the desire to lash out after a break up. But she's acting horrendously, and honestly I think she's the total twat here.

My sympathies with IG who had to put up with this fucking loon for years.
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She really really needs to stop seeing who follows who on Twitter as equivalent to actual RL relationships. I’ve never seen anything like it! If one person you follow is flooding your entire feed with endless dreck about a topic you don’t like, I don’t get why you can’t unfollow regardless of whether you know them. I suppose Piers could have muted her but I don’t suppose he gives a shit - he doesn’t have to read it any more 😄

Also here we are again trampling boundaries, no introspection that her behaviour has anything to do with it…watch this space she’ll start spewing private details about Piers now. Not that I care about him, but he’s not going to just lie down and take it if she goes on the attack!
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Having caught up tonight on pages here - like isn’t it all completely EXHAUSTING?! HOW is she not worn out listening to herself…maybe this actually is therapy where she’ll just have spewed every bit of venom over social media and fall into the deepest sleep waking up cleansed..😂. If only!
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Chatty Member
Re the house.

It's absolutely normal for the house to be sold in a divorce.

Yeah, he can let them live in it until the youngest is 18 but he'd have to buy somewhere else to live that accomodates 2 kids on overnights and as we've seen, he'd need a spare 2.5 million for that.

Realistically it's gonna have to go.
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The woman is going to lose her children. His lawyers are going to destroy her in court. It won’t be his fault, his mother’s, his fans, his girlfriends blah blah blah. It’s allllll going to be down to her.
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House of Tea

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AE will find it a struggle to get an acting work after this melt down on social media. She would be seen as a risk. Getting back into acting as a not very successful actress, wrong side of 50 (for Hollywood etc) would be hard, but add in the batshit crazy stuff from the last year, renders it nigh on impossible. She has cut her own nose of to spite her face. Attacking him is also putting his career at risk, so that would affect the family’s money pot. She is on a downward trajectory. She is hurting. Her ego cannot accept he wanted out in the first place. This is now focused on BW, blaming her - she has pored over all her photos and social media and clearly thinks BW is inferior to herself in every way. BW is probably just an unthreatening and smiley person - a polar opposite to AE. That might be what he needs right now. Ok, he’s a vain old goat, a stereotypical middle aged man with a girl friend 20 years younger, but perhaps he just wants as uncomplicated a relationship as possible with someone after such a turbulent time.

Not on either team. Just an incredulous bystander at the global washing of one’s laundry.

Oh no, AE’s fat shaming has brought out Samantha Brick…
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AE: "This too will pass". She said, hopefully

I wonder if she even wants it to pass. The narc in her loves the attention and she is still gaining twitter followers. Lots of scorned women who can relate I suppose. Or just rubberneckers.

AE on those who question her narrative: nearly ALL are pro Trump or Brexit. What is it about the right wing and lack of empathy?


AE: A lot of people definitely knew something - for quite a time. That's what makes me feel so humiliated!

What difference does it make? Him getting a gf was always going to cause a meltdown even if they kept it secret before.

AE: I don't mind making people famous. [BW] Fame (from somebody whose more or less been in it for 25 yrs is NOT all it's made out to be.. Let's see how she deals!

Eh, famous? Only C List and through being married to IG.

AE: Why should we keep it all "inside" or "to our friends" (my friends have had enough) or not wash our dirty linen? I've been TOTALLY fucked over to this man and people should know it

So part of why she spews on twitter is because no one else wants to hear it again irl. Don't blame them. She is a broken record.

AE: Ioan possibly he wants out without taking blame, so he 'finds' blame. In me. Certainly none of us understood (Gloria too) his sudden vindictiveness.

Divorce happens. A witch hunt over who is to blame is redundant and hurtful to kids. As if she was blameless??

AE: I seemed to have GAINED 30 pounds in the last year! Every time I've been bereaved/ had a major life tragedy I've lost weight but this is the opposite and I feel awful cos it's just making me feel worse about myself. Hopefully getting it off my chest'll help!

Or maybe exercising and cutting back on the booze?

AE: I don't think anybody is going to imagine he would have an affair with YOU honey...

So she is still being bitchy despite not looking great herself these days...
I’m not being mean but she looks to have gained more than 30 pounds. And there she goes again making nasty comments about someone else’s looks! She’s the most shallow person there is. Bully!
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At the beginning of the break up I was suggesting that Ioan should get himself a fling soon enough so that he gets the "ex wife from hell murders new woman for stealing their man" phase out of the way before he dates somebody proper. Maybe he followed my advice LOL

Although, honestly, I think Alice would make any future girlfriend's life hell.

I feel kinda bad for that girl. It's entirely possible that she (he likely did at least think about it) didnt do or thought of anything inappropriate with him until he seperated from Alice (I dont think so, but it's possible). Before it's proven that they were romantically involved while he was still with Alice it's just so unfair to blame her, and even then he possibly told her that he will leave his wife. Alice probably likes to think that way because she does still love him, but if he cheated then this is Ioan's fault, not (necessarly) his girlfriends (of course there are cases where they are fully consciously trying to steal a married man, but even then it takes two to tango)
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HI everyone

Does anyone realise that Olivier Picasso is gay? So AE did leave him but I think she had good reason. Plus, he was not fully ‘out‘ at the time (at least publicly) so, AE never spoke about it.
Furthermore, people should remember that BW is a woman happy to have a relationship with a married man behind the backs of his wife and kids, even if the relationship had ended she should have valued herself enough to wait until the ink is dry on the divorce papers especially as kids are involved.
I call ‘IG and BW‘ a relationship but, really it has been an extended holiday romance
I mean, maybe they are just having a fun fling for a while? Not every relationship has to be deadly serious and forever. I know that when I got out of an unhappy long term relationship that I had a couple of boyfriends I had zero intention of settling down with, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Olivier Picasso is gay but Alice still cheated on him with Ioan while they were engaged! Seems there’s no hard feelings about it though.
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I had a thought. He left her in January and got an apartment. In LA. So until the move for work to France, he's been living in the same city as her. And possibly BW living with him. Now correct me if I'm wrong but the bunny boiler reckons she knew nothing about BW until last week. So he must have some seriously protective friends. In the same city, moving in the same circles, but AE didn't know where he lived or who the woman was. Because if I'm right, if she knew where he lived, she'd be there at all hours, stalking, taking photos, stealing clothes off the line, etc. No-one just protects their own privacy in that sort of town, you need to have lots of other people helping. People who know but don't breath a word. That's very interesting. That's really very interesting.
I honestly don’t believe that BW was living there, although she may have visited. But I too have wondered about the BB”bunny boiler”😂 stalking Ioan. In fact, I wouldn’t doubt if she doesn’t track where Elsie is on her phone when she visits.
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I'm sure this has been said before....but what is she trying to achieve by bad mouthing him? Does she want to destroy what little career he has? Make him unemployable because he is such a horrible person? Doesn't she realise that it's his money she depends on? If he has no work, how will she & the girls be able to survive?
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I do feel sorry for AE but I equally think she needs to get a grip, get off SM, think of her poor girls and book herself into therapy ASAP.

IMO, AE has devoted all of herself to IG, to try and make him happy, please him and feel secure that he loves her.

AE is quirky and I definitely think that was part of her appeal to IG but as his profile increased, I think he wanted her to tone down that quirkiness and tow the line.... I think this is why she comes across as awkward and odd in some posts/videos as it's not something that comes naturally to her. I'm sure he would have "told her off" for embarrassing him at times (I don't mean physically or anything) scold her if you will.

I think this will have had a detrimental effect of her self confidence and her need to please him.
This is turn, probably pushed him further and further away. A vicious cycle of AE trying to hard and IG detaching from the relationship.

AE is the definition of a woman scorned at this time and I do feel for her, that her whole life has been turned upside down. IG is just waiting in the wings whilst she unhinges herself on SM, it's not a dignified silence, it's biding his time, whilst AE causes merry hell.

They are both to blame for this chaos and it's the daughters I feel so sorry for, caught in the middle, being told who knows what.

AE get off SM, protect your babies, put down the bottle.... Get to therapy. Work it out privately, be the bigger person.
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I’ve been reading about Betty Broderick thanks to this thread, and she was diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder. Now, I haven’t quite graduated from the Google University of Armchair Psychologists yet - but the description of it sounds familiar is all I’m saying…
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