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I’m glad you said this about internalised misogyny, I thought I was the only one seeing it. Yeah it’s hard to imagine what it be like if the roles were reversed and Alice had run off, abandoned the kids, gone abroad and hooked up with some guy. I imagine everybody would lambast her as a terrible mother, but because it’s a man doing it and that’s a story we’re all used to we all think it’s fine.
The thing is I don’t see anyone blindly defending either of them on here. Comments like this which are factually incorrect lead people to respond in a way which looks like they’re defending him and they’re not! They’re just correcting that he didn’t run off etc etc.

I think the biggest problem (aside from AE’s verbal diarrhoea on Twitter) is that the balance of their relationship has drifted off-kilter with her giving up work to look after the kids and him having to take work where he can get it to keep up the lifestyle they apparently need to have in L.A. It’s a trap a lot of couples fall into. Add to that him being away for huge chunks of time and AE’s social media addiction impinging on every moment of their life - I mean he can’t even FaceTime his daughter without Alice screen-grabbing it and sticking the picture on insta- this was a disaster waiting to happen.
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I had a thought. He left her in January and got an apartment. In LA. So until the move for work to France, he's been living in the same city as her. And possibly BW living with him. Now correct me if I'm wrong but the bunny boiler reckons she knew nothing about BW until last week. So he must have some seriously protective friends. In the same city, moving in the same circles, but AE didn't know where he lived or who the woman was. Because if I'm right, if she knew where he lived, she'd be there at all hours, stalking, taking photos, stealing clothes off the line, etc. No-one just protects their own privacy in that sort of town, you need to have lots of other people helping. People who know but don't breath a word. That's very interesting. That's really very interesting.

I'd love to have been a fly on the wall in the divorce lawyers office at his first meeting. Divorce lawyers know their stuff, I can almost predict how the convo went. They will have listened to his description of how she behaves and prob said something like "Well 70% of the time people like that do nothing and we go to a default divorce. That's your best option if it happens. 20% of the time they'll lawyer up and make it a shit fight and the other 10% don't contest it but then file an appeal afterwards and make it a shit fight then. Now Mr Gruffud our advice is turn off all your social media and SAY NOTHING. It will drive her nuts and hopefully she'll do the 70% thing".
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Is she equating a husband to a car, as a possession?! He does have a mind of his own and he decided that life without Alice, however he may love/have loved her, was eminently preferable to life with her and her batshit behaviour and treatment of him.
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I don't think you quite understand how rich, 'in' and golden-ticketish Olivier Picasso was.

ETA: She loved Ioan. All encompassing. If you've never felt that, perhaps that's why she has to be a Narc 101 in your mind for her reaction to be so over the top and visceral.
I am still catching up on this but life isn’t a movie and it’s possible for love to be unhealthy. Just because it’s love doesn’t mean it’s pure. Obsessive ‘can’t live without you’ love isn’t couple goals. It’s indicative of a much deeper and potentially problematic ticking time bomb of codependency and insecurity. As we can now see from this example.
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It was just mentioned on the ITV This Morning show - They are about to do a phone in on "wronged spouses" In light of Alice's Twitter rants 🤮🤣
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Who the fuck is this pecker? Is he obsessed? Does he know her? He's a proper nasty prick when he gets doing. The human definition of the turd emoji?
God how I wish we could apply more emojis to our comments! This needs a love and a lol.

You just sound bitter, TBH. 'Life's a bitch and then you die' isn't a motto that anyone should live their life by. I'm not a fan of Alice's whining, but this isn't a 'who has life worst' pissing contest. She is allowed to be upset at the end of her hopes and dreams. She is handling it in completely the wrong way, but her feelings are understandable. Just because some other people have it worse, does that mean she has no right to feel bad? If I said to you 'be happy you live here, not in Venezuala (or whatever other shithole) ' that wouldn't be helpful or relevant. I hate this race to the bottom when it comes to suffering, it is just immature IMO.

Surely that's a woman, not a man?
I’m sorry you feel this way but you have completely gotten the wrong end of the stick. Yes, she has every right to feel abysmal but no right whatsoever to take innocent people down with her!
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Sorry yes I totally agree with you and should have made my post slightly clearer with that. Being abusive (physically or mentally) to uour partner is in turn abusive to the children witnessing. However I don’t believe that being a cheat for example, or wanting to end the relationship with the parent of your child reflects on how you are as a parent.
From what I can gather IG is a good dad to the kids and has tried to maintain relationships with them whilst avoiding contact with AE. I think AE herself complained once that while his daughters were talking to their dad on FaceTime, she butted in to ask something and he then emailed her later on and asked her not to do it in future and not to contact him especially while he has his time with the girls. rightfully so! she needs to stop trying to interfere in his relationship with the children, but unfortunately thats the only form of control she currently has.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
All of her activities are just about avoiding the pain she feels that he has left her and doesn’t want her anymore. The alcohol, the sleuthing, the lashing out on SM she does this so she doesn’t have to sit with the pain that comes with being dumped.

I wonder why she doesn’t use the 3 therapists to help her through this. Her chosen behaviours are going to do long term damage to herself and her children. The person she wants to punish will walk away with his star shinning even brighter. It’s like drinking poison and hoping that the other person dies.
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He could well be vain but image counts for a lot in this industry. I'm not surprised that he tried to rein Alice in. She may consider herself 'quirky' but from the video evidence she comes across as inappropriate, unprofessional, sex obsessed, and both jealous and envious. As a jobbing actor he has to be considering his image as he isn't a big enough star that it doesn't matter when casting roles. Alice is a liability, always pushing in and falling flat. I wonder if he's lost roles because of her? It's interesting that most of his roles seem to be filmed away from home base. I can imagine people choosing to cast another actor because they just can't face the baggage called Alice.

Another thought I had: she's trilingual but in 20 years never made any attempt to learn the first language of her partner/husband and her in-laws who are the only grandparents her children appear to know? She doesn't have to be fluent but it's well known that it's easier to pick up further languages the more you know. It's almost as though she doesn't see Welsh as important despite being her children's paternal culture, but yet another thing to look down on him for and to whinge about him speaking to his parents in. He had to speak to the family in HER first language.
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One thing that has struck me in all of this is that (from my very cursory reading) Ioan seemed kinda lukewarm on her from the beginning. I mean, maybe not the beginning-beginning, there must have been some mutuality. But I'm sure that I read that he married her after she 'gave him an ultimatum'. That makes her seem very controlling, for sure. However, it also makes him seem a bit spineless. I don't want to underestimate the power of abuse, and he may have felt that he couldn't escape. However, I don't see why you would want to have a couple of kids with someone who had coerced you into marriage. The whole setup just seems bizarre and toxic.
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Two things:
1) you don’t get enmeshed on social media with a man’s family and close friends if you’re only in it for the short-term.
2) “The Secret” is new-age bollocks
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House of Tea

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I think IG has moved on from AE being the woman he was in a relationship with for so long, his wife, the mother of their children. He now thinks of her as That Bloody Woman. The photo of him and Bianca was very much an Up Yours - get a move on with the divorce. It’s over.
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So my digest on the latest nonsense...

AE: I do not sleep with married men. I do not wreck homes I do not ruin little kids' lives.

You cheated on your fiance, wrecked your family with your BS behaviour and now Elsie is a mess. Well done.

AE: Oh babe. I wish he'd wake up and realize what he's doing. He's scaring the shit out of us Last night he threatened to fire Gloria, and then told a crying Elsie on the phone: "There are going to be some big changes when I get back, ok?" We're all terrified! I have to say we're all very nervous. (Except Ella!)

So it seems he is trying to prepare Elsie a bit for the changes (maybe he reads on here?) which is wise. I doubt he phrased it as a threat to an 8 year old but then we know how AE twists things.

AE: I told her that if he did then I would veto it and pay her from whatever money I can make But she was upset he shouted : I am your Boss and you will listen to me! I don't want her to leave, and yesterday she couldn't handle much more verbal abuse

You can't pay Gloria without a job - so get one.

AE: And he was never this bad. But he's getting meaner and meaner - as if the walls are closing in on him. That's why I'm not going to give up. He did this to me. I'm a mess and so is one of my kids. He didn't care.

Well twitter smears aren't exactly endearing. IG is no exception. The walls are closing in on AE more like.

AE: Years of infertility (in my case) and getting through toddlerhood and doing things together and trying to make the world a safe place with two safe parents that not everyone is lucky enough to have and we lose it ALL cos Miss Law of Attraction thinks it's a game?

Your marriage blew up without BW's input. Even if they split up, the divorce continues...

AE: I don't give a shit about dignity. I want(ed) the lovely little family that I had. I was really really happy with just our little family and now it's fucked.

Her attitude is fucked.

AE: If somebody stole your car you'd cry thief, right?

Talk about revealing yourself! IG was her prized possession. He is not allowed to make the decision to leave.

AE: I went a year without sharing and that didn't help me!

"It doesn't count if you delete it the next morning" lol.

AE: Well he's committed now! Well done Bianca, you made it happen. Maybe it was a shooting star?

No he's not. The relationship is in the early stages so who knows. That's not the point though. He still ain't going back.

AE: I leaned over Elsie's call last Sunday to ask him a question and he went insane. Accused me of "commandeering HIS time with HIS child' on the stupid legal app. It's quite frightening.

FFS he sent a polite email to restate boundaries she previously agreed to.

AE: He wants Gloria to be a go between with me and him. But he refuses to communicate with me directly - has blocked my phone and changed his email. Then he gets very angry when Gloria won't pass a message. But she doesn't want to get involved in that way and I don't blame her.

Gloria should just quit. She should pass on the message but then AE probably goes nuts so she is afraid to?

AE: I'm nervous that they have plans to both come back to LA and... then what? I'm nervous to be pushed out of my house. (It's in his name, although we both paid in) The girls are nervous because they don't want a mother Mum.

Her house? Who paid the lion's share? Also the Freudian slip - "a mother Mum"! Because AE is not much of a mother?

AE: And he's STILL lying and cheating because he told our youngest last night not he phone that he didn't have a girlfriend and that it was all made up. Then I have to figure out what to say, since he refuses point blank to talk to me..

Doesn't this contradict him saying there will be changes?

AE: Others I think just assume I'm rich or have a charmed life (no, no) and therefore am not vulnerable. But my god - what were they THINKING with the INSTAGRAMS?

She did have a charmed life but doesn't seem to have appreciated it. Her bio even said "20 perfect years with IG" AFTER the split.

AE: It's a bad day today. They broke up our whole little happy family. I'm so sad.

Narcs can never take responsibility for anything.

AE: God I WISH I'd realized they were love-texting on Instagram a year ago. I checked his normal texts occasionally but of course there was nothing there. Fuck. ALL that time he was fucking me over

Yep a jealous harridan with no boundaries. Sorry she didn't snoop on his Insta now too LOL He is well rid of her and should have woken up / left sooner imo.
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Has she stopped tweeting now? Has she had any sleep? Feel so sorry for the daughters. It must be so mental living in this shit storm.
She is going to drag the divorce and drama out for as long as she can and as others have already said I’m feeling really strong Betty Broderick vibes.
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What's your point

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For some reason this thread title reminds me of that legendary post Alice (or rather her strongly suspected sock) pulled on the imdb board ages ago where she defended herself from the accusations that she is jealous of his fans by saying "Why should Alice Evans be jealous, she has Ioan every night inside her" LOL
Ugh makes me sick that quote 🤮
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This constant oversharing on SM was always going to exacerbate things. How can he talk to her about anything if he can't trust that she won't blast it out to all and sundry? I can't help thinking this had such a chilling effect on the relationship. How can you discuss real private feelings and problems with someone who might just tweet it to 30,000 people?
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Alice has tweeted before that the girls have had Instagram accounts since they were 5 and 8, respectively. An unpopular opinion but it’s a massive safeguarding issue — I worked for Instagram for a short period of time and there’s no way in hell I’d be giving small children unsupervised access to it. Hell, I wouldn’t want to give teenagers unsupervised access to it either.
It’s a huge safeguarding issue. But then she herself is a huge safeguarding issue. The world knows their full address thanks to her stupid photo shoot outside her house, the names of the girls and what they look like, their nanny’s name and what she looks like, and she posts photos of the littlest in her knickers to Instagram. These kids will be growing up with a completely warped view of what is and isn’t private and what boundaries are. So so dangerous, especially for little girls.
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Imagine having Alice Evans calling you multiple times because you did "the most hurtful thing you can do to a person". I would run for life!
So again, she has no idea her behaviour has prompted someone to run away from her?!
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic. Piers is friends with her husband, she has flamed her hubby for months, and now one of his friends has unfollowed her and she doesn't know why. Doesn't she have any self-awareness?
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