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Probably because he was not out publicly but, they do seem to have a mutual respect for eachother. I think she knew he was gay but, kept quiet as, he did not speak about Being gay until some years later.
Fair do's. Although I know a guy who was straight, and was engaged to a woman, but that relationship petered out. He was then together with a guy for several years (they were a lovely couple) until 'new' partner passed away. He's now married to woman, so I think we all have to forget these labels sometimes and remember that we fall in love with a person, not a category. :)
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I think its an advised silence, as in advised by his lawyers to "STFU, no matter what your ex says or does".
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I’ve been watching their interviews & tbh they both scream narcissist to me but he’s covert and she’s overt. She’s giving me second hand embarrassment with her actions but it must be really shit to give 20 years of your life to someone and the second you lose your looks they get rid for a younger model and you’re left with the kids whilst they are galavanting around the world, if that happened to me I think I’d go ape shit as well!
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iamthecat said: AE was with OP. He was pretty shiny. He reflected his shine upon her throughout the Paris “scene”. She probably get all shiny and special as well - an English girl, upcoming actress, trilingual, it was probably a great time for her.
Then she makes a movie, 102 Dalmations with IG. This movie has the potential to push her star a bit higher. And a romance with a costar? Well the sky’s the limit there! Potential to become Hollywood’s up and coming “Cool Britannia” couple. Dump OP, get with IG, AE begins to shine even brighter now. The Hollywood stage has far more potential than the Paris scene.
But then IG made the fatal mistake of shining a bit too brightly. His star continued to rise and hers kind of spluttered and faltered. How dare he! And so she starts to pull him back down again. And continues to pull him down, whilst still maintaining enough of his shininess to keep her shiny, until he finally after 18 years has enough and breaks it off.
Classic narc 101. If he was the narc, he’d have broken it off with her years ago and gotten with a younger Hollywood actress.

I agree with this. That said, he did have a lean patch (right after he killed his website and married her) where he didn't work for over two years but things seem better for him lately. AE's acting career is now over - the agent dumped her. The only thing I could see her getting now is some low rent reality show. Or Loose Women.

As for IG not wanting AE to be political - I think it was more the way she did it. Name calling Trump family members etc.

And now she has posted this -

AE: I have EVERY SINGLE THING documented. I have tapes. I have recordings. I have documents. I. have a year of divorce therapy where everything is on file. I have two lawyers. I have a witness who saw everything from inside the house and 3 others I've been writing to for 16 months.

The witness being Gloria? Are the 3 main FMs, the 3 she mentions? Oh boy as if it wasn't ugly already...
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I know what she’s doing to some extent, she’s constantly pawing over the remnants of every inch of their marriage now and psycho analysing him endlessly trying to find reasons why this was not her fault. Problem is much of it all is right in front of her, she doesn’t want to see it.

I do feel a little sorry for her that she didn’t realise that a wedge was growing between them. Finding your partner very irritating when they talk can be a real slow painful death of a relationship. IG should have sat her down properly when things started to slide off his plate, but doesn’t sound like he did. He is a coward I do not doubt.

Problem is the things she is asking of him now, is just not who Ioan is. She married this same man, he hasn’t changed, it’s just that she’s now on the cold side of his life. If he never spoke to her much before about his problems or feelings, he’s not going to start now.
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If I were him I would be mortified. AE stating how little money they have would surely affect his negotiating £££ power for contracts.
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HI everyone

Does anyone realise that Olivier Picasso is gay? So AE did leave him but I think she had good reason. Plus, he was not fully ‘out‘ at the time (at least publicly) so, AE never spoke about it.
Furthermore, people should remember that BW is a woman happy to have a relationship with a married man behind the backs of his wife and kids, even if the relationship had ended she should have valued herself enough to wait until the ink is dry on the divorce papers especially as kids are involved.
I call ‘IG and BW‘ a relationship but, really it has been an extended holiday romance since, they are not living a real life, staying in Fancy hotels, whilst filming, is not living real life. Bonding over the ogre ex wife is not a real connection And very easy to do. Living together, having step kids stay, paying bills, staying up all night with a new baby, being ill, not seeing eachother at ones best, working away, stress.....all this is real life. When they do this then, it’s a relationship. When a man marries his mistress......he creates a vacancy....many a true word said!
I agree and think maybe it’s just a fling. Except AE still cheated on Picasso and deceived him while carrying on with IG. I don’t care if he was gay or not. He wasn’t aware of it at the time and he was hurt.
Someone on this thread mentioned something earlier that I agree with. You lose a man how you found him. Out of the ashes of an affair and I’m so inclined to agree with this.
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Are her and her FM 5 years old?
So childish to make fun of his performance in the bedroom. She wasn't complaining before she found out he had a new girlfriend.
Fucking pathetic, petty, unhinged psycho
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Late to this party. I have to say I don't see why so many people are defending him. Alice seems unhinged, it is true. However, I really don't condone his behaviour either. They are both behaving like teenagers. I also have to roll my eyes at him dating a woman who is 20 years younger. I suspect that no woman his own age or even ten years younger would be interested. I am 38 and I wouldn't be, he is slimy looking and looks as if he fancies himself rotten.
I'd be worried if everyone found the same person attractive. I can think of worse people.
If you'd read properly Ioan has been criticised by most of us but she's not doing herself any favours by carrying on
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I think it’s quite possible that AE’s daughter told her that her father said they weren’t together. I suspect that is the child’s way of trying to put the brakes on their mothers spiral going out of control any further.
It is quite possible that IG called his daughter to reassure her that all was ok and to support her and that both the girls knew before the post but are petrified of saying something to AE that causes more drama.

I would say that anyone around AE is fearful of her reactions.
I would also say that IG knows this and to put his children in this position with his posts and not be home to protect them is unforgivably selfish.
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if you are appalled by Alice's behaviour some automatically think you are pro Ioan.
Yeah, I don't like Ioan. He comes across as vain, controlling and ill tempered. I feel bad that Alice is so besotted with the silly twat that she can't see it. So many red flags, years before they split, but rose tinted glasses hid them all from her.

Alice is strange and kooky, but, she seemed pleasant enough before he walked out, he really ripped out the centre of her universe and she needs to regain herself. It's a hard task, but she needs to be the strength her daughters need right now.
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HOW DID SHE FIND OUT ABOUT THIS? What on earth is she telling her children???
She is completely detached from reality. I think when he refuses to come to the house because of her behaviour she is pushing “dad doesn’t want to see you/us” onto the girls because she just can’t accept she’s doing and continues doing wrong, which is pushing him away from them girls. Why isn’t she happy for them to meet a neutral place? Why does it have to be at the house?
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Is there proof or does it seem likely that he started seeing BW before telling AE it was over?

Because if it started after he split from AE, I really struggle to see what he's done wrong?

Are both parties really expected to not see anyone until divorce is finalised? Because I don't know anyone who would do that (out of choice, at least).

She definitely wants him back, but her antics make that incredibly unlikely to happen - even if he has a change of heart.
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I don’t take it as a dig. It’s just frustrating when you see something so plainly because you’ve lived it and people say you’re an armchair psychologist and/or it’s trendy. It’s okay for you to stand by your opinion. I stand by mine. AE is a narc.
And one of the major issues with narcissism is the person with it very rarely will even entertain the fact that there’s something wrong with them (it’s everyone else remember) so it’s incredibly hard to get a clinical diagnosis as they just won’t go and see a therapist. Why should they when it’s everyone else with the problem not them? Unfortunately it’s often their victims that have to do the “armchair diagnosis”. Unless the narc does something truly terrible AND criminal, it will never get officially diagnosed.
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The latest Mail article says that she ‘allowed’ him to work, that sounds so controlling. She also talks about how it was hard to get out of bed at times, that is probably due to her alcohol consumption rather than an illness.
I’m so sick of this bitter, whining, entitled woman and her idiotic Fms I just can’t!

I have not only Fibro, but three other serious autoimmune diseases. I had no nanny and although blessed not to have to work still was a real full time mom and rarely missed a single important moment of my children’s lives, and one of them was sick too. I could not tolerate any alcohol at all, btw. I’m sure her drinking makes her much sicker.

I’m not wanting any sympathy, it’s just pissing me off to listen to this drivel! We had to do without a lot to make things work and still do. AE has the best medical care and help but she thinks she’s too good to live like someone who is beneath her standing. I can almost guarantee that IG is the first man who has ever dumped her and she can’t take it!
She wants someone to swoop in and fix everything for her. To continue to enable her foul behavior. So she can be on Sm, show off her fancy life, show off her trophy husband, and get all those likes on Twitter and her IG.
Meanwhile she expects her ex to continue to be completely devoted to her and be attracted to her even though she’s anything but anymore. And she wants to continue pushing him around.

Did she not ever get the memo that life’s a bitch and then you die? Apparently not.

She should grab onto whatever bit of happiness and blessings she does have and be grateful for them. Like the fact that her daughters love her and are physically healthy!

Oh, and she needs to let this divorce happen so that she and her daughters can move on. It’s happening whether she likes it or not. It’s happening regardless of BW or not.

That Henry Morgan Scarf person - is that a man or female? I assume their Twitter photo is them. He/she is labelling Bianca ugly. Henry has chutzpah saying that - for a start, there is no way BW is ugly (whatever your view of BW’s relationship is) and they are not an oil painting if that photo is them. Did they run a fan club for IG and they are now 😢 he is no longer Mr Nice Guy.
Yes, he fired them and they can’t take it. And I agree that BW is lovely. Vicious Granny Scarf is a woman who is very focused on looks, revenge, stupid juvenile cracks, and basically every rotten characteristic you see in AE. She’s AE’s main mouthpiece and Flying Monkey 1.

She also as I said in an earlier post looks like she has been dragged through a bush backwards. So yes, extremely hypocritical just like her leader.
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She is literally trying to alienate him from co stars etc now. She's actual scum. If you're an average person who works say, in an office or a school, NOBODY - or at least barely anyone - would know you're in the midst of a divorce. Even if it's messy. He can't help that because he's in the public eye and AE is plastering it around SM and doing interviews with DM. So people he's on set with know what's going on and it must be awkward enough as it is without her claiming he doesn't like some of those people. She'll never work in acting again if she carries on. She's a liability. She's as bad as Lauryn Goodman.

As for him shouting at the nanny. I don't believe it, because if she worked for him, surely he'd just fire her if she was being difficult and she worked for him? I really pity those girls
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Big dick energy, it is meant to mean to have a lot of confidence (like the confidence of somebody who has a big dick), but I guess she means it literal.

Funny enough Alice once tweeted that Ioan has a big one
View attachment 845453
And she's really still wondering why he left her after posting such stuff in public - for years?! 😳
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