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They do understand that as it stands Ioan is providing 100% income to AE and the girls?? He is paying the mortgage, for Gloria and at least one private school AE herself stated was $50,000 a year?
He also provides a meal service for AE, as stated in the wiki.
The house will have to be sold and she will have to find a job, that is not his responsibility once the divorce is finalised. Jeez!
I literally can't wait for the divorce to be finalised or bifurcated. I really, really want Alice to have to deal with her actions and have to start to work and be a responsible adult. But I know she is in this for the long haul - she is admittedly all about 'revenge' and has zero self knowledge. And her FM's will keep feeding her narrative. But she will have to come back down to earth a bit when she has to she'll have to get out of bed at least
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@KikiFromNy I want to say how awful this is.
" There were even family battles over my treatment because one side of the family wanted me to forgo chemo and radiation so I could continue to care for the parents. "
I can't believe anyone would ask that of you. That's despicable. I hope you're doing alright now.
Thank you so much. And I am great. The issue was my Dr wanted a lumpectomy, chemo, radiation because of the kind of tumor it was. Worst kind. One side of the family insisted I should get a double mastectomy (even though I would still need chemo, radiation) because that is what my monster sister-in-law (like AE) had even though she only had precancerous cells. 🤔 So if I was sick from treatment IT WAS MY OWN FAULT and I could just suck it up.
All of this is becoming fresh again - like I see so very many of us on here - watching AE bully IG, BW and everyone who dares stand up to her. I think we are all here working out our own issues with narcissists and emotional abusers and I salute you all. ❤
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I've FINALLY made it to the end of a thread and able to comment again... but now feel like when you've had your hand up in class for ages and when the teacher finally calls on you, you can't remember what you were going to say...

Oh yeah, Salad Cream Man. I did feel quite sad about him but his new vocabulary smacks of an older person attempting to be "down with the kids" and throwing out words he thinks AE will lap up without really knowing what they mean. Either pathetic or actually quite nasty.
I’ve just had a scroll through the ‘media’ feed on his Twitter and he’s pretty gross. Lots of sexual comments at and about women. Standard creepy old man trying to dress it up as being ‘woke’.
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What a totally normal way to interact with someone who is totally real.

also as an aside, Game of Tones will forever be the peak thread title for me. We’re never gonna top that.
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I'm quite shocked by that. She's openly saying she fell in love with another man on Twitter, seems to have been having an emotional affair with him, whether it was one sided or not, possibly sexting, and then has the gall to play the scorned, betrayed wife when IG leaves her.

I'm even more shocked at her claims she doesn't open up to many people. She projectile vomits her every thought and emotion over everyone in range of her clacky mouth and all over her SM, but wants to play the oh so secretive, private and mysterious type?! :sick:

Someone on Twitter needs to ask her about her relationship with MITH. Was he ok after that or was he traumatised?
Apparently he already suffered from depression but this thing with AE caused him to spiral quite badly. His account was suspended, and he's not returned to Twitter to this day. I hope he hasn't harmed himself and is just taking a long break.
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lol salad cream dude says basically having health issues protects you from criticism TIL
View attachment 949099
FFS Alice, if you'd given kindness, humour, empathy, warmth, love and understanding you'd probably still be married, still in contact with your dad and brother and still have rl friends!

Clive/Ashley love, maturity isn't a man of your age blowing smoke up a z list celeb's ass hoping she'll notice you online. You have a wife, who's supposedly had a breast cancer scare. I hope you're giving her more attention, love and affection than you are to your celeb crush!
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Wow she’s really stupid isn’t she. Also was he sending her dick pics??! Bloody hell. Twitter is nuts.
I was friends with MITH too. Long before she was. He was a young, troubled black man who admitted to substance abuse problems and depression. We had occasional private chats over the time he was on Twitter about politics, depression etc. He was never anything but respectful and never sent dick pics. And while I may be 9 years past AE's REAL age - I don't look it.
What relationship she had with him, I don't know. But to say you "fell in love" with a clearly troubled young man on Twitter means there is something wrong with YOU.
Did some people consider his twitter feed sleezy? I'm sure. But I was friends with him when he was under a previous persona and I knew what was behind it.
I was there while the interchange between AE, MITH and Hoarse went on that night and he completely denied he had shared any messages with Hoarse.
SHE was furious because she had tagged MITH into the exploding tweets that night and he refused to vilify Hoarse with her.
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That's fair. After all you guys are known as "twatters"

Alice making up shit part 2994954923
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We've got some viscous squirrels in Wales!
Squirrel injures 18 people in two days of attacks in Buckley
It's not just squirrels with her and not limited to Los Angeles. She had THE EXACT same thing with a mouse in Paris. She is attacked by rodents in bins internationally it seems. Amazing this has happened twice.
Couldn't be that she's making both stories up for attention, surely ???
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Oh Alice you poor thing. Stop talking about tattle it’s embarrassing, just let it go hen. We don’t do this instead of our careers, friends or families. It’s time to sort your priorities out too. Twitter won’t pay the rent any more than tattle does. It’s time to get offline, sober up and get a job. Attagirl 😘
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Why is she so against working.
It’s nothing scary. We all do it 😂

It's something that women who hold really archaic views on gender roles always do. It's the main reason I stopped lurking and reading on Mumsnet. It felt like so many women on there were advocating that the woman continue to stay at home, although the children are in school, and the man works and it remain that way indefinitely. It was very obvious that many of them were workshy and believed in stereotypical gender roles where the man brings home the money and the woman twirls in pearls and high heels while holding a baby in 1 hand and a roast chicken in the other.

I hope I don't offend anyone saying this but for ME, and I can only speak for myself here, aside from maybe a couple years at home in the early days if I am ever lucky enough to have a child, I intend to have a career or income stream always. I know many couple do the more traditional thing and I know it works for them but for ME (and the sake of my really terrible anxiety), I feel like it's a healthier dynamic to not rely too much on 1 person. I would be so scared of what would happen to me and any child if my husband was the sole breadwinner and he passed or we separated or was unable to work etc. I also feel like it's terribly unfair to put that kind of pressure on someone.

This whole saga is a cautionary tale. Be self-reliant and make time to explore your own interests and dreams. And keep your relationship and private life off SM.
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I imagine that will definitely be the case and after that the house will be professionally cleaned and tidied up. And hopefully that door will be replaced. :(
I was idly wondering if the bathroom door's hinge problems were related to Ioan locking himself in there. You can imagine drunk Alice bodyslamming that door like a Snorlax in a Pokémon battle.
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Mad Betty

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So within 2 hours of laughing about the tweet re Prince W losing his hair / having affairs she tweets this 🤷🏼‍♀️ You literally couldn’t make the sh** this woman comes out with up 🤦🏽‍♀️ AE is so disingenuous it’s scary
She is such an hypocrite and as I've said before, her complete lack of self-awareness is staggering.
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OMG I've just seen the Twitter where the person posts screenshots of posts's laughable, it's just so bizarre. They hashtag some of your usernames as if that's going to achieve anything! And post pictures of cockroaches with REALLY CLEVER captions like 'this is them at a social gathering'. And posts frighteningly angry tweets about us, also adding how pathetic we are to spend our time on here...but're tweeting about us spending our time on here, so....

And this person just tweets to themselves. No likes, no comments (except where they've commented on their own posts).

Those really are the dark corners of the internet (well, not in the grand scheme of things but you know what I mean). And Alice Evans is involved with / championing it all. :/
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Alice thinks we must be scared of something.
I dunno I’m pretty good over here. I have a house + 2, a loving husband, job and career, 2.5 kids and a dog.I’m pretty content and appreciate my life. If you are insinuating that I’m BW or IG and I should be scared quite frankly Alice you’re projecting cos you are scared shitless cos you know damn well you have been a cow and that you are going to lose the house, and you have to pay for everything yourself now. You are scared to get a job and have no one.
Where's she saying this? I have a house + 1, retired with retirement income and more critters than I can poke a stick at. I do miss my hubby but we had a happy marriage and I'm relived he's no longer in pain at least.
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