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I can’t let this one go at the moment.

So, timeline wise in 2019, Alice was having a flirtation, sexting and exchanging dick pics with a guy she met on Twitter and when he betrayed her, she threatened suicide (which kind of implies the strength of her feelings towards him).

Then in 2021 Ioan files for divorce and she is totally blindsided because they had an amazing marriage, zero issues and madly in love still.

Now call me old fashioned, but if I was flirting, sexting and receiving dick pics from some guy on Twitter, then that would suggest to me that all was not well on my home front. But that’s just me and my judgy outlook on life.

And if anyone ever sent me a dick pic, I’d laugh and tell them I’d seem something like that in real life but it was a lot bigger.
I actually got a dick pic texted to me from a number I didn't know! 😂 Gotta admit - I spent a few minutes looking at it from all angles to see if it was anyone I knew! It was actually pretty impressive. Then I got a "so sorry! Wrong number!" I texted back "that's okay dude." 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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I’m loving her advice on staying happy.
Alice Evans. OMG I can’t stop crying.. 😭😭
Is a happiness guru.. u GET me .. 😭😭
It just breaks my heart…😭😭
It’s the girls you see.. 😭😭
And poor Gloria will starve … 😭😭
And the pool guy… 😭😭
And the Gardner … 😭😭
The meals on wheels services …😭😭
The liquor store owner … 😭😭
Then there’s the house .. 😭😭
The friends that went … 😭😭
Piers Morgan. .. 😭😭
The golf clubs .. 😭😭
Apart from that it’s all happiness on AEs Twitter.
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Because Alice never lies 🤣
View attachment 948855
Besides I thought she didn't know anything 🤔
Deb's buddy Lin said the other day that Ioan gets no job offers, what is it?

also these people are dumb as bread. Child support can change every year if the income changes. You cant hide forever by not working just because you want to pay less, coz, you know, the dude also will need to earn money for himself.

And even if he turned down offers, werent those freaks complaining that he spends too much time away? Maybe it's time for Alice to get her big (ha!) career going if Ioan turns down offers, you know?
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lol salad cream dude says basically having health issues protects you from criticism TIL
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We've got some viscous squirrels in Wales!
Squirrel injures 18 people in two days of attacks in Buckley
We all think IG is in Hollywood. He's not. He's in Brecon, training a carefully selected battalion of Welsh Attack Squirrels. Instead of the usual target of a charging infantryman, they use a cut out of a middle aged blonde lady. The SAS are helping, reluctantly, as they are a bit frightened of them.
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Just William

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In the last thread there were some posters uncomfortable with some of us 'diagnosing' AE, which I totally get, just my two cents worth.
It's not done out of a sense of knowing it all, more that there are a lot of us here who have personal experiences & we can't ignore certain behavioural traits which are intimately recognised. Altho' my experiences, whilst traumatic & scarring, are nowhere near as bad as most of the brave souls here who have shared their stories of survival. ❤

I have personal experience of a Narc, (thankfully relatively short lived) being able to work out who this person was (after the fact) was illuminating. It didn't take away the huge damage/pain caused to me, but it was like finding the missing jigsaw piece. All boxes ticked. As it is with AE. Which is why I personally have no qualms about calling her a Narc. Altho' seeing the quotes from other posters about HPD/ASPD symptoms, AE certainly ticks a lot of boxes there too, but I assume someone is capable of having several PD's? (I don't think she's a psycho or a malignant Narc but IMO she is a Narc.)

I experienced childhood emotional abuse (albeit unlike AE, it wasn't done deliberately) this created a co-dependency & my having to grow up way too fast in a loving but very dysfunctional unhealthy relationship which went on for way more years than I care to divulge. It's why I have such huge sympathy/empathy for the girls & the potential future problems they could face & big E in particular, as I know how very hard it can be to break away but what makes their situation a million times worse than mine is their 'mother' is a Narc who only ever truly cares about herself.

Because of my personal experiences I also have a lot of sympathy/empathy for IG as I know how it feels to keep trying for years, all while being abused, (mine wasn't in a nasty way but it was abuse & took me many years to come to terms with) & I understand about keep hanging in day after day while total despair takes you over, you're emotionally/mentally exhausted, until one day you realise you have nothing left to give, you're running on empty & you are done. When you reach that hellish point a very difficult & painful decision has to be made. You or them? Like me, IG chose to save himself. He had to for his sake & for the girls. I also understand about going NC. Never an easy decision especially with family, but I went NC with my only sibling years ago as I finally realised after too many years of shit & being hurt over & over again that they would never change because they didn't see anything wrong with their behaviour.

So apologies to those who get tired of seeing some of us label AE a Narc. I do totally get why but it's more that having experienced X or Y or Z, it's kind of hard to not speak out! ☮
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Mad Betty

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Now I don’t speak for anyone else here, but I am 100% not a Trump supporter in any way, shape or form. I also am fully vaxxed and have my masters degree because I’m not a moron, and trust me, I “get it on” plenty, unlike AE’s bunch of sycophants.

This just in, people can be against and critical of AE without being a completely shit person.
Oh FFS. I might have to take back my kind words about the Ashley person. Good grief, that's vile talk.

I'm not a Trumper, I'm vaxxed, and I'm educated (all cool if you follow a different path). Alice and I follow a lot of the same people. I just don't trash them on Twitter and then 🔥 out.

Funny, my experience of Tattle has been a truly unexpected one. I find the people here to be intelligent, thoughtful, intellectually curious, and bitingly funny. Something quite the opposite of what I generally experience on Twitter and *certainly* our discussions here have far more depth and genuine moments of human connection and empathy than what I have ever seen on Alice's timeline and amongst her sycophants.

All of that projection must be tiresome.
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This incident is exactly why I instant believed the blind gossip rumour. Alice is a master of projection. Plus it's very obvious that the reason why she went bananas isnt because he was (probably) cheating, and that is suddenly unforgivable for her morals (for many, probably including me it is, mind). She is now claiming that she would have reacted differently had he told her from the start that he doesnt love her anymore and he has an affair. But what if he genuinely had no affair and thus had told from the start the truth? She still reacted like a loon for 9 months before the Bianca stuff came up. Alice has no high morals or shit like that. She's simply mad that he left her. Of course cheating hurts even more, and causes her to be jealous (and she is a very jealous person), but she is misleading people who dont know her well greatly with her campaign.
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The only reason AE tells people to stay away from here is to limit the exposure to her history of crazy behaviour, which might open people's eyes 🙃
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Mad Betty

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OMG I've just seen the Twitter where the person posts screenshots of posts's laughable, it's just so bizarre. They hashtag some of your usernames as if that's going to achieve anything! And post pictures of cockroaches with REALLY CLEVER captions like 'this is them at a social gathering'. And posts frighteningly angry tweets about us, also adding how pathetic we are to spend our time on here...but're tweeting about us spending our time on here, so....

And this person just tweets to themselves. No likes, no comments (except where they've commented on their own posts).

Those really are the dark corners of the internet (well, not in the grand scheme of things but you know what I mean). And Alice Evans is involved with / championing it all. :/
Name please. I'd like to report them to Instapol. 😎
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Can I just clarify in case I’ve said something to upset others with opposing views to mine. I don’t think anyone “Team Alice” or not “Team Ioan” are flying monkeys. The FM’s are about seven or eight people who believe they’re her friends and we all know she wouldn’t converse with them in real life.

One has set up a Twitter page just to screenshot things from here and I found my posts being dug up distressing at first but eventually pathetic. I check periodically to see they are still as bad. But they have only one follower. The FM we suspected it was.

Everyone is welcome, I have found this place very supportive and mostly hilarious.

My heckles rise when someone new comes along especially combative ones, but I like to think that I’ve been fair and not made new posters feel bad. Sorry if I have.

We all have life experiences, as I’ve said previously I have a “migraine of children” (said with tongue firmly in cheek) and have some experiences with Narc’s and divorce. Also PA by my own mother against my father.

None of that makes any of my views, opinions or beliefs any better than anyone else’s.
I'm not being combative but I think aside from empathy that we have all displayed here regarding the loss of a 20y relationship etc etc I actually think anyone #TeamAlice is/are FM's her behaviour is indefensible in my opinion. Similarly (although I'm yet to see anyone here take this stance) anyone staunchly #TeamIoan no matter what would also be getting the lesser :unsure: face from me and I'd wonder how reliably useful to me their opinions really were.

Anyone defending, minimising or explaining away Alice's behaviour for *reasons* is standing up for abusers to abuse, bullies to bully and victims to be victimised because of *reasons*. I don't think that is ok personally but again I am not trying to be aggressive here, I usually agree with you on pretty much all of what you say (y)

Apart from that I totally agree with you! apart from if I've made certain posters feel unwelcome, I don't actually feel guilty about those 2 tbh.
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I love to come to Tattlelife to laugh, find out what Alice is up to, and for the community. Real life is really difficult now for everyone and it’s a welcome break.
But lately it’s nothing but arguments, people defending themselves, getting snarky for no good reason, criticizing people who are suspicious of flying monkeys, etc. I was replying to a post last night when the thread got shut down.
I hope I’m wrong but I wonder how much longer we’re going to have this thread.
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Mad Betty

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As Alice shows, there is nothing more infuriating than getting no reaction.
I try to ignore trolling folks and provocateurs. It has certainly made my SM experiences far more peaceful. Once in a while I respond and instantly regret it. 🙄 No reaction is always the best reaction. The work continues... I am incredibly impressed by IG's steadfastness in not having contact with Alice nor reacting to her abusive behavior. That's true commitment to his safety and sanity right there.
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Seeing as I’m one of Hugh Jackman’s many many wives in an alternate universe, yes that’s ok.

She was still “smug married” when it kicked off with Mith/Hoarse whisperer. I believe that was 2018? I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong.
Yes 2018.
I do wonder whether the whole IVF thing acted as a massive external distraction which United them. They were both fighting the same fight for a long time.
That kind of "external battle" can disguise and excuse a lot of crazy behaviour - she's like that because of the IVF, she's like that because of the stress, she's like that because she wants a baby so much. Once we get through this she will be better.
That went on for years. I think once he realised what he was actually married to it was too late and he was trapped. I think he found ways to cope with it - being away a lot. Perhaps drinking. Lots of golf (like many men it's gets them out of the house for long periods!).
I think he thought this was it ....make the best of it ...try and cope for the kids' sake. Avoid her as much as possible.
But eventually it gets too much. I'm amazed he has lasted this long.
Being away so much showed him life doesn't have to be like this - there is another way.
Once you admit that to yourself there's no going back.
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