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Scrub that search hun 💅
Yeah! I might just get a visit from Instapol!!!! 😱😱

I wonder how Ioan could handle full custody if he got it, though. The man HAS to work - he is the sole financial support for Alice and the girls, and I'd bet that Bianca isn't yet pulling 50% of that couple's financial weight - and based on the last few years, I suspect at least some of his jobs will be abroad.
International School for the girls maybe?
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Did I actually do a Gloria one? I had a look and couldn't find it and am now 🤔 at myself that I must have made it up 🤦‍♀️
Oh please do post yours if you did one, it's not a competition and I'd love to read it ❤

@Mutsey I'm sorry I couldn't find it, the ones I did find were Narc Life thread 16 post 828 and thread 9 ( :eek: seems so long ago!) post 391 was Hotel Alice Twitter if it's any consolation - I apologise in advance for the assault on both your eyes and mind earballs 🤦‍♀️:ROFLMAO:
No worries @GoLibrarianPoo My fault for missing it the first time 🙂
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Chatty Member
Alice herself admitted to having an addictive personality with everything. She said she can’t have strong opiates in the house. When she got her first meal delivery she said she ate all three meals. I’m not judging btw.
Oh no, I missed them one completely. This is not good at all. Then she shouldn't be drinking and so many of you have said. 😟
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I'm not being combative but I think aside from empathy that we have all displayed here regarding the loss of a 20y relationship etc etc I actually think anyone #TeamAlice is/are FM's her behaviour is indefensible in my opinion. Similarly (although I'm yet to see anyone here take this stance) anyone staunchly #TeamIoan no matter what would also be getting the lesser :unsure: face from me and I'd wonder how reliably useful to me their opinions really were.

Anyone defending, minimising or explaining away Alice's behaviour for *reasons* is standing up for abusers to abuse, bullies to bully and victims to be victimised because of *reasons*. I don't think that is ok personally but again I am not trying to be aggressive here, I usually agree with you on pretty much all of what you say (y)

Apart from that I totally agree with you! apart from if I've made certain posters feel unwelcome, I don't actually feel guilty about those 2 tbh.
So what you are saying is anyone #Alice or anyone staunchly #TeamIoan no matter what would also be getting the lesser. Crikey, where does that leave us?
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Do we have the address then? I want to do a Google street view! Please share!

also…. I missed the whole squirrel thing. Sorry if it’s been over done but can anyone catch me up please?
Thanks Turds 💩❤
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VIP Member
I think IG is either autistic or some type of neurodiverse.

I don't think he's naive as much as some things don't registered with him. It might explain a lot of the awkwardness.

But also many ND people end up with abusers bc they take some things literally. So when AE would apologize, it would be true to him even though AE has shown herself out of control for many years.
Maybe Alice is too.


Chatty Member
Thank you for clarifying that. Much appreciated.
You are talking about UK law, which is fine but they are not in the UK. You'd know the first thing to consider is jurisdiction.
The second thing is how the law is actually normally applied in the jurisdiction. Technically he does have equal parenting responsibility. But will the legal system in the jurisdiction allow him to go collect the girls? Prob not, without the other parent's consent.
Third as I have said, he would need to take a bodyguard with him because the local police won't consider this to be a wise use of their resources.
I asked this the other day just in case any lawyers qualified in California State may know. All I can say from my own jurisdiction is that equal PR means just that, either parent can exercise it at any time, and if there is a dispute the aggrieved parent either takes it to court or attempts to mediate. Many children related laws are similar in many countries, especially Hague Convention countries. I am sure IG will have his own legal advice. I am fully aware that I am working in a different jurisdiction.


Hush FFS I don’t know what thread you wondered in from but this is the most action we’ve had all week. Don’t pull the plug on it. 🤣
Rude...I haven't wandered in from any thread and have been here all along "FFS." Don't tell me to hush.