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Without being specific about the IG/ AE situation, it’s worth unpicking some of the attitudes around parents who decide to have a love life. A parent doesn’t always have to put their children first all of the time nor do they have to always prioritise their needs all of the time. Being a good parent doesn’t make you a martyr to having a fulfilling life.

As long as it done right and you don’t bring someone dangerous or unsafe into their life, you can have a relationship. Some people might decide not to. But those that do, are not guilty of neglect, abandonment or choosing someone over their kids. They have chosen both and they can prioritise both along with a lot of other things like careers.

The situation with Narcs is different. They never put anything or anyone elses needs over their own. Their needs are their single priority and they are incapable of anything else.

Back to IG and AE, it would be like this even if he waited 5 years to date. The alienation and vitriol would be same because she is a narc.
I agree, AE would suffer narcissist injury no matter how long IG waited. But going into the specifics of IG and BW, he is an unusual situation in that he spends months away from his children at a time. He ended the marriage, had a short custody routine with the children, and then went away on location. I think AE was pinning her hopes on him returning and either getting some closure or more likely getting him to change his mind and come back. When he first left she used the phrase, 'legal separation' in the press, not divorce. On the one hand, I can see why he announced the relationship to draw a line under any hopes AE might have had, but that should have been done in person, especially with his children, not on Instagram. AE may have got wind of it a few hours before his post, but it is his responsibility to tell the kids, instead, they were probably dealing with her going off the deep end. He absolutely has a right to a love life. But there is no reason for him not to have come back and reassured his children and kept BW in the background when they are with him. I would guess that he is so head over heels, he thinks the children will be just as taken with BW as he is and it doesn't work like that. He didn't need to quarantine, so what was that all about? If he wanted to be on the safe side he could have taken a PCR test when he got back
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And if she's anything like my mum, one or both of those girls are going to become her replacement husband. They'll have to be the ones she talks to about all her greatest fears and sadness, look after her when she's ill (or is convinced she's ill with something...don't get me started) and they'll have to be the ones she shares her happy times with - they'll be obligated to hang out with her all the time, go on vacation with her, tell her the intimate, exciting details of their lives, invite her to their special events...because she's lost her husband so now someone else has to fill that role of Special Person. If they go independent and lead their own lives (which is healthy) then she'll see them as abandoning her just like Ioan did and if they don't tell her all their secrets she'll accuse them of lying to her about stuff.
When I went away to college (tbf I went to Oregon, as far as I could possibly get from London), my mum sobbed at the airport and wailed 'I don't think I'm ever gonna see you again!) She freaked out because I wasn't going to be close by all the time. She was 'losing' me. I know that parents do feel like that when they go off to college, but they also accept it's a natural (and positive) step in life. My mum saw it as something being taken away from her. I think Alice is going to manipulate the girls into staying close, always.
Fuck I'm scared for them.
And that will most definitely be Ella, Alice’s GC and mini-me.

Love you mumturd x
Right back at you, daughturd. 💙🥰

That’s assuming that Alice hadn’t already pissed off all the casting directors in the US and they didn’t want anything to do with her (and, by extension, IG). Someone, I think @welp , posted on a previous thread about how AE had to be banned from the F4 set when IG was filming it. I can easily see that that would put US-based developments off hiring IG.
What happened? I missed this somehow?
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Maybe there are people who really want to support her (Alice makes that very easy) or she has friends doing the job. If it’s the latter then she’s certainly pretty shady herself.
I’m not going to lie. I have a bad feeling about BW. I might be wrong of course and if she proves me wrong in time I’ll be more than happy.
That's what I was wondering, because they all just started talking her up here and joining as new members all at the same time.
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Omg I know we’re hammering in this to death but it’s AE’s fault for not completely losing her shit for nearly 3 days.
apparently applying for a regular visitors visa gets her an automatic 6 months (as opposed to 90 days visa-free) . Would you bring the dog though? Unless she plans to change status while she is there.
To be eligible for a B-1 or B-2 visa, the applicant must prove that the travel is temporary and they have the ability to self-fund all costs of the trip. Additionally, they must prove that they have no intent of remaining in the United States beyond their stay and abandoning a residence outside of the United States.

BIB - mine.
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She was obviously very competitive with the parenting too. (Well she was competitive about everything with him...)
She is the "good" parent berating him for getting excited and he is the "bad" parent who must apologize to Ella. hmmm
There has been a weird dynamic there for years and now with the PA it has gone up to 11.
I think she probably just started filming it to show how excited he gets watching football, and then should've stopped recording when things went wrong.
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Just William

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Me too. I once faced off a mugger when I was 23, but the thought of the Chair brings me out in a cold sweat :( Bless you re your extractions - I completely understand!!
Thanks, most people (incl' the dentist) were/are horrified! Wow, well done! 😊👍
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I was researching BW and what she may be worth last night on Google. Estimates range from one million to five million. IG is estimated at five million which we know is not going to go far with AE and includes the estimate of their house worth. I got curious when posts were wondering if IG is having to support her, AE and the kids. Now I'm wondering if BW is going to have to support him! 😏
Where is the source that BW is rich? From her family when her parents aren't dead yet?

IG isn't worth $5 million either. Why does he still have a mortgage? AE said he got a quarter of his usual rate for the Reunion but that could be a lie.
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Thanks, most people (incl' the dentist) were/are horrified! Wow, well done! 😊👍
i don't think they understand just how much of a phobia one can have of the dentist and how utterly terrifying, to the level of full-blown panic attacks, a visit can be.
-I was more full of the stupidity of youth, when I thought that I would live forever. Now. I don't think I'd snap my fingers at someone and demand they give back my wallet :oops:
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Did anyone see Alice’s Instagram post yesterday of Gloria and the two E’s? Was an ode to how wonderful Gloria is. I saw it around lunchtime (Australian time) but was deleted not long afterwards. Note to self, take screenshots…
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