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yeah, the privacy bit cracked me up. She had 7-8 very obviously stagged pap shots the past months, most recently sunday, she even befriended a pap on IG asking to exchange details for future business (see screenshot from 3 months ago), went to Craigs, ran interviews and columns about her divorce, is sharing everything on SM. Even before the divorce she was sharing all their life on SM and sold their IVF story to the DM. Very private.
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Covering yourself, eh? Still doesn't answer the questions....
"Assistant intern librarian", is that meant to be an insult? Sounds like a responsible job.
Maybe he doesn't want to be with someone who takes centre stage through their looks/charisma? Maybe being associated with one for the last couple of decades has made him realise what is really, truly important.


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She really needs to stop putting all this online, she looks so bitter. Nothing wrong with being an assistant intern librarian. Why does she think every job is beneath her? It's out of line.
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I genuinely wonder what pushed him to never want to speak to her again. He has been used to this behaviour for years. It must have really hurt him. It is easier on everyone if you can communicate amicably about the children, at least.
Someone mentioned death by a thousand cuts, and I think that was a big part of it. But I also think she really ramped it up when they were living together but he was in the separate bedroom. And look at what she posted online even back then, calling him a pussy. Plus the humiliation of publicly pressuring his Harrow production to send him home. I think he took it for as long as he could, but ultimately her behaviour really killed his love.
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Idk homie I am still really, really put off by the likely possibility that she's still trying to create a situation in which Ioan has to see her if he wants to see the children. She has certainly done a SHIT-ton of evil, but this particular motive very horribly disgusts me. I think it's because it's one of the more blatant examples of her selfishness, of how much she's willing to risk in order to satisfy her own desires.
This has been her target all along. From the "illnesses" to the "we have a pool the girls love, he has only 4 walls" . Keeping all his clothes - AND toothbrush - hostage🤣. Now the bipolar claim so he shouldn't be alone with the girls.

She's the lowest the way she's using those children as pawns to get her own way at what expense to them? Their sanity and well-being. It's horrific really.

In the past she's been able to grind him down, to manipulate him into getting her own way. She'll do anything to get him to see her and its killing her he won't play along
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So assuming this is the truth (I know, I know!) then if Ioan made the mistake of not explaining first he has met someone new, then that is it, the window is closed for ever?
He can not have a conversation with his kids now to explain to them he has met someone else? His right to be a dad is ended because he didn’t explain his love life at the right time? FFS
Narcissism is a never ending non-sensical set of conditions. In my experience with it, it's been just like everything she does to a T, but it's this especially that pisses me off to no end. That she's going to keep setting reasons as to why they can't see their father, and she always was. And BW has nothing to do with a lot of it, IMO. Alice was always going to find a way and twist her logic all around to make it make sense to her and f everyone else is her view.

I remember my dealings with a NP and it was always something like this. Always trying to steal my joy right after agreeing that I'd met a previous condition only to steal it based on something else. And when I say there's no winning in a fight with them, there's NO winning period. And I think most people here chatting know this too from experience.

Absolutely sickening. If not for all these jokes, memes and hilarity that ensues here it would be hard to read it all straight.

I agree that I'm glad these threads are here to chronicle it all. For people to be able to read the signs and hopefully as we go on, people can swerve narcs at the first chance.
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I’m starting to feel gross about myself watching all this. She’s just such a nasty, bottomless pit of vile, vindictive, awful, spewing rage. And seemingly no consequences for any of it. He’s never getting away from it, Bianca won’t either, even if they split now, and those two girls are so screwed no matter what. It’s so, so depressing.
I'm not feeling gross but I am feeling a bit depressed. I was anxious and excited for IG to get back to HW and to see the kids, hoping AE would obey the 50/50 custody, and now it seems obvious that no such reunion happened and I feel a bit heartbroken for them.

I barely even knew IG at the beginning of the year and now I'm so invested in this and desperately wanting him and his daughters to re-establish a healthy, loving relationship. But every time AE kicks off, that hope just dies a little bit more.
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@LucySmith 's post has inspired me to look for some classy Bogan merch, and alas, my big business suggestion is a few years too late.

I still think there's a market for bedazzled Bogan merch...

Anyway, I feel like these nice Bogan items can go in the Bogan gift hamper.


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I don’t know if any of what she said in her latest rant is true or not. However, if my husband left me and wanted to take our daughter for two nights while his new girlfriend was there, I would be absolutely seething and probably very capable of Alice levels of shithouse craziness. Absolutely no way just yet. Fuck that.

Again, I don’t understand why BW has inserted herself in this mess. She just really should not be there at this time. She does seem nice and naive and out of her depth but there must be a part of her that is reveling in this attention. IG needs to wake up a bit I think.
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She's so paranoid. All this shit has come from her own mouth 🤣 She's obv too drunk/drugged to remember.
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The replies to her latest efforts are along the lines of "what a heartless brute he is, how can he not want to see his own children??"
I take it they haven't been following in the last bit of time where Alice said how when they visited him they started screaming down the phone at her that they wanted home. Can't wait for her to wake up/sober up/stop raging/etc and agree with these comments - it'll be a lovely set of compare and contrast screenshots!
I adore a commenter on her "CURSED DM" instagram post: "Mail is scum. Anyone who matters (people with values) ignores them."
Does this include the interview she had with the Mail the other week? Did her sheep ignore that interview? Or was she #sobrave?
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AE gargantuan ego has taken such a bodyblow that she cannot now think beyond getting revenge for being dumped. I don’t think she wants him back now, I think she is over the trying to get his attention stage. She has moved onto coldly trying to ruin him and his gf. In the process she doesn’t care about the collateral damage to her kids or her own well-being, she just wants to stick the knife in and keep twisting. This is going to go on and on.

She is healthy, wealthy, able bodied, intelligent (but not emotionally), articulate, loved by her kids and some others. She is truly blessed. Many people are truly stuck in life, including some of her followers on Twitter who are feeling sorry for her, yet she is stuck in a self-indulgent loop of self-pity and anger. In a year’s time she will still be in the same place. Except nobody will care except her.
I thought she was over him on the weekend, but now I think she still wants him back. Not out of love but because she still wants to control him, she still wants to be the glamorous wife of an actor, and mostly because she still can't accept he dared to leave her.

I've mentioned a few times on this thread how insane it is that she really seems to believe that if only she can get him back in the family home talking to her that he will desperately want to come back, even after everything she has done to him. Not only does that show the sheer breadth and depth of ego of a narc, but it also makes me wonder how badly and how often she's treated him over the years to believe she can treat him like this and he'll still want her. People calling him weak can fuck right off Imo. It takes a lot of strength and courage to stay with someone like her for so long, to give her chances to change, and then to finally walk away because you have too, for the sake of your own health. I believe he stayed a lot longer than he would have for the kids too and that takes real love, courage and strength.
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Hahaha yup the red writing says it all doesn’t it.
It says that there's probably IOAN IS A WELSH TURD scrawled in Crayola finger paints on her bedroom wall.
I've been watching Hornblower, though, and I know that no matter the odds, Ioan always comes out on top, with a side-eye and a jaunty, throwaway line. So it's going to be OK.
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horrible. and i have a husband who lies every three words feeding them stuff.

how can Ioan even feed the press if he is not talking to them. She is non stop projecting her own behavior on him. so much that I cant believe that it isnt intentional

I thought she said that he wanted to wait a further 2 weeks to see them? Have I misunderstood her ramblings? Probably.
it's about 2 weeks from when he arrived in LA I think, to (voluntary) self-isolate for Corona
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She really makes me mad! I don't think we should judge people on looks and for the record think BW is a reasonably attractive woman but AE judges everything on looks. It is out of my usual wheelhouse but she has driven me to this, Has Alice looked in the mirror recently?

I've said before and I'll say it again I don't think Alice putting on some pounds or ageing drove Ioan away, it was her behaviour!!
To be fair, any woman dumped would judge the person they felt they were dumped for. The difference is we would share our comments about the averageness of the new girlfriend with best friends or feel better if friends saw her and said things. That is human nature. That's what friends or sisters are for, your sounding board when in pain and lashing out, but carrying on for months on social media, making the cutting remarks over and over on social media is bizarre, and it will continue.
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Seriously if I was IG I would be demanding a social media ban for the kids.
I’m pretty sure there is good evidence of the mental health impact on kids using SM these days.
I don't get the social media usage. It's irresponsible parenting. I understand that they need phones to contact the non-custodial parent, but it should be monitored and apps limited. My children (7&10) have Samsung tablets and they cannot download an app without my or their father's approval. And they definitely do not have social media, apart from using Messenger for Kids during lockdowns, that we monitor completely.
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