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For me, there's a clear shift in his expressions/eyes, going from smiling and happy to expressionless, looking sort of dead behind the eyes, like he had nothing left. Unfortunately, AE has blocked me on Instagram after I offered some constructive advice a few weeks back so I can't find when it was.

I think some people are looking for a date from when he went to being invested in the marriage to cheating on her with BW and planning his divorce. Like others have pointed out I don't think it's that clear cut. I think he got worn down over time, realised this person wasn't who he thought (or had changed beyond recognition) - for example when he says something like 'my wife isn't the type of person to make fun of someone's looks, etc' and it was all compounded with her posting about him on social media after him asking her not to. I think it happened over a long period of time until there was just no coming back from it. If he did cheat, it's almost redundant because the marriage was toxic and over and I don't care if she claims she didn't see it coming, we can see from her own posts going way back that the writing was on the wall.

He looks pissed off here
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I’m on your side here. I don’t think she’s that intelligent at all. I know plenty of people with 2:1 degrees and I wouldn’t necessarily call them intelligent. Heck, I’ve friends without degrees who are much more intelligent than those with.
Intelligence isnt black and white IMO.

Outside of her emotional outbursts (whether it's now about Ioan, or in the past about others) her thoughts on twitter are very insightful and very diverse. She is definitely a good writer based on the articles I've read of her (back in Glamour, but also more recent). She has a good degree and is multilingual.

I definitely think she is intelligent, she just is a prick and constantly overemotional, so that can cause actions that would make you question her intelligence on the surface

Take Ioan for example: He doesnt strike me as smart at all based on what I've seen over the years (there were a couple of embarrasing incidents, where people tricked him on the street and robbed him off money that way for example), but because he is a much more collected personality he is more likely to deal well with a situation like this, this doesnt make him more intelligent though. Again, it's not black and white.
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Some thoughts as I catch up on this new thread:
  1. I'm sort of with @kata420 on BW. I'm not as convinced of BW's wholesomeness as some here. I'm purely basing this on a couple of her comments on her dog post which seemed to me to be suggesting (but not stating) she was in L.A., and she would have known exactly what she was doing - I don't think it was that innocent.
  2. I'm not judging her, and I'm not saying she's not a nice person, I'm just feeling a bit cautious about the whole thing. I agree she has the right to post what she wants and I'm not suggesting she doesn't - I just have a bit of a gut feeling on this one which I hope is wrong.
  3. Last night was intense. I have never accused anyone on here of being an FM but things escalated very quickly last night - I was just lurking but I felt people were being really reasonable, and it was almost as if the more reasonable people were being the more angry someone got...the timing was also interesting in relation to twitter activity.
  4. Something serious has definitely happened legally, I think. Watch this space. Hopefully those with Twitter intel keep posting screenshots!
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april 2017. he started shooting Harrow in Oz in August 2017. so unlikely (well, at least with BW)

I think it more shows you that their marriage wasnt as 'appy and perfect as Alice now claims.
He’s grumpy and she is annoying. I don’t think that means he was already cheating. Posing for photos does not a happy marriage make
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It’s also possible that he’s asked friends not to speak out - anything a celebrity says is just going to prolong the news cycle.
I worked as a makeup artist for film & tv for a long time up until just recently, and I never once heard rumours about IG being a narc, abusive, all that crazy stuff. And if you’re going to hear salacious gossip, the makeup trailer / room is THE place 😂 I have no doubt that there would be plenty of people willing to speak up for him, but you’re right, he has probably asked people not to get involved in this shit show. And rightly so
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I feel sad for her, at the end of the day. I guess I always feel sad for people who are mean, even when they are to me. It always just feels like, "god, what a small, lonely world you're creating for yourself with all this meanness you throw out to other people. Someone or something must have hurt you really badly to not be open to all of the weirdness, love, joy, wonder, creativity, eclecticism, power of emotions, etc etc- to not want to just LIVE, and experience new people and things and love your children and find people to love and love you no matter what, something must have really made you think life and you were just really that bad."
I've been on both sides, and I've been as heartbroken as Alice is. It's absolutely horrible. It can make you hate the world, and really hate yourself. It can send doubt and insecurity into the depths of your heart. And sure, it can make you crazy. But you have to keep a dose of "I'm going to do whatever I can do to get better" because the world and life is worth it. Love is worth it. Hell, I did it just for my DOG, not even for children. I wanted my dog to have happy, let's-go-on-hikes-and-walks me. I wanted to love and be loved. And I don't have that big family to turn to. But I've always managed to have wonderful people around to talk to. Poor Alice doesn't even believe in herself enough to think that anyone else could love her, not even as a friend.
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Pretty much, yes. I know there are people out there who take it to extreme (there always are) but generally it’s a positive way of thinking and it gives you tools to calm anxiety, instead of freaking out "what if" you tell yourself “I trust the universe, it will help".. you can call it anything you like - universe helping or things working out themselves but if it helps someone not have anxiety in the process of things not working out it’s only a bonus, right? Ive read quite a bit on law of attraction and even though I dont quite actively follow it I quite like the concept. If Alice followed the law of attraction principle she would be thinking: "its 2 am and I still have another bottle" rather than "oh crap, the glass is empty, life sucks" :))
Ps one of the rules of law of attraction is to NEVER WISH HARM OR PAIN ON ANYONE - human of animal or even plant.
PPs Im pretty sure Bianca when referring to worst thing happening before best thing probably meant her MS or/ and breakdown of her marriage that lead her to her new love, and not at all been gloating
Ill shut up now and drink my coffee :))
Bianca always looks of the bright side of life, Alice always looks on the shite side of life!
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She inspires me too. To exercise, avoid too much alcohol and social media, and most importantly… to take care of my mental health!!!
Seriously though, following all of this has been a slight kick up the ass to keep on top of my mental well-being and to check myself before I give in to any irrational urges. I do the mindfulness marble technique and breathe (and picture Ioan sat across from AE in the airport, looking disgusted) before I say or do anything remotely Alice-esque now
Thanks Alice 💝
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Trying to get at them.

I’m one of those soft people who occasionally feels bad for Alice, but even I can admit she does nothing that’s not 100% performance.
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Mad Betty

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Re access to everything … maybe. I used to spend a fair bit of time in LA (sold a script; it went nowhere - Alice, call me! KIDDING) and literally no one there goes to the beach, no matter how close they may live to the Pacific. Generally the traffic alone to Santa Monica is killer from W. Hollywood. Hiking yes, and she’s fairly close to Runyon Canyon, which is popular. Easy and free. And cold weather isn’t an issue for her. Or rain! As for taking the girls to parks … mmm, not so sure folks in her area would. Maybe when they were a lot younger, but not now I don’t think. But yes, she has the pool, and as others have mentioned, Peloton. It would be nice to think she is spending time with the girls outside the house, away from screens and rants!
Um, my husband and I go to the beach in Santa Monica all the time! So many people here I know go to the beach. That's a total misconception, I assure you. Swimming and boogie boarding in the Pacific is glorious on a hot day. And we live right by Alice. Trust me, it's an easy drive at the right time of day. There are photos of Ioan at the beach in Santa Monica after he and Alice split up. I've attached one. I imagine they took the girls there. Well, perhaps before he left. She appears to be a full-time homebody now.

Yes, get those girls back outside. Take them to Griffith Park or horse back riding over in Burbank. They need some healthy adventuring!


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I feel the urge to defend the law of attraction! And Im not starting an argument (was reading last thread with disbelief when it disappeared right before my eyes! Should have woken up earlier!!)
Basically, law of attraction (the way I see it anyway) is not some childish magic unicorns belief, is simple psychology: if you are positive and affirm you will succeed, you are likely to be more open to opportunities and - well, indeed you will succeed. So many self help, business success how to books/ techniques say the same without calling it law of attraction. If however you are gloomy, dejected and do not believe in success you are likely to miss opportunities right before your nose. The proponents of law of attraction might call it manifestations etc but in facts its just different terminology for positive thinking. It also helps you to see the bigger picture and adjust your perception of events. (Ie "its so awful out tent was struck by the lightening and we had to sleep in the open and got soaked" vs "its unfortunate our tent got struck by the lightening but how lucky that we were not inside at the time"
Apologies if Im rambling, just woke up with a bit of headache and been shocked by previous now disappeared thread.. and I do like Bianca..
My issue with the law of attraction stuff is that it leads very easily into toxic positivity. You’re told if you’re positive and send “good vibes” into the universe and *if you want something badly enough* then the universe will make it happen.

Imagine your child is diagnosed with cancer. You stay positive, send all the “good vibes” into the universe, and desperately desperately want a cure. It doesn’t happen and your child dies. The law of attraction teaches you that the death of your child is your fault for not wanting them to be cured badly enough/not being a positive enough person.

In BWs situation I imagine she’s trying to find a tiny bit of control with an unknown diagnostic prognosis; but if she has a relapse is it her fault for not wanting it/being positive enough? Of course it isn’t, it’s just an unpredictable condition, but that type of thinking gives you this weird sort of anxiety around everything. It also comes across as (imo) very immature and like someone is unable to accept that things just *happen*.

The example you give with the tent is more reframing an existing situation which is great and mentally healthy, and that’s not the bit that I take issue with at all! (Tho I would not be psyched to sleep outside in a lightning storm 😂)

I’m a miserable cowbag (raised Welsh Chapel, we’re a dour bunch!) and loads of great things happen in my life that I absolutely don’t deserve (according to the law of attraction) so I’m prob not the best person to be talking about it :p. I’m not so much a “glass half empty” person but more of a “glass? What bloody glass?!” person.
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She has access to everything and a state with great weather for outdoor activities and exercise. She has a pool. If your "twin soul" dumping her and desperately wanting to keep him didn't get her motivated, I don't know what would. I will list actresses in their 50s and if they've given birth, since I'm sure people will say Jennifer Aniston has that body because of no children. Alice has a nanny and no job. She has the height and face. Drinking and no exercise and probably her diet is doing her no favors. She isn't getting old, to speak of. She's just not trying AT ALL. She doesn't have to look like she did a decade ago, but she could certainly look more fit and striking with a little more effort, less drinking, healthier eating, and less lips. And better fashion.

Actresses in their 50s: The gorgeous Rachel Weisz is 51. She's given birth to two children.
Jennifer Aniston is three months away from turning 53 years old.
Jennifer Lopez is 52. She gave birth to twins.
Gillian Anderson is 53. She gave birth to three children.
Nicole Kidman is 54. She gave birth to one child.
Lisa Bonet is 54. Two children.
Salma Hayek is 55. One child.
Julia Roberts is 54. A set of twins and another child.
Marisa Tomei is turning 57 in a week. No children.
Christina Applegate is 50. One child.
Connie Britton is 54.
Mini Driver is 51. One child.
Julianne Moore is 60, (Wow. She looks amazing) Two children.
Quite honestly, I think it’s fine if a woman doesn’t want to keep achieving these crazy Hollywood beauty standards and “let’s herself go” (hate that phrase). She’s not working so she doesn’t need to worry so much, and half the women on that list have a face full of fillers too and are mega A List so I can’t imagine the structure around them helping them achieve their bodies (trainers, chefs, nutritionists, dermatologists, god alone knows). Although I think Lisa Bonet is just actually perfect and doesn’t have to try😄

BUT Alice is definitely drinking too much and there is a family history of heart attack at a young age so I hope she’s being careful because she doesn’t seem to be. Also she needs to stop attacking people based on their looks because she’s not 8.
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Mad Betty

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I've thought about asking you before Mad Betty, would you ever maybe pop over and sincerely offer a sit down over a cup of tea, perhaps out for some coffee and cake, let her hash it out then offer some sage advice? But I know the answer. There's no way any of us could put up with her for more than a couple of minutes, if that. It really is so sad. I kind of wish I could offer help but when you know it's of absolutely no use, what's the point?
When I first read about Alice and her public meltdown I had so much empathy for her. I am a pot of tea, serious chat, and tight hug kind of woman. If we were in the same social circle I'd have been really happy to offer support. I hate seeing any woman suffer as she has. It's painful to see. Then I realized what she was doing and her behavior told me Ioan was not the monster she was painting him out to be. What she's doing is pure theater. She wants a yes audience, not healthy support to get well and heal.

You're either for Alice or against her. She doesn't leave room for anything else. Black and white thinking. I have no doubt she raged at Ioan when she didn't get her way. It's evident in the way she responds to people like Sarah Douglas on Twitter when she tried to straight talk Alice. Rage.

Alice needs professional help from people who won't yes her to death. People who will hold her accountable. I believe that's the only way she will grow and heal.
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A lot of Alice's political ranting stuff isn't actually about wanting to make a difference but rather to show herself as a committed left-wing person and also to let spew some of the rage that is constantly bubbling inside her.
Great post, yes, this is so astute. It hilariously backfired considering she had a very public spat with famous Black American blue checks who correctly pointed out Joe Biden provided no hint of progressive leadership during BLM, which is not even a wildly leftist opinion to have and shows she’s just something of a mild centrist.
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Mad Betty

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I think it’s another example of how much she hates women - so much so that she prefers to blame them rather than the man. I still think she wants Ioan back - in her deranged mind he couldn’t possibly be doing all this willingly, it has to be Bianca pushing him. Which is obviously rubbish, for a start Bianca has no legal standing in the divorce or any child custody case. It’s the same with Alice’s father - she blames the step-mother for the estrangement, but her father obviously has his own mind.
Yes, this. She's made Bianca her stepmother. They're both evil woman who stole the men she loved the most from her. It has nothing at all to do with her behavior or the men making a decision to back away from her. The evil women are to blame.
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Oh and I regret looking at that twitter further. Seems they spend their personal money on stuff for AE and the girls frequently. The profile blurb is something else.
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