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VIP Member
Given that Alice thinks that she is in Los Angeles she is probably in Brisbane (she was posting those replies on her dog post in the middle of the night LA time, so you would hope that she has better things to do at 3 am!)
If she’s in Queensland then she had to do 14 days hotel iso. And someone is picking her up with the dog in the car. Brisbane is miles from Brazil. Not closer than anywhere
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Hi. Just wanted to say don't feel selfish for withdrawing from your friends for a bit. We all need time for ourselves, especially in the wake of trauma and sometimes you simply can't be there for anyone else when it's taking everything you have to just carry yourself. I'm sure your friends understand. Sorry if I'm reading too much into this and projecting my own experience and I hope you aren't offended by my comment. It's something I had to come to terms with, that it's not my job to be anyone else's lifeboat. It's good to be there for your friends, but it's not your job and it's ultimately not healthy for you or your friends to sacrifice yourself to carry them.
Thank you Cookiemonsta!
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Yeah, I don't believe that IG would do that, not for a second.

As for AE babbling on about that people want her to see their hurtfull tweets, I really couldn't give a flying f*ck of what she sees. If some want to pull her up on the absolute bullshit she spews, they are entitled to do so.

I can just leave her to destroy herself, she needs no helping hand. She's like a fungating tumour beyond a cure.

PS. If you don't know what that tumour is, for the love of god, don't look it up.
I know what it is and that definitely suits AE to a t.
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It’s strange about the Instagram stuff. My account was disabled yesterday and still is. I only follow close friends and animal charities. I did look at AE’s videos the other night but never commented.
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no, we outed this too, blue did I think
Definitely possible it was around the same time, but I have screenshots of the interactions with her and the fms. Might have been you guys first, not sure, but it’d be dang close…
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i mean it looks to me that he is rushing introducing his girlfriend to his kids, especially if he or Alice (probably Alice) made them think until recently that there is still a chance for their parents to get back together.

I agree that the relationship itself between him and BW is probably not rushed though.
Yea but circumstances are not great. What is he supposed to do? Leave BW in Aussie? Rent 2 places? It’s not ideal but it is what it is.
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I wondered this too. It could be a mixture of this, a mental health condition i.e. NPD, all excerbated by menopause and now the breakdown of her marriage Also, does her daughter have ADHD? ADHD often runs in families like ASD
I suppose it could be. Something about the NPD thing is bugging me. As narcs go she’s quite a crap version of one. She doesn’t manipulate well, most people see right through her, she lacks charm and she genuinely loses her sh*t and seems confused an awful lot.
There’s something quite naive and even childlike about her response to this ‘crisis’ which is totally narcissistic on the face of it, but I really don’t think it’s her core issue. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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yeah, this is what I meant in the last thread when somebody asked what I think about the nature of this relationship. I have no clue if it's a genuine one, but if he wanted to leave Alice, he needed somebody he feels somewhat romantically attached to (even if it's not too much) that prevents him from getting pulled back to her by giving in to her antics. I'm almost certain that he wouldnt have managed this if he was single.
Sorry @welp if this has already been covered, I've not managed to read everything, I know I'm slacking, slapping wrists 😂. I'm so glad he's not been alone over in France
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My Twitter got blocked by Alice yesterday. I think on advice of her FM as i have never commented to her for a month. I had liked and talked to a few people a few times well away from her account. But it likely got noticed by Lupine or who ever is her “security”. They go through everything find who is not a friendly and report to her.
He’s (?) stepped back since the whole lawyer debacle.
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brie l

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Mate if IG wanted me I be heading to LA too 😂

I just want to say MS is not what it was 10-30 years ago. She can Iive a good life and have kids. Obviously going to be challenging but medical advances have improved significantly
I was just asking about living with MS and then got to your post.
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