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It's quite insidious the way Alice has twisted the narrative around and lays the blame for the parental alienation at Bianca. In the evidence that Ioan presented Alice berates Ioan and asks him why his girlfriend is stopping him from coming to visit his kids.
She’s gonna end up marrying a lifer .. who everyday after will fight for his appeal … to an annulment 👌🏻 She’s knows she’s done for ha ha
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She can get a large house or a large condo, just not in LA. Maybe she wants to look at what they have in Iowa or Oklahoma or Arkansas or Kentucky or North Dakota. There are lots of places where you can get really large places for her budget. I hear the hills of Kentucky are beautiful and lush this time of the year. Just saying.
The other two "triplets" live in a city that is low cost of living, but Alice would never live there. Not that I want AE to move closer to the East coast, either
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That's what I just don't understand. As I mentioned upthread I split with EXH when our Son was one year old. I have always told him what a great man his Dad is. My Dad is my hero and I think he deserves to feel that way too. Surely the more people who love your child the better.

I feel for those girls but mainly Elsie. I just feel she doesn't have the cognitive ability to navigate the easiest route through the rest of her childhood.
Same with me .. it was a no brainier ….
She’s no brains … she’d obviously rather abuse her kids by keeping them from him and lying to them …
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if you mean "to dick around" (as in: wasting time) the "funniest" translation I could think of is "rumgurken" (which basically translates back literally to "to cucumber around" LOL)
lol thank you so much! the expression I was looking for was more something that captures when some is acting like a misogynistic idiot, but I'm totally in love with rumgurken!
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I don't buy this story about how speaking out could damage IG's career. It would have been different if she had done it before the Ronan Farrow piece exposing him (THAT would be brave) but instead she waited and jumped on the very popular #metoo bandwagon at the time.

BTW the incident with Weinstein never happened. The "some people accused me of doing it for attention" was IG. He knew she was lying.

The Weinstein fictional incident serves many purposes - attention, money, virtue signaling and victim status. It was definitely a win for AE and had no effect on IG's career either.

I always assume AE is lying and 99% of the time, she is.

Both of them are swingers apparently. :sick:
That thought is as frightening as the knowledge that so are The Krankies.

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what does everyone think it means that Alice is saying that her posts now brought their legal agreements in jeopardy? (I'm shocked to hear that they have any lol, she mentioned later in a tweet to fight for a help with the kids, so this doesnt sound like anything custody-wise is agreed)

Do we think Ioan was going to drop the PRO if they reach a settlement and Alice promises to not kick off again? And that's why Alice started tweeting again - and obviously didnt manage to stay within her limits? (then again she mentioned just before that a deposition happening next week, so uh)

She mentions "one more year", it could be that this is how long their divorce will now take because he has now decided to take her through courts entirely? Or another extention of the TRO, basically as a test again (can it even be so much extended?) - or it's the above knowing that the RO will be granted now that it happens?

Or is that just a trick? she implied the other day that Ioan will never let this hearing happen because he knows that Alice has proof of his lies (LOL), if it does happen she needs an excuse for why it happens, and acting like it's because of Bianca's pride is most convenient for her?
I was wondering if her returning to her old ways caused Bianca distress and Ioan's not giving Alice 2nd (or 800th) chance anymore. No more warnings. She does something, she feels the consequences.

But I worry a bit it's got something to do with the girls.
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I binge watched the remainder of Forever bar the final episode which I'll see later tonight. I've really enjoyed it. A shame it only ran one season. 🙁
I do have Alice to thank for something, 👀 introducing me to her talented STBXH. 😏

Harrow. ✔
Liar. ✔
Forever. ✔
Another Life. ✔
Warriors. ✔
King Arthur. ✔
Castle. ✔

Horrible Bosses (cameo) ✔

Lots more still to check out! 😎
I was watching "The Professor and the Madman" this past week on Netflix and OPE! Up popped Ioan! He was only in a few scenes, though, so unless you are a completist, or want to see what he looks like with a fancy Victorian moustache, no need to make a special effort.
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Chatty Member
I'm very very new to this thread as I saw it mentioned on the Johnny Depp threads. I'm going to read into ioan and see what's been happening. Just Googled and I didn't realise he and Alice were in 102 dalmatians together its one of my favourite Disney films
Hello and welcome, I recall you being as active participant in our dear JD threads :)
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They call it fabricated and induced illness now.
Munchausen Syndrome was named after a German cavalry officer Baron von Munchausen (1720-1797), a man who travelled widely and was known for his dramatic but untruthful stories.They don’t call it Munchausen by proxy anymore. They call it fabricated or induced illness. The reason for this is it was concluded that because Munchausen Syndrome was named after a German cavalry officer Baron von Munchausen (1720-1797), a man who travelled widely and was known for his dramatic but untruthful stories, and the problem with this name was that it focussed on the perpetrator rather than the victim.
Ella & Elsie are both most definitely victims. Children of alcoholics suffer so much. Their trips out will be a edited around Alice. The anxiety that alcoholics suffer is catastrophic. Leaving the house, packing a sippy cup, Alice will be overwhelmed and desperate to get back to the relative safety of her home where her booze is. All Alice’s days will be based around how she feels,what symptoms she has and what it means. Alcoholics have a constant internal narrative around their health. Projecting her health issues into her children is a good way of engaging them in conversation about the things she really wants to talk about - herself.
Both girls will have been suffering, I don’t believe that Ellie posted that instagram - but if she did then Alice manipulated her into it. Their is a reason Alice posts the same old video of Ellie, it’s because she’s not permitted to post any up to date videos. I feel desperately sorry for those girls, they are stuck with a mentally unwell alchoholic who is treating them as collateral damage. They will be suffering immensely. Both children are currently being abused by Alice. She can call them her ‘babies’ all she wants and use any other term of endearment but she has used them and exploited them and failed miserably as a mother because she centers herself and her own feeling s in everything.
I don't love the content but I do love that you have said it. It's awful but good to have it documented.

I’m gonna say noswaith dda this time because it’s still dark and I’m tired of saying “bore da” lol. 🌙 Hope you’re all well and kickin’.

I’m still a few pages behind but re: Ioan scaring Ella during that rugby match and getting screamed at by Alice

My opinion differs just a tiny bit in that I believe Ioan SHOULD have apologized to Ella. I noticed some commentary from other friends who thought he should just be free to enjoy the game, BUT, and maybe I’m around too many parent-friends who read too much intense parenting literature: Ioan DID frighten her, and it’s normal and perhaps, in fact, necessary to apologize to your children when you’ve done something that scares them. It’s fine to be excited over a sports game on the telly—not so much fine if your shouting (even if it’s joy-shouting) frightens your baby to the point of tears and wailing and hurrying off to her room.

And this part is purely speculation but I suspect there was a lot of yelling in that home, and if Ella is anything like I was/am (growing up with screaming, particularly angry-screaming), she has probably been rendered very, very nervous around people raising their voices. You can’t factor out trauma, you just can’t. So, in my opinion, it was only fair for Ioan to knock on her door and apologize. Ain’t nothing wrong with saying sorry to your kid, and maybe he could have given her a gentle warning that he might do it again BUT that he’ll try to be a little more controlled so as not to upset her.

My only issue was Alice (1) recording the whole thing, (2) posting the whole thing, and (3) yelling at Ioan in the first place. You can be irritated with your spouse for doing something that frightened your child but yelling is unnecessary and the hurt in his eyes as he kept saying sorry was really hard to watch.

Anywho, back to my catch-up!
I am not sure. I agree there was lots of yelling in that house and she was probably over-sensitised to it, hence her reaction. And hence yes he should have gone and explained to her that he wasn't angry/frightened, he was excited. It should have been a wake up call to them all, that he couldn't excitedly yell and whoop in that house. Like "WTF is wrong in us in this house that daddy can't enjoy yelling at the tv over a footy match?"

But I am also not sure her reaction was genuine (she could have been over-reacting on urging from Alice) and certainly Alice was WAY out of line.
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House of Tea

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i cant remember where i read it but it was when they must have split and he was visiting her and the 'babies' and they said 'they could be seen laughing and chatting in the garden' or something lmao
thats like what i do at a wedding with da fella.... (laughing falsely) you fckin said we'd be gone 2 hours ago you have 2 mins to get in the car or youre stayng ! (laughing)
but with her ' i swear ill tell them you smuggle drugs, love me /dont love me, get a prime interview with lorraine ..'
IG laughing also 'bring it' 🤞
ps da fella doesnt laugh back 😅
It was a Daily Mail article - laughing and joking.

Also in The Sun.
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Alice’s conversation with Jesus…

A: Can you teach me how to turn water into wine. Ioan has cut me off & Ieft me destitute. I don’t know how I’m going to pay my next bill blagh… blagh… blagh… blagh… blagh!!

J: Alice… GET IN THE BIN!!
Wait. Am I Jesus?? 😂
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