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Chatty Member
Does anyone believe Alice has done anything to find somewhere for them to live as from the end of August? If she doesn’t, what will happen? Could the girls be taken into care?
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I know nothing is as it seems, that's why I ask the question. Certainly I'm not thinking anything to do with affluence.
The father is a distinguished mathematician and the mother's older brother is emeritus professor at University of Birmingham He's a physicist. In Hamburg, he helped develop detectors for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva and was involved in the ATLAS experiment which discovered the Higgs boson. Yet at least one son is anti-science, in his late 40's. Not a teenager in rebellion but an adult in his late 40's by now. That's some pretty heavy rebellion going on there. Long lasting rejection of parental values.
The mother died , that’s a stressor. Maybe the father was hands off and lacked emotional warmth and the children lacked emotional support. Maybe the children felt they couldn’t live up to his expectations or achievements so rebelled for attention.
Clearly Alice had some benefit from education due to her language skills. However as a family I would hypothesise that perhaps they lacked consistent care and emotional warmth which can result in insecure attachment, this is demonstrated by her father not turning up for her wedding.
insecure attachment and abandonment issues are at the heart of why Alice is going loco at Ioan leaving her. Adults can be stuck in their most traumatic experience playing it out over and over again throughout their lives. I see this in Alice.
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Chatty Member
Well technically, she did say he “doesn’t not want to pay” so maybe he does want to pay???? 🤷🏼‍♀️
ETA: to answer @tropeonarope i believe Ioan’s lawyer is named Anne Kiley. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. Alice had a rather less flattering name for her.
Anne! Yes. Thank you.

Anne, m’dear – throw the fucking state library at this loon.

Clever thing you noticed there too Susie. You after Leon’s job? No doubt he’d be eternally grateful.

I DO want more, yes! Thank you! <laps it up>
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Going through my old photos earlier and I remember a few years ago having just boarded a train I am sure I saw him on the platform! What you think?? Either that or I was taking photos or a complete stranger 🤣🤣🤣
That’s him, I think. The boots look familiar.😄

Edit: Well, actually idk! Hair makes me question it a little.
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I’m a few pages behind (damn you Top Gun Maverick!) but remember when Alice said the lawyers were 500 an hour?? 🤔
his previous lawyers probably were 500/h. His current lawyer is one of the most expesive ones in Hollywood (L. Wasser charges 950/h, so 850 sounds realistic)
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Chatty Member
But I am also not sure her reaction was genuine (she could have been over-reacting on urging from Alice) and certainly Alice was WAY out of line.
I very much agree. Nature + nurture both. She is her mother’s daughter.
And Alice was indeed way out of line in all she did in the situation.
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when you think about it, alice’s continuous pent-up aggression would make a REALLYYY great set-up for a hitachi magic wand commercial lmao💀 #getlaidalice #freeadvertising
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Ally Pally

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Yes, exactly this. She acknowledged the criticism and gently rebuffed it. Alice would have gone into a full-on BLOCKED IMMEDIATELY FUCKO!! meltdown.

ETA: As a dog owner myself who feels guilty about leaving my dog behind when I run errands, I have to say I really hate Dog Mom Shaming.

Awww, Bin Squirrel is praying for deliverance from Alice. 🙏
Bin squirrel is praying for some leftovers instead of Alice's empties 🙏😂
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This 💯. when my ex left me, I took the decision to try and stay in the house and pay the mortgage alone as (a) the house value was way underwater and couldn't afford to leave at the time and (b) my mum had just died, my sister had cancer and I was not in a hood headspace mentally to manage a big change of place. I left my job of 17 years in a place where I had many friends and a job I could do in my sleep but didn't pay enough, found a much higher paying job way out if my comfort zone and just made it work. at the start I just thought Alice's situation was similar and was sad for her, but very quickly twigged that something didn't add up with what she was posting. found my way here, my mind exploded and I found a fabulous community of sage, witty, wonderful humans that helped me in more ways than you will ever know ( diolch Turds!). Did I handle my divorce perfectly? No. But I didn't turn it, my life and my exes into a dumpster fire. Everyone has that moment in a divorce where people say, " look it happens to loads of people" and you say, " yeah but it's happening to me". No one who is anyway reasonable or empathetic just expects you to not have down days, a few rants and do some dodgy things while getting over it. But Alice is the only person I've seen so far to literally make it the focus of their life for the next 2 ( and counting) years. Especially with kids. I've heard of it happening, and always wondered what kind of people can just let stuff eat them alive from the inside forever. Now I know. I mean, I've seen family members do it over other things, I'd heard of narcissistic disorder but I didn't truly know what it meant until here. Anyway, long rant, but if Alice truly had chronic illnesses, such unresolved grief etc and has apparently had so many therapists for so long, I just cannot see how she seems to have learned nothing useful from any of this. I can't remember who on here used to always say Alice gives them "the boak", but I love that expression now and will use it forever more 🤣
sorry all, I will never get the hang of doing spoilers. I thought I did it right this time but no luck 😪
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I get the feeling mAlice wants to be jailed. That will seal her view of herself as a victim (and the clueless FMs) and further the PA no end. She must have been fined already surely?? Is that why she's broke? So what is the next step - community service and then jail? She will try and get out of the community service as she has 102 failments so realistically jail might well occur.

It couldn't happen to a nicer person 🤭 No doubt the FMs will start a SM campaign. #FreetheWeHo1
You got that from Corrie didn’t ya! 😂
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Punishment - fine, jail - doesn’t require physical violence or a breach of the stay 100 yards away order. Harassment is quite detailed in the TRO as part of the order, including social media. It’s a domestic violence RO because they have an intimate/partner relationship. Otherwise, he would have applied for a civil harassment order. And as detailed, abuse can take many forms, not just physical violence.

I believe they are holding their cards for the PRO. If she was jailed, it could delay getting the PRO. If she breeches that, then I think he will pursue the permitted remedies.

It’s quite clear that being under a PRO negatively affects custody. Which I am sure her lawyers have made her aware of. So she has everything to lose. If she cared about retaining any custody she would have gotten off social media and stayed off it. No praying hands, no likes of nasty comments directed at Ioan and Bianca, nada. So either she doesn’t believe a PRO will be issued or doesn’t believe there will be consequences if she breeches it. She’s about to find out differently.
I hope so 🤞
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How does Alice drink and medicate so much and then go on sm and manage to instigate all this hatred and evildom when I could barely crawl home to my bed?
Also, I am now on a month detox (aye, wish me luck on that one) and yet she wakes up and just gets back on it! I keep saying this, I don't get it!
I'm going to join you in that detox friend! remembering now why I rarely drink anymore 🤢😬☠
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Yey I do actually keep something in the pocket of my bag to remind me of my struggles and perseverances .. when I feel down I just look at it and feel better immediately … her fans are so wise 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️
This the best Tattle post EVER!!!!!

I'm very very new to this thread as I saw it mentioned on the Johnny Depp threads. I'm going to read into ioan and see what's been happening. Just Googled and I didn't realise he and Alice were in 102 dalmatians together its one of my favourite Disney films
Welcome! Please spread the word about this forum! 😁
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House of Tea

VIP Member
Maybe jail time will be the answer to her property search.

In all seriousness, I don’t think she is going to end up there. Nor do I want her to. Not only would she use it for martyrdom and to further besmirch Ioan, it would be horrific for her girls.
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Chatty Member
They can't ban her from her hometown lol. They simply need to get a Non Mol order in the UK. If she breaks it, they can call the Police and AE will be immediately arrested.
Her father and step-mother would need them too, and possibly her other brother? Not sure where he lives. I don’t think there’d be much welcome for her all round tbh and no more of a support bubble than she currently has. Her 2 friends from school have since emigrated and the only relative still talking to her has his own health challenges and would be unlikely to be of much practical help. But she’d get more (tacky) tv appearances I suppose and earn a bit of money that way. Certainly it wouldn’t be worse than her current situation.
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