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Well-known member
Yes I believe this is what Loopy is referring to in his post and that TD retiring from the fray is further proof in their eyes.
Absolutely batshit crazy the lot of them.
Alice hasn't a leg to stand on and if she's going down the RO against IG and BW she will have to fund this herself I take it?
She’s an entitled nut. TD took a step back for mental health and space, not because she was told to do so. They can’t imagine someone making a decision without IG directing it, which tells you everything you need ti know about the directions between A and Lupine. They’re in an echo chamber where everything is twisted to show that Alice is great and Ioan is abusive, and that Alice is on top. None of that is real.

The reality is that Ioan sought to extend the TRO by 90 days (within his rights to do so) and continue the hearing at that time. CA law provides for him to do exactly that, which means he must have shown good cause. He may have chosen a continuance/extension of the TRO for several reasons, none of which include this narrative of him being afraid to go to court. I mean, I fully expect more crap from Alice and more lashing out.

Twitter is not the world. Lupine is taking routine things like extensions and spinning them out to be something sinister and/or good “developments” for A. If she was smart, she would pull herself together in the next 90 days and show up sober and ready to work with IG to do what’s best for the girls. The reality? She’s not capable and her self-destructive, Trump-like, tornado-like behavior will continue.
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Also, no one has claimed Ioan and Bianca are saints, but they have never publically degraded Alice. They have remained silent. It's clear the reason he left is her behaviour. If you take him at his word, he didn't start a relationship with BW until three months after he filed for divorce, six months after they separated and 10 months after he told her he wanted out of the relationship. There is zero evidence BW is the reason IG left AE, other than AE saying so and she is an unreliable narrator. I personally speculate that AE's abusive behaviour is why he left and there is plenty of evidence for that.
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She seems very convinced that the RO wont be granted

so she has stood up to her mirror?
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I desire not to alarm but we may have been infiltrated by people wishing to defile our persons.

I suggest we all take our positions and be prepared to stand our ground on this, the very cusp of total war. I am Seargent major pinky winky from the Walter Mitter brigade of Twitter war heroes. You will be able to read more about me in my deluded blog article, that I will make up entirely a little later.

Be alert and follow me for further instructions.
Everybody man your stations and put your drama shield up. This is not a test. We repeat this is not a test. 😜💩
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I attempted to watch Liar the other day.
No spoilers because I didn’t get passed the first two episodes for personal reasons. But there’s a scene were Ioan’s character reads a post slandering him (I’m trying not to give any of the plot away) and he seems genuinely hurt and for a second I wondered how he feels about all of this. He has been pulled apart for over a year now by those closest to him.
AE and the goon show have made certain that her narrative was more prominent. I get that he’s been playing the clever and long game but he’s human, and this must all devastate him. There hasn’t been an ounce of his life not picked apart.
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I was just rereading the court documents on the request for the RO. Can you imagine the crap we haven’t seen? I think Yo showed immense patience to put up with her shite as long as he did. I wonder if 🐝 gave him the strength to move forward with the RO? It must have been extremely difficult.
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Classic AE fanbase to take a correction to their point and rather than admit error, act like it was really what they meant ….🤦🏻‍♀️
I can absolutely 100% guarantee that Loopy has an account on World of Tanks and is in the chat "Well Acktually..."-ing all over the place.
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Fed Up

Well-known member
What made him take that final step?
I'd say it was her going over his head to interfere with the production of HARROW. It was probably humiliating & enraging for him. He NEVER causes trouble on a set and has an excellent working reputation. She tried to force her will there too -- that was the final straw, IMO.
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Lupenis has excelled higher than imaginable at his mansplaining and not only is a top of his class divorce expert (despite never being married and not a lawyer) he is also now a self appointed military warfare expert (despite never being in the military and learning everything he knows from the history channel)

there is no end to this mans talents with 240 characters and Shakespearean English - why is this guy single?
He’s waiting for his mum to un-ground him.
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I realized why Alice was carrying instead of walking Emma. She thinks she looks like this:

View attachment 1094139

View attachment 1094140

Alice, booboo, no!

Or, perhaps, she was closer to the truth than she was willing to admit:

View attachment 1094141
Who dat?

I think that Alice is some kind of Hollywood Hyacinth Bucket with an irrational belief that she (and her children!) are more famous and important than they actually are. She craves public attention and all the status symbols of the A list that she is so far from. She also appears to have body dismorphia in the extent that she can't see her actual looks now in the mirror, believing the false impression created by filters is completely true.
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Chatty Member
She should get off her ass and get a job because she has her self and her children to provide for.

It is literally that simple.
I know - Wtf even is that comment

I work full time, I’m a parent and I keep my house clean with no hired help. It’s called life. I want me & my daughter to have nice things without relying on my husband to prop my life up. The girls are in school - she has no excuse

These people are just enabling bone idleness
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I personally can’t shake her comments to Gill, period, let alone the ones about Ioan’s siblings. If I said her remarks were low we’d all be like, “Well, EVERYTHING she’s done is low” but idk there’s something extra-revolting about belittling the life accomplishments of two good people (once again, PERIOD) but also doing it to their mother’s face like how dare you??? I’m positive there are mama bears in here who wouldn’t have gotten past the first four words of those sentences without the claws coming out; the restraint Gill exhibited is legendary bc I would have blacked tf out if those were my kids being torn apart.

What’s this bullshit Alice is spewing about life success being defined by getting married and bearing grandchildren??? This is what Alice managed to do so that’s suddenly the hallmark of a life well-lived? Well damn-jippity I don’t desire marriage nor children and I plan to live a solitary life on some country land God SAVE me if hers are the qualifications for a lifetime lived right.

She’s abhorrent, and I hope Ioan’s siblings are so accustomed to her jabs that they just brush them off at this point. (No one should even have to be put in the position of needing to shield themselves, but I just hope they don’t question the value of the existence they’ve built for themselves.) The best thing about living is that there isn’t one proper way to do it, so long as you commit no harm and you’re joyful and at pleasant peace with your results; if anything, Alice hasn’t even found ONE of the countless ways to do it correctly.

The projection practically HURTS now. 😒
You don't have to worry. Your life is God's gift to you; what you do with your life is your gift to God. I have no doubt God will be well-pleased with your life.
I have no children nor did my beloved but there are many other's lives who are well pleased we lived and could help them, and that is all any of us can do. Help those who are more vulnerable.


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I was scrolling through those messages from the filing yesterday and it's amazing with what rose-tinted glasses she views Matthew Rhys.

She does know that Keri Russell left her husband with whom she had two kids for Rhys, right? Isnt this exactly Ioan's current scenario?

She talks about how Rhys doesnt speak Welsh in interviews (as if that is bad), but he does talk about it in many interviews, I saw a interview not too long ago where he even talks about his son speaking Welsh.

She says Rhys treats his wife (they arent married i think) like a Queen, but how does she know? (I have no doubt that he does btw) In fact, what does she define under "treating like a Queen"? Ioan basically provided her with a life without having to work, with a nanny to make her life even easier, and vacations on top of it. How much more like a Queen can you be treated? Russell actually works lol

The only real point she has about this comparison is that Rhys had the better career. To a large extent because his American accent allowed him to exploit the career path he chosed fully (again, had Ioan built a proper career in the UK first without this flaw he had his career likely would have turned out a lot better).

In general any comparison to any actor she does is totally flawed. She talks about how Ioan would have been better in Halston than Ewan McGregor, who not only is a better actor but he (surprise) left his wife for a younger woman too! She bubbles about how Dominic West is top listed because he stayed with his wife after cheating on her, when the reality is just that Dominic West is a terrific actor.

Through her messages you get the impression that she feels like he had a A-lister career in him (he definitely had a better career in him, but not quite that) and threw it away for a number of reasons (obviously in her mind it had never anything to do with her, except now that he dumped her) and thus ruined the Queen life she thought she would get

I increasingly wonder if she already during their marriage blamed him for not providing the life they hoped for and this is why he took up so many roles so far away, why he allowed her to stay home with a nanny and a house that realistically they couldnt really afford.
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This thread is full of the most disgusting sexist, ageist claptrap, and btw HRT comes to us all 🙄
I'm terrified now. I'm 59, have never had HRT and never wanted to. I was just so glad to be post menopausal.

And yes after 16 years I'm now widowed and expect I will never have a partner again.

What terrors have I got ahead of me?

Like, I haven't been depressed enough this past week ......

You don't need to broadcast the fact you're ignoring posts you don't agree with.
Everyone's putting everyone on ignore who posts something they don't like. Then you get the same views regurgitated over and over and wonder why people find it refreshing when someone posts something different.

@plinky yeah I hear you. I can't say I feel much empathy for her at this point, but I'm sure the hurt was/is real for her.
The hurt was/is real for him and for much much longer.
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New member
Look at his hand, in his pocket. What's it doing? Cheap suit with shallow pockets? Or is his hand clenched into a fist regardless of pocket-depth?

AE's expression looks sad, despite the smile (and look at the size of his head compared to hers which isn't even small)

IG looks the same as he does in many photos: smug, full of his own self-delight, mummy's pretty little boy

They must have decided on this pose in advance, with her for some reason portraying the big-sister role. I used to believe AE had a strongly masculine presence. But now, I suspect it's more a case of IG having a strong little-girl presence

Why is his hand in his pocket? And should we guess it's the same with his other hand?

Why aren't his arms around her? I mean, ask yourself why. And this isn't the only photo of this kind featuring the pair of them. Compare it to photos of yourself with your man at the time. Would he have stood with his hands in his pockets? What would you have thought if he had? Do your daughter's husband or lover stand like a tin-god with his hands in his pockets as she hugs him? What would you think if he did? Be honest

Remember the interview in the garden with AE, IG and Piers Morgan? Remember little boy IG clutching AE's hand throughout? It looked awkward as hell and made him look like a mentally deficient idiot who was reliant on hanging onto AE-Mum as if his life depended on it. What was that about and why didn't Piers or the photographer quit filming to explain that in order to get the three of them in the shot, they were being compelled to show IG leaning far over in order to hold AE's hand which would look strange to viewers, particularly as IG seemed incapable of existing on his own in his own chair and as AE was seemingly so accustomed to IG's clinginess and so sensitive to his needs that she tolerated the sheer unmanliness of him

Did IG develop an overwhelming revulsion for AE during her pregnancies and afterwards? Was/is he revolted by womanliness generally, except when it applies to his mother? Is that what happened, same as Priscilla Presley claimed occurred between her and the mighty Elvis once she'd given birth? If so, no wonder AE grew more and more despondent and no wonder she wants to rip IG's guts out now

As for BW and her Pollyanna performance -- she's savvy and has friends. She didn't fall out of a rainbow. Hope she's thinking about all this, because no matter how much people choose to paint IG as the 'good' one in contrast to Bad Alice, BW knows from life experience that this can never be the case outside women's fiction. Hope she's getting in with a few questions of IG. And if she plans a long term relationship with him (I tend to suspect there's no intimacy between them outside IG fangirls' heads) she might be wise not to contemplate having a family with him and instead cultivate into old age her virginal innocence role, for fear she and her widening thighs and hips cause him to find her as repulsive as he appears to find AE
This is so in depth - thanks for such a thoughtful, observing post. Lots to consider here.
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The carlin

Well-known member
Just my two penneth. But I think she does have dirt on him. Nothing earth shattering, just private things he won't want the world (and his religious parents to know). After all that time together she will know it all, every foible, kink, private opinion, etc. And we know how much she loves to film, record and document EVERYTHING.

We all have private stuff meant to be private that we'd squirm if others knew/saw.
I think that could be the source of her confidence, and we know she'd definately go that low.

And could be why the sudden visit to Wales to give Ma and Pa Gruff a warning of what might come out. 🤔
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VIP Member
This thread is full of the most disgusting sexist, ageist claptrap, and btw HRT comes to us all 🙄
I think you will find that HRT is a choice that some choose to take up and others do not . As for Sexist / Ageist 🤔 think you need to do some research, also known as actually read on what has been posted here , and you will find it’s completely the opposite.
Evidence speaks for itself, just as it did in the 113 page document submitted to court that got IG a TRO … The rest will be presented in court & going off what we have seen upto now , it should get him a PRO !
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