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Does she think that people won't be looking at the comments on her instagram to see if she breaks the order or is she too drunk to care
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Omg, Loopy's tweets are so funny, it's the way he's so dismissive to anyone who doesn't agree with him. He sounds like a posh toddler..."I don't like you, so go away", you can almost hear his little foot stamping from here! 😂😂😂. You just know he was dying to say "Shoo", but wouldn't dare say it to a man 🙄.

I know that Alice is a monster, and everything that has happened to her is of her own doing, but it's a bit sad that the only people that she can talk to about her marriage breakdown, is two online strangers, who were fans of her husband. Deb and Lin have absolutely no regard for Alice's wellbeing, nor that of the 3 E's, they're only there for the dirt. They're just gossips like the rest of us, the only difference is that we do care about the fate of the players in this drama. If anything, they're worse than her, poking their noses into someone else's business, and stirring up trouble. I doubt that either of them have ever given Alice any helpful advice or support, all they want is more fireworks, and to see Alice burn. I think that they actually do hate her, she may have been dumped, but she got a lot closer to IG than they ever will. Sick fucks, the pair of them 😡😡.
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I was watching Hot in Cleveland tonight and who turned up in a guest role, only EDDIE CIBRIAN!
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Someone earlier (forget who, sorry!) mentioned Keely Shay Smith, she always looks great even if she’s not “Hollywood shaped”. Also put me in mind of Lindsay Brunock, Kenneth Branagh’s wife. Proof that you can be a little older, look fabulous whatever your shape and have a lovely man at your side like Pierce or Ken should you wish.

If only Alice, you make the effort.



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She really gets my goat because I started my own business while staying at home with young kids. I had to change career path so I got a nanny in to help and put the hours in to create an alternative income. I’ve got a nice business and small team of staff now. (Go me! 😉😆)

Alice had full time help the whole time. Not everyone is business orientated but what stopped her from getting a job or retraining for another career? Like many families my husband has always worked away for extended periods, so he was never involved in school stuff etc, it doesn’t make him any less of a dad. I’ve also never been ‘all alone’. My life and friendships continue while he’s away.

Her ‘narrative’ is self-absorbed nonsense and an insult to working mums, home making mums (who actually care for the home and kids) and hard working dads.

Alice is lazy. That’s all there is to her story. She wants Ioan’s cash so she can stay in bed, harassing him and Bianca on SM. She chose this life, she could have done anything she wanted, she chose to do nothing. All she wants is a lifelong meal ticket to finance her laziness and she’s determined to force that on Ioan.
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Also - she seriously chose to use Victoria’s outtakes? Alice loves nothing more than to aggravate. 🤬
This is the person you know? Correct? The one who you shared the story of being an Alice fan and being burned.

This is absolutely evidence of the abusive nature of AE. There are many outtakes she could use, there are many things she could post. But is it about someone who seemed to care for her and wanted to pay for something and then was burned?

And now it's a little bit of delight from Alice - don't you want more, Victoria? See how much I remember YOU, YOU, YOU YOU!?!? I'm devoted to you. But (hey Alice) she also reads here and probably that story stood out because it is honest.

Think about being singled out, lost money, only to have the person pop up on insta mentioning you. That is macabre.
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All joking aside - these are screenshots of when the wolf started inserting himself into the metoo movement. Shot from his first blog post and one from Twitter.

This is in regard to when Asia Argento claimed abuse by HW but then it turned out she had possibly slept with an underage boy and Anthony Bourdain was paying them blackmail money. Shortly after, AB passed from depression and AA was disavowed by Rose McGowan. Who was seen as a leader of the movement though black women had started it years before.

This is when wolf and Alice became a "thing" as she took the wolf's side in continuing to defend AA.

From what I could piece together, wolf decided AA was being trolled to the point of suicide. (Sarcastic aside - that's why there is a block button).

Wolf decided he alone in the world - out of 8 billion people - was the only one who could draw the trolls to himself thus saving AA!

Wolf was desperate at this point because he could not get either RM or AA to answer his messages. If you care to do your own search on Twitter, he reached out to some fringe Hollywood person sure that they would connect him to AA or RM. They told him to piss off.

My entire point is to put everything in perspective that this person, who clearly has some kind of grandiose personality disorder, when he says anything about IG or BW or even Alice, is disturbed.

And it disturbs me that Alice has this person in her and her children's life and seems to depend on him for support and legal advice.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. View attachment 1094622View attachment 1094623

I don’t know enough about the AA, AB and RM situation the subject matter is triggering for me, what I will say is that none of those women needed that impotent, shite talking, white knight in a tin foil hat 40 year old virgin to stand up for them. He gives me the dry heave.
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The restraining order hearing is still on calendar for March 11 per the court docket. I'll have to read the Notice of Unavailability that her lawyer filed. It may conflict with March 11 but I'll post what I find out when I get the paperwork tomorrow.
Alice is desperately trying to change the narrative.
"Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes" defense.
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Chatty Member
Are there really people in the world who believe it’s ok to not work and support your kids? I mean I thought having kids was about doing everything to raise them to be happy and healthy and that will include providing for them financially. If you choose to live in a country that supplies no benefits or free healthcare when you have ‘debilitating illness’ that means you can drink a lot of alcohol and talk to your friends online all day, couldn’t you just get a job working from home part time or something?
do people really believe that being a SAHP during a divorce and having no other income is a sensible parenting decision? I am not sure a judge would agree when in this day and age, you can do part time telemarketing, teach languages online, work from home as a telephone interpreter.

I’m glad I’m not the kind of mother who raises my Kids to think that 53 is too old to get a job, or that women don’t have to work
I just don’t get this idea of spousal support or my ex paying my way for a life I ‘deserve’… ok maybe if I was in debt and he was a millionaire… but seriously, making a way for myself and working hard for myself and my kids, spending 5 years working off joint debt that my ex walked away from… best feeling in the world. It was hard but my god it makes me feel like a powerful woman and a kick ass Mum. It’s a shame that Alice is so hung up on what she should have, and she’s so entitled… she will be so much happier if she takes a different approach. But that of course applies to so many aspects of her life and likely will never happen… I think she wants to be miserable. Forever. Just so she can blame him.

I should also say I’m in the UK and I think spousal support is less common over here but I may be wrong. That was just my experience in divorce…
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Look at his hand, in his pocket. What's it doing? Cheap suit with shallow pockets? Or is his hand clenched into a fist regardless of pocket-depth?

AE's expression looks sad, despite the smile (and look at the size of his head compared to hers which isn't even small)

IG looks the same as he does in many photos: smug, full of his own self-delight, mummy's pretty little boy

They must have decided on this pose in advance, with her for some reason portraying the big-sister role. I used to believe AE had a strongly masculine presence. But now, I suspect it's more a case of IG having a strong little-girl presence

Why is his hand in his pocket? And should we guess it's the same with his other hand?

Why aren't his arms around her? I mean, ask yourself why. And this isn't the only photo of this kind featuring the pair of them. Compare it to photos of yourself with your man at the time. Would he have stood with his hands in his pockets? What would you have thought if he had? Do your daughter's husband or lover stand like a tin-god with his hands in his pockets as she hugs him? What would you think if he did? Be honest

Remember the interview in the garden with AE, IG and Piers Morgan? Remember little boy IG clutching AE's hand throughout? It looked awkward as hell and made him look like a mentally deficient idiot who was reliant on hanging onto AE-Mum as if his life depended on it. What was that about and why didn't Piers or the photographer quit filming to explain that in order to get the three of them in the shot, they were being compelled to show IG leaning far over in order to hold AE's hand which would look strange to viewers, particularly as IG seemed incapable of existing on his own in his own chair and as AE was seemingly so accustomed to IG's clinginess and so sensitive to his needs that she tolerated the sheer unmanliness of him

Did IG develop an overwhelming revulsion for AE during her pregnancies and afterwards? Was/is he revolted by womanliness generally, except when it applies to his mother? Is that what happened, same as Priscilla Presley claimed occurred between her and the mighty Elvis once she'd given birth? If so, no wonder AE grew more and more despondent and no wonder she wants to rip IG's guts out now

As for BW and her Pollyanna performance -- she's savvy and has friends. She didn't fall out of a rainbow. Hope she's thinking about all this, because no matter how much people choose to paint IG as the 'good' one in contrast to Bad Alice, BW knows from life experience that this can never be the case outside women's fiction. Hope she's getting in with a few questions of IG. And if she plans a long term relationship with him (I tend to suspect there's no intimacy between them outside IG fangirls' heads) she might be wise not to contemplate having a family with him and instead cultivate into old age her virginal innocence role, for fear she and her widening thighs and hips cause him to find her as repulsive as he appears to find AE
You've given this far more thought than I ever will, but I did notice his distancing behavior with the hand in pocket. It's odd there are so many 2-shots where she's got him in a half-Nelson, as if she's afraid he's planning on making a run for it.
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Who is this little cutie?
One of my late beloved's adoptees. She moved in as a teenager, got pregnant to some bloke and stayed around. She had several more babes and eventually disappeared. At least 2 of her sons still in the neighbourhood, and drop in some nights for a feed.
My late beloved was always providing handouts to passing wildelife ❤ He knew what it was like to be friendless and alone in the world and he knew how tough the world can be. So we share our good fortune where we can.
To keep to the subject, my late beloved was nothing like Alice. Though in his youth he bore a resemblance to a young Ioan from what photos I've seen of him then.
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i really wish i knew the extent of alice’s rage rn, knowing they’re visiting his parents. while they’re there, if IG posts a pic of BW smiling next to Gill and Gill is wearing this I will appoint you all as pallbearers to lower me into my grave lmaooo

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I’m starting to get a sick feeling in my tummy about her comments.

we HAD a court Date… , but he … (implying he’s pulled out or might he have withdrawn the RO?!)

with wolf baby stepping down, this apparent confidence you all mention (I’m not seeing it myself but I have spotted she’s on instagram more atm) and these mysterious comments I’m feeling a little 🤢 about the situation

is there history of RO not being granted when a TRO has been granted? Has she got something on him?

or is she being a dickhead and pretending “just you wait …” I don’t know but feeling

It's going to be okay. Instagram is her only outlet. PLUS it's the social media site Bianca uses the most to sprinkle love and kindness around.

She's bullshitting. And she's trying to imply IG being out of the country means the hearing is cancelled.

We have our legal minds who will know more. If I knew how to search the court dates, I would.

He's been granted a TRO. A judge already believes him.
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The absolute favorite tactic of Deb & Lin, was to tell the fan group there was SO MUCH MORE going on than they (the fans) knew about. It made them feel superior and powerful. Now that I know Alice taught them everything they knew, I'm sure the three of them reveled in keeping the peasants, uh, fans, in the dark and grateful for crumbs. The "secret info" often turned out to be nothing.

Try not to let that kind of crap upset you. It's a game to her, & her top two minions, and we're the pieces ♠♣♥♦.
I feel I need to put this here again. I just love that IG took his power back.
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She deleted that photo from her Insta didn't she? Can't see it now. I found this from Aug 2020 though. A sad IG and a smug AE. She was no doubt still "winning" then.

View attachment 1093008
she is so deeply oblivious that this pic should be catalogued in a psychological journal or something. the caption is pathetic. “lol he’s just a grumpy man” nah sis he’s a grumpy man cuz he’s sick of yo ass 🥉

her insta is a LITERAL PHOTO ALBUM documenting the steady, gutting deterioration of her marriage I’m cryin
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Can we please respect the fact that Tamika has said she is taking a break for her Mental Health & wellbeing . I 100% take that at face value.
The admins have made it clear we are not to discuss on here , and whilst I 100% understand there is relevance to the situation by some commenter’s, she’s not allowed to be here ( admins decision) to defend herself.
She went out to defend her friend on Twitter, and I personally respect that , but again totally respect the opinions of those who disagree.
Another poster said earlier that Lupine has no one to argue with now , as he and the FM’s plus the sock accounts have blocked anyone who disagreed with the disgusting behaviour of AE . That’s fine , they couldn’t stand the fact there was no strength in their argument, and the fact that they made a # Block the socks , just proves how pathetic they are .
Alice is delusional if she thinks she’s in a strong position. Evidence is now available from electronic devices , IG has nothing to worry about on that front . Alice can accuse who ever she wants of being behind accounts , but she’s just making a bigger fool of herself. Because she’s a narc , she won’t realise it , but that massive great big fall is coming 😎
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Getting to see him in court is a win for her. It makes me physically sick that victims have to face perpetrators in court. I hope there’s a video link instead.
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Just William

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mAlice asking Gloria to phone Yo in Oz rather than 911 while allegedly collapsed on the floor reminded me of this!

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Is this long post an attempt at a poor Alice, she has been harmed, Bianca and gaslit by Ioan....and oh, look at the manipulative Bianca? Because it is a fail.
Alice has 20 years life experience on Bianca. She lived with a boyfriend in Italy before moving on to Oliver in France. She has had years of life experience , she is no babe in the woods manipulated by others. She chose this path she is on. We all chose our life paths.
There is no there there regarding Bianca or Ioan. Alice should own her crap and her role in the demise of her marriage
Alice has 20 years life experience on Bianca. She also has 31 years of continuously being with men who are at her beck and call and who have financially supported her. She terrified. She didn't expect this life path, she can't believe that Ioan has escaped her clutches. She thought so little of him and so much of herself that she blamed his mother when he left rather than accepting that he didn't want to be with her. The idea that he had left her for another woman, which given the mid-life crisis time frame would be the first thought for most, wasn't a possibility for her. She genuinely thought she could lure him back and the fact he found someone else made her go scorched earth, particularly as he is committed to someone who she regards as beneath her. The fact that Bianca has lifelong challenges and Ioan still chose her over her has knocked Alice for six. She regards Bianca as inferior in every way and can't accept this is his choice
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