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I think he was abused before the split, I think she has manipulated and browbeat him for years. Bringing him home from Australia when they had what three days left of filming was the last straw. It was bad for him professionally and emotionally.
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This is the person you know? Correct? The one who you shared the story of being an Alice fan and being burned.

This is absolutely evidence of the abusive nature of AE. There are many outtakes she could use, there are many things she could post. But is it about someone who seemed to care for her and wanted to pay for something and then was burned?

And now it's a little bit of delight from Alice - don't you want more, Victoria? See how much I remember YOU, YOU, YOU YOU!?!? I'm devoted to you. But (hey Alice) she also reads here and probably that story stood out because it is honest.

Think about being singled out, lost money, only to have the person pop up on insta mentioning you. That is macabre.
Yes, that’s her. And we’ve locked down her media account, but a friend of hers saw it and told her. Alice is cruel and I know it’s in her nature to strike out, but sometimes she still surprises me with her ability to hit below the belt.

Oh, no, she definitely knows. We had some brief words via PM on Vic’s Cameo account. Just, argh. Last time, I snapped, so once again, I will take @Penguin86’s advice and not “bite.” It’s tough not to take clear bait!!
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Mad Betty

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Also - she seriously chose to use Victoria’s outtakes? Alice loves nothing more than to aggravate. 🤬
WTF? And this isn't her first single Valentine's Day. Yo left her last January. And why use outtakes of a Cameo from someone who you hurt and publicly said so. That's just mean girl shit on so many levels. 😡
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My money is on her having let rip at mama Gruff by email since they have been in Wales. I just don't think she would be able to stop herself after three sharp ones from sending an email calling mama G a hypocrite for welcoming IG and his "adulteress" into their christian home.
Technically not a breach of the TRO but pretty fucking stupid ....
I think the photo was primarily a pop at Ma Gruff for playing family with Bianca. Alice showed her what she was missing. Hugs from her grandchildren. Gloria is a naive for getting caught up in that and not keeping her distance in any of this. She could never be a permanent fixture in the children’s lives.

I had a child minder for years who was a good neighbour and friend of the family. I liked her and her geriatric mum who taught me to crochet and bet on horses. But they weren’t my beloved grandparents. Alice is a fucking monster depriving her children of love.
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I feel like Alice is quite sexist, ageist (well at least vain if not ageist. I would say there's been no ageist comments here as we regularly point out beautiful 50+ women who don't need to lie about their age and put wonky filters onto vids and photos when their real life face is papped and yet continue to do so) and she has a lot of claptrap she put into the world. Claptrap that was abusive and defamatory of, when you add them up, quite a lot of people.

So bite bite from my non green but slightly Pepsi max'd grubby teeth.
Oh look I'm an oversharer too ✌🏻
She is majorly sexist and thinks a man should be providing for her for life!

I don’t comment on her looks - I’m fat myself 🤣 yes, it comes to many of us. Doesn’t stop you getting a job though like us normal plebs do
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In terms of being creative, Alice's lawyer is clutching at straws. His defence revolves around Alice's 1st Amendment rights and the fact that all 3 parties are public figures, but it in no way addresses the harassing and threatening texts and emails sent by Alice privately.
Also, Ioan's filing came hard on the heels of his 12-year-old daughter hacking his Instagram account claiming that her Dad was taking her out of school so he could make Bianca a star. Ioan proved that narrative came from Alice and while there was not a threat of physical violence there was an emergency specifically with regard to the children
Also in all honesty if I was IG and especially BW I would be worried incase I ran into her on the street. Why do you think he took a cop with him to the house? Wasn’t for show. That also gives you an indication of what went on at home
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She may try to present social media posts to show a pattern of abuse that she's suffered, but to what end? I can't imagine a judge would seriously entertain anonymous public tweets unless it can be proven they were made by one of the litigants. I think this is going to come down to a classic he said she said - to each other.
Except he has by all accounts said nothing since they separated which is the relevant period. And has gone to extreme lengths to stay away from her. Whereas she wrote it all down and posted it to him. Threatened to come see him among other things.

The courts won’t allow either of them to fling mud at each other over things not relevant to the RO. The custody battle will be different. But even then Ioan is not self reporting. He is creating documentary evidence that will include the RO and police reports.

If there is a media circus Alice created it and he asked her not to. There was no need for it. She would have her day in court if she wanted it. Instead she decided to whip up the public, trolls and all. That’s why she is being hounded. Which is why he told her not to go public. The whole thing demonstrates his care rather than his abuse.
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Look at his hand, in his pocket. What's it doing? Cheap suit with shallow pockets? Or is his hand clenched into a fist regardless of pocket-depth?

AE's expression looks sad, despite the smile (and look at the size of his head compared to hers which isn't even small)

IG looks the same as he does in many photos: smug, full of his own self-delight, mummy's pretty little boy

They must have decided on this pose in advance, with her for some reason portraying the big-sister role. I used to believe AE had a strongly masculine presence. But now, I suspect it's more a case of IG having a strong little-girl presence

Why is his hand in his pocket? And should we guess it's the same with his other hand?

Why aren't his arms around her? I mean, ask yourself why. And this isn't the only photo of this kind featuring the pair of them. Compare it to photos of yourself with your man at the time. Would he have stood with his hands in his pockets? What would you have thought if he had? Do your daughter's husband or lover stand like a tin-god with his hands in his pockets as she hugs him? What would you think if he did? Be honest

Remember the interview in the garden with AE, IG and Piers Morgan? Remember little boy IG clutching AE's hand throughout? It looked awkward as hell and made him look like a mentally deficient idiot who was reliant on hanging onto AE-Mum as if his life depended on it. What was that about and why didn't Piers or the photographer quit filming to explain that in order to get the three of them in the shot, they were being compelled to show IG leaning far over in order to hold AE's hand which would look strange to viewers, particularly as IG seemed incapable of existing on his own in his own chair and as AE was seemingly so accustomed to IG's clinginess and so sensitive to his needs that she tolerated the sheer unmanliness of him

Did IG develop an overwhelming revulsion for AE during her pregnancies and afterwards? Was/is he revolted by womanliness generally, except when it applies to his mother? Is that what happened, same as Priscilla Presley claimed occurred between her and the mighty Elvis once she'd given birth? If so, no wonder AE grew more and more despondent and no wonder she wants to rip IG's guts out now

As for BW and her Pollyanna performance -- she's savvy and has friends. She didn't fall out of a rainbow. Hope she's thinking about all this, because no matter how much people choose to paint IG as the 'good' one in contrast to Bad Alice, BW knows from life experience that this can never be the case outside women's fiction. Hope she's getting in with a few questions of IG. And if she plans a long term relationship with him (I tend to suspect there's no intimacy between them outside IG fangirls' heads) she might be wise not to contemplate having a family with him and instead cultivate into old age her virginal innocence role, for fear she and her widening thighs and hips cause him to find her as repulsive as he appears to find AE
or she’s a loud mouth manipulative drunk egotistical wanker
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I think she’s spilled everything she has already though, coz she has zero restraint lol. I think it amounts to the 24g thing (possibly in addition to habitual coke use) and her “narrative” that he emotionally abused her by asking her to not use social media in a certain way!
I would be on 24g if I was married to mAlice.
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I’m starting to get a sick feeling in my tummy about her comments.

we HAD a court Date… , but he … (implying he’s pulled out or might he have withdrawn the RO?!)

with wolf baby stepping down, this apparent confidence you all mention (I’m not seeing it myself but I have spotted she’s on instagram more atm) and these mysterious comments I’m feeling a little 🤢 about the situation

is there history of RO not being granted when a TRO has been granted? Has she got something on him?

or is she being a dickhead and pretending “just you wait …” I don’t know but feeling

might be like her constant "he is not sure if he wants to divorce me" crap she pulled at the end of last year

you have to keep in mind that there is little to no communication between them, she has to fill the blanks with her imagination

Maybe she's taking out/threatening via her lawyer a restraining order against TD?

Just a thought....

It would explain the smugness
Restraining Orders across the world are a bit tough to get.

certainly not over Family Law either.
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She has 100% perjured herself.
Obviously everyone knows about the phone and sm harassment but BII - kept under surveillance. Ioan has proof that Alice said she had a private investigation going after Bianca. I mean obviously we all knew she had perjured herself but it's seeing it RIGHT THERE that it just hits you how monumentally stupid this woman is.

And aside from this, the whole posting Victoria on cameo I would suggest that Alice completely knew what she was doing, she reads on her, she would have read or been told and @sweetandsour2022 has said that words had been exchanged.
There's a reason we call her mAlice.
I just hope the hearing hasn't been pushed back. There needs to be some solid footing for this case, for Ioan and Bianca and especially the children. Alice doesn't think the tro means anything. She needs to be told definitively, spelled out like the petulant little child she is, to STOP.
Her posting of Victoria on cameo was designed to really hurt Victoria and anger @sweetandsour2022
Also her tweeting and then the next day possibly once sober going back and deleting tweets that she CLEARLY KNEW WERE WRONG, to me proves that she knows exactly what she is doing, it is calculated
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Chatty Member
The $20 got me. I'm relatively poor and if I had been a moderately successful actress in Hollywood - I'd have to be down to asking Tank Cat to share his rations before accepting $20 to talk for 10 minutes to a stranger.
She’s doing it to try to shame Ioan. It’s not about the money, she’s earning nothing from this compared to what she spends. It’s about getting her narcissistic supply from “fans”, having an excuse to speak publicly, and thinking that he’s embarrassed of her having a shitty job. She has said he would be bothered by her working at Home Depot etc. I doubt he gives a damn what she does these days, as long as she leaves him alone. She wants to think it matters to him.
Still waiting for you to start cleaning those toilets to keep Gloria in a job and your daughter in private school, Alice. So full of shit.
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Lupenis’s credentials written in parchment with disappearing ink have come to light, so he’s taking a step back.
Alice is trying to manipulate the narrative as per usual. I’ll believe the court schedule.
Chances are the lawyers have scheduling issues and the date has been moved. We’ll see tomorrow. Those 113 are out there for prosperity, she has nothing to counteract that that she won’t have already posted.
And I can guarantee her Instagram is being closely watched and screenshots taken for violations.

You would think she would realize that after those 113 pages. The screenshot is faster than the delete. 🙄
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She thinks she own Ioan, she will always be the mother of his first born children, his first wife etc etc.
He will never ever get peace from her ever again.
Can you imagine her at the kids sports days/graduation etc?
My ex husband didn’t attend many of these until we split. He now attends every single one.
I have moved on and he has had one date in the nine years since I left.
I can see Alice and her martyrdom lasting a lifetime.
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Happy Saint David's Day to all Welsh turds and turdettes! :)

I still have about 25 pages to catch up on before I can join the convo again.
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Mad Betty

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I have to wonder if Alice is just fishing here. She knows they are overseas but has no way of knowing when they are coming back. She's got to be livid if they are visiting IG's parents.

She's trying to imply he won't be back for the TRO hearing while wondering when HER HUSBAND IS COMING HOME.

Her and Lupeniseseseseses supposed confidence? Bullshit. No way IG would file if his attorney wasn't sure.
I think she's trying to punish and taunt IG for taking B to Wales. She's minimizing the TRO and her post was done to mock him, IMO. (Sorry, my other post got deleted and I'm not even drinking. 🤦🏻‍♀️)
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