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I don’t need to, but I can because no one owns the thread right? And it was really just a reminder to other contributors (including myself) to not bite at antagonist posts - which is a benefit to all as it isn’t fun when a thread descends in to an argument
The contradiction is laughable when 5 mins earlier …. ( If other people want balance and you don't like it, you don't have to engage but you also don't run this thread and don't get to dictate the tone of it. ) in their own words 😂
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Apparently (having read a bit more) notice of ex parte requests for domestic violence are not served on the respondent because of the possibility (in most cases) for violence. So my guess is she got notice that he was seeking a restraining order, possibly from her lawyer, but didn’t actually read it (which is what she said in her response)? If that’s the case, I find it odd because we aren’t involved and we ALL wanted to know what was in there!

Or as @welp said, she didn’t file a substantive response because really, what could she say that would sway a judge? He provoked me, or he stayed silent, are not excuses for the number of messages she sent and their tone.

I suspect, as she truly believes she is the smartest one in the room, that she felt she could offer this blanket, “Nothing he said could be true because I can’t think of anything I would have done that would have qualified as domestic violence,” excuse and it would pass muster. This is what is in her response (bold section by me):

As I have not yet been served with a copy of Petitioner’s Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (DV-100), I really have no idea what he is going to accuse me of. All I have is an email from his attorney, providing me with Ex Parte Notice regarding his Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Orders. However, this I know for certain: I have not hit, struck, attacked, threatened, assaulted, harassed, followed, stalked, molested, destroyed the personal property of, kept under surveillance, impersonated, blocked the movement of, annoyed by phone or electronic means by repeated contact, or disturbed the peace of either Petitioner or his girlfriend, Bianca Wallace.

Clearly, she does not view her messages as annoying/repeated contact or disturbing their peace…

ETA: she also says this (among other things):
I have not harassed, threatened, made libelous or slanderous statements regarding Petitioner or Bianca Wallace, including to the media or by way of social media. Nor have I ever directed anyone to do so on my behalf. Nor have I ever done so by means of impersonation.

I have not made disparaging statements about Petitioner to and/or in the presence of our two minor children, Ella Evans Griffith (DOB 9/6/2009) and Elsie Evans Griffith (9/13/2013).

As stated herein above, I really have no idea what Petitioner is going to accuse me of but I know whatever allegations he is going to make against me are false.
Basically what it says to judge is do not believe anything Alice Evans says EVER.
(And she never lies.😂)
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Did JFK Jr crash his plane deliberately?

Flight 19/Bermuda Triangle.
What created Alice Evans. Oh, no, wait ...

Who is Aunt Lydia?
I've been working hard to solve the Jonbenet murder case. I almost have it.
Oh and also what I would ask Alice on the stand.
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Interesting, must have missed all that thank you! Yes still not entirely sure what all went on lol, but get the jist. Just Alice Things™️ by the sounds of it
Yeah pretty much. Alice really doesn't care who gets hurt along the way as long as she's the one doing the hurting.
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Chatty Member
🤣 This was actually quite amusing.
I wouldn't call her extremely large these days. she does not make the regular media. Its only some gossip sites here in the US reporting on it. Her divorce is not being reported on in the main stream media in the US because she is not well known enough and its a run of the mill acrimonious divorce except the vindictive party is putting her stuff on SM.
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Ally Pally

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So AE is implying IG got cold feet about the RO March 11 date? I doubt it.

She is more likely bullshitting, Loopy too. Anne Kiley will be explaining to IG that he can't back down now. I don't think he would be stupid enough to go against his lawyer. In many ways getting the TRO was the hardest part, getting the RO is the icing on the cake.
Absolutely she is BS, those 113 pages did not write themselves. She truly believes she can pull a rabbit out of a hat her dulusions are that crazy. She is in for one huge huge shock imo. Her only defense is to plead temporary insanity at this point 🤪🍷🍷🍷
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I think it’s the blue tick brigade. They’ve also aligned themselves with her politics, they share those beliefs and values, therefor she like them. Someone else said it better than me on here, she behaves towards people the way they wish they could. Some of the comments about getting revenge on exes was disturbing. She’s the poster girls for fuckwits.
I remember her slagging off Kyle Rittenhouse who was acquitted late last year, she was awful towards him and totally got her facts wrong, like the sheep she is she didn't factor in there may be an alternative out there and there she went saying diabolical things about him. She is everything you wouldn't want to be. And she will never see it, she's totally incapable of humility and reading the room.
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It’s only sudden to us. He might have planned it ages ago and decided to fit in around commitments, including court and a rugby match.

The court order stops her spewing matters all over social media. The court itself won’t let her just randomly accuse or bring up non relevant stuff. What she brings to court needs to be relevant and substantive.

He has shown her that he isn’t afraid of what she has got to say or do. He really called her bluff with the separation and now the TRO. I’d say his legal team is counting on her spouting shit. They will know what to expect and are prepared to discredit her all over again.

Let’s face it, she had an open goal in terms of discrediting him. It would have been hard not to dent his reputation. But not only did she manage not to do that, she has made him look long suffering and patient, whilst showing herself up as a nasty abusive narc. For nearly a year she has had it all her own way with no push back. But she wrote down her diabolical plan and emailed to Ioan and his legal team. What an absolute fuckwit.

Forgive me if I say that Alice is simply too stupid and arrogant to ever come out on top.
I love your posts. They are always well thought and fact-based.
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Chatty Member
I am curious why everyone thinks he’s allergic to animals? Where has he said this? He seems to look very happy with Bear. I think Alice makes shit up and he never wanted Emma to start with cos the timing was bad as he wanted to leave Alice. I do get feeling looking at his very white apartment - girls room everything was white. How bear fits into that I’m not too sure.
I may be wrong but I think Alice announced this? She seems very bitter about his affection to Bear. I’m allergic to cat & dog dander but some bother me less than others, some don’t bother me at all. To be honest it can be very dependent on how the hair sheds and how regularly the hair is brushed up…
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New member
The balance argument was more relevant 12 months ago. So much has changed. It’s not that people do not want it, it’s that despite having balance, there is never a good reason or excuse to harass someone like she has been. You can’t balance out Ioan’s involvement based on what Alice has told you. She is a liar. He has never spoken up and the only information you have from Ioan is that he says he didn’t cheat, left a marriage and tried to divorce Alice collaboratively
I agree there is a never a good reason to do that. Personally, I can't stand the woman and I've been outraged by what I've seen over the past few months. I enjoy reading different perspectives that discuss angles I hadn't considered before. For example posts that give me more insight into how she might have ended up the way she did. Nothing will erase what she's done or make it ok. I'm not talking about Ioan at all because I have nothing to go on. Or trying to balance out him or Alice. Aside from wishing him all the best and a healthy happy future I don't have much to say about him.
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Curious if anyone thinks Ioan actually doesn’t like pets in the house…? I hesitate to say “animals,” as I don’t think any of us truly think he just hates ALL animals (not to mention it’s pretty rare that you’d find someone who does). In an old interview, when he was like mid-twenties, he even said the ideal life for him was to live in Wales with a few chickens, so, def not turned off by animals in general. I’m referring to animals in the house, as pets. I know already that he’s allergic to cats. Did he grow up with pets?

He never struck me as being fond of Emma, but as was stated here earlier, he didn’t get a chance to bond with her, really. If he isn’t quite a fan of animals in the house then I’m curious how he might be feeling towards Bubba Bear. I mean Bear is adorable and bright but I wonder if there is still going to have to be an adjustment period for Ioan to bond with him.
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Daffodils by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed--and gazed--but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
How did you know I needed this??? Oh my goodness, your soul. 💚 I've been reading this through class again and again, hahaha.
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Look at his hand, in his pocket. What's it doing? Cheap suit with shallow pockets? Or is his hand clenched into a fist regardless of pocket-depth?

AE's expression looks sad, despite the smile (and look at the size of his head compared to hers which isn't even small)

IG looks the same as he does in many photos: smug, full of his own self-delight, mummy's pretty little boy

They must have decided on this pose in advance, with her for some reason portraying the big-sister role. I used to believe AE had a strongly masculine presence. But now, I suspect it's more a case of IG having a strong little-girl presence

Why is his hand in his pocket? And should we guess it's the same with his other hand?

Why aren't his arms around her? I mean, ask yourself why. And this isn't the only photo of this kind featuring the pair of them. Compare it to photos of yourself with your man at the time. Would he have stood with his hands in his pockets? What would you have thought if he had? Do your daughter's husband or lover stand like a tin-god with his hands in his pockets as she hugs him? What would you think if he did? Be honest

Remember the interview in the garden with AE, IG and Piers Morgan? Remember little boy IG clutching AE's hand throughout? It looked awkward as hell and made him look like a mentally deficient idiot who was reliant on hanging onto AE-Mum as if his life depended on it. What was that about and why didn't Piers or the photographer quit filming to explain that in order to get the three of them in the shot, they were being compelled to show IG leaning far over in order to hold AE's hand which would look strange to viewers, particularly as IG seemed incapable of existing on his own in his own chair and as AE was seemingly so accustomed to IG's clinginess and so sensitive to his needs that she tolerated the sheer unmanliness of him

Did IG develop an overwhelming revulsion for AE during her pregnancies and afterwards? Was/is he revolted by womanliness generally, except when it applies to his mother? Is that what happened, same as Priscilla Presley claimed occurred between her and the mighty Elvis once she'd given birth? If so, no wonder AE grew more and more despondent and no wonder she wants to rip IG's guts out now

As for BW and her Pollyanna performance -- she's savvy and has friends. She didn't fall out of a rainbow. Hope she's thinking about all this, because no matter how much people choose to paint IG as the 'good' one in contrast to Bad Alice, BW knows from life experience that this can never be the case outside women's fiction. Hope she's getting in with a few questions of IG. And if she plans a long term relationship with him (I tend to suspect there's no intimacy between them outside IG fangirls' heads) she might be wise not to contemplate having a family with him and instead cultivate into old age her virginal innocence role, for fear she and her widening thighs and hips cause him to find her as repulsive as he appears to find AE
???not sure I get this
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4 episodes of Harrow were a tonic! It's such a good show!!! Just popping back on because I've been looking at the court docs and the email thing. So, it looks like the email address itself is always Alice's. BUT, she changes the name assigned to it (I know on mine, you can "call" your email account whatever you want. Mine is my name, so for example if you got an email it'd say it's from Jane Doe<[email protected]>, or just from Jane Doe. It looks like Alice is changing the name on the account to one of the children, probably so that Ioan or his mum would see an email that's come from Ella or Elsie, even though the email address is Alice's, and they'd be more likely to open and read it that just delete which they might if they knew it was from Alice. Doing it that way would also mean that the girls would never know she'd done it - no sent items in their emails or potential replies etc. All in her own mailbox, but disguised as them. What kind of twisted person does that??
And here I was thinking she just used Ella’s email
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I did think the black eye was genuine, but not anymore , unless it happened weeks before she said it did 🤔
I think this was one of her earlier cameos. Before the black eye. She’s got to add content keep the “zany” fm’s happy. Some of the comments to her are just plain odd.
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Enjoy! 😁 Last night I binge watched the last 5 episodes of Harrow! Harrow ✔ Liar ✔ Castle ✔ still to watch Forever & King Arthur! ;)
But for mAlice I wouldn't have discovered him as an actor! :cool: It was only later I realised I had seen him in Castle & his cameo in Horrible Bosses!
I'm rewatching Forever now.
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Just my speculation based on some research and some comments made by Alice implying that the hearing is being pushed. We wouldn’t see it on the computer until this week, most likely, so we’ll know soon. It’s just me trying to make sense of what everyone is posting (Lupine, Alice). 🙂
My guess, for what it's worth and I am not legal at all, is that Tamika is either as she says taking a bit of time out possibly for her own self care AND/OR she cast her eye over here when we were discussing it and decided herself that it would be a good idea.
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