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the bit about Selma Blair following BW cracks me up. Has she only read about the movie and is interested to follow or does she actually know that this is the thing Alice was ranting about? LOL
in what universe is Ioan a A list actor? LOL
I get feeling she is interested in MS film. She likely seen the email Alice sent Ioan saying BW will be pushed around to auditions in wheelchair - look at Selma Blair. So either moral support and/or interest in movie
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There are many photos of them on the red carpet where she has him in a headlock and he is looking away with a fixed smile on his face. If the roles were reversed I think it would be seen as controlling and a bit creepy. View attachment 1093617
Look at his hand, in his pocket. What's it doing? Cheap suit with shallow pockets? Or is his hand clenched into a fist regardless of pocket-depth?

AE's expression looks sad, despite the smile (and look at the size of his head compared to hers which isn't even small)

IG looks the same as he does in many photos: smug, full of his own self-delight, mummy's pretty little boy

They must have decided on this pose in advance, with her for some reason portraying the big-sister role. I used to believe AE had a strongly masculine presence. But now, I suspect it's more a case of IG having a strong little-girl presence

Why is his hand in his pocket? And should we guess it's the same with his other hand?

Why aren't his arms around her? I mean, ask yourself why. And this isn't the only photo of this kind featuring the pair of them. Compare it to photos of yourself with your man at the time. Would he have stood with his hands in his pockets? What would you have thought if he had? Do your daughter's husband or lover stand like a tin-god with his hands in his pockets as she hugs him? What would you think if he did? Be honest

Remember the interview in the garden with AE, IG and Piers Morgan? Remember little boy IG clutching AE's hand throughout? It looked awkward as hell and made him look like a mentally deficient idiot who was reliant on hanging onto AE-Mum as if his life depended on it. What was that about and why didn't Piers or the photographer quit filming to explain that in order to get the three of them in the shot, they were being compelled to show IG leaning far over in order to hold AE's hand which would look strange to viewers, particularly as IG seemed incapable of existing on his own in his own chair and as AE was seemingly so accustomed to IG's clinginess and so sensitive to his needs that she tolerated the sheer unmanliness of him

Did IG develop an overwhelming revulsion for AE during her pregnancies and afterwards? Was/is he revolted by womanliness generally, except when it applies to his mother? Is that what happened, same as Priscilla Presley claimed occurred between her and the mighty Elvis once she'd given birth? If so, no wonder AE grew more and more despondent and no wonder she wants to rip IG's guts out now

As for BW and her Pollyanna performance -- she's savvy and has friends. She didn't fall out of a rainbow. Hope she's thinking about all this, because no matter how much people choose to paint IG as the 'good' one in contrast to Bad Alice, BW knows from life experience that this can never be the case outside women's fiction. Hope she's getting in with a few questions of IG. And if she plans a long term relationship with him (I tend to suspect there's no intimacy between them outside IG fangirls' heads) she might be wise not to contemplate having a family with him and instead cultivate into old age her virginal innocence role, for fear she and her widening thighs and hips cause him to find her as repulsive as he appears to find AE
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The carlin

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(Btw, why the hell SHOULD she 'get off her ass and get a job'? She's a MOTHER to two young girls and has a house to run with, it seems, no paid help anymore. Yes, I know, I'd bloody love paid help ..)

Jesus! I feel sorry for the woman.
To help provide for those two children she claims are her whole world maybe?

Tou have a very familiar writing style,

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Having read Leon's response, I am not sure the TRO will be become permanent and that a court will be able to prevent Alice using SM to bash Ioan going forward. The first Amendment right to free speech and the fact he, Alice and Bianca are public figures (therefore the bar for defamation is much higher than an ordinary person) are really weighty, key points. What jumped out at me is Leon's assertion that Ioan has not clearly proved DV - he has not stated he is in fear for his person for either him or Bianca. The email and calls etc are unhinged and are clearly harassing, but apart from the potential 'false' claims can't be seen as threatening to the person. I have a really horrible feeling that the TO will not be made permanent and will only have been a temporary shot across Alice's bows. I think Ioan had to go forward with the TRO given how she was involved in the hacking and also to head off any future stuff Alice may do (diaries etc). It would be interesting for @Hiraeth and the other alligators to chime in if I have misinterpreted, but that could be the reason our Malice has been so chipper recently.
she threatened in several tweets violence, e.g. Tone has connections to kick some ass which he entered as evidence too. And harrasement is classified as abuse too. Plus several of her tweets went well beyond freedom of speech.

To me it's a fairly strong case and the arguments against it smokescreen
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I should also add - I am also all for Mom's staying at home when they can. Especially in the pre-school years. I wish all Mom's had the luxury to do that.

My youngest niece - who is also having twins 🤦🏻‍♀️ (that's 4 sets in the past 38 years and they have all been identical so not genetic. I thank God I couldn't get pregnant) found out that daycare will cost her approximately 700 US dollars a week.

She's a legal secretary but that is not going to be financially efficient. She will do some part time with family filling in.

Women are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I also doubt that people who defend Alice’s 1st amendment right to an opinion have ever been on the end of harassment. It is more common for women to experience it from men, but when relationships break down it’s not uncommon for women to harass men like Alice has by text.

unless it’s ever happened to you, you will never know how scary and horrible it is to receive unwanted communication. Every time your phone pings, your heart leaps into your chest. You feel sick reading the messages - whether they have some truth, or the other person is hurt - that’s the goal of this harassment - to pass your pain and anger onto your subject.

So you left someone you no longer loved, they are mad at you, and they cannot stop sending you messages about that pain and hurt. You feel guilty about it, so you put up with it. You try to reason with them, you try to calm them. You eventually stop replying because they don’t want to reason with you, they just want to hurt you.

Being the subject of someone lashing out at you is awful. There is no justification for whether you ‘deserve it’ - leaving someone is your right to do so. Marriage is not jail and anyone can leave at any time. Many many women died before they got this right, many women had their lives ruined being forced to stay with abusive men, I will never support the narrative that any man or woman cannot leave another person, or that this act deserves punishment. We do not live in 1800’s anymore.

I stand up for everyone’s right to leave a marriage and everyone’s right to live in peace without harassment or fear. I hope he gets the PRO
I think Alice is about to learn the difference between her 1st Amendment rights and harassment.

It's still illegal to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theater.
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Lupenis has excelled higher than imaginable at his mansplaining and not only is a top of his class divorce expert (despite never being married and not a lawyer) he is also now a self appointed military warfare expert (despite never being in the military and learning everything he knows from the history channel)

there is no end to this mans talents with 240 characters and Shakespearean English - why is this guy single?
Fie Fie nay ye merry tattle maidens, what a piece of work is a this man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god. He shall not marry for good is his mantle and truth is his very tank.
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True, enabling is not helping. That said, they believe they are helping, such is their delusion. To be fair if they told AE the truth they would have been BLOCKED IMMEDIATELY.
in fairness to them, at least Deb occasionally does tell her to better maybe stay silent (or variations of that), but that boat is unstoppable now, indeed partly because they gave shitty advice from the start too. But it would have been anyway because Alice doesnt want good advice, she wants Narc supply..

It's mindblowing to me honestly. Sure, staying silent isnt always good, but for this matter? I mean she is very desperate for him to talk with her, spend time with her in the house, do family things together, be friends, and at least until not too long ago (perhaps even still) she would have taken him back entirely. He is also her and her childrens whole meal ticket. So whatever injustice he has done to her it can't be bad enough to destroy them all. Ioan's approach to her from the start is actually text book for someone who has suffered abuse, if anything.

Everyone with a bit care for you and brain (apparently her real life friends) would have advised her to stay silent in public. Everyone would have been on her side then (and if not, at least not on his), there is no doubt in my mind. Women always get loads of sympathy if they are being left, even more if the man moves on with somebody much younger and likely cheated months later. She would be legally in a much better position too. Her relationship to him would have been maybe salvagable in the long run (as parents/friends, perhaps even as spouses) and he would have been maybe more likely to agree to a better settlement, or at least help her in need. And all those embarrassing texts in the court documents would have never appeared either.

She keeps claiming that she had no other choice but coming out, implying that it's because he was going to lowball her in the divorce and because he was not talking to her about important matters (he clearly did though based on those text messages, but Alice wanted more), but she came out with this in january 2021 (she was not as abusive on SM as she was at her peak but some things she said there were already way under the line, especially how hard she implied that he is leaving his kids too), after he filed the abuse went into overdrive, but he was still talking to her on phone and supposedly the negotations only really started after this. Those are all just excuses in my book.

Does she really think abusing him online or in messages was going to rather change his minds than just saying "i really need more support to survive, can we do this and that as a compromise"? (granted, by the time they negotiated she had already abused him on SM and supposedly threatened him in private, so that train probably already departed in this case, but who knows, although to me it doesnt sound like she wants compromises but the whole cake). She actually implied in one tweet that at the very beginning Ioan was willing to give her more, we can all guess what changed it. If you are dumb enough to sign a prenup that is very unfair the natural action to get the other party to compromise would be to be cooperative, not abusive. Same with trying to have good contact with them, being abusive just drives the other party even more away.

The chick doesnt know how to play the long game. No advice would have probably changed that. So as a "fan" of hers your choice is being blacklisted by her or doing the wrong thing and enabler her and thus live later with the guilt (if you have any consciousness) that you quite possibly contributed to her downfall but at least you are friends with a blue check.
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She's using the big eye filter and autotune, perhaps? The eyes are just so weird and disorienting.
Her eyes are big. Her skin is very smoothed. Her face is very thin, unlike her real face. This is her alternate reality face, her online face.
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Mad Betty

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I never trust a word Alice says. I also don't trust her little army of DA deniers and spin minions. If IG gets the TRO extended, I take no issue. I imagine he's well done with Alice and her antics and has zero intention of backing down. Without the RO in place she will continue to harass and abuse them, IMO. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, after all.
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(Btw, why the hell SHOULD she 'get off her ass and get a job'? She's a MOTHER to two young girls and has a house to run with, it seems, no paid help
She should get off her ass and get a job because she has her self and her children to provide for.

It is literally that simple.
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I hope if he did, he shouted at her in Welsh every time just to wind her up. Someone teach me some good Welsh insults please.
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Just William

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An interesting yet sadly familiar article.

If the judge ends up awarding 50/50 there's no way Yo will be able to co-parent with her or stop her PA. I worry for him & the girls.
He really has a huge mountain to climb (until they're of an age to decide for themselves) unless he gets full custody & her supervised visitation. 😞

This is also sadly familiar.

Screenshot 2022-02-27 052255.png

Can our legal eagles answer a Q please & sorry if it's been answered before.
Will it go against her that she screwed the collaborative divorce process?
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I think IG caved to blackmail and threats before. This time he's not buckling. AE is finding her old tactics don't work anymore...

I really don't think she expected the TRO. She is desperately trying to make up shit about him now, trying to twist the Guardian article etc...

She is still fucked.
Learning about narcissism and its behaviours is like a penny being dropped from ahigh. Before you understand it, you constantly think that they may learn, change, not do it anymore after that last time - even that YOU did something to trigger it, and all you have to do is find out what it was, and do things differently next time. It’s torture… and then you read about narcissism. You get help, therapy, do your reading, and soon, the narc can’t play their cruel and shitty games anymore - you’re on to them. Grey rock, low or no contact - it’s up to you but you know how to shut them down and stop them from playing with your emotions. I’m so glad Ioan knows how to deal with it now, but it can take many years of confusion and heartache to work it out.
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He isn’t an entertainment lawyer; that’s just how he’s positioned himself. He also isn’t very connected, though he tries to make out that he is.

She does this all the time. “I can’t say anything, but”… meaning she’s saying something (and she usually does it in such a way that yes, she is commenting.

She also does the “the truth will come to light/if you only knew/there is much more to tell/“ BS. All. The. Time. So yes, she likes dropping what she thinks are cliffhangers because it keeps her FMs waiting for the next crumb.
She's the queen of the child sentence
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What's your point

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this is so fucking annoying. She repeatedly admits that she is chomping at the bit to abuse him and BW publicly, and confirms that the only thing stopping her is “legal reasons”. She literally has nothing else to talk about or going on in her life except abusing IG and BW. It’s pathetic. This whole “can’t wait to be able to spill my guts” shite is ridiculous. She’s a stupid, vacuous woman, for all her posturing about politics and pretending to have empathy. Run of the mill narcissistic abuser. Nothing interesting or unique about her. She only got away with it because she used to be attractive and she had a husband who propped up delusions for far too long.
I keep thinking of her laughing at one point that Ioan said something about the woman he married being kind etc, and she sneered that she’d like to meet this woman. I think she love bombed him to the point where he did believe this, and he thought all the people who rejected her were in the wrong. It only dawned on him in the last few years the mistake he had made in believing that she a good person. That must have been incredibly hard for him.
Exactly she has no remorse for the hate she has spewed, no guilt for the trauma she has caused her daughters alienating them from their father, no respect for her in laws (and daughters grandparents) she is just a vile, toxic and bitter hag who would still be abusing her ex husband over text, email and social media had she not had a TRO slapped on her.
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