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I’m going to display my grand Multigravida status again. Nothing stops a baby coming out when it’s ready.
Are we meant to believe nature was like “yeah I’ll pause while Ioan eats a sandwich, brushes his teeth, ignores his youngest being born”. Nah.
I need @rtp’s red pen skills to go through 113 pages of bullshit.
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This will sound awful but as the kids are so weaponised, he might just be taking a mental breather from trying to get the contact and putting his trust into professionals. It’s a big risk. it might backfire

But imagine this. You are with the kids you love and struggled to have. You feel guilty about what has happened. You are trying to build trust with them and be a parent. Every comment you make, every way you look at them, every step and decision he makes is analysed and torn apart by both the kids and Alice hours later, for days on end. Thrown back at him over and over. That decision he made last week about a phrase he used means he is punished by Alice and Ella. He pays back over and over 100 times for every single perceived ‘misstep’ he makes. He tries to stick to the agreement, he’s wrong. He tries to be reasonable, he’s wrong. He backs off, he doesn’t care. He pushes to see them and he’s threatened by emailing his family and friends and posts on Twitter.

In his position, you too would retreat and regroup.

I don’t doubt he loves them and misses them but I cannot imagine how painful and draining the price is of getting just one simple phone call with your child. At some point you aren’t going to want to make that phone call and not be able to face it, or keep it together. Then she thinks she’s won
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SCB tweeted his top 5 male and female crushes and Alice didn't even feature!
Whatever will she do?!
Do you think she's sending him nasty WhatsApps on their group chat?!
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Maybe he wanted to walk the dog alone.
They don't have to be up each others arses every minute of the day.

You dont have to over analyse every single move
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Completely off topic from what's been happening over the past few days, but there are wiiiild rumours that Ioan is going to reprise his role as Mr Fantastic in the new Dr Strange movie (I've seen people swear down that he's in the new trailer).
Filming was from March-Mid April 2021, do we think there could be any truth to the rumours? Especially considering that it seems Patrick Stewart will be reprising his role as Professor X from the Fox X Men series (Fantastic Four was Fox too).
Personally I don't think he is, but I would also love to see it, because what a kick in the teeth to Ol' Al :ROFLMAO:
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First time Tattler. I've got to get this off my chest. I'll break this up. Months ago, (before learning of this site and much of the background) I tweeted to Alice. I begged her to please think of her kids and to not let her pain and anger of her divorce affect them. I was sensitive to her feelings. I was attacked within minutes by AE and a few FM's. Got a side dish of word salad from the wolfy one. I was chastised that OF COURSE the kids weren't being affected by the public fighting, how ridiculous was I for thinking that these children would be aware of the issues between their parents?? They're JUST FINE. I was horrified. Complete cognitive dissonance.

I was SO relieved to find this site and find people that were seeing through the utter bs these people were spouting online. I could not shake the sick feeling that these children were being mentally and emotionally abused. To me it was clear that the kids were being brainwashed and alienated from their father. That they were witnessing their mother unravelling behind closed doors. That their mental health must be taking a beating.

These messages I am now reading confirm my worst fears. While this beast of a female was pushing the narrative that she is a great mom and the kids were being held out of the way of the madness the truth was far more insidious. She was behind the scenes actively preventing them from communicating with their father (grabbing the phone, etc) while posting publicly he wanted nothing to do with them. She was encouraging them to hate their father as much as she does without regard for what this will do to them in the future. She is destroying her children mentally solely to hurt someone that dared to leave her behind. THIS is the kind of woman and mother she is. She sees them "having breakdowns", "shaking beside me" and so distressed they are unable to attend school some days. And she is too ignorant and self involved to recognize that SHE is the one causing this suffering for them. YOUR KIDS ARE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF *YOUR* WORDS AND ACTIONS.

These girls will be punished for loving their father and wanting him in their lives. They will be rewarded when they tell him off and shun him. And one day years from now, I HOPE YOU READ THIS ALICE, they WILL recognize the toxicity and manipulation they had inflicted on them by YOU and they will NEVER trust you again. They will realize that you were a scorned woman and you used them as weapons. As pawns in a war. You will have prevented them from having a real father in their lives and stunted their ability to trust and have healthy relationships in the future. They will grow closer to him as he waits patiently and THEY WILL RESENT YOU FOREVER.

Shame on you Alice for allowing your bitterness and hatred to poison your own daughters and set them up for struggles and deficiencies as adults.
You’re very welcome here 😊

I did the exact same thing as you and got a very similar response from her and her FMs - AE even accused me of being Ioan’s sister, only because I’m Welsh. I mean, Wales is a small country, but we’re not quite on single figures!! 🤣
I have no words for these people. They don’t deserve our kindness ❤
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House of Tea

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If AE thinks she still has stuff in her locker to bring him down, like child abuse or child abuse images, that would only reflect on her though. Why did she stay with a child abuser etc. Those accusations would just add to people’s perceptions of her as being a lying lunatic. Nobody would believe her. If she accuses him of drug taking (again), I think I would have to counter by saying you had to shove a whole bucketful of Columbia’s finest up the schnozzola to bear living with her. Most sane people at this point think she is a lying, vindictive, duplicitous, crooked, manipulative, sly and warped narcissist and anything she says has a very fair chance of being a lie.
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Ioan's lawyer would have given him the option to seal those filings and advised him not to. Usually sealing documents is done with high-profile public figures to protect the children. Alice is the one who chose to go public and she got her wish. She is actively engaged in parental alienation and this way gives Ioan a chance to correct the narrative Alice has been giving Ella by using her mother's own actions and words which will be the opposite of what she has been told.
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Mad Betty

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Ah, so Loopy is acknowledging the TRO by dismissing it.

It's also funny that I posted a comment very recently that I used to believe in Santa here. Telling.

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Chatty Member
It's so that if she violates it, it helps police officers know if they have the right person to arrest. 🙂
Lads. Come on. They are looking for a 145 pound woman to arrest, and they come across Alice? They aren’t looking for 1995 Alice FFS.
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Madge Harvey

Well-known member
I brushed my teeth when I was in labour, but that’s because I was out my tits on gas and air and it made me throw up everywhere. Nothing wrong with having minty fresh breath before your child comes into the world 😁
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I quite like the fact that #70 stands out as the biggest WHAT THE FUCK moment where we were all open mouthed at what we were reading and too busy rubbernecking the car crash that is Alice Evans to bother slowing down for a title 🤣🤣🤣
In a couple of years, we'll look back on #70 and laugh and laugh... 😬
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So I took a quick gander at Twitter and our favorite Londoner is a real pig. Yup. I'm looking at you. The "sane" child? Really? Because she clearly hates her Dad and the other one doesn't yet?

And btw you bitch - I can guarantee your husband has probably been cheating on you since the day you got married. And I don't blame him. All of the extreme hatefulness you have shown towards a young woman with MS who has done NOTHING to you really shows what a nasty piece of work you must be to live with.

I said what I said. View attachment 1068061
My blood boils at her. Seriously 6 months of major online abuse by this crazy c”nt.
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