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Yes and also he wouldn’t want to admit he’s been taken in by her. Man-pride wouldn’t allow it.
He’s so cringe-inducing.


Bit of a change in tone much? You can tell he’s getting riled when the naughty language is coming out and the thesaurus has been forgotten (seeing him swear reminds me of this)


.... we see you microlupenis. And no matter what little bones and treats mAlice throws your way, she’s playing you like a fiddle. You’re just too stupid to see


Sorry just to interject a little, multiverse movie & Spiderman are used as a tool to get the fox owned characters into marvel hence Toby Maguire/Andrew Garfield and various others in Spiderman & Patrick Stewart, Deadpool, Fantastic 4 in multiverse all just tiring up lose ends like introducing binary & one of the marvels.
🤯 I didn’t understand a word of that 😂 I saw the latest Spider-Man movie with my son (who is 19) and I had no fucking idea what was going on. My son’s favourite Spider-Man is Garfield, and he got so excited when he appeared 😁 It was worth it just to watch the joy on his face. But I didn’t get any of the multi verse stuff. I did take my kids to see FF4 and the silver surfer one when they were little, and didn’t even realize that IG was in them until I arrived here on this thread back in November 😂
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Influncer Snarker

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It’s ok, opinions are allowed
Yes, it’s a kick in the teeth, although looking at it rationally, he had moved out for 10 months before he moved in with BW. That is nearly a whole year.

It is clear since March 2021 she has been alienating him from the kids. She’s been stopping them from seeing him. You can see he’s been trying

I suppose he had 2 options. Put his life on hold indefinitely and not move on and fight for the kids. Or move on and still fight for the kids

I’m a single mum and it doesn’t make you a better parent to have no needs or wants of your own and sacrifice it all for your kids. I mean Alice is allegedly doing that and look how that’s going
Agreed, I have been critical of Ioan from the beginning but after all of this I do understand his predicament a bit more.

I feel with everything she had been doing before he went to France he could have filed for an RO earlier. But he had to bide his time as he had to work and what good would all of this have done if he did it earlier. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place. A horrible situation.
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The fuck did I just read that she says she has a witness to say that he stopped her pushing Elsie out for 4-5 minutes cause he was brushing his teeth??! And then he didn't even look over when she was dying....
I think there needs to be a new word for her brand of crazy!
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WTF? How many men has she actually bullied and blackmailed into marrying her? Just the one.

Screenshot_20220217-141730_Samsung Internet.jpg
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Chatty Member
I'm slowly catching up with the threads & just read the messages she has sent him, I honestly don't think she ever thought he would out them messages. Her world is now crumbling and every knows, she's a ticking time bomb she will get pissed soon and rant to the world and again it will backfire on her. She must be absolutely raging. She isn't in control
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Exactly this.

I might be saying something controversial and honestly idgaf, nor am I implying that this is how you feel, plinky, but:

There’s this CONSTANT, DEEP-ROOTED societal pressure on parents in committed relationships to have to automatically favor their children over their partners, and it’s wildly unfair.

I read an amazing novel, perhaps one of my faves ever, in which a southern mama in the 1950’s was put in a position of staying with her man &handing her daughter over to live with close family, or leaving him & raising her daughter…and she chose her man. The sister of the mother told the daughter sometime afterwards, “No woman should have to choose between her man and her baby.” Because you love both, and that’s ok. I’m not at all implying that choosing your partner over your child is alwaaaaays the right decision (and sometimes there is no right or wrong decision!)

I’m saying that people shouldn’t have to be socially forced to choose their kids over everything. A baby coming out of your body doesn’t necessarily take precedence over a person you could have profoundly loved and been best friends with for years. And choosing one over the other doesn’t mean you don’t care for the other.

In a much milder situation such as this, Ioan didn’t know Elsie. She hadn’t come into existence yet. She wasn’t even a baby yet. In these always-difficult cases, sometimes the child will be favored over the parent’s health, and sometimes they won’t be. Ioan clearly chose Alice—it’s not a signifier that he’s a horrible father. It’s not an indication that he doesn’t love Elsie. It just means that his heart was with his wife; he chose Alice, and whether or not that was “the right decision” is up to no one’s judgment. He simply chose his partner’s welfare over the creation of a baby that might not have even had the chance to be a baby.

You don’t always have to pick your children. It’s so outrageous-sounding, I know, because we’re conditioned to believe otherwise, but I have friends who’ve confided in me during the deepest conversations that they have more adoration and connection with their partner than their own babies. And that isn’t a crime. It isn’t a sin. Hearts go where they go, and it’s alright to leave with the unchosen person a piece of your heart.

Anyway that was a lot and a tangent possibly but I thought I’d offer it…
This hit me really hard and resonated so much. Please don’t judge me too harshly. I was in a relationship for several years with a man (not the father of my son, who was five when we first met) and I felt so conflicted for a long time about how much I loved my partner, who it turned out just could not be a step parent. He tried, and he faked it for a long time (years), until the simmering resentment for my boy became too much for him. My son is hilarious and so sweet, but he can be very stubborn and strong willed (no idea where he gets it from 🙃) for a long time I tried to reconcile the fact that I loved my ex but he couldn’t love my son. In the end, my ex was becoming bitter and moody, so it was a horrible environment for everyone. It ended catastrophically and I was heartbroken even though I knew it was for the best. Those years I thought everyone was getting along pretty well though in my little blended family, I did found it increasingly hard to please them both and it didn’t matter what I did, they would both want my attention. I still love that man from afar and in another life we would have been very happy together. I must say though I am so blessed to have my son and glad I ‘chose’ him in the end. In brutal honesty, at the time I knew I would have to choose one over the other one day, and a tiny part of me deep down wanted that man. I felt guilty over that for a long time.
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At the bottom of the TRO it mentions something about ‘paying expenses caused by abuse’. Does this mean that the judge could make her pay some of Ioan’s legal fees? And would that then come out of her share of the divorce proceeds?
My guess would be she's keyed his car. Or scrawled something on the outside walls of the new flat she apparently doesn't know the location of 🙄
The other thing that, sadly, crosses my mind is gifts for the girls.
Maybe a birthday or Christmas present from Daddy that AE has destroyed in jealous temper? Maybe he was out with the girls for the afternoon and they saw a t-shirt, or hair clip, or Teddy or a magazine they liked and Mummy destroyed it when they went back to her?
I wouldn't put anything past Alice and her jealous addled brain.
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I’ve done a little bit of thinking this morning and I’ve decided I’m okay with the messages on the DM saying Alice needs to “get help” as I think they acknowledge that her behaviour is wrong which is what is important and most people are inclined to be compassionate

I’m just a bit uncomfortable because I believe she’s being afforded this compassion because she’s female
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IG does look so much better in the latest pap photos. Filing the restraining order must take a weight off his shoulders. Pup looks very happy in his company too (also appreciate IG matching his shoes to Bubba's colouring).
AE looks very unwell, her neck and chin! Can Bubba do a night raid and help Emma escape? They could be great friends.
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Long time lurker here. Just my opinion and I’m sure I’m going to be criticised but I’m putting it out there anyway. Alice is an absolute disgrace and Ioan was absolutely correct in leaving her, I have huge empathy for what he is going through as nobody should be put through what Alice is subjecting him too however one thing that just isn’t right is that he is living with Bianca already when his childrens lives are such a mess and they are so unsettled. It doesn’t seem to me that either Ioan or Alice are putting the children before their own needs and it is so sad as the children must be so tormented by everything that is happening and knowing their father is living with his new girlfriend must be such a kick in the teeth when he hasn’t spend much time with them.
Sorry @lady_lavender but BLOCKED IMMEDIATELY!

😂 kidding/not kidding…just cba with this argument again…
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apparently when she was in labour Ioan first had to brush his teeth.

On twitter however she said that he was eating a sandwich
She also said he dyed his hair while she was in labour so he would look good in case of paps and insisted on finishing his sandwich before she pushed. This is one for him to add to the TRO 👇
Image 12-29-21 at 12.09 PM.jpg
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She doesn’t love Ioan or even want him. She wants money and house. And her anger is the prenup
I think she does still want him but it's not because she loves him (I don't think she understands what true love is).

She wants him because she can't function on her own, and she needs him to be there to give her attention and to provide for her.
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What's your point

VIP Member
Trying to catch, ended up skipping last few pages of previous thread and only on page 2 of this one so apologies if this has been said already but those recent pap photos if Ioan and bubba bear? Ioan looks fiiiiiine.
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House of Tea

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SCB tweeted his top 5 male and female crushes and Alice didn't even feature!
Whatever will she do?!
Do you think she's sending him nasty WhatsApps on their group chat?!
He has just seen the latest AE photos of her in her slippers and blanket. Even the most die hard fan wouldn’t find her attractive these days. Unless you are a Disney exec, according to her.
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My ex submitted a statement for a family court hearing and I refused to read it and my barrister said “no. Read it. Make notes - we need to be singing from the same hymn sheet”

I listened, I’m assuming Alice wouldn’t
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Big thanks to the Turd who posted this site: Ioan Gruffudd | Crown Princess MarieChantal of Greece (
The Comments there are from 2007 and reveal AE used numerous IDs and also deleted her posts. So nothing's changed.
She was regarded back then as the kiss of death for his career. Also described as a 'skank'. And was mistaken for a transvestite, etc.

As I've said, thanks for posting the above site. Because those recent photos of her had me feeling sorry for her all over again, which is why I have been lurking rather than posting. I still pity her as I would anyone with a severe mental illness, but it seems clear her current behaviours are simply a replay of those of 2007 and probably long before
In the middle of all the shocking and serious stuff can we just take a moment to quietly chortle about the fact she was apparently mistaken for a transvestite?
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I'm assuming by "alligators" you mean lawyers? Never heard that, we usually get referred to as "sharks!" (Plus I'm a blonde lawyer, so the jokes practically write themselves. I never leave a party unscathed.)

Usually, with ex parte emergency hearings, only the attorneys appear in court so they can argue their cases and the judge can then make his or her decision. The judge can always require the parties to appear in court with their attorneys, but given that this a hearing on a domestic violence restraining order, it's unlikely they would want the two parties in the same room with each other.
Sorry it’s an old joke

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The DM can clearly tell by the amount of traffic this story is generating that they've struck a Goldmine.
They are now putting out better illustrations of her texts messages

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