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VIP Member
Totally agree. And they are basically screaming into the void. I’ve seen a lot of screenshots on Reddit, on Lipstick Alley and Datalounge as well. Not as comprehensive as what people here have, but still very damaging (and MUCH more unflattering commentary than anything that goes on here).

It would be really wonderful for all of them if she could realize that yes, she is entitled to mourn her relationship, but she should be protecting the relationship the girls have with their father. That’s the real win in this situation.
‘Lipstick Alley’ is a place we never go to where I live 🤣 unless you need some quick cash that is 😉
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I’m certainly not calling them sluts and didn’t remark on them at all, I just said everyone’s made remarks that they’ll look back on and regret as no ones perfect. Paris was only 19 at the time of the leaked tape, and high on drugs and not aware of what was going on. That’s exploitative and not cool at all. Both her at Britney were exploited from young ages.
I made a joke yesterday about the thread getting closed, and all hell broke loose… it’s getting v uptight in these threads and I feel like I’m walking on eggshells so imma dip for a while. My period is due and I need to keep my sanity intact 🤣
Ah periods! I'm so happy to be too old for that shit anymore. I hated them.
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Thanks @SusanC, good find & very interesting. (y)

Don't recall AE ever bragging about the achievements of her dad & uncle but narcs can be jealous of other's success unless it reflects on them, like
big E being an A pupil (then the subtle put down about little E) she recently mentioned her mum making passive-aggressive comments/put downs so *if* her mum was a narc she wouldn't have been shown healthy boundaries, along with possibly witnessing controlling (coercive) behaviour that worked it could reinforce to a child that it's a successful way to manipulate others. Her dad being so successful would have been absorbed with his work & maybe over compensated for any absences by spoiling his only daughter especially if she was a daddy's girl? She was definitely spoiled.
I don't know many parents who wouldn't move house just because their young daughter threw a massive hissy fit as she didn't want to move.
Maybe she saw her mum behave in similar ways & saw that it worked, coupled with nobody ever saying no to her, then that could have reinforced her feeling she can do the same & behave however she wants. ???
Thank you, this is the sort of comment I was hoping to get. I was thinking that the less-successful child might have developed low self esteem so I was trying to work out how narcissism could develop. Your explanation makes sense!
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I like how Ioan has reached Voldemort status by now LOL
Ioan can't be Voldemort, Voldy has no nose, while Ioan's is, according to mAlice, too big.
Uuuu, perhaps Ioan's nose is Voldemort's 8th horcrux?

Either way, ok, it's Monday so it's happening!
I'm counting on you guys to know all about it in the morning when I wake up. I love you! :p
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Not rude at all.

It's a tricky one. On one hand I can totally see why someone would judge him for getting with someone like Alice. I don't buy into the whole 'he was such a wide eyed innocent boy he was hoodwinked' narrative. He was a grown man, out of his parents house, who worked for a living... he may have had emotional immaturities like all of us but he must have seen what she was like during those early years and chosen to stay rather than commit to her.

On the other hand... IDK. I strongly suspect him to be the victim of abuse. And it isn't always easy to walk away. Look how she's treated him since they split up. Maybe it was always going to be the case that she made his life hell and he knew it? In that scenario then I judge them both for bringing children into the mix.
I do as well. That’s more a tongue in cheek statement I made. But you reminded me of something I have wanted to bring up for a while now. What made IG the sort of man which made him vulnerable to a woman like AE in the first place? And then made him stay with her and get married to her?
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I suppose if her job is housekeeper then childcare wasn't in the remit?

She made such a huge deal though about how hard it is to get two kids to two schools in opposite directions. When Ioan was away, who was taking them?
Well, she contradicts herself all the time. I am just assuming it is very doable and not so far in distance and, again, that she just exaggerated that. Maybe one takes a school bus anyway. Who knows with Alice? She tweets things in the moment that we have to take with a grain of salt.
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I'd put my money on the fact that the use of language such as 'sacked' and 'fired' is typical Alice inflammatory language. It seems obvious he's just stopped providing the money to pay for her and Alice has no income of her own.

So Alice fired her?
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I’m on page 25 so just catching up so unsure if this has been said - do you think getting rid of Gloria is almost a way of ‘smoking Alice out’? (I don’t think this is an insensitive remark but please tell me if it is and I’ll delete). Basically, she can’t cope with the bairns on her own so she’s being forced into a position where she cannot just keep alienating them for their dad as she can’t cope with them? I hope it isn’t the route of showing they are not in a safe environment without Gloria so need to be with their dad, that seems a too dangerous for him to do.
That’s all Alice needs smoke damage to go along with all the other faults in that hovel she lives in .. it’ll be the only property in LA where people with the lowest bid wins the prize ha ha 🤦🏻‍♀️🤪
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Well, Lupine's got pronouns in his bio. If Alice is strongly gender critical, they might want to have a chat. :p

Anyone here thinks that Bianca will be an extra on Reunion too? I mean she probably hung around the set. I tried to spot her in Harrow but couldn't, even in the aquarium party scene. (Police administrator or what her other role was is too broad, there's a few of them in each episode. But I did rewatch the party scene.)
I would hope she wasn't, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if she was

Someone on here mentioned awhile back that AE got IG into Scientology. I believe it was @Bridgeofsighs or @HappyCamper9864. I’m curious about that?
It didn't happen but it was one of the things written on her Wikipedia page when it was messed around with which caused the fan club drama
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I'm not sure of the timings of those comments and those pics.

But I wonder whether he magically changed his views when he realised sex sells and could boost his fanbase/earnings?

I have to say his comments about Britney/Paris have been the only thing in this whole saga so far that has diminished my view of him. Disappointing. I hope it was a long time ago, and that he has grown...
My diminished view of him is getting with mAlice in the first place. She must have been a very good lay once upon a time.
Sorry for being rude.
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Your mindset changing from taking nude photos to calling certain women “tarty” is an issue, however. I won’t get into a debate on whether or not public figures are ALL, EQUALLY responsible for being proper role models for children (whose parents raise them with differing values btw), but I’ll say that much.

He didn’t say anything to the effect of “I question if they’re good role models to young girls, specifically, but they still have a positive impact on aspiring dancers and singers or fashion/beauty gurus” or whatever he just literally shit-talked them and walked away.

Just my thoughts.
I'll have to read it again if I can find it. I guess I took it like any parent would. For instance when you prefer your child didn't hang out with a certain kid because you were afraid that their behavior would wear off on your kid. I wouldn't want my kids to watch or hang out with my friend's daughter (in another state BTW) because I wouldn't want them starting a "Watch me dance suggestively for the world to see" Tiktok account. I do admit that it's different than saying something in public but parents sure do want their kids to have good role models. I certainly wouldn't publish that I didn't want my kid associating with his classmate Snotty McBratbrat in the neighborhood paper for all the parents to see. My opinion would have to be between me, my son, and his dad so as not to offend the parents or the child. 😆
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Way behind so could someone please do the honours and tell me what page number I need to go to for Malices return? I will catch up eventually but having a baaad day and Alice's return would cheer me up no end in the meantime.

I hope the day gets a lot better and that things get easier in general.

No what do I search for lol ??

I had a vision of the Kracken 🤣
Same! Rising up out of the seabed, dirty and dishevelled and roaring incoherently while shaking it's head in dumb stupor.
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Oh my god that is so upsetting. And they have the fucking AUDACITY to try to close US down for being 'nasty and mean'. Seriously where the fuck do these scum crawl out from?

People's lack of good judgement and self awareness is truly astonishing. Like, who sits down and types away and thinks 'yeah, I think this is fine to post!'
AE and her ‘crew’ that’s who 😡🤬
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