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I love this. I just think that no matter the timeline, the one thing that is clear is AE was causing IG serious distress. Regularly. I can’t rush to saying abusive because I have no proof beyond social media, but I just look at her twitter behaviour and I see an abusive, cruel drama queen.

I think B has shouldered a lot of shit that any normal human would have found hard as part of her choosing IG. She’s got thrust in the spotlight for reasons that aren’t about her abilities or her acting. She still chose it, and I don’t think for nefarious reasons. I’m one of those romantics in life, that try to see everything rose tinted and Disney storied. It helps me deal with my own trauma.
I just think two struggling people found each other, and found a way out. I don’t care if that was x month 2020 or y month 2021. We live in a modern age. Divorce is more common than surviving marriages.

I think Alice got well comfy in her provided for life, and ramped up the demands on IG. She let herself go, mentally and physically, at a time in his life that he hadn’t. I do think he got the ick. Their lifestyles were so incongruent.

Marriages end. That’s life. We adjust our sails, aim for a new horizon, and we move on. Well, everyone except mAlice. I did myself.
I also do believe that BW's entire video was a subliminal response to the endless showers of shit and filth Alice and her followers have been hurling in her direction. Though she never mentions Alice specifically, or even IG, I think it's fair to state that she's saying a) your malice is making my condition worse b) look, I have this condition, but I'm not milking it c) see what you can do if you're positive and grateful for your existence and, perhaps (?! a very Big perhaps) d) a divorce isn't the end of the world, so stop being so batshit crazy; also e) I'm absolutely nothing like the manstealer AE portrayed. It's a classy way of doing it; nonetheless, I think the intent is there.
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Seems deb and lin are trying to promote her cameo but their accounts are still protected so its not going to go very far 🤣
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Wait...wut...they have no concept that IG is providing everything for the kids and her!!!
I want to be there when AE's lawyer asks this question on behalf of AE's twitter bullies.
Btw, since BW's Instagram video, I'm pretty sure she had medical care arranged before she ever came here. No way she could be without it. View attachment 994286
They also don’t get that no, Alice won’t have a say regarding what he spends his money on.
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my main issue with Bianca is the Tamika connection (and by extension Amy, although she zipped it after the first time, so that's alright in my book). Obviously not everyone has control over their friends, but that facebook DM Tamika (stupidly) shared - while no proof that she endorses of everything Tamika did - didnt left the best impression.

all the other stuff we microanalyze - in isolation - is pretty harmless, but the art is to stick it all together into one big picture. Without some crucial info you obviously cant (it's much easier in Alice's case coz she is super public and in pretty much all aspects awful), but you can always draw assumptions. Do I think that there is even a chance that she is as bad as Alice? Definitely not. Do I think that she is the perfect person for Ioan or that they handled it all perfectly well? Also no.

One important aspect that will determine my opinion of her is how much the way Ioan and Alice manage (or rather dont manage) their kids at the moment is down to her. I dont believe for one second that she is the one that is holding him back from visiting Alice and thus the kids, I was already certain that this is lawyer mandated (cause it almost always is), but after reading who his lawyer is I'm even more certain of this, especially with abuse allegations going on (from both sides). I do however question that she immediately moved in with him before Ioan regained a relationship with his kids, which should be something that should be important to her. Now the question here is if a) they actually planned for her to not be present whenever he has the kids at the beginning (which is fine) and b) whether the relationship breakdown between Ioan and his kids actually has nothing to do with Bianca, remember Ella hasnt seen him since april/may and Elsie apparently was only seeing him at his place because she thought that will bring him back, that's of course all what Alice says, but if that is true it wouldnt make any difference if Bianca is in LA or not. The kids would still only see him if he comes to the house, which isnt going to happen.
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Jeez out of curiosity, what exactly is Bianca allowed to do? lol. She can't share her story or talk about her journey, she can't do this, she can't do that, now she can't even thank people who have sent lovely messages about her video, which is a video about her and no one else?
It's a shame that some of you are just trying to put a negative spin on everything she does. She clearly can't do right for doing wrong.
I completely agree with you!!!
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Interesting posts from AlcoTone. What can we deduce from his sleepy ineptitude.

1. They are putting out the line that Alice has been forced off Twitter because of trolling and people twisting her words.
Translation : Alice is being trolled because she exposed herself on Twitter and in the DM in a way that made her an easy target. She is a veteran SM and should know there are lots of vicious trolls on Twitter. They attack for the sake of it and target people like Alice who have a well known reputation for taking the bait. Alice is wholly responsible from bringing this attention to herself, her children and a lot of other people.
People aren’t twisting her words they are unraveling her lies and misinformation.

2. The trolling campaign is being led by a “him”.
Translation: Alice has calculated (yes she is not a erratic as people think) that attacking a sick woman is a bad look. Hence the switch to it being Ioan behind the campaign. He has no social media presence, doesn’t use it and does not even have control of his fan site. This is just a huge lie to distract from the reality that Alice has created the toxic SM about her divorce and her children. She knew this would happen but didn’t care about the consequences. She wanted to show Ioan she could still get at him. Imo she is fulfilling the threats she used against him when they were married.
The negative attention and entirely predictable consequences of her speaking out are on Alice. She did this deliberately and knowingly.

3. Alice has left Twitter to focus on positivity and her mental health.
Translation: A lie, she told the world why she was leaving and it was because of legal issues. As per, she is trying to steal some of BW’s limelight following the video.
Without legal intervention Alice would be openly out there carrying on as before. She is in any case speaking through others and an obvious sock. They continue to engage with trolls, post in the DM comments and start proxy wars with Tattle.

4. Alice’s relationship and cheating on OP is different and complex
Translation: A very deliberate attempt to distract questions about Alice’s ethics. Because there can be no good way to describe her behaviour. She either knew he was gay which raises questions about what she was getting out of being with him. This is somewhat answered by her previous comments that it was an easy life he funded. Otherwise she is a straight out cheat and has no moral high ground.
She can’t own her behaviour because she would need to ask for forgiveness and then be willing to give it.
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I also 100% think AE has been forced to shut down her Twitter. There is literally no way she would not respond to BW post , it must be driving her insane. Tone / Alice must also be desperate to respond
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Does anyone feel a sense of relief with the silence from AEs Twitter? Between the end of October and the new year it's almost like each day was a question of what was going to happen today... What was going to be the next thing she was going to post?

And I'm not that invested in the whole narrative but there was a lot of energy of the shifts and moods and attitudes that she put online. Can you imagine having to deal with that in real life?

It just occurred to me today that I'm not secretly looking at what's been posted on Twitter. I'm not following any of the side note people. And it feels like there's a lot of breathing space. I can't imagine having to deal with AE for years.
I don’t understand how Ioan kept his sanity, maybe by staying away from her for months at a time. Those poor girls, they have got to be mentally exhausted from hearing their mother screech and whine day in and day out.
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I do feel a smidgeon of sympathy for Alice, It is not fun being middle aged and seeing your best years in the rear view mirror. `However, most of us get over it and start to move on. I truly think Alice is unable to see her reality - what she looks like now - with what she sees in the mirror. I honestly think she has a kind of body dysmorphia that won't allow her to see herself as she truly is. It explains the videos and the filters - her view is she is beautiful and she does not need to 'beautify herself". But the reality is what we see, Again, her view she can 'lose the weight' in 2 weeks - complete and utter denial of what she looks like now. I really wish she would wake up, truly look in the mirror, put down the wine/vodka glass, put on a pair of running shoes and start pounding the pavements instead of the keyboards.
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Chatty Member
I just want to say that I know an FM is here, and normally I wouldn't comment, but when you leave :sick:😡 faces on posts that people are making about themselves and their health issues, you need to take a really long hard look in the mirror and think about what kind of person you want to be. It's one thing to take sides over Alice/Ioan/Bianca but to be obnoxious over someone here having a serious health are not being a nice human being.
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“Tone” sounds drunk, or at least his hashtag does. Although if he meant to say “Alice for persistent” then he may have a point.

Is anyone but me wondering exactly what death situation Gloria has helped Alice face? Her mother died long before Gloria was around. And …. Was there someone else who died that Alice hasn’t mentioned? Was Glo picking up Alice’s pickled body off the floor when she’s had too much to drink and that’s “facing death,” because we know she didn’t actually try to kill herself despite her Twitter threats.

Also wondering when, with all his new rage tweeting, dear Tone would have the time to meet someone in a dark “ally” (hon, it’s alley)…. Unless he’s bi and wants a threesome and we don’t know.
As a member and representitive of the Bi squad I can honestly say WE DON'T WANT HIM
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BW: You are welcome! It took me quite awhile to recover after posting it, but I am so glad that I did now x

Bless. She is replying to people on twitter. Al caTone on the other hand is like a broken record fighting with trolls which only encourages them. Completely different energy to BW.

Narcissists don't co-parent. They counter-parent.

Found the above on twitter. Very true.
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the law experts strike again
View attachment 992898
(how Bianca pays for her healthcare, and whether Ioan decides to spend his money on it has absolutely fuck to do with anything)
They might as well ask how I intend to pay for my healthcare.

Do these people even know the meaning of crass and sexist. Tone welcome to C21 where women look after themselves. Even those will serious conditions. I know that will shock Alice because she still talks in a baby voice when not weeping. But there you go.
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Bianca is not 'off limits' but I'm just not seeing the basis for some of the comments here. It feels a bit beyond simple gossip.
Isn't that the point of this forum? That we all have different opinions based on our own experiences, thoughts, feelings, and admittedly on our own prejudices and biases, and that we're free to discuss them, even if other people don't agree with us, feel the same way or even understand why we feel that way?

I'm sorry but when it comes to BW it feels like a lot of people are trying to subtly, and not so subtly, police the thread and stop people posting anything but positive comments about her. When those of us have questioned her, especially since her MS instagram video, we've had to stop and really think about whether we even want to say anything, knowing the reaction we'll get, and even apologize in advance for our opinions not being in line with the majority and for daring to post them tbw.
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I am more open in real life I am not so much here, it doesn’t help that I post on the KP thread sometimes and live near her.

Twitter is weird IMO and generally (but not all, I know) full of super over opinionated people who like the sound of their own voice and look of their own words. They find themselves witty, and I find them pompous. Everyone jostling to put something so meaningful into like 240 characters to get noticed. SORRY TWITTER PEOPLE 🤣

Fb is full of scammers, ads, memes and fake news.
IG is just everyone trying to look like they living their best life but through a lense of Vaseline
Tiktok - dunno I do like it sometimes but people can try to hard
Tattle - actually one of the nicest forums I’ve been on.
Mumsnet - urgh
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Lotus Flower

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I completely agree with you!!!
I second this… it’s almost like she wasn’t supposed to start a relationship with a man who was clearly separated from his wife and in the process of filing for divorce, and therefore nothing she says or does now is OK. I don’t think that’s fair to say.

I don’t lean towards a physical affair having occurred before separation. We don’t have any evidence of that, and we don’t even really know when they met.
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all I can say about the recent posts of her cult on twitter (not giving them the joy to repost it) is that Alice has exactly the fans she deserves, but I knew this before
Even Alice is ghosting them now by faking a gagging order.
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Leading on from Ioan’s career talk from the last thread (even though he’s done pretty well for himself).
I think that the worst career move Ioan made was move to Hollywood. He doesn’t seem to have worked there since he moved. I think he could easily have taken over from Hugh Grant and Colin Firth if he’d stayed in the UK.
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