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I also 100% think AE has been forced to shut down her Twitter. There is literally no way she would not respond to BW post , it must be driving her insane. Tone / Alice must also be desperate to respond
You saw that volcano erupt in the sea? It’s her rage manifesting and it’s going to explode. She’ll be a demented mess by now. She said last time she quit Twitter she nearly harmed herself. She can’t play that card again or she’ll risk custody but she’ll be thinking of something.
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Where's the banter people? Everyone is a bit wound up today which I never like to see. I won't apologise for thinking Bianca is lovely, I have thought it for ages. I also at one point stuck up for Alice's mental health (only to be shouted down haha) . People just take it all too personally it's just debate! Getting defensive and arguing is what the other side want. No doubt they are over there with screenshots of these conversations frothing at the mouth with glee.

Your all great, I value all your opinions and even if I disagree it doesn't mean I value you any less. @Penguin86 got any more shart jokes in the pile? 😘 @ReturningthePearls I'm slightly sedated with you 😜

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Hey let's all have three sharp ones and chill!
It's difficult sometimes with written comments to pick up on what someone is actually meaning ...words mean different things to different people. And sometimes things in writing come across curt or whatever whereas in real life they wouldn't.

So....let's all get along - this is a great forum! We are not all black and white here and it's great that we are not sitting waiting for instructions on how to think/react from our leader like the FMs are.

Alice will soon be back and the games will begin again.

Remember how much fun we all had with Mr Woofington and yeasty the marmite jar ???
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Well I think the MS video is interesting as it got across the following points
1. I am the complete opposite to Alice and I'm going to explain why she's so terrible by contrasting how amazing I am
2. I've got real problems and I handle them better than she does
3. I'm seriously ill so Ioan isn't just after my bikini - this is proper love not lust
6. I may have had Botox but it's not because I'm vain (unlike Alice)
7. Do I look or sound like a child killer?
8. I'm properly ill so cut me some slack
9. She was lying about this being a one bed flat

I'm sure there are others but my spouse wants attention so I have to de-tattle now!
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What seems odd to me is Bianca is only known about because of her association will Ioan. She isn’t famous in her own right. It comes across to me a bit fame hungry doing a 10 minute video explaining her condition. Ioan seems quite private. It just comes across as trying to gain sympathy for “ I have to live in the present and do what I want to do now”, giving their relationship a pity factor. There is the oddly timed reveal of their relationship in the middle of an acrimonious divorce, at a time Ioan would see his children that rattled the cage with Alice. A relationship which there has been much planning involved get Bianca and her dog to LA. With such a progressive disease she would have to sort out additional health care needs, a consultant Dr, additional insurance. Her telling the world of her condition will I’d imagine have cut down her chances of acting roles as what production would take the risk of her possibly not being able to fulfill her contract. They would surely give the role to someone who they new would be fit, and there medical insurance would be enormous. And again the timing of this at a time Alice for whatever reason is gagged. It just doesn’t sit right.
BIB I can understand that, but—ready for one of my dumb metaphors?—I also believe that life is this long bridge overlooking drama, tragedy, celebration, etc. It is just this long, stable bridge, and what flows beneath simply flows; it creates waves, sure, but it can only flow. I don’t think there was a “wrong time” nor a “right time” for her to share this video, because she’s on this bridge, and there’s drama below, and there will probably be drama for a long time, so why not keeping crossing and living this life? She can’t pause and wait for it to stop flowing—she shouldn’t have to. Her existence isn’t anchored in what articles Daily Mail cranks out about her and Ioan, nor about what Twitter-lies Alice manufactured. She’s above this, in every sense, even the metaphorical one. She’s entitled to continue moving forward on this bridge that is life, even if it means posting videos like these. Does that make sense?

I’m not sure it’s fair to suspect that there are ulterior motives to something as profoundly vulnerable as discussing a serious medical condition, even in the midst of acrimony. Bianca paused multiple times in that video, had basically said she still has no words to express the shock and confusion of her diagnosis, how quickly it ravaged her body, how it continues to, and how she uses it as a tool to live well.

Idk, I’m always very sensitive to dialogue surrounding something of this nature. I personally avoid suspicion, because I’d rather honor the transparency of someone who is literally struggling to share a private, painful experience. I think I said this once before but I prioritize trust a lot in my understandings of the world as well as my interactions with the people in it. I’d rather trust her for this enormous token of honesty—that, as you’ve said, could badly damage her chances at obtaining future roles—than assume there’s a component of wanting fame.

But again, this is coming from someone who invests in people a great, maybe hazardous, deal of trust, and perhaps you’re more logical and observant towards this situation. It’s alright to utilize those resources.
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So this is just my opinion and please don't everyone pile on at me about why I'm wrong, but I've always been iffy about BW, and her video today has just made me more sceptical tbh. I've never been comfortable with the fact that she followed and liked AE's instagram up until she didn't. And while I've always given IG a pass if he did have an affair, because I truly believe AE's bullying and emasculation all but pushed him into it, I don't give BW the same pass. While being diagnosed with aggressive MS, especially at her young age, must have been devastating, that isn't justification for having an affair with a married man knowing full well your actions are going to hurt his wife, (even though AE is a 100% certified cunt), and his innocent children. And I definitely don't subscribe to the belief that anyone having an affair with a married person is blameless because they aren't the one who made the vows. To me that is just a convenient get out of jail free card to avoid taking responsibility for your own actions that you know full well are going to hurt other people.

I was the one who floated the theory that maybe her husband couldn't cope with her MS diagnosis, but it was just a theory. I have no more knowledge on that than anyone. Her video where she talked about being unhappy makes me think maybe the diagnosis made her realize she wasn't happy in her marriage and she was the one to leave.

Yes I know none of us are certain of the timeline, or even whether it was an affair, physical or emotional. I also know there are many reasons people have affairs, so please don't come at me with justifications or explanations. I'm not talking about anyone else's lives, affairs or relationships, strictly AE, IG and BW here.

@welp has often mentioned BW frequented the same restaurant in Brisbane that IG was a fan of. Maybe they simply make great food, have great views, or is the trendy place in town ... 🤷‍♀️ But from the very little we know, and everything she reiterates about grabbing life with both hands, living the life you want, being you and letting others adjust, etc, I'm getting the feeling she is the kind of person who see's what she wants, goes after it, and gets it, without much care or concern for who might get hurt in the process. It doesn't make her a narc, but if true, it would make her a pretty selfish biatch imo. I've known people like that, people who are charming, funny, warm, kind even when it takes nothing from them, so likable that you can't help but like them. Until you're out of their orbit and you can step back and see clearly how they take what they want without concern for anyone else.

Maybe I'm wrong and the people gushing over her are right. (And there was gushing, a lot of gushing!) For IG's sake I hope I am. But for me there has been too much about her that is questionable, from liking AE's Instagram posts before she and IE got together, to the actual timing of her and IG's relationship, to Tamika's involvement here and on twitter and whether it was done with BW's knowledge/permission, to her liking and following narc sites on her public SM, and a lot of other things beside. Often small actions and easily explainable, easily justifiable when one wants too do so, but all combined they leave a question mark in my mind when it comes to BW.

ETA: while I feel for her with her diagnosis and admire her bravery and resilience, not even a life changing illness and wanting to make the most of whatever life you may have left, gives you the right to just take what you want without caring who you hurt in the process. At least not Imo.
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Ioan Gruffudd’s ex brother-in-law opens up about Twitter and the random accounts he’s come across. Only in today’s DM.
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To me this was her coming out and saying “I have MS” it wasn’t tattle or Alice, it was Bianca. I think that was important. She also perhaps has taken it hard that her positive outlook on life was slammed and she was accused of using it to tear IG away from his family. She’s simply explaining why she does the positive thing. I think she’s been accused of all sorts of things the last few months, now it’s her turn to tell her story. And don’t forget it’s the media and Alice that has put her on the front page.
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I am 19 pages behind, fam. 😩 I just went for a run and bc I’m cross-eyed (I see double even right in front of me, I’m having surgery soon), I ran RIGHT in the path of a bird flying above and he shit on my forehead so I’m mad because he was roughly 2,800 miles off from Alice’s forehead.

Anyway, catching up!!!
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Who even said there was an affair? - Alice
Why is ALICE so determined to play that scene out? Cos it makes IG and BW look bad and is in her favour.
what proof is there of an Affair? - None
Who in Brisbane hasn’t been to that bar/hotel? No one. Yes BW has pics there probably most of Brisbane does.
You are entitled to opinions on whether or not there was an affair but until there is decent proof I’m not getting pulled into Alices lies.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
View attachment 993796
although I hope the "more positive" part is true (though not sure if Alice's definition of positive is positive for the kids)
I’m thinking Alice’s ‘starting to be positive again’ means she is working on a new strategy to win back the hub and put the mistress on the next boat back to Aus.

I’m seeing Alice sat at the table with an aerial map of Hollywood laid out, doll’s heads marking out strategic points on the terrain and Loopy Lupine behind her on Zoom barking out her next move.

As we speak, SCB is packing up sandwich spread, pickles and other condiments for the mission.

Stock up on popcorn folks, this is going to be a good one.
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If that's Tone, he is doing a great impression of Sister Alice. If she had her account, she would absolutely be on there (after having 3 sharp ones) replying (ranting) to tweets from several days ago, just to get some of that anger out of her system because of all the positive Bianca news over the weekend. After all, she had an outburst after that New Year post and according to her it meant Bianca wanted to put a stake through her heart, so I can only imagine how she feels about the video and Ioan's response to it.

Why would Alcatone be on Twitter at 1 AM banging on about Ioan?

Unless, plot twist, he is secretly in love with him?
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How exactly does he think Twitter was intended to be enjoyed? This is a guy who doesn’t understand that a telephone was made for private chats, and that private online chats can be had with other apps. I avoid Twitter because it’s turned into … well, exactly the kind if illogical, circular, self-righteous twaddle you see on his timeline. So hey Tone… #blockthetwaddle!
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