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So what if he pays for her healthcare?
It's his money. He can wipe his ass with it if he likes.

Like Alice can wipe her ass with her spousal support money if she has no better use for it.

But the child support money must go for the girls. All of it. And no, mum's wine isn't part of the girls' wellbeing.
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Morning, All!
I foolishly went to sleep last night and found over thirty pages to wade through on waking...
I, for one, don't believe that IG and BW embarked on a torrid affair. (Obviously, this is pure conjecture.) I think his upbringing would have had a lot to do with the way in which he perceived infidelity. And, despite Alice's growing narcissistic and histrionics as she relaxed into the knowledge that she 'had' him (possessed him; I think she still feels as if she owns him, based on recent comments), he stayed, and spent a huge amount on IVF so that she could realise her dream of a two child family. He stayed for his children, until he could no longer cope. I have no doubt that AE abused him. The fact that he has stated as much (again, on Alice's say-so - but she was so aggrieved and furious over the Wizard message that I feel it was one of the very few times in which she spoke the truth; she was driven to do so in anger and outrage) tells a traumatic story. It takes as many as seven attempts to leave an abusive relationship. I feel that after she dragged him back to L.A. just before lockdown, humiliating him with cast and crew and imperilling the career that enabled her to sit on her backside, was the final straw. He told he was out, no longer loved her; then, on his return to Australia, I believe that was when the relationship with BW started. And I think it was/is a whirlwind relationship, partly due to her diagnosis and not knowing how much time she has in terms of mobility, and him clutching at kindness and decency as a drowning man clutches at straws. I would understand, though not condone, if the relationship had started as an emotional affair earlier: he was so patently unhappy that simply being able to breathe without being mocked, judged and abused must have felt like manna to him.
I was very interested to read everyone's opinions on cheating. For myself, it is something that I could not do, even when I was desperately unhappy in my narcissist hellhole of a relationship. @KikiFromNy , I was so desperately sorry to read what you went through. I had something/someone similar. And, when I was waiting for a cancer diagnosis, he was suspiciously nice; I found out later that he had been sexting some woman while he sat beside me, pretending to care for me. When I got the all clear - I had giant abscesses due to horrible stress, as I had been nursing a dying relative and dealing with my narc father's breakdown (again) - he was disappointed that I was not dying, and became relentlessly violent and abusive over the next two months. His cheating broke my heart: it was yet another way for him to say 'you're worthless and of no value to me save as a punching bag'. I think IG probably felt as crushed and downhearted as I did. Living with an abuser is an endless merry-go-round of mental and physical pain, your self-esteem at zero, your body, mind and spirit crushed, your abuser revelling in the pain they cause and never straying far away from you so that they can hurt you some more.
I got a bit of good news from my surgeon: I'm being offered another procedure on my back. The bones at the bottom of my spine are crumbling and the joints rub together, touching the nerves - it can be a bit unbearable at times. I had an operation in September which was ineffective, and thought they could do no more for me, so this is really brilliant news! Endless pain is really fatiguing, and if you already have ME, it makes the symptoms worse, so this could be a godsend - keep your fingers crossed!
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What seems odd to me is Bianca is only known about because of her association will Ioan. She isn’t famous in her own right. It comes across to me a bit fame hungry doing a 10 minute video explaining her condition. Ioan seems quite private. It just comes across as trying to gain sympathy for “ I have to live in the present and do what I want to do now”, giving their relationship a pity factor. There is the oddly timed reveal of their relationship in the middle of an acrimonious divorce, at a time Ioan would see his children that rattled the cage with Alice. A relationship which there has been much planning involved get Bianca and her dog to LA. With such a progressive disease she would have to sort out additional health care needs, a consultant Dr, additional insurance. Her telling the world of her condition will I’d imagine have cut down her chances of acting roles as what production would take the risk of her possibly not being able to fulfill her contract. They would surely give the role to someone who they new would be fit, and there medical insurance would be enormous. And again the timing of this at a time Alice for whatever reason is gagged. It just doesn’t sit right.
whether it's her intention or not, she isnt a "normal" civilian anymore, but famous by proxy. Let's be real here the only actual celebrity in this whole story is Ioan. Alice is the definition of famous by proxy: first over OP, then over IG and now over the nature of their divorce. She build her (pretty poor) acting career mainly on the back of those two mens fame. And her twitter and IG account almost doubled her followers via her divorce. Besides the divorce the Weinstein thing was her highest peak in google trends, Ioan's actual acting career (F4, Forever, Liar) had higher ones than this divorce, that's pretty nice indicator.

Anyway, when your person is gaining public interest (and again this is all thanks to Alice) and incredible terrible rumours are spread about you it makes sense to address them, and she did it in the least confrontational way possible. I see no wrong with that at all.

What her intentions are - and I agree revealing that you have MS is not good for your acting career - is indeed something I cant figure out. But perhaps her main aim isnt acting or perhaps she really just wants to be with him and the more mean things people say about you the harder it is, who knows? For a supposedly fame hungry mistress she has been very quiet (but then again she is dating a quiet man)
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Now the storm has passed I want to say something that needs to be said.

Tattle is a gossip site. Nobody here is equipped to deal with MH crises of anyone on the forum. Nobody should be told they are responsible for another persons MH or triggering their traumas or episodes. It’s totally unfair and it’s wrong and this is the last place someone should be looking for that kind of support.

There are thousands of internet groups for all kinds of MH difficulties, conditions and diagnosis. People offering up any diagnosis may find support but they need to remember it’s not the purpose of this site, there may be people here, who for whatever reason, aren’t interested in hearing about other peoples problems or MH issues, they may find them distressing and don’t want to know about them. That’s ok too.

Obvs there was a recent upset but right off the top of my head I can think of three others all with different users so this isn’t aimed at anyone in particular.

Let’s not lose track of what Tattle is and what it’s about. Thanks 🙏🏼
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Does anyone feel a sense of relief with the silence from AEs Twitter? Between the end of October and the new year it's almost like each day was a question of what was going to happen today... What was going to be the next thing she was going to post?

And I'm not that invested in the whole narrative but there was a lot of energy of the shifts and moods and attitudes that she put online. Can you imagine having to deal with that in real life?

It just occurred to me today that I'm not secretly looking at what's been posted on Twitter. I'm not following any of the side note people. And it feels like there's a lot of breathing space. I can't imagine having to deal with AE for years.
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I think BW has been pretty quiet, considering. She only very barely mentions her relationship at all in this. Someone said it’s had 25k views so people are interested! I also understand the timing because who’d want Alice flapping her gums about this.

And I think we know why Alice can’t post to Twitter right now, and it’s entirely her own fault and choice. She’s not actually gagged, she’s still on insta and she could write a blog if she wanted I’m sure.

Surely it’s illegal in the US to not give jobs to someone because of a disability? I’m quite sure Hollywood is ableist in this way, but you’d hope there would be a law against it at least. Anyway I can’t see the harm in her at least trying for acting jobs, should she just just sit down and give up because she isn’t well?
I think she’s been pretty restrained, considering. If someone was accusing me of being a danger to children, I’d go bloody mental. I think perhaps she’s explaining her condition and how stress impacts it to calm the vicious trolling, too. And it has been vicious and totally unwarranted. Not only has Alice been accusing her of being a danger to her children, but she’s been encouraging people to harass this woman. I know people think she’s made her bed, and chose to be with Ioan knowing it would cause drama, but there’s no excuse for the utterly vile things that have been said. And god knows what horrible private messages she’s received
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No one is asking the important question here, which is what did @ReturningthePearls get from the Chinese takeaway. I always love hearing what people are having for dinner.
I’m just smoking outside right now I ain’t hungry anymore, friend. But I got my hands on shrimp fried rice and a small container of boneless ribs and something else with shrimp in it I don’t even know what it was I just like shrimp, lol.

I’m sorry things got disastrous, everyone. I saw a few spurts of discomfort throughout the thread but I def tore everything out by the roots with one of my own remarks and I didn’t intend to do that but it happened.

Like pretty much everyone else, I’m not apologizing for how I feel but I can apologize for rubbing people the whole-ass wrong way. We’re all on different time zones but we’re still stuck in the same life and it’s important we take care—of ourselves and the people around us, even after we disagree a lot and throw furniture at each other. (Sorry for basically tossing a chair at you @Caitlyn130 it wasn’t cool.)

I’m tired rn I need a nap.
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To be fair to her though she has been dragged and accused of being a potential child killer.
I think that it was a way of hitting back without actually getting into a slanging match.
Absolutely this , there is literally only so much she can be expected to take , but that was just beyond not acceptable.
The last thread seemed to turn into let’s bring back the divorce laws of the 1800 ‘s again .
At the end of the day we all have personal experiences and sadly some are heartbreaking and difficult to get over , but it’s not ok to Judge anyone else’s situation by what is personal to us .
We literally don’t know what happened re when they met / got together etc . What we do know is that Alice has come across as a deranged maniac on SM even before her husband left , and if he has now found happiness with someone else then bloody good for him .
His silence re the divorce, portrays someone who is trying to do the right thing by his children .
Bianca’s video comes across as taking back some control, she put out the facts , because if you don’t the media will literally make your story up for you .
I still think it was a genuine honest public statement, from someone who has literally been ripped apart by AE and the 🐒 and tbh some people on here .
As for questioning her use of SM to do this , it’s 2022 what’s she supposed to do , an interview in Hello or take out a page of the Times , it’s how the world works.
Re BW liking previous posts of AE , that says to me that she did that because she met IG / was aware of him in set or whatever situation caused him to be on her radar and looked up his wife . I would have done the same , because I’m nosy , it’s human nature. Personally and it is my opinion, I think that is more likely to suggest they were not having an affair, but I do respect the opinion of others who think that maybe they were … and I’m sorry if this offends , but I don’t blame him . To have been emotionally and possibly physically battered by that ’Swivel Headed loon ‘ ( pinching someone else’s name for her there ) for all those years , a saint would be tempted!
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Welsh Attack Squirrel

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I'm so sorry about this, but I can't figure out how to do a spoiler. @Dombey asked about me on the other thread and I just wanted to say Thank You ❤ I'm not OK, but I'm coping. I can't go into details because Mr Squirrel hates SM and would not want me talking about him. I'm aware this is derailing the thread and I can't say more as it will be extremely triggering for some people here.
I don't mean to be cryptic.
Carry on Tattlers, you are awesome people. I'm going to pay you all the highest compliment a Valleys person could ever give you. You're TIDY! 💖😘
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I also question the use of the girls room to record it in. Alice is going to see it, we all know that, and she's going to see the beds for the two E's in the background. You couldn't hear the dog barking, so either he was in a different room or Ioan had taken him for a walk while she recorded, either way, she could have recorded against a blank wall and not in the kids room.
I also got offered a job (in advertising) and the second they found out I was sick the job disappeared, so advertising your illness while wanting to work is a precarious move.
if it was in the room that is meant to be for the girls i think it was a smart move to show everyone that Alice is a liar

also had she used their bedroom or the living room or the kitchen people would have complained too lol
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I think it was a nice video, it helped me know more about MS and it's no more fame-hungry than the stuff anyone else might post up wherever. Don't have any particular thoughts about the situation regarding her but she seems pretty normal to me. Felt sad for her, though, it must be very frightening.
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What seems odd to me is Bianca is only known about because of her association will Ioan. She isn’t famous in her own right. It comes across to me a bit fame hungry doing a 10 minute video explaining her condition. Ioan seems quite private. It just comes across as trying to gain sympathy for “ I have to live in the present and do what I want to do now”, giving their relationship a pity factor. There is the oddly timed reveal of their relationship in the middle of an acrimonious divorce, at a time Ioan would see his children that rattled the cage with Alice. A relationship which there has been much planning involved get Bianca and her dog to LA. With such a progressive disease she would have to sort out additional health care needs, a consultant Dr, additional insurance. Her telling the world of her condition will I’d imagine have cut down her chances of acting roles as what production would take the risk of her possibly not being able to fulfill her contract. They would surely give the role to someone who they new would be fit, and there medical insurance would be enormous. And again the timing of this at a time Alice for whatever reason is gagged. It just doesn’t sit right.
I agree that Bianca isn’t famous in her own right, and yet we’re all discussing her here - 50+ threads of her in fact! She’s receiving all sorts of character assasination on SM by Alice and her FMs. It seems that everyone’s had an opinion of her over the last couple of months when we don’t even know her.
I think that she’s shown amazing resilience in dealing with all of the shit thrown at her and I think she’s absolutely done the right thing in putting her point across - it’s her own Insta after all - we don’t have to look! All these public negative comments would be awful for anyone, but for her they have a massive effect.
I say good on her for dealing with such negativity with such class!
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I'm pretty certain Alice is either on the Tone account at present or he's lost his mind. Good grief. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I am guessing it’s about to get worse since someone just tweeted at him that she closed her Twitter account because her lawyers said they would only represent her if she “stopped her lies and insinuations on SM.”

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I do feel a smidgeon of sympathy for Alice, It is not fun being middle aged and seeing your best years in the rear view mirror. `However, most of us get over it and start to move on. I truly think Alice is unable to see her reality - what she looks like now - with what she sees in the mirror. I honestly think she has a kind of body dysmorphia that won't allow her to see herself as she truly is. It explains the videos and the filters - her view is she is beautiful and she does not need to 'beautify herself". But the reality is what we see, Again, her view she can 'lose the weight' in 2 weeks - complete and utter denial of what she looks like now. I really wish she would wake up, truly look in the mirror, put down the wine/vodka glass, put on a pair of running shoes and start pounding the pavements instead of the keyboards.
I'm not over the teeth. I'm not bashing her. I was just shocked with how much her and her FM'S made fun of BW'S teeth. And then she filmed a cameo commercial looking like that? I'm shocked a very vain woman would do that.
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I need to report an ailment, though. I've sprained ankle, so now all I can do is gossip on here like a bitchy queen (thanks, husband - now load the dishwasher!) . I've had strong pain meds but they gave me dreams about being a rat exterminator. Is there any hope for me?

Sorry my mimsy fell out and it was twins this time. Got to catch up 🥰
Can I be the weird gay Internet uncle??
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Why does BW get a free pass to not have her behaviour and motivations questioned when she's a key player in this issue? Because the majority of posters here like her? Because she has a terrible illness? A lot of posters are more than happy to gush about her, but when people question her suddenly she's off limits?
The reason we can say so much about AE is because she puts so much out there and I judge her on that.

With BW we have much less to go on as she is much more private. Therefore some people start speculating about her and her motives, which is dangerous territory imo as we can end up projecting our own issues on her. It's not just narcs who project, we can all do it.

I have looked at BW's content and it looks pretty harmless to me. And her video impressed me, it's a far cry from Marjorie. I just prefer to stick to what I know. No one here knows BW's motivations. She's allowed to be less than perfect too. She's human.
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I don’t think IG and BW had a physical affair before the official date of separation, it may have been an emotional one and that’s still cheating for me. However, like some of you, I feel he was trying for years to end the marriage, to someone like Alice who is a hundred times the crackpot my first husband was.
BIB: How is an emotional bond cheating?

Don’t feel bad about your gut reaction. We still don’t know when their actual relationship began or whether one of the things in life she set out to get was IG! We just have no idea how or when they got together and who pursued who. We can guess, that’s it.
Who says one of them pursued the other? Couldn't they simply have fallen in love after bonding over their individual miseries?

If all he was after was a good shag to distract him from the nightmare of his marriage to mAlice, cute young wannabee starlets are a dime a dozen in Hollywood and no-one would have ever been the wiser. But he committed to Bianca, a young woman with a horrible, incurable disease and whose home was half a world away, complicating his life even more. I doubt that Bianca is so naive as to believe that he could further her acting ambitions in Hollywood, given that he has struggled with his own career. He isn't an A-lister and I doubt he has the connections to promote his girlfriend if he hasn't managed to really break through himself. Not to mention the stressful mess she signed up for with him with mAlice and the traumatized kids, which will not be doing anything for her health.

As for Bianca's liking photos of the Gruffudd family earlier, what is the big deal with that? I think he's a very good actor (and mega attractive), and have checked out his SM too (and reeeeaaaallly wondered about wifey:eek:). Does that mean I had intentions to "steal" him from his family? And remember, he was a big thing in Brisbane and she applied as an extra in his show. That could have been the early "link".

So, yes, I believe it could easily have begun with a chat in the coffee line, led to the kind of real, adult conversations he was never able to have with mAlice and then ...

Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic and a sucker for a good love story. 🥰 💔
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