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I made the comment about a B fan club, it was a joke about the IG Fan club going tits up.
I don’t want to go over old ground that you’ve all covered so well. But having been in a similar situation to IG trying to end a long term marriage with kids, I thought I’d put my tuppence in.

You start off by noticing the behaviours that are hurting you, you don’t quite believe it of this wonderful person you chose to marry but before long the little things become huge things and almost everything about that person is against you. Maybe it’s a political stance (for me Scottish independence and right wing leanings that certainly weren’t a thing when we met as teenagers) or they seem to become more obnoxious with your friends and family and events become almost triggering. You know they’re going to act out, embarrass you in front of everyone and you have to come home early and apologise for their behaviour again and again.
Sometimes it’s the behaviour with the children or their lack of parenting, you find yourself the “bad cop” against this seemingly fairy godmother type person who really doesn’t parent at all. You do all the heavy lifting and actual parenting and they become the fun uncle at the weekends. Especially with 80 kids like I did then. 😂
I’ve prattled on a bit but these are a few examples of the last five years of my first marriage. (Possibly longer)

Someone taught me this saying on here, it’s death by a thousand cuts.

I don’t think IG and BW had a physical affair before the official date of separation, it may have been an emotional one and that’s still cheating for me. However, like some of you, I feel he was trying for years to end the marriage, to someone like Alice who is a hundred times the crackpot my first husband was.

He accused me for years of having affairs, firstly there were none, not once and not even emotionally. He put a tracker on my car and would challenge me to see where I said I was matched the position of the car. (Contained no rats!)
He’d pour over my social media asking how I knew certain people and in what capacity. He even phoned a friend I was visiting before hand to check she wasn’t an alibi for me to be cheating. We had 80 children, I was at uni when they were at school and I did 90% of the parenting. He literally took them to school and I mean that literally. I dressed them etc made the packed lunches and all he did was physically take them to school because I started uni at 9am.
It wasn’t until I realised all of his behaviour towards me was wrong and my new friends husbands didn’t behave like this towards them. I had to organise a baby sitter for any nights out, he wouldn’t stay alone with the children or he’d take them to his mums if he ever was. I’d have to be checking in constantly via text message rendering any night out a disaster. I’m a party girl at heart. I love dancing, I will stay one the dance floor the whole night and dance to anything. It’s hard to enjoy life when you’re always checking in.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, it’s never easy to leave a marriage, the last straw for me was when I’d added my first love on Facebook, full disclaimer, we are together now but there was no cheating.
My first husband saw a few innocent comments between us and went into full detective mode. Found out where he worked and lived and went to his house. Accused us of an affair, messaged his then gf and told her of this “affair”. He went to the school and spoke to some of the other school run mums and told everyone. There was no evidence of an affair because there wasn’t one. It was the final nail in the coffin. I left him ten months after that. I’ve said before how we did the whole family holidays and pic things for the kids but I can see in those pictures the sadness in my eyes. And I get that from IG’s pics that she posted on Instagram.

I have some how written an essay and made it all about me sorry!

In processing what happened to me, my now fiancé (I did say husband before, it’s been ten years and the wedding is next year 😂)
got in contact with me a few months after I left, his sister in law happened to be one of those school mums who heard all about the divorce and his relationship had ended too. Possibly because of my first husband’s interference.

However, and I feel this is important, our relationship was fast tracked. He didn’t meet the children straight away and he didn’t move in for at least a year. For reasons I won’t go into, I know I’ve already said a lot but this one is a secret that will stay with me forever and I’m sure you’ll understand what I’m implying without the need to say it, my ex-husband and fiancé are the only two men I’ve ever trusted, so when he wanted to get into a relationship it felt like home. We very quickly settled into a relationship (away from the children) and he is my soul mate.
We’ve since had our children (that makes 90 I think now, right??) and our blended family is good. My first husband has never moved on, he has tried parental alienation of sorts but it didn’t work. He’s had one date in those ten years since we separated.

Man this turned into a bit of an easy, is it time for a new thread yet??

Relationships are never easy, I’m a smiler, I smile at everyone and I will talk to anyone because I know what loneliness is and I know what not to be trusted is. I remember the times I didn’t speak to another adult for days on end, don’t get me wrong I adore my children but sometimes you need a little adult conversation, and you also need proper intimacy and to feel wanted.

We never know what someone else is going through, I feel sometimes those with the biggest painted on smiles need more kindness too.

I’m away for a lie down, this post was epic!
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I’ll believe it when I see the reviews. And Cameo takes a commission of 25%. But if she sold two that still sixty bucks for vino.
Amazing experience. She looked great in her salad cream stained cardigan and screamed abuse at me in THREE languages. Hands free option was a really useful feature. Can't wait for my second message so I can use my other wrist.
Clive, UK
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Unrelated but my sedation finally faded and I had enough focus and positivity to decorate my braids. 🥰 They look better in sunlight because the gold & little diamond rings sparkle, but!

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the law experts strike again

(how Bianca pays for her healthcare, and whether Ioan decides to spend his money on it has absolutely fuck to do with anything)
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I could post a ten minute video on my Instagram and I'm not famous but I do have followers who would be interested in seeing me speak about stuff, especially something as major as MS. Would that make me fame hungry? Or would it just be me posting to my own social media as I'm completely entitled to do? In Bianca's case, nobody is obliged to look at her posts but why shouldn't she speak out at last after months of keeping quiet while AE posted abuse online, especially when she's not even getting embroiled in that nonsense? She's a bright, eloquent 20-something and she's entitled to use her social media just as everyone else does. Whatever anybody else reads into it is not on her. A bit less cynicism would be welcome. Let her live her life and let the lawyers sort the rest of the mess out.
Absolutely this. She has no obligation to keep quiet about her own illness on her own Instagram page. She’s not a blue tick, she hasn’t gone running to the Daily Mail with a story, she’s just sat down in her spare room and made a video. A video which vilifies and defames no one and doesn’t impinge on anyone else’s privacy.
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What seems odd to me is Bianca is only known about because of her association will Ioan. She isn’t famous in her own right. It comes across to me a bit fame hungry doing a 10 minute video explaining her condition. Ioan seems quite private. It just comes across as trying to gain sympathy for “ I have to live in the present and do what I want to do now”, giving their relationship a pity factor. There is the oddly timed reveal of their relationship in the middle of an acrimonious divorce, at a time Ioan would see his children that rattled the cage with Alice. A relationship which there has been much planning involved get Bianca and her dog to LA. With such a progressive disease she would have to sort out additional health care needs, a consultant Dr, additional insurance. Her telling the world of her condition will I’d imagine have cut down her chances of acting roles as what production would take the risk of her possibly not being able to fulfill her contract. They would surely give the role to someone who they new would be fit, and there medical insurance would be enormous. And again the timing of this at a time Alice for whatever reason is gagged. It just doesn’t sit right.
I don't think that's fair so I'm going to defend Bianca here. Regardless of if someone is famous or not, why should any person with MS or any progressive/debilitating illness not be allowed to share their story and be honest about how it affects them? IMO it takes guts and surely the more awareness there is, the better.

For all we know, Bianca might not have wanted everyone to know about her MS at all but that was taken out of her hands a while ago when Alice found out and started tweeting about it in an attempt to use her disability against her.

Plus, she was presumably referring to the challenges of her MS in her New Year post without actually mentioning her illness, and her words were taken out of context/twisted by the media and by Alice and her minions to make it sound like she was referring to Alice's dramas and the way her life played out publicly last year. In Bianca's shoes, that must have been incredibly frustrating. Every day she is dealing with the challenges of living with an unpredictable, cruel disease that will affect her for the rest of her life. As if Alice's tantrums could even compare.

One of my best friends has MS and when I showed her the video, she said it was very inspiring and that the more awareness there is, the better.
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I just want to thank everyone in these threads for some of the biggest laughs I've had in days!

I found out yesterday that my landlord is selling my home out from under me, and have spent the last 24 hours either crying, eating ice cream or researching how to contact the black market to sell and organ so I can afford a deposit on a new place.

You guys have really kept my spirits up, thank you!
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have some fluff (this is the first time she addresses him directly, right?)
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What seems odd to me is Bianca is only known about because of her association will Ioan. She isn’t famous in her own right. It comes across to me a bit fame hungry doing a 10 minute video explaining her condition. Ioan seems quite private. It just comes across as trying to gain sympathy for “ I have to live in the present and do what I want to do now”, giving their relationship a pity factor. There is the oddly timed reveal of their relationship in the middle of an acrimonious divorce, at a time Ioan would see his children that rattled the cage with Alice. [...] And again the timing of this at a time Alice for whatever reason is gagged. It just doesn’t sit right.
I could post a ten minute video on my Instagram and I'm not famous but I do have followers who would be interested in seeing me speak about stuff, especially something as major as MS. Would that make me fame hungry? Or would it just be me posting to my own social media as I'm completely entitled to do? In Bianca's case, nobody is obliged to look at her posts but why shouldn't she speak out at last after months of keeping quiet while AE posted abuse online, especially when she's not even getting embroiled in that nonsense? She's a bright, eloquent 20-something and she's entitled to use her social media just as everyone else does. Whatever anybody else reads into it is not on her. A bit less cynicism would be welcome. Let her live her life and let the lawyers sort the rest of the mess out.
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Olivier Picasso could easily be bisexual. He's not said he's gay - you CAN like both.

Also, it's OK to talk about it, no need for euphemisms. It's not 'something you can't type here', it's not shameful or bad.
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What seems odd to me is Bianca is only known about because of her association will Ioan. She isn’t famous in her own right. It comes across to me a bit fame hungry doing a 10 minute video explaining her condition. Ioan seems quite private. It just comes across as trying to gain sympathy for “ I have to live in the present and do what I want to do now”, giving their relationship a pity factor. There is the oddly timed reveal of their relationship in the middle of an acrimonious divorce, at a time Ioan would see his children that rattled the cage with Alice. A relationship which there has been much planning involved get Bianca and her dog to LA. With such a progressive disease she would have to sort out additional health care needs, a consultant Dr, additional insurance. Her telling the world of her condition will I’d imagine have cut down her chances of acting roles as what production would take the risk of her possibly not being able to fulfill her contract. They would surely give the role to someone who they new would be fit, and there medical insurance would be enormous. And again the timing of this at a time Alice for whatever reason is gagged. It just doesn’t sit right.
To be fair to her though she has been dragged and accused of being a potential child killer.
I think that it was a way of hitting back without actually getting into a slanging match.
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The BW insurance thing just shows their ridiculous attitude to divorce. The ex husband should be punished forever and only be allowed to keep a pittance for himself. Everything else should be paid over to the ex wife as compensation. Meanwhile she can sit on her arse all day eating delivered gourmet meals, stick babies heads on things, drink and tweet and do fuck all else.
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Jeez out of curiosity, what exactly is Bianca allowed to do? lol. She can't share her story or talk about her journey, she can't do this, she can't do that, now she can't even thank people who have sent lovely messages about her video, which is a video about her and no one else?
It's a shame that some of you are just trying to put a negative spin on everything she does. She clearly can't do right for doing wrong.
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Don’t mind my ruffled feathers but I don’t witness much of people policing discussion about Bianca. I think when there is a majority who are comfy with her (note my word—“comfy” not “in love,” not “gushing,” not “favoring,” I’m really getting pissed off with these exaggerated verbs), then there will be majority opinions discussing people’s comfort with her.

There seems to be an uncomfortable power dynamic at play in here recently, a polarization of sorts. It sounds more like people who don’t appreciate Bianca right now feel cornered or ganged-up on simply because a handful of others disagree with them.

A dissenting opinion doesn’t negate someone else’s opinion—it’s simply a response that doesn’t agree. That’s absolutely fine, however many people dissent. A dissenting opinion doesn’t “shut down” another just because that opinion belongs to a majority, and I’m not sure why this isn’t being understood nor considered.

If this site permits opinions, then let this site permit opinions. I disagree plenty in here. And I’ll usually be the first to question the meaningfulness of my contributions but in this case my ass is sitting firmly in the certainty that I’m not silencing any souls in here. I’m contributing my thoughts that happen to not coincide with the perspectives offered. If they disagree, come the fuck back at me.

Assuming everyone in here has a keyboard and the urge to reply and a will to speak, then let’s talk about it. Reply to me, tell me you don’t partake in what I’m offering like I ain’t shutting anyone down? I would apologize for this remark but it’s not warranted. I’m not about these suggestions that minority-opinions are being quieted; reply to the dissent if you don’t agree. This isn’t a one-comment-per-user website.
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all I can say about the recent posts of her cult on twitter (not giving them the joy to repost it) is that Alice has exactly the fans she deserves, but I knew this before
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What has happened to this forum? I feel as if there is as much walking on eggshells as poor IG must of done. Tone policing, bickering, and snarky comments galore.
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I don’t understand why BW is held up to a higher standard than IG or AE. She had no skin in that game and quite honestly her health care issues are nothing to do with any of the FM’s or Tone especially not Alice fucking Evans. Alice thought she could treat him like shite and he’d take it because of that marriage certificate. Been there and done that.
IG was married and if he ended that marriage before or after he started his relationship with her that’s on him.
I don’t think she started a relationship with him thinking he was still married.

The FM’s and Tone are on here constantly reading and carrying it back, I genuinely think the best way is to just ignore them.
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Mad Betty

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I lost a dear friend 4 years ago. She had MS. We were the same age. She struggled with MH issues as well and in the end, took her own life. I was gutted. Everything Bianca said about her MS struck a cord with me. My friend landed in the ER unable to move her legs. She'd have flare ups that left her hospitalized for a week. She'd lose control of her bladder. It was rough.

Here's the thing: I have a soft spot for Alice because we're the same age and I relate to her in some ways. I have a soft spot now for Bianca because I know what she's facing and IMO she is doing it with incredible grace.

The rest? I really don't care about any implied cheating. I said in my early days here that I thought perhaps an emotional affair/connection had started before IG got the courage to tell Alice he was truly done and it grew from there. I honestly don't care. Real life is messy. And when kids are involved it's messier. Maybe he had a plan to handle this all a bit better and it blew up in his face. I suspect dealing with Alice was frightening for him. We know what she's capable of when she triggered. Anyone who has dealt with a Narc on fire knows understands this to their bones.

I don't know any of the players. I hope this divorce goes through soon and they can all get on with their lives. I hope the girls get regular counseling and Alice is held accountable for PA, something she so obviously has done. I ultimately hope she gets real, gets help, and heals.

I'm an optimist.
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