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I love how that french lady sent Alice some jewellery for her girls and has had to beg for acknowledgment that she even did it.

“We opened them yesterday” jeez what gratitude
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Yes, Alice, it was worth it, because he had no choice! He had to leave because he was married to a wife who abused alcohol to the detriment of his reputation, since you posted drunkenly on twitter incessantly. He had to leave because your behavior was only escalating and he could no longer live in the sham of a marriage. He could no longer live with a woman who cared so little for the marriage that she continued her behavior: the hysterical dramatics, the lashing out. You say he cared about his reputation so can't believe he left you and is with another woman. Since he cares so much about his professional reputation, I would imagine a drunk wife on twitter was humiliating. A wife going into hysterics on twitter, getting into a three-day twitter war, all over being blocked (are you in high school) and talking about boozing and taking pills and threatening suicide (over a twitter relationship) was professionally hurtful and so concerning regarding fears for his children and was another bit of losing all love and respect for you. A wife flirting on line with some twitter guy. A wife who went on attack mode against a Black man simply for expressing an opinion about BLM and Biden's reaction as the Democratic nominee and you turning into such a fiasco that you ended up being called a Karen by others. You can't even have intelligent discourse with people on twitter who you disagree with, even in your own political party. You called your own husband a pussy on social media for not bending to your will about being active on SM for political causes. This goes on and on. He gave you years to look at your issues and change for the betterment of not only your mental health and physical health, and you ignored it because, Alice, you are always right. Oh, and I forgot your meltdown in the parking garage. Talk about how your actions do not help his career and cause him great embarrassment.

You see none of this, and it's why he moved on. YOU left him no choice! Again, look at yourself! A year has gone by. Still boozing and pill popping. Your attacks on people like his very young co-star, Ella, showed how despicable you can be, with zero embarrassment. Still showing such an ugly side to your personality. Still lazy. A housekeeper, nanny, no active look for a job, and no attempt to incorporate physical exercise into your life, which is another positive step forward for your mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing.
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She really is cracko nuts! I used to feel sorry for her and I was not a big fan of Ioan either. Since, I don’t think he is a particularly good an actor. He’s competant enough and handsome. But, now I’m much more of a fan. Since, I feel sorry for him. I think he expected it to be difficult to leave the marriage but, nobody could predict this? She goes on and on and on and on and on. I actually feel very sorry for Ioan.
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Not at all poor. She's working the deadbeat dad angle. She's spinning yarns. She has an agenda. And it's going to backfire on her.
Her agenda is to make the kids hate him so bad that they will never go to him therefore she HAS to have the kids 100% of time and she can’t work. Ioan has to keep her. It’s so fucking obvious. It’s utterly sick demented behaviour.
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I don't know if this was previously posted on here (it's a lot of threads to catch up on lol, but I found this from 2018, right after Matthew Rhys won the Emmy. She apparently deleted it right after.

So it does seem like IG and Matthew Rhys had some sort of falling out, I wonder if it was Matthew telling him that AE is insane lol

View attachment 953525
’I am not a vengeful person’ … 🧐
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Someone has seen Bianca's IG post. And how is she being smug? She has kept quiet, as has IG. The victimhood and moral indignation is tiresome.
View attachment 954212
This attitude interests me - for one thing I don't believe for a second that she'd not throw any other woman under the proverbial bus if it suited her, but also that there is a married man spending £££ on sending her gifts --salad cream--.
Now, I know we are all different but if I were finding that my S/O had been doing that to another man/woman/gender fluid being/whatever, I'd be fucking livid and consider it cheating behaviour.

In life, as always, we must ask ourselves at all times WWAD? (What would Alice do?) and I can imagine our dear Sister Alice would have been having 'nun' (hit cymbal) of it if Ioan were doing the same in their marriage.
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AE: I jUsT tHoUgHt I wOuLd AsK oN sOcIaL mEdIa WhY yOu CaLlEd InStEaD oF cAlLiNg YoU bAcK tO sHoW eVeRyOnE yOu ArE tOtAlLy ReAl
I swear if I contacted any of my siblings like that mad horse they’d think I’d suffered a head injury 🤕 🤣
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House of Tea

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And into 2022 Alice goes. No new years resolutions for her, just same old, same old batshittery. No forward motion, just locked into the past, addicted to negativity and revenge and social media and goodness knows what else. Time she can never get back.
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Thread title by @claudiarocks Congratulations! :ROFLMAO:

New members are encouraged to use the pink Wiki button at the top of the page for a short history of this subject.

Please remember no thread titles until the tail end of the thread to make it fair for all. Please add ‘thread title’ or ‘thread title nomination/suggestion’ and remember to highlight it in bold so we can find it later.

For extra reading a recap of the previous thread is usually in the first page(s) of each thread.

Please consider popping personal, potentially upsetting or triggering posts behind a spoiler.

A gentle reminder that this thread is for Ioan Gruffudd and Alice Evans. Don't give peripheral trolls the attention they desire. Please use the ignore button if necessary.

This is my first time creating a new thread so I really hope I did it right, please make any changes necessary Mods (y)
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House of Tea

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So she is on her own with the kids for a week, just like any other single parent. Not sure why that is such a big thing. I am guessing that means Gloria has been given some well needed time off.
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Mad Betty

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Midnight here in LA. My husband just went to bed! 😂 Who am I kidding, I'm next. Happy New Year to you all, lovelies. Peace and joy to all.

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She's been on Tattle a lot, recently. She seems to think we're shielding (or are) the Wizard behind the Curtain, Ioan Gruffudd. And her self-pity, and claims that others find her unloveable, make me retch. She's made herself unloveable. Her spite and malice towards Bianca Wallace are unconscionable. She has referred to a young woman whom I imagine she has never met, despite her claims to the contrary, as a bitch, ho, bogan, ming, horse-teeth - and made disgusting references to BW's MS - and implied that IG is a paedophile, a danger to women and girls. Does this strike anyone as the actions of a loveable person?
In a way that's one of the saddest things about this. For me, AE really is unlovable. And I don't say that lightly, especially as I've struggled with loving myself and accepting love from others for years, and I know how agonising it is to realize you don't love yourself. Obviously she has her good points, few people are all bad or all good. But the negative so over-whelms any good that it makes it almost negligible, definitely forgettable when you are watching her behaving like this, even more so I'd imagine if you are there with her irl.
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Because maybe Tone’s wife isn’t shallow?
Maybe he’s up because being sick is hard to deal with and he just is..up. I’m not picking on you, I’m just uncomfortable with the general lack of tolerance in these threads for anything other than..alice is a cunt.don’t buy it, no matter how shite her behaviour is.
Respectfully, I would never poke fun at someone with an illness, let alone one as serious as kidney disease. But I am 100% convinced that Alice’s genuinely ill brother is not using that account. He may have his own genuine Twitter account, but this is Alice masquerading as her brother… & that’s a whole new level of crazy! If I’m wrong I will whole heartedly apologise & consider myself a bad human.
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Chatty Member
Ioan needs to understand that, if, you go out with much younger women then, SM is a big part of their lives. It’s won’t go away! If you cannot beat ’em join ‘me !!
It’s certainly not a given that all younger women are really into social media, we’re individuals, ya know? But Bianca was into it pre Ioan and personally I think she has every right to continue to use it how she sees fit. She’s trying to become an actor, social media is part of raising her profile. And she has a right to share what she wants to with people, it’s her life.

I understand the argument that she should tread carefully for the sake of the girls, but if I’ve learned anything from my grand total of three months following this madness it’s that Alice is gonna Alice whatever anyone else does. It’s a long-standing pattern of behaviour and she will behave like this whether Bianca or Ioan do this or that or not. I mean he’s been publicly silent other than that picture and she’s still been off on one after him for ages. They can’t be expected to live their lives pussyfooting around triggering Alice. They’ve been very restrained and she’s still on the warpath trying to keep him from the children and drag out the divorce while posting endless abuse and bullying them publicly.

I totally accept others will disagree (and I like to hear it!), I’m just not into the idea that an abuse victim (and my goodness, even POST separation look at the amount of abuse she’s heaped on him, before even getting into the evidence that suggests he was victimised by her during the marriage) and their new partner should cower and cut themselves off from something they have every right to do to appease an abusive ex. Nothing they can do will appease her, she’s not a reasonable person. She’s already using the girls as pawns and weapons against him and they’ve both barely said a word publicly.

edit: sorry btw Ralph, the majority of my comment had nothing to do with yours, I just went on a stream of thoughts that felt a bit related 😂
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