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Well I'm totally convinced Tone is really her brother now that all his tweets are in capital letters.

I mean that just proves they're different.

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So were expected to believe that not only Tone but his wife Rache are now keeping LA time. The whole house in Bristol or Somerset is up at 2am and still up at 4am having mindless twitter conversations and just dropping in on Alice for phonecalls and private chats ?
Can't remember if they have kids - but this notion that they're just up at 4 am for facetime chats with Alice is a fantasy that only makes sense to a crazy drunk person.
Will be interesting to see what gets deleted when she sobers up. She's making herself look ridiculous.
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I've been thinking about the whole Hoarse Whisperer/Mith saga and it's so batshit insane you couldn't make it up. She blocks a guy on twitter then goes nuclear when she unblocks him and finds out he's blocked her. Then goes absolutely off her head altogether when Mith doesn't join her in trying to harass HW off twitter. It looks like the whole private DM's of private, sacred, never-shared-with-anyone-else messages between them was literally just him explaining blocking and unblocking. But she turns it into some secret message that was so private and he was so evil for sharing it publicly, attacks him, including the supposed dick pics that she previously had no problems with, then melts down into an alcoholic pill-popping stupor of crying on her kitchen floor contemplating suicide. How many ways can you say that this is just insane, truly demented behaviour?

It gives a really good insight as to why IG supported her though, even in her most crazy demands. If it's normal for her to get so viciously angry she wants to "destroy" someone, and when she doesn't get the support she expects she's trying to destroy her "friends" and threatening self-harm, I'm not surprised she's rarely if ever heard the word no. We just see her from SM, imagine what it must be like to have this 5'9" woman raging in your face?

ETA: along with the rest of her extremist and catastrophizing language, the dick pics weren't even dick pics! Though Mith has a really nice butt.
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I just want to say an extra Happy Happy new year to everyone’s favorite Tattler - 0 comments and still going strong I don’t know how you do it.
Unobtrusive Lurker ❤❤👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼🎉🎉🎉😘😘
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I’m in this boat also. I cringe when people say BW can’t do this or that. People can have their opinions and I’m good with that. I just don’t think she’s done anything wrong. She has sat relatively silent through horrific abuse.
Actually while I’m talking about this I saw BW was tagged to disabled sites - walking sticks for the disabled and it was tagged by someone that likes all of Alices IG posts. So there seems to be more abuse than we know about. I will try find the pic.
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House of Tea

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BW is younger than IG but she is a better fit to him. He dresses very classically and understated. So does BW. Not saying they dress boringly, but just classically styled, expensive looking. AE looks like she picks up stuff from the bedroom floor and shoves it on. Even back in the day when she was stunning (and she was stunning), her clothes veered from slightly outre to downright bizarre. They looked odd together in photos stylistically.

But also BW seems calm like IG, and measured. AE, well we know all about AE…BW seems to fit IG for the man he is now. When he was with AE in the early days, he seemed to be caught up in AE’s trajectory, she called the shots. But her behaviour and him being away from her in Australia for long periods without her, showed him that he didn’t need the drama, he no longer needed her or wanted to be around him. The power in the relationship shifted. He changed as a man, got fit, stopped boozing. She was, and still is, unwilling to change, and she is stuck now, locked into being negative and bullying and plain weird.

2022 is going to be good for IG and BW, and just the same as 2020 and 2021 for AE.

I have no idea what sort of a year the girls are going to have…..I hope they feel loved and secure.
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Someone has seen Bianca's IG post. And how is she being smug? She has kept quiet, as has IG. The victim act and moral indignation is tiresome.
View attachment 954212
There has been zero proof of an affair, right?
I wouldn’t ever say BW has been smug, if anything she’s been respectful during an onslaught and targeted vendetta against her. Can’t say I’d have been so restrained!
Alice has saw the pics like you say.
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Please don’t be surprised if journalists are on here and are fishing. They will be monitoring her Twitter and Tattle. It’s easy work.
It's a bloody full time job....I'm getting nothing else done. The fridge is empty. My house is a mess. I need to do my tax return. My husband is thinking of divorcing me.
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Twitter is twatter you moron.

Because maybe Tone’s wife isn’t shallow?
Maybe he’s up because being sick is hard to deal with and he just is..up. I’m not picking on you, I’m just uncomfortable with the general lack of tolerance in these threads for anything other than..alice is a cunt.don’t buy it, no matter how shite her behaviour is.
Alice IS a cunt
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yeah, I remember seeing the start of this meltdown after the fact and no one being able to offer an explanation why she is upset. I remember Deb & Lin & the others being all like "I dont know what happened, but I will support you against those fuckers yada yada yada". This is why nothing in this divorce has really surprised me. She is playing this playbook all her life.
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Chatty Member
What is the difference between what we write here and taking it to Twitter if she reads both?

She can choose to look in at tattle or not and she knows she shouldn’t. It’s a gossip site mostly about people whose personal lives are online for public consumption. Tattle acts as a buffer, you can share your opinions about posts they share without invading that persons social media space or having any contact with them.

Her Twitter is her space, it’s not like logging on to Tattle, it’s her place not ours. Don’t cross that boundary. It’s a lowdown thing to do especially if you belive the person has MH, drink, drug or other ‘vulnerable’ behaviours.
It's against Tattle Life rules to take stuff from here and go on Twitter or Instagram and use it to antagonise them. Very disappointingly there have recently been at least 4 Twitter accounts that are obviously Tattle Life users who are going out of their way to stir up drama and attack Alice. Not only are they breaking the rules of this group, they're antagonising someone who's already struggling with Mental Health issues in order to get her to go off the rails for their amusement. I'm really disgusted at this type of behaviour.
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Chatty Member
I really desperately need a ten hour exit interview with Alice before I can move on from all of this. So many questions.
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Mad Betty

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Alice pitching herself as the hardworking single mom on Twitter in response to ***tone*** is everything I need to know. 😂

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Sorry didn’t mean to upset everyone. Just a polite reminder, I need a wee warning with that kind of chat. Survivor but still an ongoing battle.

Please don’t delete your posts.
I’m not wanting to dictate what people write on here.

Back to all things Alice & Ioan and Happy New Year chat.
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