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Alice you have told everyone about your hate for both brothers so of course it's questionable you ding dong
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Plot twist:: Esther is Rachael and the bullshit detector is tone .....there on to Alice 😳😳😳😳
I honestly believe her supporters are the people that are most goading her from other accounts. They encourage her delusional “Team Alice” thinking then hit all her buttons to keep her dependent on their support. It gives them power over her and levels out their ‘relationship’.

What 50 + year old takes public sides in a marriage breakdown beyond being a shoulder to cry on? Who does “team” anything? Alice is getting more paranoid and losing what’s left of her grip on reality. Twitter is seriously messing her head up and they are doing everything they can to make sure she stays online instead of getting away and sorting herself out.
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Happy new year Alice, I hope 2022 brings you peace.
Happy new year little Es, hope you get to reconnect with your dad this year and that your mum finally stops using you for SM likes.
Happy new year Tone, hope you get a new kidney.
Happy new year Bianca, hope you get from LA whatever you hoped for. And that your health stays strong!
Blwydden newydd dda Ioan, hope you get to see your girls, that your batshit crazy ex leaves you alone, and that you get to do some interesting new projects.
Happy new year Gloria, hope you get an awesome new job (if you want one), and again, that you stay healthy.
Happy new year Ashley/Clive, may your salad creams never go off.

And HAPPY NEW YEAR TATTLERS, I hope whatever you wish for comes true!

Sad to see Alice had the girls for NYE (or at least she implies so). So she ruined the evening for them. Oh. :(

i think I need a few more shots tonight
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So she's still on bad terms with her dad? OK. Good to know, I was wondering about that. Thanks for clarification, Alice!
Nice to see from other posts that Ioan always thought his original family is normal and great. Speaks volumes, compared to Alice's where everything seems to be wrong. Perhaps that's why she's such a shit mother? She doesn't know what good is.

In what world does the highlighted sentence even make sense? Is she trying to set this up so that she falls out with 'Tone' because she can't cope with talking to herself anymore?
Yeah, this is strange. She swears it isn't true, to her brother? Surely he'd know the truth? It's his account.
Did she post something as him and then deleted it in the morning before he could see it? :p

It sounds like he may have told the youngest that he had a new "friend." Alice of course took great exception to this and said he was lying about his girlfriend etc etc (and of course we only have her word about all of this).
I was thinking this as well. How else do you explain that to an 8yo? I mean Alice would go into details about sex positions and all that, but she's a crazy person with no boundaries.
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Personally I don’t believe for a second she actually thinks the comments she says must be from IG and BW are actually from them. It’s just a quick easy way to discredit the commenter, ignore the content of the comment, and paint them in a negative light.
I don’t think she realises that in claiming that they’re IG or BW she’s actually confirming that the tweet is true!
For someone claiming to be so smart, she’s actually pretty dumb. Being multilingual, like she is,doesn’t necessarily make you intelligent. I speak more than one language too but I wouldn’t say that I was particularly intelligent either - but I’m smarter than Alice (obviously!) 🤣
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Happy New Year my dears 🥂 Hope this year brings you all some peace and happiness 💕

Glad that BW is posting again and is showing AE her antics won’t ruin her happiness. Definitely giving me these vibes (except BW is obviously an attractive woman not a large bald fellow 😉)
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So it’s safe to say all our summations and detective work is in fact correct. Tone is Alice, Gloria is having a well-deserved break. IG is seeing the girls, reading between the lies and she comes on here to read. She has set up the Tone account to counter our accusations, she literally answered one of my posts from the last thread about Gloria and the girls.

Has she really managed to keep this level of batshittery going for years?
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She thinks she deserves a Mother of the Year Award for maybe tossing the food subscription stuff onto a plate and into the microwave or making an occasional PBJ sandwich and checking the homework (while she's probably into her 3rd glass of wine). Know what, Babe, here's what real single parenting looks like: Alarm at 6 a.m., off to the kitchen to make the kids a warm breakfast before school. See them to the train, then put on your face and office outfit for a full day of work. Home at 6 p.m., toss on the stove, make a warm supper, during which we talk about school and our day, then check homework. Kids are off to bed, clean up the kitchen, wash up the dishes, if you're lucky, you're done by 9 and have an hour before tumbling into bed. Rinse and repeat Monday thru Friday. Saturday do three loads of laundry, cheer on the kids at soccer, do the grocery shopping, clean house.

This is how my single parenting looked. No nanny / housekeeper, mind you, no child support for years (had to sue him for 8 years of back payments). And he told me straight to my face that I don't need to hope that he "takes the kids off my hands" on an occasional weekend.

And then this entitled, privileged bitch can think of nothing else than to trash the ex who is paying for everything and actually wants the kids for 50% of the time?! I don't have enough negative adjectives for her anymore, honestly. 🤮 🤮 🤮
Single motherhood. Another true story.
Husband has gambled away three large sums of money (almost enough for a house deposit each time). Now with 3 small kids to raise, she walks away from the hubby (the one who wanted the kids, she was not keen to have kids), gets a job at the hospital (in middle of Covid) and works shift work while paying rent and trying to save for a deposit (again). Stays amicable with ex who loves their girls and is a good hands on dad. Is a very conscientious mum, wants to do a good job raising her 3 little girls. Manages to get enough together for a deposit, finds a house (too small but market is booming so is getting desperate) and buys it. Then ex hubby gets upset because he expects his name on the title deed too. She's 38 and knows she will never get another chance to buy a house. She needs surgery for her own health but can't afford it. She is still there, still trying to keep him in their girls lives but NOT at the expense of the home she has now bought.
Alice Evans can get fucked. :mad:
Edit to add: She does not expect to ever have a partner again because of her health problems which include ballooning weight because of stress and abdominal muscle separation due to child bearing. I don't hear her complain EVER.
Alice Evans can get fucked. :mad:
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Can I do a teeny tiny recap Alice is nuts. There's a squirrel on the loose. dick pics and Twitter breakups. Crying on a dry mince pie. Tattler tiffs but all mates again. Two tone is not on the phone. And salad Cream man isn't our fan. Nite all happy 2022 💃🎊🎉
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My heart will always belong to Colin Firth, another one with a strange wife :confused:
True story, I lived just round corner from him. Every morning I would be late driving my car to the church car parking area where I had a permit (naughty I know). Nearly knocked him and his son cycling - and continued. It got to be a 'thing' where I would cringe, slow and wave and he would laugh. Eventually ended with funny conversations. Very down to earth guy.
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Ena Sharples

Chatty Member
ps I’m a total Ralph Fiennes fan too. Sorry Ioan but ya’ second best🤣
I loved Ralph in The English Patient but also had a major girl crush on Kristin Scott Thomas in that film too. An amazing pairing and beautiful chemistry between them.

Ioan is just too pretty for me, when I look at him I just get ‘trainee waiter’ that old ladies tip generously vibes. I want to pat him on the head and tell him he’s doing a grand job.
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This Alice and Tone double act is becoming something else. I am having visions of him attending Court to give character testimony for her a la General Melchett in Blackadder.
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There we have it. She does this anytime BW posts beautiful pics on her insta.

Negating the fact she’s been ranting on Twitter all night on NYE while supposedly in sole custody of those girls!
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Guess who? I predict another mammoth meltdown in 3… 2…


ETA: Note to self… check recent postings before you post yourself lol!!!
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@NarcRage, thank you. It really is proof that the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour. The spectacle of someone 50+ having such a tantrum over a perceived slight on Twitter is mind blowing. It is almost like her SM had become her RL even then, which is made odder by the fact she had a working actor husband, 2 lovely children and a house in Hollywood.
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